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You can never have enough...
Mowed lawn early while its still cool-ish & then went hunting. The local supermarket had some of those very large soft toys - mostly dogs & bears - before xmas but they were a bit too pricey when I'd need five of them for the littlest ones so didn't weaken at the time.
However... they've now come down in price considerably & having consulted eldest granddaughter who told me that her eldest will be at 7, a bit too old/grownup for one which means only 4 needed. So off I went,armed with large plastic bags & lots of hope that I could manage the damn things on the bike, & luckily they turned out to be very squishy meaning I could stuff one each into a pannier bag, one on the back & one in the basket! Did it!

So that's four gifts for next xmas, extremely pleased about that so took Madame Le Dog for an early walk once I got back - really glad to have got so much done so early as its going to get to 27 today they say.

When Madame Le Cat arrived, she came with her very own crate & bed. Which she ignored from the moment she commandeered my bed, so I eventually donated them to a cat charity protection place since she didn't appear to want them.
She's grabbed Madame Le Dog's crate once or twice & Madame Le Dog has made it clear that she will NOT be venturing into her crate when that creature is in residence. I've pulled the little sod out once or twice but then decided to leave them to sort it out themselves.

Last night while walking past my room, I caught sight of something dark on the bed from the corner of my eye, but thought I'd imagined it until I came back down again. And the 'dark patch' was revealed as none other than Madame Le Dog! Who knows very well she isn't allowd on the bed, but of course that bloody cat was in her crate...

Fairly sure her expression said 'Up to you,human' as I got her off the bed...bloody dog!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Hunni - a photo for you from my recent trip to Boat Harbour - she isn’t naked and she doesn’t have a deformed leg!
Hot here today and getting warmer - another cruise ship in - the local bus companies will be loving it they are usually sitting idle through the school holidays - the vintage car club bring tourists down our street as well to have a look at the art deco houses - the council were very forward thinking a couple of decades ago putting protection around the front facades of the houses - you can do what you like at the back
Had a laugh Lilith about the dog and the cat - my granddaughter bought a lovely Frenchie home last year and her parents stipulated every definitely it would not be sleeping on their bed beside their little old poodle - my DIL sent a photo through of my son snoring his head off with the two dogs occupying her side of the bed
Made my plum sauce kiwimade - only had red onions which hasn’t detracted from the flavour - it is delicious- a poached free range egg on Vogels with plum sauce - perfection
Unfortunately Hunni abuse goes with the territory for our politicians male and female - remember when Tom Scott said he was going to shoot John Key and rape his daughter - when questioned by RNZ about that being appropriate he replied maybe he should have said he would rape the son .Unfortunately if you are caught on somebody’s security camera shop lifting it gets shared with all the other retailers- whoever released the video might never be identified which is sickening as she is obviously very unwell - same as Muller when he suffered a break down because he was a politician he became media fodder
Some poetic justice from our courts today - a young boy who had won a sports scholarship to the USA went to work at one of the local meat works for 6 weeks before he left for the states - a malfunction of a machine took the end of his finger off which meant his scholarship was cancelled - the meat company was fined 250k - they appealed and the second judge increased the compensation by another 40k
I love it when justice works!

I encountered more kindness today. Being rich again I took a bag of our local bakery offerings down to the mechanic who sorted my blown out tyre last week, and was refused when I offered to pay for his time and expertise. Lunch though was very well received! The shops were full of cruise ship tourists, looking but not buying a lot, they are a pain on the footpaths though. A friend keeps offering to Boudicca my wheels with scything blades, lol, bet that'd get them out of my way!

A small brown lizard just ran over my foot, it has come inside to escape the heat on the deck I think. It better scarper before herself in the fur coat hears the patter of teeny feet in the night. She does love a good 2am scurry...

I am tempted to scoot down to the beach for a paddle, but since the rain we still have warning signs out. Hasn't stopped the early morning net fishers though, we even made the news...
Morning all
Overcast and warm

First day back volunteer today
Need to run a few errands and more quilting the never ending ^quick^ project Smile

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  It's hot and humid here already.  I had to scoot over to Cambridge this morning to help my sister, they are certainly going great guns on the new roundabout.

Kiri Allen was another who suffered mental distress as a politician.  I really felt for her as I had her pegged as a PM one day.  I loved her forthright manner and the way she got stuck in.  What gives people the right to abuse others so badly our politicians end up with mental health problems.  Gutless wonders, the lot of them.

I'm glad you liked the plum sauce recipe, Jan.  It's a family favourite here.

lol Lilith, you have been warned by the dog! Great shopping too Smile

How lovely, OHH Smile  There are still good people in the world.

Yesterday we toddled off to the beach with our picnic lunch.  It was raining on the Kaimais and we thought we might end up heading home.  But nope, the weather cleared enough for a paddle and lunch.  No swimming as there were some huge rips. I counted four massive rips where we were then shortly another rip appeared.  I bet the lifeguards are being kept busy.  There was a no swimming sign, dangerous rips but it was on the beach.  They need them at the street accesses too.

MrK received his eye appointment to see the specialist about the muscles around his eye.  So things are moving quickly there.

Time to put the kettle on,  all this hustle and bustle this morning and my sister didn't even offer me a cuppa!  Should have just put the kettle on Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning hot and humid here this morning - showers forecast this afternoon but won’t hold my breath .Lawn is drying out very quickly
While I was in the preserving mood I decided to make a few jars of jam - had been given some apricots ,peaches and nectarines both on the sour side not pleasant to eat - so made them all into fruit salad jam - it is really nice - left it quite chunky and the tart chunks suit my weird palette- had some on hot cross buns
My son worked closely with Kiri in the forestry industry with the slash problem - he doesn’t cause the slash problem he utilises the timber - chips it up and sends it off overseas - but he like you Kiwimade thought she was brilliant - no nonsense - promised something and did it - she obviously had problems with staff and should have received help instead of getting ground down until she fell apart .Both these two women no matter if I agree with their political beliefs or not gave it their all and we need more MPs like them - rant over - I know this isn’t the place for politics but something needs to change -
If there are consequences to their bad behaviour, then surely there should be consequences to the bad behaviour of those who assaulted them with constant abuse.

And what do you bet it is the same few doing all the abusing?
Unfortunately Hunni there seems to be less and less consequences for any transgression - 8 months ago a repeat shoplifter of full trolleys of food sliced a young checkout operators jacket - lucky she had just come out of the cool room and had a jacket on otherwise it would have been her body - she wasn’t even aware there was a robbery going on - the woman sliced her with the knife as she ran past - security held the thief and called the police - the woman kept telling them they were wasting their time as the police never came to her - after 1.5 hours they had to let her go - she tucked her knife back in her sock and left laughing - despite the police having all the security footage showing how random the knife attack was the victim has not ever been interviewed by the police - absolutely no consequences
I bet it is OHH. Too gutless to say it to someone's face but happy enough to be a 'keyboard warrior'. I think if you won't say it to someone's face, don't type it.

The Furry One is very happy plopped in the front doorway Heart The breeze is just wonderful. I've trimmed all the edges ready to mow the lawn tomorrow and washing is drying. While at Mt Maunganui yesterday we bought some lovely nectarines from a roadside stall. Might mix some with our plums and make jam. Or a crumble. Or even both lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(18-01-2024, 09:39 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: If there are consequences to their bad behaviour, then surely there should be consequences to the bad behaviour of those who assaulted them with constant abuse.

And what do you bet it is the same few doing all the abusing?

Interesting you say that - I was thinking about it yesterday & the horrible thought crossed my mind that given the extent of it, (especially abuse towards prominent women) that there's at least a possibility that it may be organised in some way & if that was found to be so,then surely those responsible should be held to account.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
You would think providers of social media and the police and security people would have ways of tracking and identifying this shit and dealing to whoever was responsible.

After all, there are laws against it.
This is one I received from somebody who didn’t agree my politics
It got worse !
The ones I get are usually misspelt, lol. I let them die from starvation, unless I am feeling really antsy.
(18-01-2024, 05:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The ones I get are usually misspelt, lol. I let them die from starvation, unless I am feeling really antsy.
Was interesting Hunni none of the males in the group received any crap
No, I find that as well. Poor babies obviously feel threatened by strong wimmin!
(18-01-2024, 04:24 PM)JanW Wrote: This is one I received from somebody who didn’t agree my politics
It got worse !

Well..isn't he just lovely. Dodgy

It seems that those who are inclined to say stuff like this are invariably dire at spelling, which doesn't really help any credibility they might have... Rolleyes
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(18-01-2024, 06:07 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(18-01-2024, 04:24 PM)JanW Wrote: This is one I received from somebody who didn’t agree my politics
It got worse !

Well..isn't he just lovely. Dodgy

It seems that those who are inclined to say stuff like this are invariably dire at spelling, which doesn't really help any credibility they might have... Rolleyes
if that’s the sort of thing I received imagine what the female politicians get .Somebody went to the trouble of opening multiple facebooks accounts in my husbands name using his nickname changing the spelling for each one and opened Facebook account in both my Mum and Dads  names who are both dead and then set up a group chat thing in messenger and sent me regular posts from the group - how sick is that -
(18-01-2024, 06:22 PM)JanW Wrote:
(18-01-2024, 06:07 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Well..isn't he just lovely. Dodgy

It seems that those who are inclined to say stuff like this are invariably dire at spelling, which doesn't really help any credibility they might have... Rolleyes
if that’s the sort of thing I received imagine what the female politicians get .Somebody went to the trouble of opening multiple facebooks accounts in my husbands name using his nickname changing the spelling for each one and opened Facebook account in both my Mum and Dads  names who are both dead and then set up a group chat thing in messenger and sent me regular posts from the group - how sick is that -

Bloody hell! That's obsessive & surely bordering on mentally ill.  Confused Dodgy
Things like that really should be somehow able to be stopped, & the person charged with whatever's appropriate.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Hi everyone.

MrP passed away at 4-30 am this morning. very peacefully. But with his mouth in his cheeky smile and one eye slightly open. So it looked like he was keeping an eye on me.

His last words were yesterday and I quote "whats up my a*se" I said to the nurses he better say something different but that was it.

So the back of the car is full, it can wait for the weekend. I went and told Bobbie who took it better than I thought she would. RH David came with me for the pick up of HIs Body and Im glad he was with me.

Im totally at peace. He's not struggling anymore.

I certainly would never want to be a politician, cos even if they are perfectly normal someone will dig through and find their weakness.

They always say if You want to know your Family history become a Politician and someone will soon tell you.

Rowan has fixed the lawnmower for me, so if its fine Ill tackle my hay lol.. Its long out the back, and not soo bad in the front.

The Homes cat was asleep on the end of one of the ladies bed this morning. He must know the Manager is on holiday cos she isn't keen on that lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Cyber hugs Popeye sending caring thoughts your way
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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