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You can never have enough...
(29-12-2023, 11:29 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I will say it again - slow releasle Tramadol is different. This cheap drunk had NO unpleasant side effects from it, which surprised the hell out of me.

One of the things about being aged is pain can cause changes to blood pressure that contribute to things like falls, so it is important to respond to pain in sensible ways. And putting up with it is not necessarily a good thing. Talk to your doctors and take their advice. We  heal faster if we can sleep better, and be more comfortable.

Lecture over.

Yep I was told off by my cardiologist. He told me the drugs are there for a reason so use them.

I will ask about the better tramadol. Although the Oxy-contin and Oxy-codone do work. But you couldn't get the latter, hence the oral morphine. 

I take sleeping tablets, basically so they knock me out from the pain. They have their uses lol. 

Saw the grumbly one. Wasn't grumpy as such but didn't like that the nurses were happy for me. Typical Narcissist. Its gotta be all about him lol

Got two bags of tastie fruit mix for $5 a kilo bag. Best buy of the day. Thats a months steamed pudding
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Food hunt done or should I say foraging as it was slim pickings in the fresh fruit and vege aisle, xmas tree put away for another year,
 My sewing buddy neighbour  popped over so had cuppa and exercised our jaws catching up

On drug pain relief fentenyl post op pretty good too.

Off to sewing cave once the k9s get their pigs ear that they are hovering for.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The only painkiller which seems to work for me is Nurofen; the others either have no effect (Panadol) or make me feel sick (Panadeine) so I sledom use anything unless in bad pain.
Did a bit in the garden earlier not much, but then I did a bit of dreaded weeding yesterday.

Back to working on/finishing paintings for calendar due next month, the checking of each one is slow, painstaking work & some have quite a lot of layers which makes it harder. The one I'm currently checking has 90+ layers so time consuming & hard on the eyes if I keep at it too long but it has to be done.
No doubt they won't want the ones I've slaved over for weeks or the ones I like best - bet they choose one I'm not that keen on! Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sadly I cant have anything in the Nurofen or Ibrufen range, cos of the warfarin.

Thank goodness there are sooo many to have.

I take all my pain meds with paracetamol. On the drs and surgeons advice. It helps start the process faster apparently. or something like that lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yup, and add a strong coffee and you raise the effect even more lol.

Btw, I looked up Tramal SR. It only became available this past year. That's why we never heard of it before...
Hunni - My kids laugh at my reluctance to take pills because they interact with my BP pills but I eat junk food and like a gin and tonic or two which is sugar laden - have been known to eat an entire block of ginger chocolate which my BP tablets would not have liked - I blame my mother we had to be damn nea4 dead before we were given a disprin - more likely to get a cup of spinach soup - but she did change a bit after I got polio - she thought I was malingering - which we all often did - she didn’t call the doctor until the second day -
I tend to a similar attitude Jan, but this stuff was a revelation. Especially after a single oxycontin pill a few months back made me very very ill, going into the hip surgery was a bit scary. Unnecessarily so, thanks to an excellent anaesthetic team!

I still wouldn't trust a white coat as far as I could throw it...
morning ladies Smile Boy we had some rain last night! Back to the weeding this morning for me, might as well make the most of the wet soil. Yesterday I picked one stem of Munstead Wood and there were 30, yes 30! buds on it. The stem had gone nuts but the wind had knocked it over. It needed to be picked to protect the plant and also to save the roses from balling in the wet. Once the buds open, I'll take a pic. Can't wait to smell them all.

Yesterday MrK harvested our garlic... omgg there is nothing like fresh garlic. So much better than the dried out bought stuff from China. We plant it on our son's birthday and harvest on our daughter's birthday Heart

I rarely take medication as well. MrK knows all is not well if I take a panadol lol.

It's back to working on my thrush later today, it is almost finished, just the branch and it's legs to do.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Wet wet wet lol.. Temp not too bad as yet.

Apart from having my tonsils out at 12-13, I was never sick. Had one migraine before 13. I blame MrP. Everything started happening after I met him lol.

My twin brother is the hypochondriac in our family. And has been addicted to many legal and illegal drugs. I always warn my drs what my twin is like so we work closely together.

One pill I think should be eliminated is Gabapentin. I know 3 people who have used it. MrP and my older brother, both turned into the most nastiest men I have ever known. And a friend who had suicidal thoughts, bad ones while on it. Its on my file to Never give it to me.

My twin and the Aussie friend are both similar, Im sure they read the possible side effects so they know what they can tell people they have. To the point that yesterday my twin asked who had the bad knees in the family, obviously thinking he will get them cos of the family history. They would be a good couple actually. You can see the competition to who has the worst symptoms lol.

Need to make a steamed pudding today. I was lucky to get 2 x 1 kilo bags of Tasti Mixed fruit for $5-64 each yesterday so that's a months breakfasts done cheaply.

Going to organise some more listings today. Time to get rid of more stuff.

A bit of a nosey at house rentals in Taranaki yesterday lead to finding out that Finally a friends ex husband has been done for Sexual offending.. We have all known what he is like, so it was Lovely to see it actually in print. And I know 3 of us think we would love to meet the woman who took him to court, give her a hug and thank her. He's always been a creep, but finally they had enough evidence to get him .

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Another wet windy day.

Good when the bad ones finally get justice Popeye.

Got top finished pleased with it especially the colour lovely turquoise. 

No sure what to do today start another baby quilt or make a dolls dress to match DGD1 dress I made last month.
Frozen by indecision  Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wet day today to see the year out.

That's good news about your friend's ex, popeye. It only takes one to speak up!

The plan this morning is to keep weeding and dig out some of the iris' which have become a tad bossy until the rain kicks in. Then I'll work a bit more on the thrush. Yesterday I worked on the branch, today I need to blend more colours into it.

I'm not sure what MrK's plans are but it will no doubt involve the vegie garden in some way.

Happy New Year!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Strong winds and more rain expected so indoor day.

Started new baby quilt using it to try new quilt pattern definitely  need to keep my wits about be though using  random fabric so it will be a surprise  to see how it looks when the components come together - will continue stitching that today

Made big pot chicken and corn soup from left over chicken yesterday we both enjoyed  that  for tea last night, strawberries and ice-cream for dessert. 

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Very grey here, no wind tho,

Yep I'm glad the toe-rag has been done for it. We as a group, confronted him years ago and warned that we would if he didn't behave. Then we all moved, so it didn't happen. We are all so pleased someone was stronger than us and did it.

I got some more Tupperware listed yesterday then bit the bullet and listed the coffee table. Much as I love it, its soo big and heavy, lovely wood, but not practical for me for the future. Its was here cos it helps cut the room up a bit. Ill keep the big mat that is under it, for now. but even that can go eventually.

Listed my small collection of Fanni Flagg Books. She wrote, Fried Green Tomatoes at Whistle Stop Cafe. I love her style of writing and they make me giggle. But I have never re-read a book so they might as well go to someone else to enjoy.

Probably list some more stuff now. I told my other sister friend that I was going back to Taranaki, She was wrapped. Her Son is like My son, Love that boy. He boarded with us for a while. She too has lost 50 kilos so its going to be soo cool to see her.

I suppose I better ring MrP today. See if he has calmed down.

Bobbie ate some carrots and peas, and some pudding yesterday. So its a start. she tried Yoghurt but said it was too sour. So I might get her some chocolate or banana ones.

Happy new Year everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
This morning a couple of local kids found an emperor gum moth caterpillar on their drive and needed a gum tree to relocate it to - so guess who got that blessing? What a glorious creature that is, now I just need it to survive, pupate, and come back to infest the tree, lol. Finally! A use for the blasted leaf and bark dropping thing that I sweep up after every few weeks!

Fingers crossed!
(31-12-2023, 12:31 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: This morning a couple of local kids found an emperor gum moth caterpillar on their drive and needed a gum tree to relocate it to - so guess who got that blessing? What a glorious creature that is, now I just need it to survive, pupate, and come back to infest the tree, lol. Finally! A use for the blasted leaf and bark dropping thing that I sweep up after every few weeks!

Fingers crossed!
As kids we brought a gum emperor cocoon in which hatched without us seeing it do so. It then buzzed Dad in the hallway one night. Gave him a hell of a fright which us kids thought was hilarious at the time but I'm guessing now that Dad thought he was under attack by a bat!
I've read some of Fanny Flagg's books too Popeye & enjoyed them. I do re read books & recently re read Travels with Charley, John Steinbeck, who did a trip with his dog Charley across the US in 1961 so it was quite interesting to read it now.

That's a piece of luck, Hunni, hope it likes the new home.

Hot & windy here with rain expected later so grabbed the chance & washed sheets & duvet cover, then did a bit more work on calendar paintings - feeling ever so virtuous now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
We had an Emperor Moth Cocoon when younger too, I hated the dam thing lol Im really not into bugs, insects etc lol.

Stick Insects and Weta's are up there with hating bees , wasps and hornets too.

Just had a pick up from FB so I will spend it on chocolate and banana Dairy food for Bobbie on my way up tomorrow. Well I dont actually know how much its costs. But I know she loves chocolate. And so do I, if she doesn't want it. I will also ask if she would like me to take her in the odd meal. On the proviso that she actually eats it cos I cannot stand wasted food.

Its feeling very liberating clearing out cupboards again
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good Morning everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR..!!!!

Damp out but not raining at present, and cooler.

Just found I've had two sales for the start of the year. Hopefully it carries on.. I've decided that half of any sales will be saved for the future move etc. There's always hidden expenses like needing towel rails, hooks, curtains and sink plugs and lightbulbs. Both of the latter we had to buy the first day we moved here.. Why do people take lightbulbs and kitchen sink plugs.. If you have the expensive ones, at least leave some cheapies , especially light bulbs.

Out visiting today. Im going to go and buy Bobbie some of those Jelly cups. Never even looked at them before. Im hoping they are already set and dont need refrigeration. Then she can keep them in her room. Something soft and sweet to keep her going. I checked the price and against the cost of a jelly and can of fruit theyre only fractionally dearer. Ill ask her to keep the containers tho. They will be good for the future.

Watched the Variety show last night. It was ok in places lol... But I was enjoying the George Michael shows but it got too late. Then woke up at 12-13, and ended up taking a pill near 1am to get back to sleep.. then Madam is back to 6 am starts lol.. At least I can have a long breakfast lol.

Have a fab day everyone... if travelling , please stay safe.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 
Fine day

Happy New Year 

We had to deal with fireworks last night thank goodnessxI got more of anti anxiety  meds which seem to be helping the anxious  one and over time seem to be desensitising  him.

Finished piecing the baby quilt top quite pleased  withe the pattern hope to get it sandwiched  today then decide  how I will  quilt  it.

Bit of tidy up to do  this morning.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Happy New Year all.  

Sunny out there with a pleasant temperature after torrential rain (that washed out the cricket)!

Have had plenty to keep us occupied the last few days culminating in a vomiting bug for Miss 1 yesterday ... not a fun time! She's bright and breezy and fingers crossed the rest of us have survived the same misery.

The midnight fireworks were enough to wake the dead ... such huge booms ... obviously a display very close by. The rain  stopped soon enough to carry on with those. 

Slow day here today, enjoy it everyone.

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