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You can never have enough...
Morning all

Not good JanW hope that you heal fast

My neighbours blueberry bushes are chocks safe under their cage

Cut out fabric that DH chose for a tshirt, needed a rectangle to make the henley opening which I blithely cut from the front piece of the tshirt argh.....! Some days I should be allowed near sharp things. I have ordered some more fabric but  so annoyed with myself.

DD and DGD1 were over for dinner last night SIL was out playing cricket. Chocolate mousse was definitely a winner with DGD1. Well we all enjoyed it Big Grin

Have a good day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The family were fairly reserved in their critique of the concert to spare me more angst but my granddaughter told me on the quiet - she is like me can’t keep her mouth shut - that it was fantastic - he asked everybody on the hill to turn the lights on their phones on when he sang Angels - said it was surreal
We went to the very first Mission Concert - Kiri Te Kanawha - my cousins husband had been working all day - he fell asleep and snored his way through the whole concert - the tickets were around $100 which was a lot in the early 1990 -
The bracelet wearers should be in a separate motel with the gang members not amongst families - annoying part is the supermarket truck was unloading the food into their pantry as I drove in - he has set up a fridge as well and fills it with sandwiches and ready meals - there were 50 roast meals he could have had - my wings have been clipped family instructions - I can’t drive anyway but I won’t do the food anymore - one of the ladies from the shop will contact the old girl - she keeps her eye on the kids welfare her cooking is just something to earn their trust
The alarm lady told me she had just come from a woman who had been stuck on the toilet 14 hours - her cleaner had left the toilet seat up - she rushed into the toilet without turning the light on and got stuck - lived alone wasn’t until she didn’t turn up to work that somebody checked on her -

Haven’t been able to concentrate so Dr Seuss blanket has stalled - will be pleased when I can chuck all these mind bending pain killing drugs in the bin - my post polio symptoms aren’t helping - but it’s a lovely day so going to sit out in the sun up at Robie’s and meet my granddaughters new puppy
That sounds like a rough time on various levels, Jan. Hope things improve quickly. You have to wionder just what has happened to some people to make them the way they are.

I was reminded of a cat I had many years ago,who almost caused a car crash one day. She was one of those very intelligent cats, a black tortoiseshell who generally ran the household & the other cats & who had the habit of sitting on my shoulder.
I was outside one day & decided to check the letterbox so bent down to open it - she leapt onto my shoulder, & a passing driver was so surprised that he kept driving in a straight line & only just managecd to recover in time for the bend!

They say its going to get to 25 today, maybe, maybe not, we'll see but may get a few things done out in the garden later with any luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Im not sure if its all around, but up here these "bracelet" wearers proudly roll up the pants leg to show them off. Where I would be totally ashamed, they make sure people can see them. Last one I saw was in Pak n Save.. Mid morning.

Jan make sure you get the Winz payment for the alarm. Will just be a form for the dr to fill in. You dont have to pay it yourself.

We got into the habit of Not closing the toilet doors years ago. They are both push in ones here, which is useless if you have flaked out on the inside.

30 minutes left on the pudding. 7 rows of knitting done and the front is mowed. I wanted to carry on but I was walking so slowly that I knew it was time to stop.

I've had 26 in the lounge several days. I am enjoying sitting next to the window now. It wont open too far it has a catch on it. So I feel safe enough in knowing when it gets even hotter Ill be able to sleep with it open. Missy cant get out and no one could get in.

Ill play till I take the pudding out then back to the Knitting.

Don't forget World at War tonight.. Im loving it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That bloody cat. I was in the kitchen earier when she not very subtley enquired about her dinner & I informed Madame Le Cat that it was only a bit after 3 & her dinner wasn't due for another hour or so & would she perhaps like to go outside again for a while. I opened the door & out she went.

And almost immediately began the most stunning impression of a starving orphaned kitten lost in a blizzard I've ever been priviliged to hear. Directly outside the back door. At full volume.

I decided ignoring her was the best course so started doing a few veg for dinner, hoping she'd get fed up & beetle off for a walk. But no. She continued for a full 15 minutes while the poor overworked human (that'd be moi) was getting slightly stressed & finished with doing veg so decicded on emptying kitchen bin to take out.
Ah, but no. Bugger. There was this slight problem with the back door & I was definitely not walking around the front way because of a cat.

She was still carrying on with the pitiful meowing, & had added a tiny, even more pitiful squeak at the end of each giving the impression that said orphaned kitten lost in a snowstorm was becoming weaker by the minute.
Move over, Sarah Bernhardt!
So at that point I gave up & fed Madame Le Cat. She did eat her dinner politely enough, despite it being at an earlier hour than she's accustomed to. But if I thought that was the end of that, I was sadluy disllisioned when I went back to what I'd been doing – there was Madame Le Dog, having overheard it all, & enquiring after her own dinner. Bugger.

At which point, I gave up again & fed her early, too.

I think its safe to say that Madame Le Cat hasn't just settled in; she's running the place....Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(12-11-2023, 03:11 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That bloody cat. I was in the kitchen earier when she not very subtley enquired about her dinner & I informed Madame Le Cat that it was only a bit after 3 & her dinner wasn't due for another hour or so & would she perhaps like to go outside again for a while. I opened the door & out she went.

And almost immediately began the most stunning impression of a starving orphaned kitten lost in a blizzard I've ever been priviliged to hear. Directly outside the back door. At full volume.

I  decided ignoring her was the best course so started doing a few veg for dinner, hoping she'd get fed up & beetle off for a walk. But no. She continued for a full 15 minutes while the poor overworked human (that'd be moi) was getting slightly stressed & finished with doing veg so decicded on emptying kitchen bin to take out.
Ah, but no. Bugger. There was this slight problem with the back door & I was definitely not walking around the front way because of a cat.

She was still carrying on with the pitiful meowing, & had added a tiny, even more pitiful  squeak at the end of each giving the impression that said orphaned kitten lost in a snowstorm was becoming weaker by the minute.
Move over, Sarah Bernhardt!
So at that point I gave up & fed Madame Le Cat. She did eat her dinner politely enough, despite it being at an earlier hour than she's accustomed to. But if I thought that was the end of that, I was sadluy disllisioned when I went back to what I'd been doing – there was Madame Le Dog, having overheard it all, & enquiring after her own dinner. Bugger.

At which point, I gave up again & fed her early, too.

I think its safe to say that Madame Le Cat hasn't just settled in; she's running the place....Smile

It hasn't taken her long to "Train" her Servant Lilith.. And as for the Dog.. the toad lol. 

I've only got 25 rows left on the stocking. Will finish it tonight. 

I was right.. Doing the lawn helped the hammies.. Weird but I had googled it and I thought surely not. but yes its much better.

So now I need to work out, how much is enough for both. Enough for the hammies but not too much for the knee. 

I actually had a Pity Party before I went out. not often I cry with pain but it got me. But its soo much better now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh I do like to hear happy cat stories. Makes me feel slightly less browbeaten.
(12-11-2023, 04:45 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(12-11-2023, 03:11 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That bloody cat. I was in the kitchen earier when she not very subtley enquired about her dinner & I informed Madame Le Cat that it was only a bit after 3 & her dinner wasn't due for another hour or so & would she perhaps like to go outside again for a while. I opened the door & out she went.

And almost immediately began the most stunning impression of a starving orphaned kitten lost in a blizzard I've ever been priviliged to hear. Directly outside the back door. At full volume.

I  decided ignoring her was the best course so started doing a few veg for dinner, hoping she'd get fed up & beetle off for a walk. But no. She continued for a full 15 minutes while the poor overworked human (that'd be moi) was getting slightly stressed & finished with doing veg so decicded on emptying kitchen bin to take out.
Ah, but no. Bugger. There was this slight problem with the back door & I was definitely not walking around the front way because of a cat.

She was still carrying on with the pitiful meowing, & had added a tiny, even more pitiful  squeak at the end of each giving the impression that said orphaned kitten lost in a snowstorm was becoming weaker by the minute.
Move over, Sarah Bernhardt!
So at that point I gave up & fed Madame Le Cat. She did eat her dinner politely enough, despite it being at an earlier hour than she's accustomed to. But if I thought that was the end of that, I was sadluy disllisioned when I went back to what I'd been doing – there was Madame Le Dog, having overheard it all, & enquiring after her own dinner. Bugger.

At which point, I gave up again & fed her early, too.

I think its safe to say that Madame Le Cat hasn't just settled in; she's running the place....Smile

It hasn't taken her long to "Train" her Servant Lilith.. And as for the Dog.. the toad lol. 

I've only got 25 rows left on the stocking. Will finish it tonight. 

I was right.. Doing the lawn helped the hammies.. Weird but I had googled it and I thought surely not. but yes its much better.

So now I need to work out, how much is enough for both. Enough for the hammies but not too much for the knee. 

I actually had a Pity Party before I went out. not often I cry with pain but it got me. But its soo much better now.

I suspect she's a master trainer, Popeye. In fact, I've begin to wonder whether or not her skills in human training may be the reason why her previous humans went so very far away. 
To the UK. Big Grin Rolleyes

Don't let it get you down Popeye, there's always the chance tomorrow will be better. One thing which helps me is music and/or dancing around like an absolute idiot, though dancing is out for you just at present, music might help. Smile

(12-11-2023, 05:20 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Oh I do like to hear happy cat stories. Makes me feel slightly less browbeaten.

Bastards, the lot of them! And sneaky with it,too. Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Looks like we are in for another stunning day. Its great cos its not tooo hot yet. Ive had the fan on just on the slowest speed but not from morning to night like I used to.

I finished knitting the 4th stocking last night. And promptly missed a few minutes of World on Fire. But I saw the end.

Visiting today. I do like Mondays. MrP was prickly last night. So he better pull his head in or I will leave and spend more time with the Gang. I remembered that Dianne had suggested filling water bottles from their water cleaner chiller thing so Ill take a couple of bottles down.

Then my games as it is the big day.

I should get the stockings pinned for sewing tonight and will sit and sew those tomorrow hopefully.

Its not often that it really gets me Lilith. I think some of it was thinking about my Sister too whose birthday it was last Monday.

But I am back and I love seeing the girls. I must ask Bobbie if she enjoyed the nurses etc doing some Diwali dancing for them last week. Bobbie loves music and dancing so Im sure she would have. But Ill ask if she's heading down her usual paranoid track, using it as a form of distraction.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Cloudy so far but we are in for a hot day so the cloud cover is welcome at the moment.

lmoa @ the message board cats... I had forgotten just how demanding they are. Too funny, thanks for the laughs Smile

The car is having it's tyre replaced (will probably be two needed seeing as it's a front tyre) this morning. MrK has stressed over it all weekend and is feeling guilty for what has happened. At least he has decided no more driving for now and it's only a tyre. It could have been a lot worse.

Time to get cracking, the car is booked in early. Love it when businesses open at 7.30am.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Beautiful day here - waiting for the district nurse to come - they only bring dressings and bandages now I had to get a prescription from my GP for the ointments and stuff to dress my wound - ended up having to pay the Doctor $23 for each prescription - costs nothing for the script - the district nurse said it was funding ?
I think the most annoying cat that ever owned us was a beautiful Abyssinian who would not eat anything that hadn’t been warmed in the microwave - he was a huge cat and could reach up and ping the microwave - couldn’t ignore him in the middle of the night as he would continue pinging and wake the whole house -
Could do with the company of a cat or dog while I am incarcerated - it’s not the same getting driven everywhere instead of being able to just go where the mood took me
Ahhh, but Jan, even in recovery mode you'd still be at its beck and call. Tatty objects to have to climb onto a low table to have her breakfast delivered, and she is still getting litter box service with the use of all kinds of hook and lift type devices, she sees no reason for normal service to fail just because I have some challenges.

And then there is the habit of making a beeline to the sore place at 2am so I will wake up and give her some worship. Cats. Superior torturers!

I would like an Abyssinian though. Just once...
We had a stray turn up and just move in. Walked in the door, jumped on the bed and stayed lol. She was a beautiful tortie and we had her for 17 years. She was a real madam though and refused to eat anything but ox kidney. We tried changing her diet and she wouldn't eat for 10 days. In the end it was me who caved in lol, she was so becoming so skinny it was worrying. I guess ox kidney everyday couldn't have been too bad for her considering her age when we had to do the final deed. The sad thing was no one came looking for her when she moved in. I asked all around and no one claimed her. So we became her willing and loving slaves.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning all
fine but very windy

loved my Abyssinian cats had at least 2 at a time for 40 years  - very naughty but that what makes them extra special, we currently have a tabby who while loveable isnt as smart 

recovering from a hard work out at the gym this morning, oicked up daog food from vet - the k9s didnt complain last night when cat food was on the menu  rather a delicious treat  Big Grin

Podiatrist appointment cancelled this morning so I have some spare time, my sun glasses are ready to collect so I will drive into cbd after lunch when there should be car parks available, will pick up the t shirt I purchased week or so ago they didnt have my size available in the shop and had to get it in.

Might get sundress for DGD2 finished today too. I have had to cut back on the knitting as my thumb is getting sore  thats annoying

Hope you are healing well JanW

enjoy your day all
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Going by the sound of them, I wouldn't dare have an Abyssinian cat. I'd never be allowed to do anything.
I hope you have a swift recovery Jan - I bet you're glad you haven'got that microwave-pinging Abyssinian now! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day again. 

I shall stay strong in my resolve to ever being owned by a feline again  Big Grin  But I sure miss him and will enjoy cat stories in here instead  Smile

Coffee with niece and bub this morning and will get GD from kindy soon and be entertained by her until school pick up later for her brothers. Nothing much else will get done today!

Anything to do with owning a car is eye wateringly expensive nowadays ... I look forward to 1 car between us.

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
I nearly had another cat - about 12 months ago rotten sods a few doors down moved out and abandoned their black cat - I ordered top shelf cat food from Robie and thought she would chose me - even have a cat door put in by the previous owner - all was going well she was visiting me regularly but still going back to her old home - but the fickle little tart discovered the family down the road with a fishing boat and the regular fresh fish that was on offer won the day - she still comes occasionally
(13-11-2023, 11:43 AM)JanW Wrote: I nearly had another cat - about 12 months ago rotten sods a few doors down moved out and abandoned their black cat - I ordered top shelf cat food from Robie and thought she would chose me - even have a cat door put in by the previous owner - all was going well she was visiting me regularly but still going back to her old home - but the fickle little tart discovered the family down the road with a fishing boat and the regular fresh fish that was on offer won the day - she still comes occasionally

There's no way you could compete with that, Jan! At least she does the odd visiit now & then... Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Love hearing all the Cat stories.

Im just very Thankful both our Moggies picked up my heart stuff. Madame Millie used to chase both our Fox terriors.. She has no fear at all. Other than the one time she thought she might cross the road. Got half way across, looked back and I assume thought she thought 'What the Hell am I doing" cos she turned around and came back again. Never went on the road after that. I think she just forgot herself lol

Bobbie has Covid.. So I couldn't see her... Ill ring again later. the phone was busy.

And I found out what the Helicopters were looking for on Saturday evening, for ages.. Young Peter needed some time out and went for a walk. Young Peter has really bad Parkinson's, uses a walker and falls Often.. Young Peter got 3kms away before he was found. I Said Peter Young Man what were you doing??? But he said he was wound up about stuff with his partner selling their property and needed to walk it off... I made him promise not to do it again. But they really need to watch the door.
I told him if he ever needs to chat to get them to ring me.. the Toad lol... He's balding and what hair he does have is very thin so he is a bit burnt too..

We just cant believe he got so far. He left his own walker at the home and flogged someone else's lol...

Meant to say this morning too there were Orcas in the Estuary on Saturday. They sometimes pop in to warmer water.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The battery on my hip dressing has died, without issue, so I must be progressing normally with healing. No more little green flashing light in the dark, still bionic though. Two more days and the whole package can come off and I can put jeans on again, lol. Funny the things you miss...

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