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You can never have enough...
Morning all
The storm has passed thank goodness, although the garden and lawn will appreciate the watering.
Nippy start to this morning.
Hope you not too unwell with covid Popeye.

We met up with friends last night and enjoyed a lovely meal and great company. 
Didn't get anything done yesterday as DS and DGD2 popped in late morning and stayed  until school pick up time.

Not sure what I will do today other than formulate a email to fire the lawyer  dealing with a wee job for us. Absolutely  terrible ie no communication and extended time for a task that should not take more than 5- 10 working days  and here we are 80 days later. Had 2 lawyer  friends appalled and suggest that a complaint to the law society wouldn't be out of the question. Anyway helps to vent here.

Apparently we are in for some hot weather next week so perhaps I should get on and do the physically active chores today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is out, but it has rained.

Thanks for all the good wishes.. I hate being sick, thankfully have never been sick other than tonsilitis, one bout of flu and head colds.
Im shocked at the speed of this thing. Im thankful the tight test has gone. Thats always concerning with the stupid heart in there.
Have been using a fan, fridge cold flannels and blankets lol. Did manage to get some sleep. Sides are niggly from coughing. Definitely keeping the fluids going to help flush it through.

Which is the total opposite of a friend who simply put herself to bed, thus her lungs gathering fluid and making the coughing a lot worse.

Probably the worst two things is the headache, and not being able to use my big pain meds, so the pain is there.

But My baby girl has seldom left my side. Shes a good nurse, checking my face and nose, which means she knows Im sick.

Hope to finally get some listings done.. But that might require some brainpower lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Just watch out for your furbaby popeye. Cats can get covid too.
OMG really Hunni ?

Im glad then that I either cough or sneeze her off me.

One pay off, I've lost 1.4 kilos in 36 hours... But I am eating and drinking heaps.

Throat is niggly again tonight but I've been told it comes and goes.

The friend at was with me is fine , thank goodness. Cos she is a carer in peoples homes so not good for many if she has to isolate.

Haven't done any listings.. Maybe tomorrow..

Im a bit iffy about going back to Winz on Wednesday.. One thing for sure I will be keeping my mask on.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning everyone

Fine at the mo.

Not sure if Kiwimade can get here so Ill just say yesterday during a storm one of their huge trees blew down. It was Massive. Took down the power etc. Narrowly missing the house. If it had gone down in a different direction it would have damaged 3 rooms.
So no doubt they will be busy sorting the power etc out and getting rid of the tree.

Had a terrible night. These Paxlovid meds taste disgusting, well not so much to take but your mouth ends up feeling horrible. Had very little sleep. so feeling worse now than yesterday.

Have lost 2.1 kilos now. Im eating but I'm guessing its all the fluid Im getting rid of.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day.  We had a thunder storm, hail and heavy rain last evening. Precipitous  drkp in temperature too. Very nippy start to the day. Warming  up .

Made 8 tote bags for the nest. Ran out of webbing for the handles. Since was  using fabric samples  there was not enough fabric th make matching handles. Will need to pop to the emporium to get more as I have 5 more bags to finish off once that's done I can get on to quilt  now that I have decided how I am going to do it. Cant start another project until I finish whats started.

Need to move been tucked up in bed reading 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Definitely chilly even here, last night. Made sleeping a bit of a challenge, I shall grab one of my throws for tonight if the weather doesn't come right. Wind has dropped though, so we shall see...
I commented on her post with pictures last night, was it a tree she wanted gone but not MrK... her Answer "Yes" lol...

All good things come to those who wait is what comes to my mind lol.

Have had two hours sleep and feel a lot better in the head. . Someone told me tho that its sort of comes and goes..

But Im going to attempt some listings now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Hope you comtimue to feel better Popeye.

Cold last night here but has now warmed up to 21 they say.

Had a sudden rush of blood to the head & tackled washing the outside of all the windows earlier; only intended to do half today but wasn't too tired at the halfway mark so carried on. Not all that good but better than they were anyway.
And then did a bit in the garden, got a few weeds removed so looking very slightly better out there, & found one or two raspberries just about ready, quite late for them so lucky I did that bit of weeding.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Kiwimade's tree

Out the window

Sadly for some reason I cant get the one with the size of the trunk to save.

She said the internet could take up to 2 months to fix.

I can relay any messages you have for her tho.

They are pleased no one got hurt. and things can be mended and thank goodness for insurance
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Oh wow Popeye ... it sure was close to the house! What a way to get rid of a tree you don't like! Glad that they and the house are unscathed, hope the services are restored sooner rather than later. 

A nice day after a cool night ... glad to have dug out the extra blanket!

Hope you are feeling a lot better by tomorrow Popeye ... I wonder how many others caught it courtesy of the WINZ lady!
(04-02-2024, 03:39 PM)Roma Wrote: Oh wow Popeye ... it sure was close to the house! What a way to get rid of a tree you don't like! Glad that they and the house are unscathed, hope the services are restored sooner rather than later. 

A nice day after a cool night ... glad to have dug out the extra blanket!

Hope you are feeling a lot better by tomorrow Popeye ... I wonder how many others caught it courtesy of the WINZ lady!

I think they were bloody lucky. 

Am feeling a bit better this afternoon. Still hurts to cough or sneeze. 

Ill be ringing Winz tomorrow, I have an appointment on Wednesday and thats my 6th Day. Ill go in if they are happy, but id rather leave it a week and it will be easier for me to gather what I need to.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Point out you caught it from their staffer...

And give our best to KM...
I will pass on the good wishes.

I must ask if MrK can use any of the tree for his woodworking

And yes I will make sure they know I got it from their worker.. Ill still be on the antivirals on Wednesday too

My Sister friend brought me a care package. My Pepsi and an awesome variety of both sugar free and not sugar free Lollie's.

My mouth feels like it belongs to me now..

Even managed some listings
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Poor KM, that's a long time without net access - say hi from us, & we hope she's back soon.

What a massive tree; despite everything they'll be pleased to have it down.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
It was a tree KM wanted down but MrK didn't. Things happen for a reason lol.

He is going to keep an eye on the trunk when they cut it up he might be able to use some of the wood for his word working.

Would be fitting for the tree really
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Fine but still stiff breeze

Goodness an exciting way to get the tree removed KM so glad no one was injured. Not good being without WiFi hopefully you can hot spot your phone.

Got my quilt pinned out ready for quilting so 5hats what I will be doing today  after I deliver the mum tote bags.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Slightly damp here, nice and cool.

Gone back to being really rattly this morning, maybe its just finally coming up to go away.

KM is frustrated with the internet side of things. Hopefully they get to it quick. If they were a business they would lose custom for sure. It should be the same for everyone.

Need to make a pudding today, but other than that I think Ill be watching the cricket. Love cricket tests.

MrP would have been interested to hear about them Hopefully finding Amelia Airhearts Plane. Will be interesting to see if they are right.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm back! Hi ladies Smile After telling Spark to get off their arses and out of the office, they fixed our internet cable this afternoon.

What a few days. Popeye showed you the tree cuddled up against the house. Smile We were so lucky. Some bargeboard, flashing and gutters were damaged along with the tv arial. The electrician has temporarily fixed the power until the boards have been repaired. The overhead power cable has split and we have to go underground. The electrician will tell AMI this. As for Spark, OMG they were the most difficult company to deal with. We're changing to Lightwire Rural in two weeks. The aborists are fantastic. And the remainder of the tree will need to be removed as a safety measure. They are going to tell AMI it has to be removed so it could be covered by insurance. This is going to be one very very expensive insurance claim. We were soooo lucky it happened during the day, we weren't outside at the time, and it missed the bulk of the house.

And on top of this, MrK will be having his surgery at the end of the month.

So a very busy day.

The builder is here Big Grin Insurance assessor is due here in 10 minutes Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
What an eventful few days KM. You were SO lucky ... things could have been so much worse.  What sort of tree was it and did the whole roots come out of the ground or did it snap off? Glad that you have things getting sorted ... you definitely have to be the squeaky wheel to get anything done.

Lovely sunny day with a nice breeze. I have a cake in the oven and the cricket is on in the background. Expecting a sparky soon to sort out some lights that haven't lasted like they were meant to (supplier paying for replacements).

Sounds like you are over the worst Popeye.

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