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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile It's pretty humid here, I wish it would either rain or have sunshine. This 'in between' is a PITA.

We had a lovely day yesterday, I think I'm a fan of the pre-Christmas family get togethers. If I do say so myself, the pav I made was pretty darn good lol. Chelsea Winter has the best pav recipe with direct, clear instructions to give a no fail pav.

I make my custard from scratch and it's lovely and silky with a small knob of butter at the end. MrK loves it Heart

Today the hose is going back onto the garden when MrK has finished watering the vegies. There is no wind so the water will go where directed.

We're all organised for tomorrow with our to-do lists. There's not a lot to do, just fiddly bits. Most of the food we are taking can be prepared today and packed into containers for the chilly bin tomorrow. We had better not forget the latest Jack Reacher book we borrowed from my sister-in-law, might as return that as we have both finished it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet and warm here. I have the fan on which is a little cool, but I wont be able to open the ranch slider as the rain is coming in that side.

Ive never heard of putting butter in Custard Kiwimade.. Does it alter the taste at all?

Had an SOS from Maureen last night. her daughter had been there most of the day. But she got a can of a rather rich looking soup for tea, it had a pull top lid and she couldnt open it. So I went over, then I couldnt get the elements on the hob to work. Its the same as mine. So I used the microwave., Made her a cup of tea, fed the Dod then we talked.

Turns out they are both 91... Patch, not Pat is in hospital again.. But they were kids during the ware. And Maureen was evacuated to Wales. To a minister. They taught her how to clean her teeth. She still has her own. But they loved her so much they wanted to adopt her. But that didnt happen. They stayed in touch. but when they came here, and the Vocar moved they lost touch.

Oddly a friend of a friend here knew them. So they got back in touch which I thought was wonderful. Shes is a lovely lady with lots of stories to tell. I told her to ring if she needed anything today. Patch should be home today tho.

Trifle making today. I managed to sort the fridge out. And Im going to smash the turkey wings apart. I hope they dont disappoint me. I havent had turkey in years.

Another quiet day for me and I enjoyed yesterday.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
the butter gives the custard that nice rich silky feel on your tongue and doesn't change the taste. Well, I don't notice the difference.

MrK has often asked 'how do little old ladies manage these dam rings on tins' and it's not just the tins. I tried to open a bottle of canola oil and the ring broke. I was about to attack it with a knife when MrK took it from me and did the deed.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Over zst with rain very muggy

Argh the dreaded ring can openings I usually need to resort to using a teaspoon  handle.

Gott he ham out of the fridge it is warming up for an hour  then I will start the glaze process maple syrup and orange.

Cat wants to play more da bird since the k9s are off with DH walking the terriers like to kill it too with great leaps in the air  they seem to know if I sneak  it out to play with cat when they are out doors then there is a great pounding on the door. Yes they knock to be let back  indoors.

Finished quilting yesterday today will find and stitch on the binding so I will have a nice piece of hand stitching tonight.
Already plotting and scheming my next quilt hope to have at least 3 to take in when the nest warehouse is back in action.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Cool KM Might add some to the custard later.

if I get stuck with a ring on a can, I lift it up lay a knife or even fork handle and then use a teaspoon so there is extra leverage.
I admit to struggling with a bottle of oil yesterday but I keep a pair of plyers in the kitchen draw for oil bottles.

I used to struggle getting the lids off vegemite when new, then I realised if I use a b & B knife to cut the ring bits off its easy.. I always said when I started to have trouble Id ask the check out person to open it. so now I dont have to lol

Right I better look like Ive been doing something lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Last night at 20 past 10, as I watched tv, my front door was open for the breeze and the screen door locked for security, I heard footsteps outside and a plasticky thud. So I went out to investigate. No one to be seen, but a set of car lights at the top of the drive as it backed out and drove away. I looked around thinking maybe someone had been looking to nick something, but in the dodgy outdoor security light I couldn't identify anything missing, so I went back in and locked everything up tight, feeling vaguely discombobulated by the weirdness.

This morning when I opened my tablet there was an email from a Trademe seller, timed at 10.24pm last night to say a package had been left on my doorstep and when I checked, sure enough, there it was in a dull grey shipping wrapper, something I had bought earlier in the week.

I don't quite know whether to be impressed by their diligence or annoyed that they thought late night deliveries were okay. But then it occurred to me, if it's okay for Santa...
At least it arrived, OHH Smile

We're having a cuppa while MrK cuts up the newly dug spuds to prepare for the potato salad. At least if they are cooked, it's just a matter of throwing in the other vegies and the dressing. Quinoa is cooked, pav cooling in the oven. Dips made and in the fridge in little jars. Everything has to be packed up and in chilly bins tomorrow to take to one of my sisters-in-law's home. I reckon it would have been easier to host lol. Still, a bit of effort today and it makes for a cruisey day tomorrow.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Overcast and muggy again. Hopefully we are far enough away to not have any effects from the forest fire on Matakana Island.

Nothing like outside 'noises' when it's dark to have you on full alert! A bit off for sure, getting a delivery that late OHH. We have recently installed a security camera directed at our front yard ... fairly cheap these days and uses WIFI. Useful for courier deliveries as well as capturing anything else that moves! The footage of a neighbouring cat eyeballing it as he moved across the concrete, taking off quickly up our side was hilarious ... the camera must make a slight sound as it swivels. Of course, the GC's have been having fun talking to, dancing and making it move  Big Grin

Mostly caught up and not much left to do ... daughter will put a pav in the oven later. DH was given a Xmas hamper from work, so there are plenty of sweet treats for a good, long while!

Enjoy the day all.
If I can't get those tin rings to work, I just use a tin opener on them. Really annoying when it happens though.

We arrived back from our walk this morning to find eldest granddaughter waiting; she needed some mint, parsley & rosemary for the lamb for tomorrow & was then off to pick up their eldest from a sleepover at a friend's house - FOUR boys!!! That poor Mum.

Told her I still had to make more cream puffs whereupon she opened the fridge,took one look & told me that was enough already. Not going to argue as I've still got to ice & cream them later today. Since she's the one who claims that 'it isn't Xmas unless gran makes cream puffs' so I'm going to take her word for it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Ham glaze looks and smells good. Lets hope it tastes good too.

Hope e eryone has a fun day to morrow  Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Loads of grandkids & partners plus the newest great grandson arrived so won't get cream puffs done today - never mind, I can do them tomorrow & it was good to see them.
Merry Xmas for tomorrow to all. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Lol, here's hoping the power on here tomorrow for ham glazing ... the main meat!

Have a great day and Merry Christmas to all for tomorrow, remembering those no longer with us.
Merry Christmas for tomorrow Everyone.

Travel safely if you have to go on the roads.

Ive been invited next door tomorrow. Patch Not Pat is coming home tonight so Maureen is Happy.

Trifles made and enough custard to have one a couple of fruit mince pies.. My Turkey Wings were lovely..!!!
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone. Merry Christmas

Its wet here, I hope people have places where they can be inside for the day.

Off to see MrP in an hour or so, Then home for my Taranaki Sister Friend to ring, she's home alone today, which is odd. Their family Christmas is tomorrow. Then Ive been invited over to Patch and Maureens later.

I see Call the Midwife is on too so it will be a juggle lol.

Have a wonderful Day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Miserable weather...

Still, the prospect of roast lamb is appealing!
Merry Christmas everyone! We have had torrential rain, fabulous for the garden but not so good for driving.

Have an awesome day Smile Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Merry Xmas everyone

Been raing but should be sunny this afternoon 

Nearly ready to head off up the line to join DS family at his in laws expecting a funnday  Cool Big Grin

Safe travels everyone
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

Have family and friends here to have lunch today  so got to get sorted soon and prep the salads 

Had a pleasant day yesterday quite relaxing.

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have had torrential rain again this morning and the humidity is back. I'm happy we've had so much rain as it saves me watering the garden. The rain does a much better job than me!

We also had a lovely day yesterday (we won't mention the one family member refusing to contribute) and are expecting our daughter and family later today.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

Another hot and humid day ... it has been drizzling ... need a decent downpour though!

Enjoyable day yesterday with just one family here ... the main event on Thursday. We didn't need much for dinner last night!

Lol KM, there's always one  Big Grin

I have 1 lot of GC here while mum and dad out ... they have found the box of Little Shop groceries and having fun. The rest of the day I shall prepare for when son DIL and 1 yo GD are here for the week including having a re-organisation of bedrooms. We need to child-proof a few areas as well, now she is walking.

Enjoy the day all.

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