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You can never have enough...
I tend to just use some Voltaren & hold a wheat bag on the sore bit; I'm very lucky in only having arthritis mildly so far but I know its goi8ng to get worse. You'd think that by now there might be a really good treatment for it, preferably one which doesn't cost the earth.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I have always had issues with painkillers, especially the morphine ones. Tramadol was a no no, but this time I was given slow release tramadol, something I had never heard of, and it is a different story. No side effects for me except for a slight inability to focus on tasks like reading - I wouldn't want to drive on it either. But if any of you need some serious help to sleep through pain , and I mean serious, talk to your GP about this stuff. I am impressed with it and will use it again I'm sure.. Now though I'm back on panadol and celebrex, and it is enough. That and swearing. A lot.

Good news though, a friend is coming tomorrow to vack my floor for me. I hope she isn't too disgusted by my crunchy rug, lol...
(16-11-2023, 06:14 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I have always had issues with painkillers, especially the morphine ones. Tramadol was a no no, but this time I was given slow release tramadol, something I had never heard of, and it is a different story. No side effects for me except for a slight inability to focus on tasks like reading - I wouldn't want to drive on it either. But if any of you need some serious help to sleep through pain , and I mean serious, talk to your GP about this stuff. I am impressed with it and will use it again I'm sure.. Now though I'm back on panadol and celebrex, and it is enough. That and swearing. A lot.

Good news though, a friend is coming tomorrow to vack my floor for me. I hope she isn't too disgusted by my crunchy rug, lol...

Ive had the normal tramadol in the past. Had the most loopiest dreams out. Tried a new sleeping pill last night and also had silly dreams but they were relevant to where I am in life. 

The oxy meds dont make me sleepy. But I try not to take them before driving. Thats one thing I try to get into Mr Grumpies head. That cos of him I dont have meds when I need them, so he needs to understand that Im sore cos of visiting him. 

Im really tired tonight. So Im going to settle into my chair and have an early night Nothing much on so Im not going to miss anything. And I wont need a pill lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Hopefully the rain will stay away long enough for me to mow the lawn this morning.

My best friend's partner found he has lung cancer yesterday. It was sheer fluke they found it. He had a pain they couldn't find the origin of so sent him off for a chest x ray and they found the mass on his lungs. Once he has had his CT scan they will know more and what to expect treatment and survival wise. We're gutted for them both. Mum died of lung cancer so I know the journey they will be on. We'll support them wherever and whenever we can.

Once the washing has been hung out, the plan is to mow the lawn. MrK wants some clippings in the compost bin Big Grin The rose I moved a couple of weeks ago is flowering away happily after I gave it a good stern talking too lol. And Westerland, one of the new roses, has buds on it. Can't wait to see them fully open.

When the rain arrives later, the plan is to work a bit more on my thrush.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Very dull here..

Off to see MrP this morning and Im treating myself to some trumpets. NW has a box of 4 for $4-99. I seldom have ice cream but have wanted some for the last few weeks. I dont know how much they are in Dairies but Id bet they are dearer than $1-25 each that's for sure.

I might start the vacuum later. And finish tomorrow.

Im trying to cut down my Pepsi intake. I drink Pepsi max, so its not the sugar its the caffeine. Have a bit of a headache. I quit once before but it came back lol. One handy helpful part is being able to fill my water bottles at the first rest home they have the chilled water filters in the lounge , so Dianne does the same.

I slept from 8-30ish last night. Haven't felt so tired for years. Too many late nights.

Had a pick up yesterday and he said as he drove in he saw a Wood Pigeon fly through my yard. I havent seen one here before so hopefully it stays around and I can get photos. My brain wont remind me the proper name lol.

Have a fab day all.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I've been rained off the lawn but there is only the berm to do anyway. And besides, I've run out of petrol and can't get anymore until one of us is in town next week.

A kereru, how cool is that, popeye Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(17-11-2023, 07:25 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I've been rained off the lawn but there is only the berm to do anyway.  And besides, I've run out of petrol and can't get anymore until one of us is in town next week.

A kereru, how cool is that, popeye Heart

Thank you KM. I knew it started with K but my brain kept saying Koreru and I knew that was wrong lol

Im glad my lawns are all done, so Im free to vacuum and bake on the weekend
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining here too.

Sorry about your friends DH KM .

Had to call ambulance for DH yesterday afternoon he could move , we've been here before and its no use phoning the dr cause I can't get him there by the time they see him he is alot better. 5 hr wait with 20min check ins very nice people. Anyhow they came, gave him some good pain relief he is still not good but can at least make it to the bathroom even thought it takes a ,long time. He is very stoical and doesn't complain some times to his detriment.

I  am off to do food hunt soon then general tidy up around here at least the k9s won't ask for a walk while it is wet.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Ouchies! Poor Mr M. It is one of the most frustrating injuries.

But Westerland! Woo hoo! I look forward to those photos, it will bring back such very happy memories for me.

And I too pushed my luck yesterday with all the gadding about, bit sore on it today. But it will come right, just a reminder to take it easy with the up and at 'ems, lol.
I sometimes wonder about how powerful the net is and how much we are watched... Shortly after confessing to my gadding about on here my phone - horrible little thing - starts shrieking at me, and it is my anaesthetist ringing to make sure I am being a good patient and not pushing my luck.

So I lied. It is good to keep these people happy.
(17-11-2023, 08:55 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Ouchies! Poor Mr M. It is one of the most frustrating injuries.

But Westerland! Woo hoo! I look forward to those photos, it will bring back such very happy memories for me.

And I too pushed my luck yesterday with all the gadding about, bit sore on it today. But it will come right, just a reminder to take it easy with the up and at 'ems, lol.

Here's a photo of our Westerland's first bloom.  It is a gorgeous rose and we've just planted a second one.    
It glows doesn't it? Perfect rose to be married beneath... Thank you, Olive.
The grumpy one was grumpy. But he soon calmed down. Didn't help that I totally forgot to take some cheese up. I better remember for Monday. And Im baking so that will sweeten him up.

A beautiful Rose. I must get the names of the ones at the home.

Dr messed up my script, so trying to sort that out.

Dishwasher is doing its thing.. gives me a clean slate to work on on the weekend.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh popeye, that was me too! A load of laundry done and dusted, wine in the fridge, with big bowls of fruit alongside last night's leftovers. Weekend, I am ready for you!
Lovely rose Olive.

Its said to be going to rain later today so did a mad dash out & got a bath toy for youngest great grandson's xmas loot pile, came back & changed & washed sheets , took Madame Le Dog for walk (having had to prevent Madame Le Cat from accompanying us) & then did a bit more in garden. The strong wind meant sheets were dry fairly quickly.
Which means i can get more work on kid's xmas paintings done.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We are a productive lot today

Drs have sorted the medications.

Going to go get the vaccuum out now. Then I only have to bake lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Clean slate here too for the weekend... look out weeds, you're history! Omg Olive, just gorgeous! I knew I picked the 'right' orange rose Heart can't wait now for Westerland to fill in the back fence!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh she will. Not backward in coming forward that one. But oh her Autumn show is a marvel.
morning ladies Smile And we have rain Big Grin A nice steady, soft rain, perfect for the ground.

That's good to know, OHH Big Grin It's exactly what I want for the back fence.

It might just be an embroidery day today if I can't get outside.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Steady rain here too, and quite dark.

Ree Drummond has inspired me to have a clean out in the pantry. Its not so much the food. Its the containers and all the new cookware that need a sort out. And its my happy place. I might put the pudding on too, since it pretty much looks after itself for 3 hours.

The shelves are so deep that I have rows of unused Tupperware spares behind the in use containers. And I can step into it to reach to the back.

Its my second favourite pantry. The best was a wooden shed we transplanted onto the back of the kitchen, had shelves galore and bench space for all the appliances. Cos in the kitchen there was only a normal size bench and sink and another area slightly smaller but not deep enough for the cake mixer etc.

Will knit later as enforced rest. Might as well be productive while resting the bones.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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