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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

The sun is out and yes very still out there.

I will have to have a look and see what a Lilac looks like. I dont think I've ever seen them. And speaking of plants the Home where MrP is have had their gardens re planted. Outside MrPs window is a beautiful very dark I want to say crimson but its not that , its not really a wine colour either, Magnolia. Its called magnolia genie. I took a photo but its not the best. Ill upload it later. $65 for one tree. They have a really good mix of plants. Now the wind has died Ill get some photos of the roses.

I felt very Proud of myself yesterday. When I started doing my lawn it took me over an hour to do just the big front bit. now it takes 32 minutes. Yep I took note of the time. But not only that, I did 2/3rds of the whole lawn in just over an hour. My gumboots are baggy now, instead of being so tight they sucked on and I struggled to get them off.

Some days I struggle to realise how different my body is. And seeing the advert on TV about the Manshakes and the men's weight loses has made me realise I must be looking different.

Shopping today, out of town. so Ive decided to treat myself to some Yummy fish and chips for lunch. Ive been hanging out for fish for a while.

I think MrP's phone went flat last night. It cut off mid conversation and wouldn't ring later. He had no technological sense what so ever, so hopefully someone has plugged it in.

I told MrP yesterday his phone was his present. Ill get him some lollies tho. Mine will be a huge chunk on my phone and internet, my medic alert annual fee and the Mobility parking again.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Most of the garden waste that can be burned is done, the incinerator needs emptying before I finish. Should have emptied before I started lol.

Popeye, I forgot to answer your question. The roses I posted pics of have very little if any, smell. Which suits this gardener with hayfever very well. Munstead Wood is my one indulgence to smell. I'm expecting to be sneezing any day now from the buds I saved from the wind.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have to grin popeye, the ortho nurse complimented me yesterday on losing two kilos since last visit. 'Ha!' I thought to myself, 'That's because I have had no breakfast yet!' It was one of their beastly crack of dawn appointments lol.

Magnolias are glorious things, I planted a yellow one in that Blenheim garden and often wonder how it is now. Just up fromnthe big plot of lily in the valley! Which by the way does not survive an Auckland summer, I did try one year when a kind acquaintance brought me a pot of them. I do have a handful of rain lilies though, and they are a delightful replacement, sitting in the shade under a deep blue salvia. Plants are a real joy and worth all the effort we go to to fit another 'must have' into limited space...
Good morning. 

Another gorgeous day looming. 

I have 4yo GD and DIL and 11mo GD will be here shortly.

I had a magenta Lilac at my last  home.  Lovely scent ... have had white before. I think of them as an old fashioned shrub as they evoke memories from childhood gardens. Magnolias do well in a large space ... they can get huge with their magnificent blooms. In my current garden I have a couple of pretty Lily of the Valley shrubs though I believe they are quite poisonous  Sad  My garden now is definitely more limiting when it comes to getting carried away with adding to it!

Well done Popeye on your weight loss resulting in increased fitness. You have earned the f and c's  Smile

Better get another load of washing on the line and read the promised book to GD.

Enjoy the day all.
I know the feeling Kiwimade re the smell of flowers. I love the violets. I dont bring them inside tho. I can Just smell them from the ranch-slider when they are warm.

I ended up not getting fish and chips in town. Ill go to the "better" place here tonight. Have to pop up to a friends later, once she has had her sleep after her dialysis.

Hunni I thought having lost all my weight might get a nice comment, but not so much. I do feel good tho.

Its still fine, so maybe after I've eaten tea Ill go do the back and work it off... but then the final of the bake off is on tonight, so Maybe not. I will say the Aussie bakers are far superior to our Kiwi bakers. I dont mind who wins, but I have soft spots for all three of the finalists..

Best buy of the day was Edmonds Surebake yeast $2 a pot at the Warehouse. and still plenty of time to use it. I got two. My only added extra.. And I did well cos I left my list of items and which shop was cheapest at home
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
They obviously think I need the encouragement, popeye! Fat chance !

I love my food far too much to give any of it up. I am looking forward to being able to walk again though, just to be able to trust putting one foot in front of the other will be a treat!
overcast day started off with misty dampness.

computer back to normal thank goodness  Big Grin
Finished sewing the binding on cot quilt last night. Need to get another project to work on at night.
Done my stint in the warehouse today and feeling a bit weary which is not helped by my project mojo is MIA.

love leaning about everyone's gardening exploits  Cool

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Cross all digits! I think I have finally sorted out that bloodyawful digital timer thing! Talk about make an old lady feel inadequate, it took me an hour and a half and I am positive I heard the little black box laughing at me.

But, all the right numbers are in the right place now, so I just have to wait and see if it turns off at the right time tonight, and turns on again tomorrow at the right time.

Oh, and the five baby fish are still in there, suffering through the on off on again day night white light blue light strangeness. Tough little creatures!
Must have had a sudden rush of blood to the head earlier; mowed back lawn this morning & then did the front a bit later. Also took duvet cover off to wash & unclipped one inner duvet, since its getting a bit warmer now - of course, what usually happens when I do is that we get a cold snap, so wouldn't be too surprised if it happens again.
And if that wasn't enough I dug a new small patch of garden to plant the new Lavender in soon, took Madame Le Dog for her walk & she encouraged me to have a short sit down when we got to the one & only seat in the park.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with her customary treat for sitting down too.

Madame Le Cat is continuing her exploring, though shortish stretches as she seems slightly nervous & comes in fairly soon. But she's doing better & will soon be out for longer times when she's ready.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The fact she comes home tells you she is happy...
Good that she is happy to return Lilith.. A good sign.

I considered mowing the back, but when I stood up and walked I was just too creaky. It can wait for the weekend. Both knees will get the treatment tonight.

Had fish and chips for tea. The minimum of chips is now $4. Way too many for me, and they wont give you half a batch. But I enjoyed my tea. Next time Ill get one of their packs tho. Its cheaper. And it contains, you guessed it. Half a scoop of chips.

I have a steamed pudding on, cos all the bananas were green today.

Nope MrP never thought about charging his phone the twit lol... So a short call using their phone. Ill plug it in tomorrow.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(02-11-2023, 04:43 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The fact she comes home tells you she is happy...

And somewhat bossy - apparently, my bed is not in fact my bed. Its hers. She even scorns her own blanket which I'd carefully put on the bed for her while her actual bed lies ignored in the corner.
Bloody cat. Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Of course. It is her house. You are her housekeeper.

I just finished next weeks online shopping list. 30 items. Average cost per $6.85. No wonder the budget seems stretched. Just as well I am pretty much vegetarian these days. And can still grow a lot of my own.
morning ladies Smile Thunderstorms are on their way, the Furry One will hate it.

lol Lilith, you do know you are Le Cat's personal slave? Great she is settling in though Smile

It's tough grocery shopping, is that for a fortnight OHH? MrK is a big meat eater and that's not going to change anytime soon so our bill can be huge. I try to tell him meat is the biggest portion of the bill and if we had two vegetarian meals a week it would be a saving. But nope, he will not budge.

Today we are expecting The Fluffy One and she will be with us until Sunday. My sister has a wedding to go to in Whitianga...fingers crossed for the bride she can have her dream beach wedding. Somehow, I suspect there will have to be compromises as Whitianga took a hammering. Hope she has a Plan B.

Yesterday afternoon the Furry One had a seizure, a bigger one this time. Luckily it didn't last for long and he slept for pretty much the rest of the afternoon. We know as he becomes older, his meds are going to have to be adjusted to a higher dose.

Today the plan is to give the kitchen a good going over and clean the oven. Might as well make the most of an indoor day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning everyone

Slightly damp here. Enough to put the lawns off.

Just got a text 8 cents off at Gull today till 7am tomorrow. I need it Next week lol.

We are very definitely the Cats "staff". If I am in the kitchen Madam Missy comes and howls at me to go and do what she wants to do.. Now Mummy !!! But I wouldn't have it any other way lol.

Last night I finished the ribbing on the second front of my cardy to Discover in the first I changed to 3mm needles.. The pattern needing 3.25 arghhhhhh... I dont plan on undoing the whole thing. So I will carry on with the 3mm. I did the largest size which finishes quite big, cos that's what I do. I make the biggest size of everything.. And Ill cross my fingers it will fit nicely. Cant believe what I did tho.

Visiting MrP this morning and then going by the weather Ill either be knitting, but more likely to be tidying the craft room. Its a little bit messy. I think there should be another house inspection before Christmas so Ill give the other rooms a quick vacuum now and thats them done and out of the way.

Im with you when it comes to meat Hunni. Its a treat. Oddly we used to eat alot of meat, but Im not really missing it that much. The other night I made a packet Alfredo, totally nothing like one made from scratch. I will shout myself some Parmesan cheese for Christmas and make my own. Its wayyy nicer. My meat of choice these days is bacon pieces and Schnitzel. Must also get some fruit for the trifle and jelly and drinks for them too.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast day here

First lot fireworks last night one boy k9 very anxious. KM there is a new k9 anti anxiety medication been available in US for a while it was registered here last month I am going to phone vet today to request some it is a gel administer on the gums  it is called Sileo. Used for k9s that don't like loud noises

Off to cbd soon haircut today and a bit of shopping. I need new sunglasses and a few other odds and ends.

Knitted half a fish n chip vest last night

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Thanks for that, mica, I'll talk to our vet about it. Hopefully it won't clash with his other meds.

Well, that turned into a bigger job than planned lol. But the kitchen does look all nice and sparkly clean.

I was vacuming using the new cleaner which the Furry One hadn't attacked and has been very wary of. Today though, he put on his big boy pants and attacked it as I vacumed. He let out a mean growl and literally jumped onto it lol. A quick 'leave it' from me and he left it alone for a while. One more attack, another 'leave it' command and now he leaves it alone. Lots of praise when he ignores the cleaner and we're good to go Big Grin He obeys commands when he wants too but the 'leave it' command is one we are really firm with and he knows that. It didn't matter too much with the old vacum as it was nearing the end of its days but we're not going there with the new one.

The Fluffy One is here Smile and both dogs were very happy to see each other.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well that was a short Visit.

Very grumpy, snapped at every word I said, so I basically plugged his phone in, fed the birds, put his lollies in the container and Left.

Came home and I've tidied the sewing room, found the sparkly yarn. Done a load of washing, cut the timber and put that in the Bowing table. So my weekend jobs are done. Waiting for the posty so I can go to new World to pick up some masterchef stuff for my friend in CHCH. they have run put down there.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Madame Le Cat went out very briefly this morning but returned swiftly. It was raining slightly which it turns out was not to her liking, & entirely my fault.

She wasn't best pleased that I went out this morning. I had to go hunting over to Northlands & did manage toi get some of what I needed, but was quite annoyed that the book for Granddaughter's birthday next month which I'd checked online that they had was not after all in the shop. had to buy the wretched thing online which with postage was slightly more than expected dammit.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I agree with Madame, after a rapid and somewhat urgent scoot down to the village in the rain. Still, I seized the opportunity and brought home more wine and more books.

I also dropped off my little handheld compressor to the local bike shop because using it is getting beyond my bendability. They were delighted and have promised me a lifetime of free tyre pumps. Now that's a bargain I can live with!

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