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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

Fine so far today.

Still haven't managed to get hold of Bobbie. Ill try again this morning. MrP is worried but we both know she's strong and healthy, so that will help.

Do you have a wound vacc Hunni? I had a massive one on my tummy. It weighed just under 2 kilos and was a right PIA. I wore skirts so that made it a bit easier. Now that I wear pants I would miss them too lol.

Rest home David brought something up yesterday that I had forgotten about. You can get trackers for people, who have dementia etc, and those who forget where home is etc. The home need to talk to Peters partner. Although I said Peter isnt silly he would probably take it off lol.

Ill vacc today and possibly mow later if it stays fine. But if it rains Ill start sewing the stockings up. I got them pinned last night which will help make them flatter.

Talked to MrP's Little Big brother and sister in law last night. They are doing well.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another fine start to the day.

I've been out squishing aphids on the roses. Our birds must be too well fed to eat them lol.

Not sure what the day will bring but it will involved being outside.

You would be surprised how far people can walk, popeye. My brother-in-law used to walk for miles when in the resthome. And he needed a walker too Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cloudy and a bit cooler.  Will see what the day will bring. 

A wound vac sounds to be a clever machine Popeye ... I googled as I haven't heard of before! 

OHH it sounds as if you are making fast, healing progress.

The bane of a non rose sprayer's life KM, I tried all sorts of concoctions to get rid of those pesty little critters! I'm seeing lots of gorgeous rose photos on my social pages lately ... do miss them. 

Lilith, your cat sounds to be a real character.

Library (didn't get there the other day), groceries and something small to add to 1 yo birthday gift then will decide what else needs doing. 

Cuppa finished, shall get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Banana skins draped amongst the roses help with Afids too.

Yes Lilith they are amazing machines.. my wound was 9cms deep in one part. a few weeks and it had been drawn back to nearly normal
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
bright cloudy and still windy

My new sunglasses are great cleat vision again the surface was disintegrating on my old ones like a permanent smear.  Picked up t shirt so a quick hour turn around  even better that there was a car park available  as I came off the motorway so all the stars were aligned and looking favorably on me.

not sure what I will get up to today have the replacement fabric in the washing machine it arrived at 6.30 this morning so might get DH tshirt done this afternoon. knit group tonight'
Currently being felined by tabby so fur going everywhere - we graze feed her she has a bowl of food and water in the bath so the k9s cant get it. She preferes to drink from her glass of water that is permanently on the  bench. 

enjoy your day all
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Just a negative pressure dressing on mine popeye, very easy to deal with, a battery little pump on an airline to the dressing that encouraged all those icky healing processes best not thought about too much. It buzzed when I moved the wrong way or interfered with its functions, the nurses called it my personal vibrator.

Cheeky sods.

Boy though, I am looking forward a few weeks to when the energy levels return to normal. I seem to do nothing more that want to sleep just now. Much to Tatty cats satisfaction. At least one of us enjoys it.
Managed to speak to Bobbie. She sounds chesty and rattly. But She said she doesn't feel that unwell.. Shes had all her shots so is lucky.

I told her I will ring again tomorrow after Ive seen MrP ( Trevour to her) ( her hubbies name)

MrP was pleased I managed to get hold of her.. I told her to stay in her room at get well cos we have a birthday Lunch on Monday.

Did the back lawn so its all looking lovely, it can rain now lol.

If I messed up the wound vacc Hunni I very quickly learnt how to fix it lol.. Thats another time that it was easier to sleep in my chair
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Boy we had some rain late yesterday afternoon and last night! And very welcome it was too.

Yesterday I went for a walk around Mt Maunganui with the camera we inherited from my sister-in-law. MrK had claimed it as 'his' but decided he didn't like using it, so I've snaffled it up and decided to have a tutu with it. It was a perfect walking day with overcast clouds and no wind. And I took some gorgeous pics Smile

While out walking the hospital phoned for MrK's eye appointment. Things never went right with his cataract op and hopefully they can do something about the build up of fluid causing him to see double and triple. Now all we need is his carpel tunnel to be sorted.

I'm not sure what we're up to today, but I do have a couple of daisy plants that need planting out. It won't take long to do and that will be a few more that will hopefully smother weeds along the fenceline. Might even tackle some weeding, the convolvulus is trying to take over again. Or I could work on the thrush, it needs to be finished.

I hope everyone that needs healing will do well today Heart

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good Morning everyone

It sure was a good drop of rain. Glad I got the lawns done. I found a large crack from the corner of the Kitchen than rang over a meter down the hill.

I got 4 of the stockings sewn up. My eyes didnt want to do another. So I'll do that later today.

I had a much needed earlier night too. So I feel quite good today. Too many late nights recently lol.

Off to see MrP this morning. Ill vote as well and get that out of the way Again lol.

Talking with rest Home David over night, he helped Irene eat yesterday. I think it might be an idea for him and I to take on a couple of Lunchtimes when Dianne cant get there. But to include her sister who moved to town last Friday. Irene loves her food, Dianne goes three days a week. I could do another, if David does one and the other Daughter takes up a couple then we know Irene will be fed. I know they dont like it but if collectively we go to the Manager they might let us. After all its free labour for them. Need to have a meeting of the gang first. I cant see the manager disagreeing if 4 of us turn up to make the suggestion.

Not sure what was on the Menu yesterday but Colleen asked for a sandwich. Shes not fussy either so it must have been bad. They get a choice of 2 meals now. Still the same meals but they have a choice lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Brilliant sunshine and expecting a high temperature today. Not much rain fell here.

Hmmm, not sure of the final bird of the century result ... not that I voted. I did go to the site and couldn't decide but never got back. 

A few jobs to do out and about, tidy up and pack a few clothes to be away for a few days. 

A good place to take your camera KM, the round Mauao walk never gets boring. 

Cuppa finished, time to move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine wind has subsided

Got DH t shirt sewn yesterday just need to install the snaps today to call it done. Listening to Richard Oman's Last Man to Die book the latest of the Thursday murder club series.

DH off to keep DD k9 company today after he has walked  our lot.

I have been to gym knackered at moment not that I worked harder I think my auto immune thingies is a bit active at the moment let's hope it doesn't  progress. 
Had nice night at knit group was informed about another site for free knitting and crochet patterns called Drops.
We all agreed that the yarn sale last week wasn't as good as previous years.

Gotta move and have a showed and get sorted for the  day.

Enjoy your day all
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Richard Oman was interviewed on The Project last evening, it's Lee Child and his brother Andrew's turn tonight Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Today, I had a cunning plan. Madame le Dog has a habit of barking loudly if I'm using anything noisy in the garden so I decided to shut her in the front room. Then put music on & venture out the front to do battle with some weeds. And decided Madame Le Cat woulkd probably prefer staying in the back yard, so just left her where she was.

Set up the music, shut dog in & went outside & got together pruning thingy (noisy one) plus secataurs & the old shearing shears for softer bits. Out I went, determined to get stuck in & make a difference to the small jungle out there...& just as I was passing the front window, there was Madame Le Dog, perched on her chair looking down her lengthy nose at the foolish human who'd tried to outwit her.

Nonetheless I carried on & was just making a tiny bit of progress when Madame Le Cat leapt over the fence from the back to supervise the foolish human who actually thought she could do weeding without being directed by her.
I managed approximately 10 minutes...i may have to invest in some chloroform for animals.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

Had a letter from the cardiologist. Very glowing and they are pleased with me. Nice to hear it in writing.

Bobbie is doing ok. I reminded her to try and get well for the birthday lunch on Monday.

Those Boys where MrP is were all in cheeky ratbag moods this morning. I said I know you all slept well. All three cheeky lol.

Its been a good day.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good Morning everyone

A bit gloomy and grey out there.

I managed to talk to Bobbie last night. She was confused at the start and I couldnt figure out what she was talking about. But in the end it was ok.

Shopping this morning, drs this afternoon and then up to see MrP.

One of the carers is bring in a machine she uses on her knee. Its called a Nooro massager, it heats and massages at the same time. Not cheap but it keeps her on her feet. Her knees are both bad, and she said its the only thing that keeps her able to work.

Started another stocking last night. Not variegated that's for sure. I hate that yarn lol The stocking I have done looks ok, but I still dont like it lol.

Discount of 8 cents off Petrol Only till 7am tomorrow morning. At Gull.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Heat and massage are great temporary fixes for arthritis as is mild and ongoing exercise. It is true that you use it or lose it, but arthritis in its many forms is an auto immune disease that can really only go one way. I constantly see new herbal remedies advertised on farcebook along with reviewers claiming cures for their osteoarthritis from using the expensive stuff, and I have to laugh. It is a painful process, but if a bottle of green stuff can make it all better, then darlings, you never had the disease in the first place.

Sometimes we want a cure so badly we fall prey to the most outrageous snake oil scammers. I am afraid, after decades of dealing with degenerative bones I have become a total sceptic, towards both alternative and mainstream health industries. On good days, I am a firm advocate of the if it makes you feel better go for it philosophy. On bad days, I am just glad life is short!
Morning all
Fine but the wind is back

DH has done his back in again he hasn't had episode for couple years but can't move I will give him 24 hrs for meds to start to help then review the situation there is no way I can get him into the car to take him anywhere in the past have had to call an ambulance for him to then spend some time in hospital he was grumpy I did that but I couldn't manage and he certainly couldn't stubborn stoically beastie he is.

Volunteer day and meeting tonight  for me might get to sew this afternoon if I am not too tired.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
You have my sympathy Mica, but Mr Mica has a tad more if it.

Bloody bones, lol.
morning ladies Smile A late start for me today.

Oh buggar, mica. I hope your husband recovers quickly, not just for his sake but for yours as well.

My sister has arthritis and she is of the same opinion, OHH. It's a painful, cruel disease.

For some reason today I seem to have extra laundry to do. It's those things that are washed 'every so often' that's doing it, I think Smile

Kettle's boiled, time for a cuppa outside in the sun.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have to agree Hunni.. I thought it might be of help, I saw the price. Only special for $250 I think it was. Even at that I cant afford it. And even if I could the money could be used more Wiseley elsewhere.

I used a cushion in the car this morning. It has helped deter hammie pain. so ill stick with it. bit rough finding the right spot to be able to reach the pedals lol

Ohh Mica Not good re MrM. Im yet to find a man who doesn't complain far more loudly than women.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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