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You can never have enough...
(17-12-2023, 06:25 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We have fog!  Not surprising considering how hot the day was yesterday and how cold it was overnight.

Thank you for the kind comments about the garden, it has been work, but I've never thought of it that way.

We had a very close call on the Kaimais on Friday when travelling to our family bbq.  There was a hidden queue due to the primary school at Tauriko having their end of year festivities.  I was driving and following a Lexus with the proper driving distance (as proven by not rear ending him!) and the Lexus driver hit the brakes when we came into a dip in the road.  There was a massive queue at a stand still which we couldn't see and we were travelling at the speed limit.  OMG he hit the brakes and came to a stop just behind the car in front, I hit the brakes and stopped behind him but the van behind us was following closer.  Luckily when I braked, I stayed in a straight line and didn't veer left as the van behind us veered to the left to avoid us and ended with the driver level with MrK's shoulder.  I was physically shaking by now and the look of shock on the driver's face told the story.  We were so lucky the road was wide enough for him to veer to the left and I stayed put.  If he had hit us, we wouldn't be here today.  Luckily it took a few minutes for the queue to move so it gave us time to gather our wits.  I was still shaking though when we got to the bbq.  MrK opened his window to ask the driver if he was ok and he gave a nod and we pretty much followed each other for a while with him keeping a healthy distance behind us. 
Your garden does indeed look wonderful KM;  personal and welcoming.  

That drive over the Kaimai range gets more and more dangerous.  We have to travel it quite often to visit relatives (and to shop at Vetro as a reward) and I'm getting to the stage of being so anxious about it that I search for excuses to avoid the trip.  A while ago my husband counted 72 trucks heading in the opposite direction.  No wonder the road gets ruined so quickly.   And now the coalition government wants to lift speed limits.  Not that many observe them, but if the lid is lifted there will be even more accidents.
And those trucks mostly go right by our home, Olive. So many logging trucks too. We only drive over the Kaimais in the winter if we absolutely have to. I do the distance driving now which is pretty much the bulk of the driving. Over the years we have seen some really crazy stuff on the Kaimais. Heaven knows what goes on in the heads of some. There is no mercy on this road and buggar all room for error. We were just lucky there was a barrier beside the van so he didn't go over the edge and down a bank.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good luck with chocolate #2 Poipeye.

That sounds really scary KM, any slightly difficult road is made all the more difficult when used frequently by large trucks. And massive continous damage to the roads, too.

I discovered that the deadline for calendar ilustrations is January 20th so trying to hurry & get some ready to submit & fingers crossed they take at least one - its almost enough to get a set of books for the great grandkids, last time I got the Roald Dahl books & the year before that, the Harry Potter series.
Really need to get to the weeding too - but any excuse to put it off...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Nope Second batch didnt set properly.. Given up.. 4 cups of sugar down the drain lol.

On the other hand todays shortbread perfect.. the Ginger and russian fudges are fine as is the Coconut ice lol.

Been out and knocked another 15 minutes off the front lawn.. Yayay..

Have to cut the cake and then get everything ready to put in the car.

Tired but happy lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(17-12-2023, 04:34 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Nope Second batch didnt set properly.. Given up.. 4 cups of sugar down the drain lol.

On the other hand todays shortbread perfect.. the Ginger and russian fudges are fine as is the Coconut ice lol.

Been out and knocked another 15 minutes off the front lawn.. Yayay..

Have to cut the cake and then get everything ready to put in the car.

Tired but happy lol

 Hope it all goes well Popeye - I used to get that sometimes with fudge too but haven't made any for years. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Looks like its going to be a hot day.

And I sadly have news about my lettuces, they cooked in Saturdays heat. I dont think they can be saved.

Everything is cut and packed, but Not in the car. but thats ok Im up early thanks to Missy still being on Breakfast time lol.

Actually slept with the fan on last night Was cool this morning. But Losing weight has a good benefit. Normally id be hogging the fan 24/7 , on the highest speed. But Ive only had it on a few times until last night, on the lowest speed.

Im looking forward to having alot of fun today. Made my Bow hair clips.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's calm and overcast so far but we are expecting a hot day. MrK has been out and watered the vegies.

I'm going to trim the lawn edges with my fancy-nancy gadget so I'm good to go when I mow the lawn later this week. There's also a fuchsia that needs staking and couple of other small things to potter with. Some tree prunnings also need to be cut up with my little chainsaw Tongue

When the temps get too hot, I have a few things I can pre-prepare for Christmas Day. I found an Annabel Langbein recipe for samosas and they sound delicious. We have plenty of mint to add to yogurt for the dip. They can be made ahead and frozen until needed but I suspect they may become dinner and more will need to be made. I will have to practice how to do the triangular folding though lol. Might practice on a piece of paper before ruining the pastry. And if all else fails, they can become little spring rolls Tongue

Enjoy your day, popeye Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Overcast no more rain

Had an enjoyable day yesterday.

Been to gym and worked around my back issues.
Podiatrist  appointment this morning and I need to bet more ink for the printer.
Might get to finish the rashie today so many days absent from my sewing cave.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Had a ball.. Everyone enjoyed all the baking etc.

Poor Bobbie isnt eating cos of her Teeth. She said she didnt see the GP this morning. And they made an appointment for her teeth for January 30th.. shes not eating enough to keep a sparrow.

So I made an appointment for her and Guess what Im Not allowed to take her cos its a medical appointment. And cos they have lost the receipts for her shopping.

Im about to ring the next up Boss. Over this.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(18-12-2023, 01:52 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Had a ball.. Everyone enjoyed all the baking etc.

Poor Bobbie isnt eating cos of her Teeth. She said she didnt see the GP this morning. And they made an appointment for her teeth for January 30th.. shes not eating enough to keep a sparrow.

So I made an appointment for her and Guess what Im Not allowed to take her cos its a medical appointment. And cos they have lost the receipts for her shopping.

Im about to ring the next up Boss. Over this.

If she's unable to eat due to her teeth then that's obviously a health issue which in an older person could lead to serious consequences; they surely must be aware of that so why didn't they get an emergency appointment for her?
They don't seem too bothered, do they...

in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I just had a real thrill moment. I was checking the other tank, the one with a heater and a small group of tiny ember tetras, and I discovered babies in the floating plants at the surface.

In all my years of keeping tropical fish in big tanks, I have never bred fish so easily, and with so little effort. Just goes to show, Nature doesn't need our help, even in glass boxes full of water in our living rooms...
(18-12-2023, 02:11 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(18-12-2023, 01:52 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Had a ball.. Everyone enjoyed all the baking etc.

Poor Bobbie isnt eating cos of her Teeth. She said she didnt see the GP this morning. And they made an appointment for her teeth for January 30th.. shes not eating enough to keep a sparrow.

So I made an appointment for her and Guess what Im Not allowed to take her cos its a medical appointment. And cos they have lost the receipts for her shopping.

Im about to ring the next up Boss. Over this.

If she's unable to eat due to her teeth then that's obviously a health issue which in an older person could lead to serious consequences; they surely must be aware of that so why didn't they get an emergency appointment for her?
They don't seem too bothered, do they...


Now its appears I am not allowed to take her to an appointment I made for her This Thursday. So Ive talked to the big boss. 
I dont even know if Bobbie will let someone else take her to the appointment.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(18-12-2023, 04:40 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I just had a real thrill moment. I was checking the other tank, the one with a heater and a small group of tiny ember tetras, and I discovered babies in the floating plants at the surface.

In all my years of keeping tropical fish in big tanks, I have never bred fish so easily, and with so little effort. Just goes to show, Nature doesn't need our help, even in glass boxes full of water in our living rooms...

Loads of little fishes... Smile

(18-12-2023, 04:44 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(18-12-2023, 02:11 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: If she's unable to eat due to her teeth then that's obviously a health issue which in an older person could lead to serious consequences; they surely must be aware of that so why didn't they get an emergency appointment for her?
They don't seem too bothered, do they...


Now its appears I am not allowed to take her to an appointment I made for her This Thursday. So Ive talked to the big boss. 
I dont even know if Bobbie will let someone else take her to the appointment.

Well, good luck with it, hope the boss is able to fix the situation. It can't be much fun for her.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start to the day.

How cool is that OHH! You're right, let nature do her thing and amazing things happen.

That's rough for Bobbie, popeye. Hopefully it can be sorted out.

Today I need to go to the supermarket and am planning to go shortly. Mainly to beat the heat but also the people. I hate being jammed in with so many people and trolleys (not the most patient person in that respect). I'm also going to wear a mask as I don't want to take any risks with covid.

Better get cracking if I'm to go now(ish) Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Mild day no wind expecting a sunny day
OHH great more babies your tanks must be a good environment.
Quiet day yesterday remembered to get ink for printer I have have had low warning for a while so it will refuse to print soon. Also went to local playground with DGS & DGD2 it was hot.
Cousin phoned me last night to let me know my aunty will probably not last the night. Very sad as I she was a great person my kids loved her too. So a bit sad today. No funeral.
Need to get dog food this morning after I vacuum never ending this house stuff.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Going to be Bloody hot today for sure.

OHH soo cool re the fish babies.. I wonder what they are called, need to Aunty Google lol.

I spoke to Bobbie last night they had given her better pain meds and she was comfortable. The Dentist contacted me, they have an appointment this morning, so I know it wont be Driving miss daisy who takes her. But I dont care who takes her so long as she gets the help. She will be in a spin cos she likes routine and not keen on being rushed.

I cant believe that all it took was One phone call. It is also a handy thing to have over them. Puts the ball in My court so to speak. Will have to start my book of words again.

We had a good day. One man reckoned I should open a shop, Dianne and I looked at each other and both said, We would have the kitchen here if we could lol.. I asked her and her Mum if I could adopt them and call Irene Mum. They both said yes straight away. Mum already calls me dear, her birthday is 3 days out from mine and we are alike which is cool.

One of the old dears was put at our table, they feed her sloppy food. But the little Minx loved the shortbread. To the point she managed to reach the extras that we had wrapped up for Mum and ate every one of them. Glad I was able to give Mum more lol..

So It looks like Ill be there 3 days this week again.. My Day of rest today, some dishes to do. It was nice to be using my pretty cake stands again, and Ill pop over to Pat and Maureen to take them some cake and shortbread.

I saw where they "popped" MrP its simply a hole in his tummy. It was still running. But the fluid is clear now so the infection has gone. To be Honest, and you can tell I spent some time on a farm, When they showed me I said to them Oh its just like how they poke a hole in a cow when it has bloat lol... Silly buggers were shocked.. city Slickers lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It must've been well done by the doc popeye, if Mr P isn't being worried by it. Kudos to that team...
Absolutely, OHH Smile Give that team a chocolate fish!

Back from the supermarket and was leaving just as it started to become busy. What is it with people who feel they have to comment on what's in my trolley lol. I was unloading the trolley into the car boot and a lady commented on how much was in the trolley. I felt it was none of her business. Might just be feeling a tad tetchy today lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hot and muggy today again.

I got to the supermarket early as well, everyone starting to pile in as I left. Lol KM, my trolley was probably fuller than usual .... means I will only need perishables for a wee while! Anyone commenting would have got the 'look'!

How cute finding those wee fish babies OHH, shows they are in a happy environment.

Glad Mr P comfortable again Popeye, Bobbie is lucky to have you looking out for her.

Some presie wrapping to do later and will make some truffles to freeze. Too hot to be outside this afternoon.

Enjoy the day all.
That sounds better for Mr P Popeye & hopefully things will improve for Bobbie too.
I've decide that one of the wee paintings for the great grandkids wasn't quite as good as I could make it so took a break from the calendar possibles today & worked on it a bit, managed to fix what I didn't like & will now need to take it back & get that printed, probably tomorrow.

I'm trying to get everything done so I can have at least two afternoons to do the xmas cream puffs; probably Saturday & Sunday with luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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