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You can never have enough...
Good morning everyone

Beautiful here too.. Very little wind .

Im sure you will have Fun with your Grandgirl Kiwimade. How old is she this year? I know she is about a month earlier than one of our previous Neighbours but their names are very similar. The latter not having the M. Parcel is at the door for Pickup.

I hope to sew this morning. My right eye is very scratchy and drops dont seem to be able to help much. but Ill plod along.
Past the armhole on my cardy front, so rather pleased with that. I love the dots of colour.

I saw a post on FB yesterday with some really cool , simple and inexpensive Christmas decorating ideas. People who come up with these ideas must have very busy brains.

Have a fab day everyone. its going to be a good one
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunny but windy

Off up the coast today for quilting guild day more yapping and a bit of stitching

Fun to have GD KM.

Still knitting the vests for 6-12 month children, using lots of orphaned balls of merino wool.

Need to pack my lunch

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Must report, tonights roast pork, tatty and Kumara was Lovely.

The Kumara was well worth the cost, I only cooked half. But paid far more notice to the time and cooker lol.

The pork was moist, the crackle yummy.

Cant say I liked the new Watties gravy sachet. A little too strong on the onion salt side for me.

But another night tomorrow and Ill try the chicken gravy next.

Finished the 3 aprons, done 1.5 coathanger covers and I will knit tonight while watching tv.

No I wont watch the debate, I have no interest in paying attention to one of those Chris's lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A bit foggy this morning. Yesterday we had a haze of low cloud all day.

Glad your dinner was yumm, popeye.

Roma, MrK also has a list of things to do for others. There is always someone asking him to build or repair something for them and like you, I join the queue lol. I had been waiting at least 12 months for that shelf!

MrK decided he would watch the Leaders Debate. I warned him it would be a shouting fest lol but nope, I'm going to watch it. Okaaayyyy, says me. Five minutes into it and he was back watching the Project lol.

The windows desperately need a good clean, both inside and out. That could be today's 'thing' but then again, it may not Tongue I'll see how the day goes. I really need to finish the thrush but there always seems to be something that needs doing outside.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I found the debate sadly lacking in interest too. Next to nothing real came out of it, and both major parties seem determined to ignore the elephant in the room - climate change.

Maybe it is just us grandparenting gardeners who understand just how urgent an issue this is. Or maybe our leaders just have no idea how to deal with it? Whichever, it was disappointing.

On a brighter note, NZPost are delivering two parcels to me today, one with elderberry cuttings for me to experiment with and the other with an edible fuchsia and a coffee bush - how much fun is that!
Morning everyone

A nice day here soo far.

I chose not to watch the debate. And 9 minutes in I had a text from my Aussie mate, starting with OMFG Luxon is up himself... Lol i laughed and said that's why I wasn't watching.
For me I think you need to see the real person, to a certain level, to know that underneath their Job you learn what they are like as a person.

I think Most Kiwis, like people to be straight up. And sadly for Luxon people know he is actively keeping stuff secret and Kiwis dont like that. if he was to explain the Numbers he might find he gets more support.. but that works for all.

Off to both homes today. Its art day at CHT so Ill see more than usual people. MrP was asleep last night. He tires easily now. And our phone calls are getting shorter. I can see him sliding quite quickly.

Rest home David was leaving a piece of cake for me, he was going in yesterday apparently. And by the looks of the weather Id say as a nurseryman he will be working today. Two Nursery's here and both run by Davids lol.

No knitting last night. I carried on and completed two coat hanger covers. The last few rows were a struggle with Madam leaning over my right forearm. But we got it done lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day, expecting 23 deg. 

We watched the Debate ... as was the general consensus, it wasn't particularly helpful to the voter.

Interesting plants you have to nurture there OHH. Isn't it rewarding to have growth from the garden to inspect each day  Smile

I plan to give niece and baby some time this morning, then do a few jobs while out.  I read yesterday that petrol is expected to reach $3.50 by Xmas ... that will really hurt filling the car  Sad  Not to mention further increases associated with fuel costs. 

No craft work on the go at present ... needs to be though, I have itchy fingers! That's an idea Mica using up yarn for vests ... I usually do beanies.

Must move. 

Enjoy the day all.
I have discovered I do better with cuttings than I do with seeds. My gifted tomato seeds have all germinated, the ones I saved myself disappeared into the same seed raising mix alongside at the same time and never reappeared. Ditto the strawberry seeds, the fuchsia seeds, and the little sweetie peppers. And yet last night I started more seed off, rouge punkins, lebanese cukes, freckles lettuces...

Obviously, I am an optimist by nature, lol.
morning all
Misty day here mild though

OHH my DS has a coffee tree it has flowered and produced beans that they roasted and produced one cup of coffee, they have had it over 10 years it is tall and now lives in their garage as it is frost tender.

Attended DGS school production last night it was alot of fun

Been to gym, medical appointment just waiting for DH and K9s to return from their walk so we can go look at some plants for the pot next to the door and an outdoor broom so we can sweep the paths and deck.
No fixed plans for the rest of the day.

enjoy the day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am really impressed with my plants, beautifully packaged to travel safely, and the coffee bush plant is a stunner, so attractive it might be a houseplant! I shall plant it up in a pot on the deck to get it to a decent sized plant and see how it likes the climate here before I risk it on the fenceline. Very very happy hunni today!
I have never heard of an edible fuchsia before, OHH, how interesting! And I suspect the coffee plant wouldn't do very well with our Waikato winters. Am keen to hear how well they do.

We've also noticed the lack of any detail with climate change between the parties. I saw National plan to take money from the climate change fund (along with emergency services) to help pay for these tax rebates they plan to dole out. I'm not entirely sure how true that is but nothing would surprise me now. I would rather nothing and the climate change fund left alone. I agree, OHH, us gardening grannies Tongue seem to really notice the more subtle differences in climate. Our gardens are all over the place growth wise and we can't leave things the way they are.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I managed almost 5 minutes of the allleged debate...not sure why I bothered really. Just two politicians wanting to be leader & create havoc & mayhem for the rest of us.

There was apparently a quake here earlier; I didn't feel it but was probably biking around to library at the time so that's possibly why. I hope its an isolated one.

Did a bit more in garden yesterday & had intended to do some more today but its supposed to get quite hot later so will see.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It was the biggest earthquake close to Chch that we've had for six years mag 5.8 but 127 km away, middle of the South Island down towards Ashburton.

Currently lots of after-shocks, remember them? But we are not feeling them here in Chch, must be quite hectic near the epi-centre.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Just had one of the Mums we managed to find a house and move out of emergency housing call round to borrow my scales - she has become a prolific bucket gardener - she stuck some sprouting Kumera in a plastic bin - just brought her crop around to weigh just about 9kg - not sure if it is the right time of the year and she just plonked them in potting mix - so pleased with herself has never gardened before but she is determined she will never go backwards
(20-09-2023, 11:54 AM)zqwerty Wrote: It was the biggest earthquake close to Chch that we've had for six years mag 5.8 but 127 km away, middle of the South Island down towards Ashburton.

Currently lots of after-shocks, remember them?  But we are not feeling them here in Chch, must be quite hectic near the epi-centre.

Indeed - who could forget those bloody awful aftershocks. Hope there aren't any more to come; I'm sure we've had more than  our share of them.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We have many green fingered people amongst us.

Its a lovely day out there. They took quite a few people into the central courtyard at CHT and they all enjoyed it with hats on of course.

Our whole gang was there, I forgot it was the day of the bake sale for Prostate cancer. Was met at the Door by Rest Home David and Dianne the Daughter, so we looked at the table of cakes and Biscuits. David brought me a couple of gingerbread men, and he re brought the cake he had donated. Which was an orange cake. He had to boil the fruit for 2 hours. Its was yummy tho.

Old Peters wife fell and David and I went and tended to her until the nurses came. Looks like she might have tripped on the floor alarm. Old Peter was very worried, but he's on oxygen and cant do anything. She must have been ok cos no ambulance turned up.

Sold two Coat-hangers, waiting to hear what colour she wants on Monday. Wasn't my intention but a bonus. They are easy to make so Im happy to make them for Colleen.

Such a Lovely day, Happy to be alive today
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(20-09-2023, 01:56 PM)JanW Wrote: Just had one of the Mums we managed to find a house and move out of emergency housing call round to borrow my scales - she has become a prolific bucket gardener - she stuck some sprouting Kumera in a plastic bin - just brought her crop around to weigh just about 9kg - not sure if it is the right time of the year and she just plonked them in potting mix - so pleased with herself has never gardened before but she is determined she will never go backwards

Well done Jan, she's likely to be a lifelong gardener now, thanks to you.   Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
awesome, Jan! 9kg isn't to be sneezed at, that's for sure Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Funny, though - I have a sprouted kumara just ready to go into a bucket. Sounds like it is definitely worth doing!
Wow 9 kilos at todays prices $125 here..

And talking of Kumara, the other half of my $3-51 kumara was soft when I got home. Left it out last night and it must have got warm in here.

What a waste cos it was soo good
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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