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You can never have enough...
Popeye can you be my new neighbour ... a kind, caring person like you would be welcome  Smile  The house is currently being readied for sale.

I was in touch with my old hairdresser who works from home in the Waikato and she said heaps of clients have Covid, some for the 3rd time.  My daughter had it last Xmas messing up the day ... better not happen again!

Interesting times ahead with this new Government.
(24-11-2023, 01:58 PM)Roma Wrote: Popeye can you be my new neighbour ... a kind, caring person like you would be welcome  Smile  The house is currently being readied for sale.

I was in touch with my old hairdresser who works from home in the Waikato and she said heaps of clients have Covid, some for the 3rd time.  My daughter had it last Xmas messing up the day ... better not happen again!

Interesting times ahead with this new Government.

My plans are to go to Taranaki Roma.. lol. Sorry.

Its funny there are 5 houses on this shared driveway. You dont see alot of contact between the houses, some but not much. I need to see if we can change that. Especially since one household holds 200 years of life between just 2 people. I plan on going over on the weekend and seeing if I can get some of their lawn mowed. I wont be able to use the catcher but its better than it being long
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Wow, your neighbours are doing well to still be in their own home, popeye Heart

When we received the reminder text for MrK's Waikato Hospital appointment it asked us to wear a mask. The hospital is the one place I would definitely wear one - that's where all the bugs are with all the sick people!

The temperature has suddenly dropped and it's freezing!

No wonder I'm sneezing like crazy, the amount if privet around here is insane. And our first Christmas lily bloomed this afternoon Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
My old doc said there was a new wave of covid going round and that it was nasty for the unvaxed, but not so bad for the rest of us. I must check and see if I can have my booster yet, I have done my sick day miles for this year.

A friend arrived this afternoon with a huge American cookie jar she found in the local op shop for me, she thinks it might work for fishes. It is big, but really only two gallons, so a bit of a squeeze for an active fish. I might plant it up though and get it working. It would be a good backstop in case I need a quarantine space. The old label says Crate and Barrel, from memory that is an American store chain? It is really heavy glass, so could be quite fun to play with...
Morning everyone

The sun is out. Cooler tho lol.

They certainly are doing well Kiwimade. Maureen broke her hip during the first wave of covid, then Pat managed to do the same. She was saying yesterday she wishes Pat would use a walker.
I hope to see the Daughter today ( who is 70) lol and talk to her about what help they can get. They are paying for pull ups when they dont need to. And probably need toilet lifters, a shower stool and a walker for Pat. At minimum.

I will try and mow their front lawns today. Only small compared to mine. and I should manage to reach but Ill ask about using a power point in their garage.

Ive put bread on, so it wont be until after that.

Have a fab day everyone

(24-11-2023, 03:26 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My old doc said there was a new wave of covid going round and that it was nasty for the unvaxed, but not so bad for the rest of us. I must check and see if I can have my booster yet, I have done my sick day miles for this year.

A friend arrived this afternoon with a huge American cookie jar she found in the local op shop for me,  she thinks it might work for fishes. It is big, but really only two gallons, so a bit of a squeeze for an active fish. I might plant it up though and get it working. It would be a good backstop in case I need a quarantine space.  The old label says Crate and Barrel, from memory that is an American store chain? It is really heavy glass, so could be quite fun to play with...

Yeah they are calling this The 5th Wave of covid. Anyone that hasn't been vaxxed are really aiming for sickness that can be very bad. 

My Brother used to be very staunch to the point that their kids didn't get all their vaccines. but he did relent and got at least one vaccine for Covid. I hope he has kept them up
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The sun's out but it is still chilly. It was freezing last night and we had the heatpump on. Couldn't believe it.

Yes, there is another wave of covid doing the rounds. And yes, there are those that are rolling their eyes and thinking so what. As one who has had Covid, I can tell you it's not pleasant and I'm vaccinated. It really cheeses me off that unvaccinated people expect hospital care when a vaccination will help them (most of the time) manage it at home. I checked on the MoH website last week if we were up to date and we are. MrK can't afford to get sick. That's my rant for now lol.

This morning the plan is to weed where the camellias are espaliered and the daisies are growing. They are the ordinary run-of-the mill-roadside daisies and look really pretty filling in the gaps. These daisies are pretty tough and can take the dry weather. And they pick well and look great with other flowers. Hopefully over time they will smother the weeds. A win-win.

Thanks for the link harm_less, I knew it was something to do with lime. I had it the other way round, lime for pink. The hydrangeas are in and Roma, one of your cuttings has flower buds on it Big Grin Gosh they are tough plants. And you are right OHH, there are so many beautiful varieties. My favourite are the ones where the bark peels back on the branches and have gorgeous cream flowers. Only trouble is they spread like crazy lol.

Time to get cracking. Where I want to weed is in full sun and it's best to do it early morning.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Wintery southerly storm here have had to break out the merinos  

Expecting DGD1 to be dropped off soon DD returns from Auckland this afternoon so I will not get much done today

Keep warm and enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I am glad I hadn't abandoned the winter nighties. One was just perfect for last night, but it is glorious out there. I might do a garden wander later, I've been avoiding it because there's always something that needs fixing and I'm still in the 'don't do that' period. But the light is golden and there are roses to sniff...
Good morning.

A winter chill for sure this morning, not helped by lack of sun.

You must be enjoying your improving mobility OHH ... slow and steady is the key.

Interesting to read of the ph levels needed for hydrangeas, thanks harm_less ... I think I'll be staying with pink ... the Vireyas do so well here and I wouldn't want to upset them!

No plan for today ... it will need to warm up a bit more for me to venture outside yet. I have some pink merino and my GD keeps asking me when I'm going to knit her cardi so today could be the day to hunt out a pattern and get started.

Stay warm and enjoy the day all.
Ohh dear. I didnt know but it was Also Pats birthday yesterday...

Turns out his pacemaker was having a hissy. He arrived home when I was mowing their front lawn. Its only tiny compared to mine.. He got out of the car and I just said, No growling Im paying you back lol. He didnt argue. lol.

I met their Daughter / step daughter and we have swapped numbers. They are paying for stuff that the drs and Hospitals can arrange. I will make a list and take it over tomorrow. The daughter said they have a Drs appointment this week, so Ill make sure they know all the things I know of at least.

Its one side of the Winz and Medical things that annoys me. No one tells you, you simply have to hear about it from others.

Finally got to talk toMrP but he said he was going to be sick. So Ill ring him tonight. He still has his sense of humour, he told me they listened to chimes all night The pump on his bed was setting off beeps all night apparently lol.

Its a lovely day but still on the chilly side for sure.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My mini Christmas lilies are well budded, the salvias are doing their thing, and the roses are lovely - but all needed watering so I did that, cursing the contractors who were here yesterday and disconnected my hose to use the tap, without putting it back. Finally got it snug and enjoyed that bit of peace, hose in hand, admiring all the plantings. My Bunnings raised beds arrived yesterday too, really looking forward to setting those up. I think I might get another couple... Meantime I spent some time doing a bit of research and have some tricks to try come set up time. Scoria down the legs, line the growing bins with coir matting to get water wicking going, and pop in a home made worm tunnel into each bin to take kitchen waste and cardboard. I need a plastic tube container with a lid, cut out the bottom, use my soldering iron to pop some holes in the sides, bury it in the potting mix, add materials - then compost worms and pop the lid on to protect the beasties. Apparently that feeds the bed and boosts plant growth, and the idea appeals to my experimental side, lol. I just need to find the right container to recycle - maybe the pink Vanish pot would be about the right proportions... I shall take it out and eyeball it...

I do love having a project to look forward to!
Planted the last 3 tomato plants yesterday... so obviously, we're having a cold snap today. Out this morning unexpectedly to pick up a small gift for one of the birthdays next year; worth doing since the American Black Friday sales seem to have been adopted here & it meant they weren't full price so always good when that happens.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning all
Storm abated have yet to venture out but expect a fine day.

No sewing yesterday looked after DGD1  so lots of activity.
Had dinner with friends last night we shared a lovely lamb roast. Off to lunch with group friends today they live up the coast so no sewing today.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile There's no wind and we have sunshine! Finally lol.

That jar sounds perfect for a nursery, OHH Smile You have lovely friends who think of you.

Today I tackle the bux hedge. MrK is just going to have to trust me with the cutting. It's way too high and is difficult to weed the garden behind it. It will be the first time the new trimmer has the hedge cutting attachment on so will be interesting to see how it goes. But first I'm going to weed spray out on the main road to make sure the hydrangea cuttings won't become smothered. This is pretty much the only place I spray in the garden as it is much safer with all the traffic whizzing by than weeding by hand.

For the second night in a row MrK has heard a ruru in the garden Heart How lucky are we! And our hop-along magpie with the injured leg seems to be coping well and keeping his balance better.

Time to get moving, the Furry One is demanding his morning sniff around the garden. It's a wee ritual we have each morning.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Tis beautiful out today.

Have fun up the line Mica.

I will always remember the first time I hear a Ruru. We were waiting at the Hospital for an early appointment. It was daylight. There is one around here too that I only hear if Im out early.

Yesterday I felt better than I have done in a long time. And it was good. Knee is niggly but cope-able.

I went through the box of books. A total mix. A western for my BIL. Several NZ based bios and historical style, some old English womans weekly's, some Royal Stuff . Ill take the ones I dont want to the recycle centre, too tatty for the oppies really.

Finally they sorted MrPs phone. We actually talked nearly an hour. And he is looking forward to me visiting on Monday, but I forgot they are in lockdown, so Ill have to find out if they are open to visitors tomorrow. Ill just go see the Gang if they are.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Pleased they sorted Mr P's phone Popeye.
Sunny but cold here today.

On one of our earlier, longer walks there's a dog called Hunter. He's well known for taking himself for walks a while ago & would sometimes call in to say hello to my previous dog if she happened to be outside.
Eventually his humans re built their fence so I thought we wouldn't see him taking himaelf for a walk now & then - but no, every so often he could be seen doing his rounds. And then that stopped. Next time I passed his house I saw some large tyres across the bottom of their driveway gate so it was clear how he'd been getting out.

We sometimes walk past Hunter's on our way & he routinely barks like mad as we pass so I thought we might go a bit earliier to avoid it in case his humans might be sleeping. And sure enough, no sign of Hunter so no barking. The other day we also set off early expecting him to be still tucked up, cuddling his little pink teddy bear & sleeping soundly.

As we pass the gate on his path you can see into his yard so I checked & sure enough, no Hunter so we carried on past the driveway which point he had a wonderful time barking loudly at us! The sneaky little sod had clearly hidden until we got past the pathway gate so he could bark at the unsuspecting fools going past!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith, smart dog! I did chuckle at the pink teddy bear. The Furry One had a pink teddy bear he loved but now has a pink unicorn Big Grin Big Grin They cost a bit more but there are no hard eyes and nose for him to swallow.

The hedge is cut. I had to get the electric cutter out as it has the bigger blade but I finished it off with the new trimmer. And I've had a lesson on how to put a chain back on the chainsaw. I used both the new chainsaw and trimmer but the hedge fought back. MrK was stressing about how low I was cutting it so it's not a low as I would like. Next cut it will be though. The prunings have now been mulched and are on the garden so a good mornings work.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
His phone is back to being annoying again.

I spoke to the head Nurse on today. They are in lockdown until everyone tests negative.. Which is great. And as I said to MrP at least the boys have company.

He was worried about the birds, cos I normally fill their containers so I suggested he asks Jo the Cleaner, if she would do it.

Its good for me cos I get to have some extra time off. So Im not ashamed to say I will enjoy it. Ill be dropping off the last of the baking for MrP tomorrow and then go an spend time with the girls. Yay.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another stunning day on it's way.

I wouldn't be ashamed of saying you need time off, popeye. You do lots of running round for MrP. Enjoy your time out Big Grin

MrK admitted I did 'a pretty good job, love' on the hedge Big Grin and is going to make me a gadget to keep the height even. And he agreed it does need trimming a tad lower so I can climb over it to get to the garden. Today I do the weeding behind the hedge. It shouldn't take too long now I can get to it.

The oven needs cleaning (blurk) so another job for today, or tomorrow, or the next day lol. These new ovens don't take much to clean so it won't take long. And there is a bit of garden waste to burn and when that has cooled down, the incinerator needs emptying into the compost. So a mixed bag of things to do today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Going to be another Beautiful day ahead.

Yeah Im not going to feel guilty about having the time out. I have been busy for a long time. So Today Ill drop off some bikkies and then go down and visit the gang. And who knows, I might go up on Wednesday too lol

Friday is the Christmas Day at the Chemist. I have been first in the door for many many years, I have only missed one. But a friend got me a free be bag with permission from the chemist. And Im going to do a stock up on essentials and one more item for a Christmas Present. Maybe a fancy soap, cos I know the person makes her own hand creams etc.

finished another stocking last night, 15 minutes before the end of World on Fire and promptly missed the last few minutes lol.. So Ill cast another one on later.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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