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You can never have enough...
I did a wander around the garden recently and picked stems of the various lavenders I have planted over the years. The variations in colour and form was really fun. New varieties every year, some sadly, rather short lived. But lovely while we have them.
Another fine day

Lol Lilith she sounds like a cat with persona,ity Cool Big Grin

Hard gym  this morning followed by warehouse stint  popped into emporium on way home need buttons and poo bags.

Played with scrap  quilt fabric yesterday trying out new to me block have enough to make cot quilt so will vet on to putting them together this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I often say Missy is my last cat.

The only way I can make sure that happens is to rent a house that doesn't allow cats...

Trouble is I dont think I could live without one either lol

Im glad I dont have a crystal ball. The Future will decide for me I guess
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I didn't like being catless....however, given the little foibles of this particular cat (which include stomping on the sleeping human in order to get off the bed,when she could as easily go around) I might eventually have a different opinion.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Big black clouds are hanging around. Please, please, hold off the rain until our friend fixes the fence. He's arriving at 7.30am.

We're meant to be having lunch with our son today, it's weather dependent as we thought we would have lunch by the Hamilton lake. If not today, then next week.

I looked up the lavender you bought, Lilith, and it's so pretty! I can see why it snuck into your trolley. There are so many different colours and flower sizes now. I had Thumberlina and they were perfect for the Christmas wreath.

Better get organised, our friend will be here soon Smile Once the fence is strengthened, MrK can plant the cucumbers Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Dull and grey here.

A simple day for me today. Shopping and if MrP pulls his head in Ill drop his lollies off. If not he can wait until tomorrow. He started going on about needing surgery himself but wouldn't say what for and that I didn't need to know. I shall bite and ring the home. His mood is changing yet again. I know they notice things now but I need to see if he is telling porkies, once again making it all about him, or if there is something they haven't told me.

My lettuces have stood up overnight.. Didn't know but there is now a lettuce called Drunken Lady. Its a pick the leaves off type and has red edges on the leaves.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We plant Drunken Woman, it's our favourite. And it self seeds all over the place Tongue

The fence is fixed, only took half an hour. We caught up with what was happening with our families Smile and all the goss lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Drunken Woman is a great lettuce, but Freckles is even nicer... But rarely self seeds for me.

Fingers crossed for a dry day...
It's a day for getting things done Smile The guy MrK phoned about the gutters texted and will be here in half an hour to clean them out. We are starting to tick off those jobs MrK can't do anymore Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Windy got orange wind and rain warning here rain expected ted this afternoon

Good to tick off jobs KM

Early start needed to go do audit  Stuck in commuter traffic don't miss that at all in my retired life

Really tired today so not sure what I will get up too

Nothing on my needles at the moment either will have to remedy that

Enjoy  your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Hot & windy here, but forecast is for a polar blast & they're saying snow further south, but just in case I've been racing to get as many plants covered with old car windows as possible. I don't really want to chance it just in case we do get snow since most plants are now in the garden apart from a few, so fingers crossed we don't get too cold here.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Fine but windy day, nip in the air.

Out shopping and lunch with DD today she has day off work. Its been a long time since we last did this so looking forward to it.

DS visited with DGD2 yesterday  so our day was busy

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wet and windy here this morning and I need to dig an aquilegia up for my sister-in-law tomorrow. They grow everywhere and she wants a purple one. Perfect, as one is growing and smothering my deep purple iris'.

Fingers crossed for your seedlings and plants, Lilith. We saw on the weather you guys are in for some rough weather.

It was good to catch up with our son. He's sent off for his passport and is planning a holiday to Vietnam and South East Asia. It's somewhere he has wanted to visit for years.

The gutters have been cleaned, turned out the guy was a friend's son lol. We didn't recognise the business name. And he said his dad (who we don't know) is a tiler and can help with putting some tiles down for us. I bought the tiles around nine years ago lol. We have the board that needs to go down first and everything, just never got it done. MrK will glue that down and then we'll contact the tiler. And that will be another job ticked off. We're on a roll lol.

There will be some time spent at my embroidery frame today Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A bit wild outside and the rain has just arrived.  My daughter has just sent pics of snow on their lawn down south ... brrrr. 

Being kept  busy with DIL and GD up from Welly and going out later with niece and her little bub. Will miss them as their house has just sold.

On our walk yesterday came across a wild bee swarm and rang a number we googled. The (unexpected) reward was a nice big pot of honey dropped off this morning Tongue 

Not much chance of craftwork lately but would be a good day for it today! 

Off now for groceries. 

Stay warm and enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Wet and breezy here. Not heavy rain tho.

We slept in, pretty much cos I took my tablet late last night oops.. Bloody Coro is keeping me up... But I watched both bake offs last night.
The UK one had me laughing soo much. 4 celebs that didn't have a clue but they all managed to make something. The Aussie bakers in my opinion are far better in the technical stuff than us Humble Kiwis are. I dont care who wins the final of the Aussie bake off, I like the last 3, But perhaps Adam, but no Im glad my fave three are in the final.. They all help each other and thats good sportsmanship in my book.

Visiting today and I might pop in and see the girls, Might...

Still no word from the Clinic...

Yes finally cracked a power bill just under $100.. Thats more than a third off than when MrP was here. He has always been a power waster. Have decided that when I get my credit back I will top up my phone for 6 months, my internet for a year and do things like my medica alert, mobility parking etc. Then I dont have to worry about any of them.

Stay warm and dry everyone

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a stunning morning we have even if it is cold.

Last evening we were worried there was going to be a frost, so we moved all the vegies in pots to MrK's workshop. I covered the begonias which are just starting to grow with newspaper and put frost cloth on the tomatoes. This morning we will have to move everything back lol. After all that there was no frost but it got close. We have learned from last spring.

Today I was meant to be going to Hamilton with my sister-in-law but her car is still at the panelbeaters and she doesn't want to run extra miles up on the courtesy car as she would be coming here from Rotorua. We've decided to try again next Saturday. That means I have a 'free' day Big Grin I must confess it will be nice to be at home after all the running around we have had this week.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Frosty start but it is going to be a stunning day perfect for annual local spring Market 

DD had a very successful shopping  day yesterday. Nice lunch as well so a great mother and daughter outing. Mission successful always good too. Total knackered though after 6plus hours. Luckily most purchases in one shop. This will be it for a while.( read years) she very canny and considers what goes with what. This was for work 

Computer problem seems I have lost all my saved emails argh... things like hotel booking confirmations etc hopefully will get fixed on Monday  resisting the impulse to try fix it myself might make it worse.

General House tidy this morning and quilting this afternoon.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

A chilly start, no frost. But Madam wasn't in any hurry to shift.

Must have slept and pinched a nerve in my shoulder. Stupid thing. But I got up at 6 an put bread on. it has about 20 minutes to go. I dont eat bread often these days but thought Id cook a loaf today, so measured everything out last night. Also have a pudding to throw together later too.

Just a lazy weekend planned. I have listings finishing today. I sold some Christmas stockings I made several years ago. A friend suggested I make more. So I might see if I still have some sparkly yarn.

Hopefully MrP will be in a better Mood. He was saying last night there was a big fight between two nurses, so bad the cops were called. I dont believe it. Especially when he told me the name of one of the nurses. Shes lovely, I couldn't imagine her getting feisty.. he's probably dreaming again. I imagine if it did happen they would be looking for new jobs.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It would appear rabbit is back on the Furry One's menu Big Grin I found a dead rabbit in the garden and now that the Furry One has finished with it, I've buried under my huge hosta, Empress. She will need lots of feeding to grow to her regular size and I see this as free blood and bone Big Grin What goes around, comes around, rabbits!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Chilly here, even cattie decided under the covers was the best option. She makes a good bedwarmer!

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