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You can never have enough...
Beautiful morning in the Bay but is going to get hellishingly hot - two cruise ships in today couldn’t be better for them
Popeye that’s good Mr P is getting rid of some of the fluid that no doubt makes him very uncomfortable - has a chuckle about your comment about not listening to Luxon - shock horror that was me with Jacinda !
Had a few words with my gardener lawnmower man yesterday - he designed and planted this place for the previous owners and looks after it wonderfully - BUT - he planted 8 olive trees in pots along the wall at my back door - they were looking fabulous but I think they need planting somewhere as they are starting to get straggly and they are just about as bad as privet for tickling my sinus problem - he went off muttering - we will see what he comes back with
My next door neighbours son has been very ill - caught a bug from compost - it didn’t respond to antibiotics and it was touch and go - he never wears gloves and gardens in his hot house in jandals so it’s been a real wake up call
Started watching Bosch Legacy - miss Jerry but he is in a couple of episodes - great series kept me up too late
I binged too! Enjoyed that series a lot.
That's really good news Popeye; the drain will help Mr P.

See Hunni - belly dancing, any minute! Smile

I was out early to get the paintings printed, but like the idiot I clearly am, had inadvertantly loaded the original version of one on the USB. I did not swear...well only inwardly. It means I'll have to go back probably next week to get the final one done - annoying but at least I can get on with framing the ones printed, they came out quite well.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ahhh, maybe not belly dancing, though unless restrained, it does have a habit of doing that on its own, lol...
(15-12-2023, 02:33 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Ahhh, maybe not belly dancing, though unless restrained, it does have a habit of doing that on its own, lol...

All good exercise...
Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(15-12-2023, 11:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I binged too! Enjoyed that series a lot.

They could not have chosen a better actor for the role - in fact all the acting is superb .Going to watch The Wire again don’t remember seeing the actor who played Gerry in it
Spoke to MrP it sounds like they have done something.

The Nurse said he could be home tomorrow.. But we will see how it goes.

Jan it will probably be legionnaire's disease. I dont know if any of you knew whiskey13 from trade Me . her mum was repotting some orchids just before Christmas, felt unwell on Christmas day and died on boxing day. It can happen that quick. Another friends hubby went the same way.

Good you are enjoying less pain Hunni and the weight loss .

I've been to see the girls. Bobbie hasn't been very good, arguing and generally being disruptive. We decided not to tell her about MrP. Oddly she didn't ask, until I was leaving and I just said he's the same.

RH David wants to try making pavlova so I told him Ill text him a really easy recipe. To go with bacon and egg pie and all the stuff Im taking lol. He challenged use to dress festive. So I went and got some red and gold Bows , big ones lol and a some hair clips to glue them onto. So we dont get headaches from head bands.

I have my counselling at on dealing with a hubby and wife who really are the same as we are lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another overcast start to the day again and no wind.

Gosh it was hot in Tauranga yesterday. Nothing that a hat and lots of sunblock couldn't deal with though. We had a lovely family bbq catching up with family. Two of MrK's nieces are studying law with one studying both law and microbiology. Future lawyers and scientists in the making.

Today the hose goes back on the garden while there is no wind and I might just pull a few weeds. The bird bath needs a good scrub and top up as it is being well used now. One of the Christmas lilies has 17 flowers on it. I've had to tie it to a fencepost for support. The roses are nearly ready for their second flush, hopefully just in time for Christmas.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny with a slight breeze. The sprinkler is going ... lucky to have bore water to use.  We are in for 25 degrees but some parts of the country expecting 29, summer has arrived! 

You've reminded me KM to fill the bird bath up ... they empty it quickly with their bathing antics, lol.

A bit more baking to do, the tree to put up and a house tidy. As is often the case, I have caught a cold off the  GC, so plenty of annoying coughing going on. 

Cuppa finished, will get onto the tree.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Its finally still here too. I will be watering later too.

Spoke to MrP he sounded ok.

I had a crap night, pain, couldn't sleep, even tried my bed. Thankfully unless I have to go see MrP it will be a quiet day getting ingredients out and measuring them. I will get the Christmas cake out too. The fruit mince pies can wait until tomorrow.
Ill also get my plates etc out. And a few extra containers. RH David is bringing some. So we can leave leftovers for them all to take to their rooms. I like using nice plates etc and I have 3 two tier stands.
Thinking about taking a table cloth. We sit at two longish tables but I dont think I have enough matching to reach the full length.. Will think about it for a while.

I realised while talking with the couple last night, its exactly the same as us, but she is the narcissist. Glad I can support the husband, and try and settle her down. She is very selfish.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Raining with heavy rain warning for later in the day.

Since its an indoor day I also am going to make xmas cake trying out a recipe published on Stuff a few weeks ago.

This afternoon  will finish rashie as my back is alof better.

Lazy start the boy k9 alarm  at 7.30am they must have had a hard day yesterday helping DH. The old girl was very reliable always 6.15 am the boys not reliable at all.

Time for a coffee then get moving

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I came across some pics of part of the garden from when we moved in until recently and thought I would share.  This was the worst corner and of course, I left it until last lol.  



Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lot of work KM!
That all seems to have the cat seal of approval, KM. Well done. its looking really good.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
WOW KM beautiful garden, labour of love Cool
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I like gardens but not the work lol.

Been to see MrP. He doesn't seem to know what they have done. Ill ring later and see what they say.

Town is crazy. Im staying away now lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Grrr Stuffed up my chocolate fudge..

Going to try again tonight
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have fog! Not surprising considering how hot the day was yesterday and how cold it was overnight.

Thank you for the kind comments about the garden, it has been work, but I've never thought of it that way.

Buggar about the fudge, popeye. Hopefully it's still edible!

Yesterday MrK emptied the first big garden pot of spuds and omgggg they were delicious with dinner. There is nothing like eating your own veg. Last night every vegie on our plate was from the garden.

Today I need to take the recycling into the transfer station. There is a new place to recycle batteries and we have a few to dispose of. It's great to be able to do that safely now. While out and about I need to buy some cornflour to bake shortbread and for the pavs.

We had a very close call on the Kaimais on Friday when travelling to our family bbq. There was a hidden queue due to the primary school at Tauriko having their end of year festivities. I was driving and following a Lexus with the proper driving distance (as proven by not rear ending him!) and the Lexus driver hit the brakes when we came into a dip in the road. There was a massive queue at a stand still which we couldn't see and we were travelling at the speed limit. OMG he hit the brakes and came to a stop just behind the car in front, I hit the brakes and stopped behind him but the van behind us was following closer. Luckily when I braked, I stayed in a straight line and didn't veer left as the van behind us veered to the left to avoid us and ended with the driver level with MrK's shoulder. I was physically shaking by now and the look of shock on the driver's face told the story. We were so lucky the road was wide enough for him to veer to the left and I stayed put. If he had hit us, we wouldn't be here today. Luckily it took a few minutes for the queue to move so it gave us time to gather our wits. I was still shaking though when we got to the bbq. MrK opened his window to ask the driver if he was ok and he gave a nod and we pretty much followed each other for a while with him keeping a healthy distance behind us.

Time to get moving, the Furry One wants his sniff around the garden and 'needs' me to be there with him. He loves routine.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all

Bummer about the fudge Popeye hope the next batch  is ok
Glad you are safe KM near misses are scary. 

New xmas cake recipe definitely a keeper yay Big Grin lovely and moist.

Having a lie in reading this morning  celebratory lunch with the friends  celebrating  their  golden  wedding  anniversary  

Not sure what else we will get up too

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A little grey here.. Gosh it got hot yesterday. 26 in the lounge.

Wow Kiwimade the Kaimai's are one of the scariest places to drive I think. I hit ice on a bridge once, but managed Not to hit the bridge. crawled over the rest of it.

No the fudge is in the bin. I made another lot. Cooked it less. It looks ok. I tried cutting it last night, it was still a little soft but it should break into squares.

Today is shortbread, coconut ice, ginger and Russian fudges. I got some plates out, we were talking about Nice glasses for our Bubbles. RH David said he has some. I said Im not a snob but I hate bubbles out of cheap normal glasses lol.

My sister friend had to have her month off 18 year old dog pts yesterday. He's been having massive seizures, leaving him paralysed for hours. So yesterday was a horrible time for them. I realised last night that the card that is in her Christmas present from me is to her and Mac, and I've no doubt its the same on mine which is on its way. Cant be changed, but it will upset us both for sure.

Just noticed its very still out which is good. Might manage to get some of the lawn done if I can still walk later. But I've earmarked Tuesday for that.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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