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You can never have enough...
Mornining all
Fine day we had rain over night

Got bindingnsewn on to quilt will do hand stitching tonight. Finished knitting another vest last night trying to complete at least one a week.

Hopefully we will make it to Mitre 10 this morning think I might suggest  the one further away as they have a nice cafe 

No other plans for today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning all.

Wild, wet and windy today. Pelting down at the moment.  Won't be going far from inside the house if I can help it! Dog walks are challenging  Undecided  

Yesterday I finished a library book that was gripping reading but too intense to be reading at night time if I wanted to sleep! I very rarely read during the day! I have a couple on hold that need picking up but might have to wait another day. 

House chores today as baby sitting niece's baby tomorrow and the next day DIL and GD coming to stay for 4 days.  Groceries need to be fitted in somewhere!

I will hunt around for some more knitting inspiration with the yarn I have on hand. 

Stay warm and dry all.
The new pruner gadget is worth it's weight in gold. It cut through the branch like a hot knife through butter. All the weeds I had dumped on the lawn the other day have been picked up and binned. Even if it was only a short time outside, at least those small jobs have been done. It's raining here too, and the wind seems to have died down a bit. Only one rose was broken, 'munstead wood', which surprised me as it's the smallest in the garden and I expected to lose the standards. I've salvaged the buds and await their gorgeous perfume throughout the house as soon as they open.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Ahhh, new gadgets... I thought I would be sensible and buy a digital timer for the aquarium light and it arrived this morning. I unpacked it, read the instructions, which are in Spanish. I think. Plugged it in to the light cord and for the next hour tried to set it up.

Oh well. At least it wasn't expensive. I shall put one of those wind up versions on my shopping list. Boomer tech. That'll work, lol.

On the good news front at least four of my new double rose form impatiens seeds have survived gales, rain, cold, and being blown upside down and smashed against the deck mat. Bodes well for their summer blooming! I have put extra sheep pellets in their big pot so when I transplant them next weekend they will have no excuse but to provide me with hours of floriferous joy.
(31-10-2023, 12:31 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Ahhh, new gadgets... I thought I would be sensible and buy a digital timer for the aquarium light and it arrived this morning. I unpacked it, read the instructions, which are in Spanish. I think. Plugged it in to the light cord and for the next hour tried to set it up.

Oh well. At least it wasn't expensive. I shall put one of those wind up versions on my shopping list. Boomer tech. That'll work, lol.

On the good news front at least four of my new double rose form impatiens seeds have survived gales, rain, cold, and being blown upside down and smashed against the deck mat. Bodes well for their summer blooming! I have put extra sheep pellets in their big pot so when I transplant them next weekend they will have no excuse but to provide me with hours of floriferous joy.

You might be able to translate the isntructions online, or find a Spanish speaker who can help.

Le Cat has been out for the second time, came in & demanded dinner immediately - apaprently exploring gives her an appetite.

Sod's law kicked in dammit - I knew I was tempting the fates by getting 4 books (one about the size of two normal books) from the library when I had 3 or 4 already on hold, & sure enough, three of them turned up at the same time.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
A question for kiwimade64, or any other rose enthusiast: our Peace rose has opened its first three flowers of the season and they are a different colour than usual. Instead of being a pale creamy yellow with faint blushing the flowers are a dark yellow, almost mustard, with scarlet edging. Quite garish to be honest. Any idea what causes this? The plant is about four years old, was transplanted two years ago and sulked last year but now has very strong growth.
Its warmed up a tad. 26 degrees in the lounge. I have the fan on lol. 2 days ago I had long sleeves and a long sleeved cardy.

Dr couldn't decide which was the problem for my ear. Either an inner ear infection or there could be a wee hole that is infected. But he wants the scab to fall off on its own accord. So amoxicillin again and go back in two weeks . He was very nice and Ill keep him as a spare lol.

He noticed my scar from when I grew my extra gullet, and he laughed when I told him I was good at growing extra bits, so long as they start with G. Gullet, Gall stones and Ganglions .

Olive the rose sounds pretty even if it is wrong.

Blardy courier hasn't turned up yet. one lot of Halloweener's. But I've put a sign up
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

Fine out there so far. Was a warmer night.

Visiting MrP this morning, then the rest of the day is mine. Ill take his second apple turnover up. So he should be happy lol.
A wise lady that I called Mum always said "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach" lol.. She was right.

Ive decided that this summer I will start my painting project. And gradually sand the bedside tables. And Ill shout myself some paint. MrP painted my book cases and rocking chair in flat white paint. I want them glossy, so will get myself a tin for Christmas.

The lawn needs doing but far to wet at the mo.

Can move my jaw a little better this morning. Last night I just wanted to dig in the ear and get the scab out, but the Dr wants it to come out naturally. My ears like my throat and upper arms are my nemesis. Hate them feeling clogged.

The bird seed plants are growing well. Some have little wee white flowers. Ill get a photo later. I have no idea what they are.

Kiwimade your Thrush is Beautiful. You are one very skilled lady.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  The sun's out!

Olive, the colours your Peace rose has changed to are part of the spectrum of colours Peace can be.  Roses change for a variety of reasons, the seasons fluctuating quickly from hot to cold and vice versa, lack of nutrients or even too much.  And sometimes when we move a rose the soil makeup can be different even within our own gardens. You could have moved it into a sunnier or shadier spot and that could have done it too.  Roses are good at sulking so I usually give them a good feed of  epsom salts (for cane strength) and potash (for flowers) whe I move them. Potash can change the depth of colour though.  Worm wee or liquid seaweed is also great.   It's up to you with what you want to do with it. If it was mine, I would leave it for a season and see how it goes.  Your next flushes could be 'normal' and it could just be the rose's way of still settling in.  Last season, my Jack Frost turned from white to pink (not a pink fan here lol) so I've moved it and will see how it goes this year.  If it's still pink, I'll be giving it away and buying another white rose.  Hope this helps.

I'm not sure what we are going to do today, will wing it lol.  MrK needs a blood test so he'll have that done.

A couple of mornings stitching the thrush and I've almost finished the body.  I'm very pleased with it so far.  Nothing like the tail end of a cylcone to get me cranked up lol.


Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Another fine day here it was hot yesterday need to pull out some lighter clothing.

KM your embroidery  is stunning absolutely fabulous thank you for sharing

Got what we needed from Mitre 10 yesterday, Dh spe t rest of the day treating BBQ for rust and sorting out the clothes line. Planted the lettuces we bought. I had a putting around day lots of small jobs

Need to review a document today so will tackle that this morning.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast and hopefully the rain is over for a bit.  Very wet underfoot after 65mm of rain. 

Wow KM ... clever you ... Mr/Mrs Thrush is beautiful, those markings are spot on   Heart

Another puerperium cardi nearly finished, so easy and cute.

Had better move to get to my morning baby sitting. 

Enjoy the day all.
Thank you for your kind comments Smile

I've knitted those wee cardies, roma.  They are a quick knit and so practical.  I remember the Plunket Nurse saying how easy it was for our grandie to be undressed with them.  I embroidered wee roses around the bottom and cuffs of one and it looked so cute.

Well, I guess Jack Frost will be rehomed.  It's not the white or even the pale pink it was last season, it's going to be bright pink.  I'll look up to see what its parentage is, but I suspect there is a pink rose in there somewhere that is quite dominant. Buggar!  Oh well. It is what it is.  MrK has suggested we have our soil tested to see what is lacking but that costs a few $$$.  This year has been expensive enough with all our replacement appliances.  Damm... Sommerville roses are usually so reliable. First world problems lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
And so it begins lol, photos of some roses Heart


Ingrid Bergman.  The camera does not do her justice.  This was a 'rescue' rose and I had half an hour to move her or the digger would dig it over.  It was the middle of January and lunchtime lol.  But she survived that and moving again last winter.


Raspberry Ice, one of the few original plants in the garden planted by the previous owner.  


Lady Of Shallot, three years old and one of my favourites Heart


Valentine Heart, pure white and looks stunning with Munstead Wood

I hope they make you smile today Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I'm envious of your Lady of Shallot, such a beauty. Ours never looked happy and after four years she was so spindly and diseased that we dug her up. In fact we've not had great success with any Austin roses apart from Falstaff. Munstead Wood and Molineux are hanging on, but have never really thrived. Our soil is very rich and we feed the roses with horse manure and rose food.
Beautiful work KM the thrush looks so lifelike!

Had intended to mow front lawn this morning but wet from rain in the night so will have to see when it can be done.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
They are Stunning Kiwimade, do they smell?

Grumpy hubby, but then he had a wash and physio so that made use of the time.

I was watching a baby bunny running around. About 6-7 inches long Max but man he could move. Had a white spot on his forehead.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Beautiful roses 

Spent morni g reviewing  documents, still have computer issues and needed to download them to work on them argh....

Finished now trying to decide what next.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(01-11-2023, 06:27 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  The sun's out!

Olive, the colours your Peace rose has changed to are part of the spectrum of colours Peace can be.  Roses change for a variety of reasons, the seasons fluctuating quickly from hot to cold and vice versa, lack of nutrients or even too much.  And sometimes when we move a rose the soil makeup can be different even within our own gardens. You could have moved it into a sunnier or shadier spot and that could have done it too.  Roses are good at sulking so I usually give them a good feed of  epsom salts (for cane strength) and potash (for flowers) whe I move them. Potash can change the depth of colour though.  Worm wee or liquid seaweed is also great.   It's up to you with what you want to do with it. If it was mine, I would leave it for a season and see how it goes.  Your next flushes could be 'normal' and it could just be the rose's way of still settling in.  Last season, my Jack Frost turned from white to pink (not a pink fan here lol) so I've moved it and will see how it goes this year.  If it's still pink, I'll be giving it away and buying another white rose.  Hope this helps.
Thank you!  That all makes sense.   And Peace's neighbour, Compassion, has just started to open some blooms and they are also significantly darker pink than in previous seasons.   Compassion hasn't been moved, has been vigorous since it was planted three years ago.
Enjoying my coffee at lunchtime today when a local walked in to the cafe with a bunch of blue columbine and a deep wine coloured lilac. It has been decades since I saw real lilac and so I went a bit gooey over it and got handed a wee sprig. She must have very green fingers to grow that up here, I always thought lilac needed a good chill - the kind my Blenheim white version endured through winter. But then, here's me with my elderflower cuttings doing rather well in their pots also outside their usual climatic zone, so maybe I should try a lilac bush.

But oh - which colour?
morning ladies Smile It looks like we're in for another fine day today Big Grin And no wind so far!

You're welcome, Olive Smile If you do decide Peace has to go, there is a second hand market for roses usually through Facebook. I bought Loving Memory for $10 and dug it out of the lady's garden for her.

Ohhhhh lilac Heart Why not both, OHH Tongue They would look gorgeous in big pots. I miss my Lily of the Valley. I'm kicking myself for not bringing some with us when we moved from town.

This morning I have a pile of garden waste to burn that has been sitting for a while to dry out. Once the ash is cold, we move it to the compost. MrK's broadbeans took a hammering in the wind so he has pulled them out and plans to mulch them, also for the compost. They protected the runnerbeans beautifully though.

It looks like 2023 isn't finished with us replacing appliances. MrK's battery drill needs replacing. The battery won't charge any more and the new batteries won't fit his drill so it will be a complete replacement. Sigh... if it's not one thing, it's another. He's going to price some and see what we're in for. His vegepod will have to wait for his birthday and the drill can be his Christmas present.

Time to get cracking, I need to burn this rubbish before the wind kicks in.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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