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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone

The sun is out but its quite wet out there.

Which is good the cracks are massive out there.

There's a hug Manuka tree 2 houses away and its a mass of flowers. And with the rain keeping the pollen down Ive got a huge headache. Worst I've had for ages.

Bet they ate plenty too Kiwimade. Hate people like that. Ive known a few in my time.

Have a fab time everyone.. Glad I dont have to go out today.

Absolutely LOVED my trifle last night. Last years was odd, looking forward to tonights. then its over with for another year lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I have cold roast lamb in abundance. Going to slice and dice for the freezer today and enjoy a glorious salad tonight. Loving this rain too, it has made my seed grown rose form impatiens open their flowers. What a treat they are, I shall get more of those pretty things.
This year we went to a local domain for Xmas; we did it a few years ago & it worked well so deciced to do that again - organised by the two granddaughters who are brilliant at organising. Everyone brought food, someone brought tables & a sun umbrella for shade if needed, chairs & of course, presents.

It went really well, the youngest granddaughter & her Mum who live in Nelson even managed to come down this year which was lovely as I haven't seen them for a year or two.

I ate far too much & as I sat there looking around at everyone (including one or two people who have no family locally ) & it struck me that, while I might not have much in the way of wordly wealth, I'm far wealthier than all of those multi millionaires. Because I have family who, although slightly unconventional are not only much loved by me, I also LIKE them, which is not always the case for everyone so I'm really fortunate. I'm sure I must have doine something extremely good in a previous life, to deserve that lot. Smile It might be helpful,if I could remember what it was...

And the youngest member of the family - 4 months - behaved beautifully & was very gracious to his adoring subjects!

I keep telling that lot that he's a genius...they think I'm kidding.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Mine was lovely too. Messaged conversation with The Kid, excellent food, a quiet village, and no stress whatsoever.

I like my Christmases better like that.
Seasons greetings to you all - our Xmas get together took a unexpected turn - I heard on the grapevine some of the nieces and nephews who are front line health workers were thinking of not coming because there are three oldies like me who are very vulnerable to Covid - my lungs are stuffed and allergic to the vaccine and so their concerns are understandable as there is a lot of Covid in the hospital - I wasn’t concerned as I thought we would be outside at Robie’s but 30 deg and thunderstorms precluded that -OK for the young ones as they are in and out of the pool - so we decided to have our geriatric celebration at my house - my neighbours were home alone so they joined us - the family delivered the food - it wasn’t ideal but if any of them had given me the dreaded virus it would have been awful for them .Really wanted to be there as it was my 11 year old adopted grandsons first Xmas - next year .They have headed off to Stewart Island he is going to enjoy that
It has been so damn hot - last night it was still 27deg at midnight - left the AC on shouldn’t make too much difference to the power bill
Mum used to make the most delicious rissoles out of cold lamb - with her home made peach relish and mashed potatoes - yum
Good Morning everyone

Still wet and warm out there. The lawn is loving it for sure.

Sorry to hear covid ruined the plans Jan. I know another family whose plans went out the window. 3 out of 5 had it in one house.

I woke with the worst headache Ive had in years yesterday. Pretty much sat all day with my eyes closed, or sleeping. I did wonder at one stage if it was a migraine as I felt sick too. But about 9pm it cleared off enough to watch Downton.

Ill pop up and see MrP to feed his birds and replenish his baking. I will go see the girls, but not for hours .

But First I have to sew the side seams on the Dress Bobbie gave me. I discovered it had missed the fabric on one side. So Ill run down both to be safe. Its pretty and nice to wear. Even tho its long lol.

I suspect the supermarket will be busy since it was shut for 48 hours..!!!! still people who moaned. I mean how hard would it have been to buy an extra bottle of milk, or keep a longlife on the shelf. Im glad they did it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We had that mincer thing that screwed down onto the bench and yes, the cold roast meats made superb rissoles. I lightly dry fried the left over veg and added lamb pieces at the last minute and it was very good. Salads start again tonight.

The awful orthopedic chair and raised loo seat went back this morning, must say getting used to the normal seat height is a bit of a challenge, but better for the leg muscles, and more space in my tiny flat without that giant chair. Every day I get closer to fitness which is a huge pleasure after so long without. I have to temper such thoughts with the reality that 70 odd is not 35...

Life is good but!
My Sister used to make fritters out of left over roast meat etc too. Just enough batter to hold it together.

I dont have any left overs. Well other than some chocolate expensive looking rocky road I was given yesterday. Its full of glace cherries. I havent tried it yet. Cos I seem to be going off chocolate..

Which is something I never thought would happen. Cos chips have already gone lol... There will be companies going broke. But there is also a huge stash of chocolate in the fruit drawer of the fridge lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
sunny say  

my nana and Mum had one of those mincers my nana made lovely cold meat rissoles too.
I just love the  mincer attachment that we have for our Kenwood mincer  the original mixer lasted 32 years so we bought an identical model from TradeMe and it is still going strong 17 years on.

we had a lovely day yesterday at home hosted DD family and some friends who were solo over xmas - of course I've eaten way too much but it was yummy.

Been to gym, vacuumed and washed the floors before I had my shower not sure what I will get up too today possibly a new summer top for me.
Nearly finished the blanket I am crocheting I am [still pleased with the crotchet ring and the pressure glove seems to help my thumb too. I have been good though timing myself and taking breaks not my usual keep going  for as long as we are parked in front of the tele.

lots of salads for the next few days to use up the cold meats we have. We divided the ham in thirds so small amount left for us. The flavor is great. I am thinking of making a family favorites recipe book for  next xmas.
DD wrote a lovely book for us call Nana, Grandad and Me featuring us and DGD1  she is good with words illustrated with photos - my eyes leaked abit while I was reading it is a treasure for sure Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning ladies Smile Phew, it is hot out there!

We still have one of those mincers, OHH, although we use the food processor now.

Sorry to hear about your Christmas day, Jan, but better safe than sorry. It shows how much they care about you to do that.

I also think we are very lucky with our family. We like most of them and those we don't, we don't have to socialise with.

MrK is out planting some cabbage seedlings I bought yesterday, and our daughter's partner has pruned the grape vine for us. Might as well put his height to good use Tongue

MrK has his melanoma appointment with the doctor today so it will interesting to see where we go from here.

I have been asked to sew a Christmas table runner for my sister-in-law and once the thrush is finished, I will start planning it. I'm thinking of pohutukawa and tui embroidered on it. It will be nice to stitch something a little different.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thank goodness it’s a bit cooler here today - might get a shower or two might not

It was an easy decision to make at Xmas - the kids have a ball up there in and out of the pool and several of the next generation are now old enough to make their mark on the annual Xmas cricket match - not going to pretend I was sad not being there but those relations of mine working in the ICU certainly deserved a lovely day with their kids who have also had a tough year - when Mum and Dad are at the hospital sometimes for 24 hours the kids have had to learn to be so adaptive as have the parents

I wonder if those rissoles were as flavoursome as I remember or I just loved food .Can remember getting into serious trouble when it was my turn to go and collect the bucket of milk from the nearby farmer - on the way home I used to lift the lid and dip my finger in the thick cream and lie that I hadn’t ! Then there was the bread when it was my turn to wander up to the village store - can still remember the taste of that soft pillowy bread when you pulled the loaf apart - I was given the carrots to peel and the onions to chop - no wonder I have always had a weight problem

My son and his family have arrived on Stewart Island - what a beautiful place it is - the kids are very excited they are all going on a tramp tonight in the bush hoping to see kiwi -
I've still got my Mum's mincer, although I managed to somehow destroy the wooden handle while drying it in the oven. But its still usable if needed.

Jan, that made me remember - we lived in the country when I was a kid & it was my job to collect a billy of milk from the local farm. It was a bit of a walk across a couple of paddocks & over or under one or two fences. And as I walked, I used to swing the billy, just a bit to start with but eventually one day, I overdid it & started swinging it around at arms length.

Inevitably, the lid came off & milk went everywhere - I was not the favourite child & was sent straight back to the farm to get more milk. The farmer did manage not to actually laugh, but there was one hell of a twinkle in his eye.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Mum had both, the old screw to the table mincer and one for the Kenwood. I wish we weren't living in the bus when she decided to sell her Kenwood after I said it added too much weight to the bus.

I always hated milk from the cowshed. Fatty and creamy lol... Much prefer mine watered down now lol.

MrP was grumpy. Bobbie was off the planet. I was warned that she has been nasty to people etc but she was even short with me and left. Shes refusing to eat cos she has had diarrhea for the last couple of days. I told her she would die if she didn't eat. I dont think she will be there much longer. They dont like aggressive people. I warned her, if they send her away she wont see me. But even that didn't help.

Stopped at New World and got some ham and a nice vienna loaf with sesame seeds, which will be my tea.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Me'n her are having lamb. Mine comes with salad, lol.

I might have a wine first though. It being wine o'clock.
We're having ham and salad with refried new potatoes for dinner. An easy peasy meal, perfect for a hot day.

MrK is priority one for his melanoma and it will be removed at Waikato within a few weeks. Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Excellent KM. The system is under such pressure, being a One is a great help. And Summer is great for healing, much better than Winter..
(27-12-2023, 03:30 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Excellent KM. The system is under such pressure, being a One is a great help. And Summer is great for healing, much better than Winter..

Agree with you. Except I was Priority one for my knee 9 months ago.  

But Hopefully they will whip that sucker off , get it all and a quick mend.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Looks like rain again today, I'll mow the lawn shortly and hopefully it.

Yes, we are very happy about how quickly MrK is expected to have the melanoma removed. Our doctor said if we haven't heard in a couple of weeks to let her know and she would chase it up.

Our friends return from their holiday tomorrow so today is the last day mrK is feeding their dogs, watering the garden etc. It has taken a big chunk out of our days, that's for sure.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

A bit grey here, but it hasn't rained overnight.

I got the front lawn done last night. Quiet thick in patches and a lot of paspalum (sp) stalks. And it only took 45 minutes woohoo.

Came in to see NZ at 20 for 4 in the cricket. Shocker.. I was tired later so didn't see the end. Will look it up tho.

Groceries today but other than cat food I really dont need anything else. So Ill buy extra to get my stash up again, for when the knee is done.

Need to contact the Tv Guide YET again.. Im just glad I didn't pay for the subscription. Had to buy one last week and there's only one mail day for the rest of our week.

If it stays fine I might pop over and do the Neighbours front lawn. Seems Rowan doesn't care enough to do the back. Its knee high, which is too long for my mower. And it will be covered in doggy deposits, so Im not doing it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Sunny day

Hope MrK gets seen soon.
Pleasant day yesterday a bit of a blob out really. Went to Spotlight needed thread and thought I would get pattern for dolls clothes. No match thread for my turquoise  fabric and pattern out of stock.  Did get some plainish quilt fabric which will be useful to use for backgrounds 40% off was good deal.

Couldn't find my pattern draft for tshirt I wanted to make out of said fabric so spent the afternoon redrafting another pattern whats the bet the original  will turn  up.

DGS birthday today not sure if a gathering is planned his parents not best forward planning or if they do forget to tell the rest of us what they are planning.

Enjoy yours day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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