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You can never have enough...
kiwimade64, next time it buds I will pay special attention and let you know, thanks.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
morning ladies Smile Another lovely day on the cards.

We took our lunch to Mt Maunganui yesterday and two cruise ships were in town. So, my walk around the Mt was interesting lol with so many tourists stopping to take photos. The pohutukawas look lovely and I spotted a couple of baby seagulls with their mum (or dad) watching over them on the rocks. While we were sitting after finishing lunch, we chatted to some Aussies from one of the ships and they were having a ball here. The new boardwalk/pathway is being thrashed with people. So good to see.

This morning I need to pick my sister up from our panelbeater and take her back to Cambridge. And then we'll play the day by ear.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Sunny nippy start to the day

Early rise this morning with k9 alarm going off 5.30 he definitely  needs resetting

Made DGD1 dress yesterday using the double muslin  DD dropped off on Saturday

Off to gym soon, boosters this morning  k9 to vet this afternoon  somthing amiss with him nothing overt so will get some bloods done.

Hopefully my glass jars arrive soon  so I can get the brandied apricot jam made

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Sort of grey here. It will burn off Im sure.

Had a nice time at the afternoon tea yesterday, despite MrP being a right chit beforehand. He can be a right idiot at times and yesterday was the worst he has been in a while. but once we got to the lounge he changed. Real Jekyll and Hyde. Was nice to sing along with the group.

And the Neice of the old man MrP shared a room with was there along with her cinnamon oysters. Dohh I should have looked in the Edmonds cookbook. Its the recipe she uses. So I'm going to give them a try. They are sooo light.

Visiting today. Need to wrap Bobbies presents for her. Campbell is Finaly negative so it will be nice to be able to see him again. Ill not spend as long with MrP, Im over the moods.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
A date with my lovely surgeon later this morning, drop pants time, lol and show off my ten inch scar, all healed up nicely. I shall dress with that bit of exhibitionism in mind. Then pop in to Winz to update some details now all my daily meds have changed again, then home to recover from all that excitement...

Think I might treat myself to some more teeny fishes this week, seeing the tanks are doing so well.
Yay he was in a good mood again.

Bobbie was ok, still wearing what she changed into last Monday. Still on the same track with her talking. Its sad to see.

The woman that is in MrP's old room sharing the bathroom with Bobbie was where MrP was . Bad move if you ask me

Bobbie doesn't like her but I met her and she's nice. But I guess Bobbies paranoia would have something to do with that.

Maureen spent a night in hospital, came home yesterday. Shes very short of breath. They have decided to find a home for their Dog Jack. He was a rescue. And used to be in fine condition but has got very overweight now that Pat cant walk him.
I will ask the few people I know incase anyone would like him.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's good progress with the scar Hunni, hope it continues to heal well.

And good luck helping find as home for the dog Popeye.

Interesting times here last night, it was quite warm so Madame le Dog was sprawled out on the floor but I couldnt find Madame le Cat anywhere...until I did. She had installed herself in the dog's crate. And declined to come out.
I asked Madame Le Dog if she might like to go into her crate - she gave a me a sideways look from her eye, indicating that it would be a cold day in hell before she ventured in there with that creature. Bugger.

So take a wild guess who had to crawl into the wretched crate & drag the blasted cat out...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I got discharged, surgeon happy, says I can garden again. Carefully. So I did, and now I am so sleepy...
Good morning everyone

Grey and the wind is getting up out there.

Well done Hunni, pace yourself tho eh. I have the results of a Messed up (I'd rather use a norty word) scar. So I learnt from it for sure.

I have the toilets and floors to do and that's all I need to do for the inspection on Thursday. Ill make another pudding for my breakfast too.

MrP has put 12 kilos on , all fluid, in a month. He was upset a bit late yesterday about an eye appointment. He has always said he has cataracts but they checked his eyes and they were clear. But I reminded him last night that last time he went, he had to get in and out of the wheelchair into their seats etc, and that he couldn't do that now.

He's not happy. But honestly its a waste of the drs time and someone else who will live is a better plan.

He is getting even more selfish. Doesn't want to hear about any of my friends or family. just wants everything about himself. Which leads to 5 minutes of talk. Thank goodness I dont have to go up today. He doesn't even want to hear about Bobbie... So basically anything that is going on in my life. I wont miss that part for sure.

I didnt knit last night so will relax after my work and do a few more rows. Ive done the cast off for the sleeves.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  Gosh that south westerlie is cold!

Well done, OHH Big Grin Big Grin You'll be running marathons soon lol

Lilith, TBC has cattitude lol.  I doubt even our boy would have gone into the cage with her there Tongue

I'm sorry to hear about MrP, popeye.  I suppose in the rest home he has plenty of time to think. The pointy end of life is different for us all.

Today I'm taking our friend to Waikato Hospital for his regular eye appointment and he has another appointment at lunchtime.  I like how they try to put the appointments as close together as they can.

The Kaimai Range rd SH29 has been closed overnight and reopened at 5.00am so they can do major roadworks.  It meant there was loads of traffic in one big hit around 6.40am. I think the road will be closed for a few more nights yet.

Better get cranked up for the day, I'll help our friend with his shopping and LOTTO today as well.  It's easier for us both while out and about to get those things done then.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Sun with cloud and strong wind

Sorry about MrP Popeye 
Lilith laughed about the cat in the dog cage our current boy k9 was besties with one of the cats we had at the time . We were initially concerned because the cat had tried to kill the girl k9 when we introduced them I am talking cat jugular hold so we couldn't  believe it when she adopted him. They used to play chase around the house and snuggle up together on k9 dog bed at night.

Bought Xmas ham yesterday, k9 boy had his bloods taken so an ouch day for the bank account.
Attended quilt guild last night xmas theme lots of fun.

Had boosters yesterday  so got very sore arm and headach this morning so will be taking it easy making jam as the glass jars turned up last evening. 

Just cuffs, neckband  and leg hems to do and DGD1 rashie  will  be completed

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Our first cat as a couple had and lost a litter of kittens, and was depressed, so we bought her a young companion cat. They hated each other on sight and fought so badly despite our making huge fusses of them as individuals, we seriously contemplated returning the new boy. But just to be sure, at lunchtime on the Monday my darling sneaked home from work and crept up the outside stairs to peer in the window and lo and behold the two furbabies were curled up on the couch together like family.

When we got home though those two started up the squabbling again. Being all for show, like a toddlers tantrum we ignored the performances and they abandoned it.

Cats can be very naughty when they choose.
Excellent news Hunni - just don't go too wild & overdo things.

Hope Mr P gets into a better frame of mind, Popeye.

Cats are devious, fiendishly clever creatures - there was heavy rain with possible thunder storms predicted so I went early & managed to get dreaded groceries done & about ten seconds after I got back it started raining heavily.
However 2 seconds prior to that, TBC had rushed out despite the human telling her there would be rain & thunder. Thankfully she had the sense to rush back in very swiftly when the first peal of thunder was directly overhead, give the human a filthy look & proceed to curl up for a snooze. On the dog's chair. Obviously.

Definitelt cattitude, KM.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yes, well, all that walking and then the gardening, oh boy, I have thigh muscles lol.

Day off being an adult today, sad there is so little worth watching on tv and I have a terrible run of library books...

Ahhh, but then she had a brainwave, and opted for Question Time!
(12-12-2023, 01:02 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Yes, well, all that walking and then the gardening, oh boy, I have thigh muscles lol.

Day off being an adult today, sad there is so little worth watching on tv and I have a terrible run of library books...

Ahhh, but then she had a brainwave, and opted for Question Time!

QT was fascinating this afternoon.  Big repercussions are likely when Brownlie's reflections on the use of the reo are known.

Do you have Netflix?   The second season of Fisk has just arrived and is very funny in an Australian but wholesome "The Castle" way.
I gave up all the streamers when I swapped Spark and Trustpower for Electric Kiwi, but a week or so back picked up Prime thinking it would help while away the recovery hours. Caught up with the last series of Bosch, and then ran out of anything I wanted to watch.

Still, Bosch was worth the $8 sub, lol. Something about the way he plays that charachter really appeals to me. And of course there is that mid century house high above LA that I really want to live in...
Good morning everyone

Still windy out. The temp has been going up and down.

Off to see MrP this morning. Then home to do the toilets. The lifters while handy are a bit annoying to clean.

Why do I feel the National just doesn't give a dam. Changing so many good things. Simply cos they want to put their mark on things. The Smoke free thing, the Fair Pay thing.. they really dont care about the people who do the most of the menial work to keep us going. Its Nuts...

I said yesterday that I think it will hit a fan and the Coalition will end up having votes of no confidence and we will be voting again.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Cold here too, this morning.

I agree, popeye. The National led coalition are going like a bull at a gate and I wonder if they actually know what they are doing. And I also wonder if they are changing things only because Labour introduced them.

I loved Bosch as well, OHH. There is the legacy series I still need to watch though. And that canter levered house is gorgeous.

This morning the plan is to mow the lawn. And I've had a reminder text from my hairdresser a few minutes ago about my hair cut this afternoon. I'm determined not to leave it so long between cuts now.

MrK has heard about his carpel tunnel operation and he is Priority 1. Thank goodness for that. He's becoming very frustrated with what he can and can't do.

Coffee is finished, time to get moving. I'll find my woolly hat to wear while outside. Crazy, I should be wearing my sunhat lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

The sun is out but the wind is cold. Hopefully it will become pleasant enough to work outside later. 

Busy times here with family including one who has become feral, not cool at this time of year. 

Hope to get my fix up sewing done today and have a hair appointment later as well.  The k9 had hers done yesterday and just DH left to tidy up, lol!

Try not to think about Politics and the various sideshows, there are way worse things happening in the world. 

Cuppa finished ... enjoy the day all.
(13-12-2023, 07:07 AM)Roma Wrote: Good morning.

The sun is out but the wind is cold. Hopefully it will become pleasant enough to work outside later. 

Busy times here with family including one who has become feral, not cool at this time of year. 

Hope to get my fix up sewing done today and have a hair appointment later as well.  The k9 had hers done yesterday and just DH left to tidy up, lol!

Try not to think about Politics and the various sideshows, there are way worse things happening in the world. 

Cuppa finished ... enjoy the day all.

I on purposely mute the tv when Luxon is on. I haven't heard anything he has to say since the election. I dont think he has anything positive to say.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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