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The Appalling Trump - again.
(27-01-2024, 10:20 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: No doubt its another conspiracy against his innocence...

So far, according to him its a 'political weapon' (& to be fair, there's probably some truth in that) & c;ai,s that its no longer America' - the man's an idiot boy.

The court says he must pay $83 million to Jean Carroll - $7.3 compensatory damages outside of the reputation repair profgramme,$11 million in compensatory reputation repair only, & $65 million in punitive damages.

I think she'll be extremely lucky to ever see anything like that sum.
And she'll now have a big target on her back for any Trump nutter to harm her.
(27-01-2024, 09:50 AM)harm_less Wrote: Yet another nail in Trump's coffin, or will his devotees ignore this ruling as victimising their hero?

Unfortunately as this is only a civil matter so doesn't impact him running for president.  

Brace yourselves for a Biden/Trump rematch and regardless of outcome Americans get the President they deserve.
(27-01-2024, 12:04 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote:
(27-01-2024, 09:50 AM)harm_less Wrote: Yet another nail in Trump's coffin, or will his devotees ignore this ruling as victimising their hero?

Unfortunately as this is only a civil matter so doesn't impact him running for president.  

Brace yourselves for a Biden/Trump rematch and regardless of outcome Americans get the President they deserve.
Yep. Very much a case of Tweedle dee or Tweedle dumber.

A friend who lived in California for around 25 years reckons the US are only one party away from being a dictatorship, and with the economic hurdle involved in running against the 2 existing parties that ain't going to change any time soon. Ideocracy in real life it would seem.
(27-01-2024, 02:13 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(27-01-2024, 12:04 PM)Wainuiguy Wrote: Unfortunately as this is only a civil matter so doesn't impact him running for president.  

Brace yourselves for a Biden/Trump rematch and regardless of outcome Americans get the President they deserve.
Yep. Very much a case of Tweedle dee or Tweedle dumber.

A friend who lived in California for around 25 years reckons the US are only one party away from being a dictatorship, and with the economic hurdle involved in running against the 2 existing parties that ain't going to change any time soon. Ideocracy in real life it would seem.

Yep, you have to feel really sorry for ordinary Americans in this situation Last time Trump ran for President, lots of people said that if he won, they'd leave & some of them actually did when he became President; I wonder if the same thing will happen if he's definitely going to run.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(27-01-2024, 02:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(27-01-2024, 02:13 PM)harm_less Wrote: Yep. Very much a case of Tweedle dee or Tweedle dumber.

A friend who lived in California for around 25 years reckons the US are only one party away from being a dictatorship, and with the economic hurdle involved in running against the 2 existing parties that ain't going to change any time soon. Ideocracy in real life it would seem.

Yep, you have to feel really sorry for ordinary Americans in this situation Last time Trump ran for President, lots of people said that if he won, they'd leave & some of them actually did when he became President; I wonder if the same thing will happen if he's definitely going to run.
This from a Twitter post summed things up well:

"Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice. 

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term. 

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election. He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover. He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

 He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York. All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind. 

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing. He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it. And by it, I mean him. We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. 

Many people say so. The best people. Believe me."
(28-01-2024, 12:36 PM)harm_less Wrote:
(27-01-2024, 02:24 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Yep, you have to feel really sorry for ordinary Americans in this situation Last time Trump ran for President, lots of people said that if he won, they'd leave & some of them actually did when he became President; I wonder if the same thing will happen if he's definitely going to run.
This from a Twitter post summed things up well:

"Donald Trump was the first president in 129 years to lose the popular vote twice. 

He was the first president in 89 years to lose the presidency, the House and the Senate in a single term. 

He was the first president in 28 years to lose re-election. He lost the most jobs of any president since Herbert Hoover. He lost the Trump University case, the fake charity case, the NY business fraud case, the E. Jean Carroll sexual assault and defamation case, he lost a lawsuit against The NY Times, lost countless appeals, lost 61 lawsuits related to the 2020 election, lost the state of Georgia three times, lost Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas & Wisconsin twice, and he even managed to lose 8 times at the friggin Emmy Awards.

 He’s under 4 indictments, facing 91 felony charges and to date, he’s been ordered to pay more than a hundred million dollars in penalties with a potential $370 million more in the week ahead where he may also lose his right to engage in the state's real estate industry for life and be barred entirely from doing business in New York. All of this, while he’s been saying that windmills kill whales, that magnets stop working when wet, that he ran against Obama, that E. Jean Carroll is a political rival and that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6th, for which one could ostensibly make the case that in addition to everything else he’s been losing — he is also losing his damn mind. 

He once said there would be so much winning people would get sick of it. When in reality, when it comes to Donald Trump in the last several years, there’s been nothing but losing. He was right about one thing however — we are sick of it. And by it, I mean him. We like former presidents who aren’t losers and at the end of the day, Donald Trump is a loser, maybe the biggest loser in history. 

Many people say so. The best people. Believe me."

He seems to believe that constant lies will be believed if he repeats them often enough & weirdly, that does seem to be happening.

 The standards of education there now musr be dire - although there also seems no limit to the total bollocks we humans can get ourselves to believe, possibly to our peril if this idiot gets back into power again.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Trump will be the next president, Mark my words.
I have friends in the US and they have all had a gutsfull of biden.
The left have been running a massive smear campaign against trump with all these fabricated allegations made against him.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(02-02-2024, 09:48 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Trump will be the next president, Mark my words.
I have friends in the US and they have all had a gutsfull of biden.
The left have been running a massive smear campaign against trump with all these fabricated allegations made against him.
Your opinion is typical of the blinkered view of current events that today's 'media bubble' society fosters. Because social media algorithms are so effective at turning discussions inwards on themselves those following them get the impression that what they're seeing is typical and widespread. The same goes for the 'opposing camp' and so polarisation of society is the end result.

The real fear is that the same situation is being fostered here in NZ by a coalition comprising a novice PM, and libertarian wealth lead and CT cooker 2ICs. Then we head down the road of personal attacks on opposition MPs with a heavy dose of racism and misogyny. Trumpian politics is a very unhealthy direction to head in and is scarily close to the dystopian world portrayed in the movie Idiocracy.
(03-02-2024, 09:05 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(02-02-2024, 09:48 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: Trump will be the next president, Mark my words.
I have friends in the US and they have all had a gutsfull of biden.
The left have been running a massive smear campaign against trump with all these fabricated allegations made against him.
Your opinion is typical of the blinkered view of current events that today's 'media bubble' society fosters. Because social media algorithms are so effective at turning discussions inwards on themselves those following them get the impression that what they're seeing is typical and widespread. The same goes for the 'opposing camp' and so polarisation of society is the end result.

The real fear is that the same situation is being fostered here in NZ by a coalition comprising a novice PM, and libertarian wealth lead and CT cooker 2ICs. Then we head down the road of personal attacks on opposition MPs with a heavy dose of racism and misogyny. Trumpian politics is a very unhealthy direction to head in and is scarily close to the dystopian world portrayed in the movie Idiocracy.
More dystopian than a far left communist movement?
I highly doubt it?
George Orwell warned us, Elon Musk is warning us.
It's time to wake up guys.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(04-02-2024, 08:17 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(03-02-2024, 09:05 AM)harm_less Wrote: Your opinion is typical of the blinkered view of current events that today's 'media bubble' society fosters. Because social media algorithms are so effective at turning discussions inwards on themselves those following them get the impression that what they're seeing is typical and widespread. The same goes for the 'opposing camp' and so polarisation of society is the end result.

The real fear is that the same situation is being fostered here in NZ by a coalition comprising a novice PM, and libertarian wealth lead and CT cooker 2ICs. Then we head down the road of personal attacks on opposition MPs with a heavy dose of racism and misogyny. Trumpian politics is a very unhealthy direction to head in and is scarily close to the dystopian world portrayed in the movie Idiocracy.
More dystopian than a far left communist movement?
I highly doubt it?
George Orwell warned us, Elon Musk is warning us.
It's time to wake up guys.
Your perspective is a little dated. History repeats ?
(04-02-2024, 08:28 AM)harm_less Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 08:17 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: More dystopian than a far left communist movement?
I highly doubt it?
George Orwell warned us, Elon Musk is warning us.
It's time to wake up guys.
Your perspective is a little dated. History repeats ?

I was about to share that very clip!
Muldoon got it right almost 50 years ago.
Labour and the greens were going in that direction very very fast.

As for trump, many don't like him, but will still be voting for him, because they don't want to see another term with that clown biden running the show.

And don't get me started on hunter bidens laptop.
That story is an eye opener, the media conveniently ignore it.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
I thought the media blew Hunter's laptop out of all take eyes off other matters.
In and out of jobs, running free
Waging war with society
(04-02-2024, 09:01 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 08:28 AM)harm_less Wrote: Your perspective is a little dated. History repeats ?

I was about to share that very clip!
Muldoon got it right almost 50 years ago.
Labour and the greens were going in that direction very very fast.

As for trump, many don't like him, but will still be voting for him, because they don't want to see another term with that clown biden running the show.

And don't get me started on hunter bidens laptop.
That story is an eye opener, the media conveniently ignore it.

With all due respect, that's total bollocks. But very typical of the sort of nonsense trotted out by the extreme right whenever it looks even slightly as though working people & those on low incomes might just possibly have their struggle made a tiny bit easier.

Thanks to the greed based Neo Liberalism  (which this country copped a rather extreme version of,sadly for most of us) we now have a situation where those who are well off desperately want to hold on to all they have, those not so badly off desperately want to to become well off & those who are struggling desperately want to keep a roof over their heads & feed their kids.

If we continue down this same road then we'll see a rise in crime & possibly the first deaths from starvation as has happened in the UK, & ultimately, revolution.

There is no good reason why every country, including ours can't manage to as far as possible, increase taxes to cover health, education, welfare.

I cannot see any good reason as to why a wealthy person is more deserving of life saving health treatment than a poor person & that is because there IS no good reason for it. 
All govts in every country around the world should have as its first duty, the well being & welfare of all its citizens
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(04-02-2024, 10:48 AM)Lilith7 Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 09:01 AM)C_T_Russell Wrote: I was about to share that very clip!
Muldoon got it right almost 50 years ago.
Labour and the greens were going in that direction very very fast.

As for trump, many don't like him, but will still be voting for him, because they don't want to see another term with that clown biden running the show.

And don't get me started on hunter bidens laptop.
That story is an eye opener, the media conveniently ignore it.

With all due respect, that's total bollocks. But very typical of the sort of nonsense trotted out by the extreme right whenever it looks even slightly as though working people & those on low incomes might just possibly have their struggle made a tiny bit easier.

Thanks to the greed based Neo Liberalism  (which this country copped a rather extreme version of,sadly for most of us) we now have a situation where those who are well off desperately want to hold on to all they have, those not so badly off desperately want to to become well off & those who are struggling desperately want to keep a roof over their heads & feed their kids.

If we continue down this same road then we'll see a rise in crime & possibly the first deaths from starvation as has happened in the UK, & ultimately, revolution.

There is no good reason why every country, including ours can't manage to as far as possible, increase taxes to cover health, education, welfare.

I cannot see any good reason as to why a wealthy person is more deserving of life saving health treatment than a poor person & that is because there IS no good reason for it. 
All govts in every country around the world should have as its first duty, the well being & welfare of all its citizens

And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.
(06-02-2024, 10:30 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 10:48 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: With all due respect, that's total bollocks. But very typical of the sort of nonsense trotted out by the extreme right whenever it looks even slightly as though working people & those on low incomes might just possibly have their struggle made a tiny bit easier.

Thanks to the greed based Neo Liberalism  (which this country copped a rather extreme version of,sadly for most of us) we now have a situation where those who are well off desperately want to hold on to all they have, those not so badly off desperately want to to become well off & those who are struggling desperately want to keep a roof over their heads & feed their kids.

If we continue down this same road then we'll see a rise in crime & possibly the first deaths from starvation as has happened in the UK, & ultimately, revolution.

There is no good reason why every country, including ours can't manage to as far as possible, increase taxes to cover health, education, welfare.

I cannot see any good reason as to why a wealthy person is more deserving of life saving health treatment than a poor person & that is because there IS no good reason for it. 
All govts in every country around the world should have as its first duty, the well being & welfare of all its citizens

And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.

Successive governments have run down the health system, Labour unfortunately had to deal with a global pandemic that stressed the entire world's health systems.  Any other government would have had to deal with the same issues and costs...
This world would be a perfect place if it wasn't for the people.

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(06-02-2024, 10:30 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 10:48 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: With all due respect, that's total bollocks. But very typical of the sort of nonsense trotted out by the extreme right whenever it looks even slightly as though working people & those on low incomes might just possibly have their struggle made a tiny bit easier.

Thanks to the greed based Neo Liberalism  (which this country copped a rather extreme version of,sadly for most of us) we now have a situation where those who are well off desperately want to hold on to all they have, those not so badly off desperately want to to become well off & those who are struggling desperately want to keep a roof over their heads & feed their kids.

If we continue down this same road then we'll see a rise in crime & possibly the first deaths from starvation as has happened in the UK, & ultimately, revolution.

There is no good reason why every country, including ours can't manage to as far as possible, increase taxes to cover health, education, welfare.

I cannot see any good reason as to why a wealthy person is more deserving of life saving health treatment than a poor person & that is because there IS no good reason for it. 
All govts in every country around the world should have as its first duty, the well being & welfare of all its citizens

And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.

What tosh. Under Labour our health system stood up to an assault by a massive international pandemic, a pandemic that shook every health system in place around the world. Frankly ours stood up to it better than most, and right now it is still frantically trying to catch up with all the procedures, treatments, and programmes forced to be suspended or limited by that pandemic. Everyone within our health system deserves a medal, I know, I and many others have been up close and personal with it very recently.

Left to run down? Wake up CT, you should be congratulating Labour for doing as well as they did under those circumstances... I doubt this lot would manage half as well under similar circumstances.
(07-02-2024, 07:47 AM)king1 Wrote:
(06-02-2024, 10:30 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.

Successive governments have run down the health system, Labour unfortunately had to deal with a global pandemic that stressed the entire world's health systems.  Any other government would have had to deal with the same issues and costs...
National governments have had a track record of increasing state coffers at the expense of spending on public infrastructure.

The hospitals were run down by National and Labour then did there best to address that shortfall but were hit by the effects of the pandemic.

Roading funding was deficient and with the increase of maximum HT weights to 50T+ and disincentivisation of rail transport the condition of our national roading network has become a standing joke.

Education spending was restricted by National which reflected back into poor student achievement levels which again was exacerbated by COVID restrictions. National are now claiming that falling education standards are Labour's fault with all manner of criticisms of curriculum, cellphone use and attendance all of which are aggravating factors rather than the root cause.

Water supply and wastewater infrastructure is in a dire condition up and down the country and local bodies don't have the financial means to upgrade systems that in most cases are well over 50 years old, and the councils don't have the political spine to raise property taxes ('rates') sufficiently to do the required works. The past Labour government's strategy of transferring that responsibility and funding over to central government was a step in the right direct but National have now thrown out the baby with the bathwater by ditching the '3 waters' strategy.

All in all National's policies are focussed toward private ownership to cure many of these issues but based on privatisation strategies such as KiwiRail and water supply in the likes of the UK that is likely to generate a whole new raft of problems.
(06-02-2024, 10:30 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote:
(04-02-2024, 10:48 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: With all due respect, that's total bollocks. But very typical of the sort of nonsense trotted out by the extreme right whenever it looks even slightly as though working people & those on low incomes might just possibly have their struggle made a tiny bit easier.

Thanks to the greed based Neo Liberalism  (which this country copped a rather extreme version of,sadly for most of us) we now have a situation where those who are well off desperately want to hold on to all they have, those not so badly off desperately want to to become well off & those who are struggling desperately want to keep a roof over their heads & feed their kids.

If we continue down this same road then we'll see a rise in crime & possibly the first deaths from starvation as has happened in the UK, & ultimately, revolution.

There is no good reason why every country, including ours can't manage to as far as possible, increase taxes to cover health, education, welfare.

I cannot see any good reason as to why a wealthy person is more deserving of life saving health treatment than a poor person & that is because there IS no good reason for it. 
All govts in every country around the world should have as its first duty, the well being & welfare of all its citizens

And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.

Which, as I may just possibly have mentioned once or twice,is entirely due to the imposition of Neo Liberalism here by both  National & Labour, over the past 40 odd years; which is going to take rather a lot of fixing.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Trump has no immunity from 2020 election subversion prosecution court rules.

Donald Trump is not immune from prosecution for alleged crimes he committed during his presidency to reverse the 2020 election results, a federal appeals court said Tuesday.

"The ruling is a major blow to Trump’s key defense thus far in the federal election subversion case brought against him by special counsel Jack Smith. Trump faces four counts from the case, including conspiring to defraud the United States and to obstruct an official proceeding, and he has pleaded not guilty.
The appeals court has set up a very fast schedule for Trump to ask Supreme Court to block the immunity ruling, giving him until Monday to file an emergency stay request with the court. "

He is also about as anti environment as its possible to be; if that fool of a man hains power again we might just as well give up & accept extinction, sooner rather than later.

The United States’s first major climate legislation dismantled, a crackdown on government scientists, a frenzy of oil and gas drilling, the Paris climate deal not only dead but buried.
A blueprint is emerging for a second Donald Trump term that is even more extreme for the environment than his first, according to interviews with multiple Trump allies and advisers.

In contrast to a sometimes chaotic first White House term, they outlined a far more methodical second presidency: driving forward fossil fuel production, sidelining mainstream climate scientists and overturning rules that curb planet-heating emissions.

“Trump will undo everything [Joe] Biden has done, he will move more quickly and go further than he did before,” said Myron Ebell, who headed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team for Trump’s first term. “He will act much more expeditiously to impose his agenda.”
The prized target for Trump’s Republican allies, should the former president defeat Joe Biden in November’s election, will be the Inflation Reduction Act, the landmark $370bn bill laden with support for clean energy projects and electric vehicles. Ebell said the legislation, signed by Biden in 2022 with no Republican votes, was “the biggest defeat we’ve suffered”.

Areas currently off-limits for drilling, such the Arctic, will also probably be opened up to industry by Trump. “I will end his war on American energy,” Trump has said of the incumbent president, even though in reality the US hit record levels of oil and gas production last year."

Critics of Trump, who are already fretting over his potential return to the White House, warn this agenda will stymie clean energy investment, place Americans’ health at the mercy of polluters, badly damage the effort to address the climate crisis and alienate America’s allies.
“A return of Trump would be, in a word, horrific,” said Andrew Rosenberg, a former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration official, now fellow at the University of New Hampshire.
“It would also be incredibly stupid. It would roll back progress made over decades to protect public health and safety, there is no logic to it other than to destroy everything. People who support him may not realize it’s their lives at stake, too.”
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(07-02-2024, 08:22 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(06-02-2024, 10:30 PM)C_T_Russell Wrote: And yet under labour, our health system was left to run down. We are ever more dependent on private healthcare in this country than ever before.

What tosh. Under Labour our health system stood up to an assault by a massive international pandemic, a pandemic that shook every health system in place around the world. Frankly ours stood up to it better than most, and right now it is still frantically trying to catch up with all the procedures, treatments, and programmes forced to be suspended or limited by that pandemic. Everyone within our health system deserves a medal, I know, I and many others have been up close and personal with it very recently.

Left to run down? Wake up CT, you should be congratulating Labour for doing as well as they did under those circumstances... I doubt this lot would manage half as well under similar circumstances.

Its not me that needs waking up...
The same rhetoric with the Covid pandemic is not a good enough excuse.
Especially here in NZ where we were isolated long enough to avoid the alpha strain in the community.
We only had covid from delta and omnicron onwards, both strains not enough to kill anywhere near as much of the population.
We could have injected all that money blown into the health system and had a first class health system.
Tons of money blown away on 3 waters for what? Would have been better to simply distribute that money across councils in need of it.
Unapologetic NZ first voter, white cis male, climate change skeptic.

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