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You can never have enough...
What a gorgeous rose Heart I love its form and colour and would love to know its name as well.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(08-12-2023, 08:20 AM)zqwerty Wrote: Here is a picture of a Rose from a friends garden, it had not bloomed ever that they knew of but they were not pruning it so I did, a year later beautiful roses like this one appeared.

They have the appearance of an olde world type rose and the house is about 125 years old so maybe it's an older type rose and not well-known.

Anyone know what the name of it might be, it has a pastel delicate type colour, and gives the impression of fragility.  It is not small I would say about the same size as a woman's hand outstretched.

Is it scented? And a repeat bloomer?
Almost no scent, although I will check that next time it blooms, it will bloom over the summer 2 or 3 times more I think.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
That knocks out my best guess, lol...
Gorgeous rose, Zqwerty

Early start today to do a fasting blood test, so came back hungry & thirsty, then out to get (I hope) last few bits for Xmas gifts & get some fish for freezer. Came back & had a coffee, then decided to keep going while I still had the energy, did fish with egg, ginger, lemongrass & crumbed it & got it in freezer.
Madame Le Dog was not best pleased that the human had been out twice in one morning so took her for walk & her friend was outside on the way back & came running up to the fence to say hello to her, his human was outside & I think a bit surprsied to see them so friendly but pleased.

Had another bash at final painting & have put them all into a folder just waiting for final check, may need to print one on my useless printer (just to be sure of quality rather than colour) before I take them to printer.
Madame Le Cat has had another go at smacking Madame Le Dog - I don't much like her chances if she does that too often, she's sure to get a nip sooner or later.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile We have another fine day today Smile

Yesterday I gave the lavatera a good, hard, cut back... MrK's reaction was 'fu***** he**!' lol. The sun can get through to the back of the garden now and the lavatera will grow back. And to my surprise, MrK told me again I was right to prune the bux hedge back and yes, it does need to be a bit lower.

Today I need to finish the vacuming, I ran out of battery and had to recharge it yesterday. Usually a full charge will do the whole house so it couldn't have been fully charged.

There is a Christmas lily in the garden that is taller than me and has 17 flowers on it. It had to be tied back as when the top flowers open, they will make the plant top heavy.

Hopefully I can work on the thrush sometime today.

happy crafting
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Going to be a lovely day for sure. Cooler through the night tho which is odd.

I had planned on mowing the Neighbour's lawn today, but I am too sore to do anything. 3 days out in a row and just being too physically busy has put paid to that.

I have washing to hang, more drinks to get out of the car and Ill sit and knit. Even my fingers are aching today lol. Must water my lettuces too. Oddly when I planted them I thought if they all grow well Ill be giving most away, one pot must have a better dirt than the other cos theres a big difference in their sizes. Probably will have to give some away but not all at once.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcaxt and strong winds forecast. 

We had a lovely drive yesterday to collect rose and a delicious  lunch,  organised to get a painting DH has done framed and a bit of Xmas shopping. Didnt have time to get our boosters as DS want to come visit we haven't seen him or his family for a while as they have been on a covid roll .

No sign of my glass jars yet so no jam making  today. Will hem tshirt and might make   matching  shorts, going to play with top coverstich for hem.

DSIL has cricket this afternoon so we are expecting to see DD and DGD1 .

Chores next on my list vacuum, bathroom and wash the floors.

Enjoy  your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Floors vacumed and washed (bonus points for that lol) and I've picked the last of this flush of roses. The wild daisies I've planted along the fenceline (I hope they aren't noxious weeds) have also had a good picking as they last forever in a vase. They look pretty with the roses too.

The Furry One has something bailed up, another rabbit probably. He'll catch it eventually.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hopefully this will make you smile  Big Grin  The last of this flush of roses, Lemon & Lime and Gertrude Jeckyl with some of the daisies.

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Beautiful KM!
Pretty KM
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Delightful Kiwimade,, its a good spot there for flowers.

Ive hung the washing, cleaned the ensuite, brought the drinks in. Washed some dishes, cleaned out the fridge. Will wash it tomorrow.

Now Im going to sit and watch the cricket, and knit at some stage too.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yay, sick I know.

But I just paid the Car rego , my phone and internet are in credit for 6 and 12 months. Paid the Medic Alert. So I can end the year knowing everything is sorted.. Blardy good feeling.

And Im not likely to run out of Pepsi Max or Chocolate until near the end of January either lol

Heck and the Touch lamp just came on , on its own accord.. So Ive said hello to either my Father or Stepfather. Both their dates this week. Dad would be 90 tomorrow and Tuesday its 23 years since Jimmy died. Ill say its both of them telling me how well Im doing.

Time to go do some tatties to have with my schnitzel and salad for tea tonight
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's slightly overcast so MrK is out watering the vegie garden. It doesn't take much to dry out now.

Well done on paying those bills, popeye. It will ease your mind for a while Smile

I have to go into town this morning to buy light bulbs. Of all things lol. We've had three go on us and of course, the wrong ones are in the draw. Which is probably why they were stashed there in the first place lol. And of course, the table lamp MrK uses on his bedside cabinet has become a tad dodgy and will need replacing. In fairness, we have had it all our married life so 38 years. Another thing that needs replacing. What a year it has been this year replacing stuff.

The washing machine is finished so I'll go and join MrK outside.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Bright one side and grey out there other. That seems to happen a lot here lol

Always the way re the lightbulbs Kiwimade. They are mostly all screw in here which is annoying. There's 3 in the hall, which is excessive to me. So I only have bulbs in two. And there's 5 in the lounge and I only use 2. The Kitchen has about 6 ? led ones.. The sewing room has two but one has never worked lol.

Its feeling nice and tidy here again. and its nice to have a little bit od Christmas out.

Got quite a bit of knitting done last night. And saw my fave shows without nodding off lol.

MrP was a grumpy toad last night. But was looking forward to the Christmas Afternoon today. So thats my plan for the day.
Need to get a rubbish bag and paper towels.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast but warm.  

I'm the grumpy one this morning! Dog behind and along one had a barking session during the night (setting off 2 other small yappers) then again just before 6.30 am. Yesterday it was just after 5.30am. I've had a gutsful after putting up with it for many months and am going to ask Council Dog Control to do a welfare check. The dog often whines during the day and when it hears me at the clothes line  Sad Bloody owners are the problem.

Waiting for family to call in soon to say goodbye to niece then will potter ... might need a nana nap!

Those flowers are lovely KM ... the backdrop scene shows a beautiful garden. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Heavy rain and strong wind warning for today  light rain so far.

Finished t shirt  hem and made matching pair of shorts for DGD2 yesterday. 
DD came over to borrow our car and bought some swimwear fabric  she would like made up in rashie for DGD1 and some double muslin . I think the double muslin will make a pretty tiered  dress for DGD1.
I had hoped to get a cardi for me done the aqua/teal cotton spandex has been calling g and I would really like some colour  in my summer wardrobe. I want to have a bit of a purge of my clothes 

E joy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
zqwerty, I have been thinking about your rose and it reminds me of my Blueberry Hill. Does it have long, elegant buds?
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Great minds KM, my go to thought was also the blue form tea roses...

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