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You can never have enough...
DRs appointment went well this morning.

He had lost track re my knee and certainly wasn't happy knowing its 7.5 months since I hit the list. So he was going to email them today.

Cross everything please lol

Resisted temptation to do some of the lawn. Mainly cos I couldnt get a park near the chemist so I walked up the hill, and by the time I got there, there were of course parks. So then had to walk back down. Very slow and alot of pain lol.

Looking forward to my day out even tho its going to be busy
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope the knee will be sorted for you soon Popeye, that sounds painful.

I've been lucky with NZ Post up till now - the other day, came home to find a Sorry we missed you card in letterbox, my very first. So read instructions which were very clear, free redelivery on next delivery day, easy to follow instructions even for a klutz like me so went online & proceeded to fill it out. Fine until I put in Saturday as next delivery day whereupon it demaned money.
I don't bloodywell think so, it very clearly states free so had another bash. And another, & another. Not very kindly disposed towards NZ Post by this time, I thought I might try another delivery day. Tuesday was the one after next so tried that - & voila! Perfect, no problem, no demanding money. So it seems that redelivery if on a saturday costs money for some unfathomable reason.

The thing is though, its a very small parcel & could very easily have been put in the letterbox rather than have all this carry on.

The other thing is NZPost clealry hasn't heard of the movie Sorry we missed you, or they'd never have used that on their card, good movie too...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-10-2023, 06:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope the knee will be sorted for you soon Popeye, that sounds painful.

I've been lucky with NZ Post up till now - the other day, came home to find a Sorry we missed you card in letterbox, my very first. So read instructions which were very clear, free redelivery on next delivery day, easy to follow instructions even for a klutz like me so went online & proceeded to fill it out. Fine until I put in Saturday as next delivery day whereupon it demaned money.
I don't bloodywell think so, it very clearly states free so had another bash. And another, & another. Not very kindly disposed towards NZ Post by this time, I thought I might try another delivery day. Tuesday was the one after next so tried that - & voila! Perfect, no problem, no demanding money. So it seems that redelivery if on a saturday costs money for some unfathomable reason.

The thing is though, its a very small parcel & could very easily have been put in the letterbox rather than have all this carry on.

The other thing is NZPost clealry hasn't heard of the movie Sorry we missed you, or they'd never have used that on their card, good movie too...
It would be a courier delivery - they always charge for Saturdays.
I do have other cameras!
Well, my parcel arrived at the sellers place in completely new wrapping and their address instead of mine... I suspect it was damaged in transit hence all the stuff ups. It is now repacked and waiting for an Aramex pick up tomorrow, should be here Thursday or Friday. And a little old lady waits...
Morning everyone

Wet here. So Im pleased I have time to take things easy on the roads

What a trip your parcel has been having Hunni. Will be pleased for you when it arrives safely.. Its surprising the number of people who dont put return addresses on. I always do so there's a chance it can return home to be resent.

Off to see MrP briefly, then Ill go to Pukekohe to pick up his new phone and sim card, opposite ends of towns of course lol Then I have several hours to kill. So I might do a few oppies.. depending on the knee.

My Dr was both surprised and shocked that it still hasn't been done. Since it was the orthopedic team that judged it urgent.. I said to him I dont play sports for NZ or it would have been done by now lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A lovely calm start to the day so far Smile

Good grief, that parcel has had some milage, OHH. Fingers and everything crossed it arrives safely soon.

I'm waiting for our bins to be emptied so I can empty the wheelbarrow with the twitch and other nasties I weeded yesterday. I planted the rose yesterday afternoon as I needed the bucket it was in. Will check on it soon and see if it survived overnight. It was given the best chances of survival with a handful of potash and epsom salts and watered in with water and worm wee.

Today I plan to cut the suckers off from around the cherry tree and a camellia. Hopefully mrK won't take over this time and I can do myself. It pi**** me off when he does that. It's all weather dependent as the tree/shrub will need at least four hours for the wounds to seal over as I don't use prunning paste.

If the weather turns to rubbish then it will be an embroidery day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Heavy rainnwind and some thunder and lightning  for good measure 

Hope your parcel arrives eventually OHH.
Popeye goodness hope they get on and fix your  knee 

Quilt guild day today don't gave anything on the go so will take my knitting. At least I do have something for show and tell. 

Enjoy playing in your garden  KM

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Overcast ... showers forecast. 

Popeye, I have fingers/toes crossed that your knee op is fast tracked.

If only that wayward parcel could talk OHH ... what a journey!

KM your garden must be so rewarding with all the input that goes into it  Smile

Catch up day today after GC yesterday, includes replenishing food stocks, baking and tidy up.

My knitting has been on the go slow after an unpicking session.  Will get back to it if it rains. 

A wedding to look forward to in January after receiving the invitation ... they are few and far between these days. 

Better get moving .. enjoy the day all.
All the twitch and other nasties are binned and Buff Beauty has been tied up so the canes can't rub on each other. She's taking a long time to establish but will be worth the effort. The rose I moved survived the night, the only parts sulking is the new growth. The rest hasn't missed a beat. It's raining so I don't need to water it Smile I'll give the new growth a few days and if still sulking cut it back. It will mean no flowers this time round but at least the rose will be there for next season. Blo**** rabbits have gotten to the new delphiniums, I thought I had them rabbit proofed.

Time to pick the needle up and embroider for a bit Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(16-10-2023, 06:45 PM)Praktica Wrote:
(16-10-2023, 06:19 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Hope the knee will be sorted for you soon Popeye, that sounds painful.

I've been lucky with NZ Post up till now - the other day, came home to find a Sorry we missed you card in letterbox, my very first. So read instructions which were very clear, free redelivery on next delivery day, easy to follow instructions even for a klutz like me so went online & proceeded to fill it out. Fine until I put in Saturday as next delivery day whereupon it demaned money.
I don't bloodywell think so, it very clearly states free so had another bash. And another, & another. Not very kindly disposed towards NZ Post by this time, I thought I might try another delivery day. Tuesday was the one after next so tried that - & voila! Perfect, no problem, no demanding money. So it seems that redelivery if on a saturday costs money for some unfathomable reason.

The thing is though, its a very small parcel & could very easily have been put in the letterbox rather than have all this carry on.

The other thing is NZPost clealry hasn't heard of the movie Sorry we missed you, or they'd never have used that on their card, good movie too...
It would be a courier delivery - they always charge for Saturdays.

Yes, that became clear as I was attempting to sort it out - they could have been far more honest about it from the start which would have saved me the time & effort.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Fed the outside lotus today for the first time, it has opened its first leaf, which is tiny, so I hope a nice fat fertiliser pellet will boost it up to produce more. The second aquarium is looking good, I managed to find a very lovely couple of unusual centrepiece plants for that one, a red tiger lotus and a banana lily, which are settling in rather well. And I have popped in several houseplants as well, roots in the water leaves in the air, which makes the two smallish tanks into something much more significant. And a pleasure to look at. One of those plants, a peace lily, has been in for a couple of weeks now and has produced three buds in that time, which is normal for spring, but the height of the stems is extraordinary - it is obviously pulling a lot of food out of the tank water.

I had forgotten how much pleasure there is in playing with these ecosystems, and this time I am setting them up so they can be self sustaining for a week or so, just in case I get summonsed for the new hip.

And I planted my tomatoes out into the garden, not into pots this year. Should be less work involved, again, just in case. We shall see...
morning ladies Smile A slightly overcast start to the day. We had a bit of thunder early yesterday evening, enough to have the Furry One sticking to us like glue.

Thanks for sharing your aquarium journey with us, OHH Smile It's fascinating learning how the ecosystems work. It truly is the 'circle of life'. Pity politicians don't see the bigger picture on how we are all connected. MrK has decided it's a bit early here for tomatoes. Usually he plants them over Labour weekend but he is nervous about another late frost like what we had last year.

I have to go into town today for salt. Of all the things to run out of. But when I was supermarketing they had none. I meant to shop elsewhere and was distracted and forgot.

Yesterday I spent some time on the thrush and so far so good. I'm very happy with it so far. It needs a bit more dark brown stitched in and that can be easily added.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Lovely mild day here no wind yay

Been to gym, need to do some vacuuming then shower, plan to sew DGD1 xmas present a summer dress with dandelion  seed head they are white but when exposed to sunlight the base of the seeds turn pink. Fun Cool

Have othe items to make for her too. Then DGD2 turn.

DH off to golf this afternoon so will have the house to myxelf Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sunny at present, but also some dark clouds too.

Had a good long day yesterday.. Picked up the phone and sim card. Went to 3 oppies spent the grand sum of $2. lol.

When I went into the Clinic it was sunny and quite warm, but ohh it poured while I was in there. People were saying it was absolutely bucketing down. I managed to get back to the car without getting wet.
And it was full speed wipers and you couldn't see the lanes on the roads, coming home, Waiuku in brilliant sunshine again lol.

Cardiologist was one I hadn't met, but she was nice and congratulated me on my weight loss. Need to have an echocardiograph, which she said is good timing as it will be there hopefully for my Knee preop tests.

Absolutely worn out and pain last night. Didn't help that the tv wasn't working, and to top it off I need to buy a usb charger for MrPs new phone.. And I couldn't get the sim to go in. So Ill have to go to Pukekohe tomorrow and see if I can get the shop to put the sim in. And Ill go to a cheapie shop for a charger for him... its a good bigger tougher looking phone which is exactly what he needs.

The clinic was packed, and cos they take people in to weigh, then do your ecg etc by the time you get back to the waiting room its like playing Musical chairs lol.. They are building a new building which will house the heart and diabetes patients. They could do with a larger orthopedic clinic too.

Not doing anything today, so may just knit.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Mowed front lawn first thing, it was still quite wet but had a lot to do & wanted it out of the way; the two ducks who'd settled on the berm weren't best pleased but they can always come back later.
Then over to mall in search of fish & one or two other bits & pieces which took a while but managed to find a vegan 'chicken' pie (The baker's son brand) which are really nice but no clue why they claim 'chicken' when its nothing even remotely like chicken, more tomato than anything, but pleased to find one anyway.

Also finally got some new sox; mine were almost all holes but can't complain about it since they've lasted years.

Back home had lunch,took Madame Le Dog for walk & then did a quick trip to library, home again & did the fish with egg,ginger & lemongrass & breadcrumbed ready for freezer. The cat was not thrilled that the human had been out so long. Another week before I can let her outside so hope she doesn't hold grudges. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(18-10-2023, 01:16 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Mowed front lawn first thing, it was still quite wet but had a lot to do & wanted it out of the way; the two ducks who'd settled on the berm weren't best pleased but they can always come back later.
Then over to mall in search of fish & one or two other bits & pieces which took a while but managed to find a vegan 'chicken' pie (The baker's son brand)  which are really nice but no clue why they claim 'chicken' when its nothing even remotely like chicken, more tomato than anything, but pleased to find one anyway.

Also finally got some new sox; mine were almost all holes but can't complain about it since they've lasted years.

Back home had lunch,took Madame Le Dog for walk & then did a quick trip to library, home again & did the fish with egg,ginger & lemongrass & breadcrumbed ready for freezer. The cat was not thrilled that the human had been out so long. Another week before I can let her outside so hope she doesn't hold grudges. Smile

My Furry Madam wasn't best pleased with her Hooman last night either... but she has forgiven me today.. she knows tomorrow is shopping day... 

Only have about 6 rows I think till I cast off the first front.. Taken a while but still good to be back to ribbing... I know a lot of people hate ribbing... Ive always loved it to the point that before my grandmother couldn't knit she would get me to do all her ribbing... A bit like the Sock snake thingees they have these days lol.. you just add the heel and toe.. Nana just added the main bits. And she would knit the ribbing on as she made the clothes.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's a bit overcast but they say we're in for fine weather. Yesterday was hot, it almost felt like summer.

I'm up early this morning as our friend has his appointment at Waikato nice and early. The good thing about having one of the day's first appointments is you are in and out pretty quickly and can then get on with the day.

Ginger and lemongrass in the breadcrumb mix sounds yummmm, Lilith Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is up. Yep Kiwimade it was warm here too, I had the fan on for wee while. Windows open. Just a nice gentle breeze. Didn't shut the ranch slider until just before 8pm... Was a perfect day, warm, not too hot and not getting blown away. If summer stayed like that I'd be happy.

Taking the phone back to Pukekohe to get them to put the sim in. Stupid little things they are, and Ill pick up a plug as well.
Countdown has a one day sale too with butter for $4-50 today so I might shuffle the shopping list and get a couple. Not too much to interest me in the new world One day sale.

Will need to coolie bag and packs I guess since I plan on seeing MrP and giving him his phone on the way home

Then if I still have any movement I might start weed spraying the edges. Its Odd I used to hate sprayed edges and the yellowness, but it certainly makes mowing a lot easier, since my stupid fingers struggle to add cord to the weed eater.

I have a non intentional green Boarder by the house under the ranch slider. Ill take a photo. I've often wondered what bird seed grows into, well now I know lol Its quite pretty lol. Kinda tempted to let it grow and see what happens.

Apparently Bobbie thought I was going in yesterday, I tried to leave a message for her last night but no one was answering the phone , so Ill ring shortly.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast day hope the sun will appear this afternoon

Volunteer day so busy this morning as will be by myself. 

Finished DGD1 sun dress yesterday pleased with it as it is very cute  plan on making a tu ic top today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Yay! Long lost wandering parcel arrived! Thank you Aramex!

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