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You can never have enough...
It was a Golden Loquist, roma. It snapped off at a V and the remainder of the tree has been weakened.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lovely trees, but a bit tender if the young one I had in Blenheim was any indication. Great to see you back KM, the thought of you being without internet made me wince in empathy, lol. Becareful closing off with Spark, when I did it it took months because they only did what they thought I wanted, and kept charging for various things on top of the suddenly imposed notice periods. They are sods.

Went out to check on the world after a couple of quiet hermit days and found a couple of shrubs either down or dying, so staked up the hibiscus, and will start lopping off bits of the echium before removing it. Pity, my beans have colonised it... but removing it and them will allow me to set up the two Bunnings raised gardens instead of those untidy vege pots. My picky non gardening neighbour will be pleased. Start setting up anyway, nothing gets done in a hurry at the moment.

And my peaches are ripening! Had some with my brunch this morning, and boy they are good. A fair amount of bug in some of them, seeing I refuse to spray apart from copper for curly leaf, but there are so many this year I am happy to share. Even with Mrs Blackbird, who is getting very cheeky...
Pleased you're back KM & it wasn't days or weeks with no net - isn't it strange, how quickly we've all got so used to having it. Smile Hope the insurance people do the right thing, & promptly too.

23 here so not doing anything out there.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Welcome Home Kiwimade.

Glad you have everything under control.. I tried to put the photo with the Trunk of the tree up but for some reason it wouldn't work. It certainly tells you how bad it could have been.

Morning was horrible again with the Covid, but feeling brighter now. I think the taste thing is the worst. Along with not being able to take my pain meds, so everything is aching.

3 doses to go...

Have heard from both Dianne and David re the home. Bobbie is getting violent, Colleen is being plain mean, food still sucks and they all miss me. Trying to get hold of Bobbie.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile A nice cool start to the day which will make moving those tree branches easier for a bit.

My bestie has dropped off her trailer for us to use and our nieghbour has said we can dump it all on the farm. So once this coffee is finished, I'm getting started. I'll post a pic of the tree trunk later to show you how big the tree was.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Had to turn the fan off I was getting cold lol

I think Im on the mend a little. Yay.

Good of your friend to help Kiwimade. Will be a busy time for you for sure.

Im going to take things slowly, but plan on replacing some of the missing diamond's off Missy's Picture that MrP smashed in the rest home. Then I think ill be able to swap it into the new frame and then be able to hang it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good to hear you are on the mend, popeye Smile

1st trailer load ready for MrK to help me tie it nice and tight and to take it onto the farm.  A bit of off roading today lol.  My little chainsaw we bought last year is paying for itself.  It's slicing through the smaller branches like butter.  I use the loppers where I can to save the battery but it certainly helps when branches are tangled.  We can see some lawn now Big Grin  I estimate at least twelve trailer loads and if we can do three each morning, we'll have it nailed.  I don't even want to look at the garden or I'll cry.  Roses have been smashed and it's bloody mess.  One of my sisters-in-law said to me they will help me sort the garden with plants from their gardens.  So kind of them. But it feels really good to be doing something physical, I've been pretty tetchy over the last few days as I couldn't do anything.

The Furry One is sitting in the car, refusing to move lol.  he knows there will be several trips onto the farm and there is no way he plans on missing out lol.

Here's the tree and how close it came. We are still amazed at how lucky we were.  The insurance assessor said there could easily have been a death if we were outside or if it smashed inside the house at night time.



Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning  all 
Overcast at the  moment  more strong wind expected  Sad

Big job KM hopefully MrK gets some good wood for turning 
Glad that  you  are  on the  mend Popeye.

Started quilting yesterday looks like it will take me 4 afternoons 
Plan on trip to Spotlight this morning the rolls of bamboo  cotton batting have $75 off so time to stock up as not much left on my current roll. 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's sunny and going to be another hot day for the cricket. I see Blenheim is expecting 35deg and similar in Canterbury!

That tree was a whopper KM ... very lucky where it landed even if it is causing you so much work and your garden damage! I sometimes wonder about the palm trees seen everywhere here that tower above houses and reach for the sky. There must come a point where they can only bend so far in high winds! 

Nothing planned today.  Always an idea to get as much done in the morning while cooler!

Just seeing on TV, the longer a dog's nose, the longer its life ... lol, I guess it makes sense!

Enjoy the day all.
Different kind of heat in Blenheim, this Aucklander loved the hot dry days. So much easier to move than when weighted down with humidity.

Our cicadas are out, late batch this year, but it wouldn't be a Summer without their buzz...
We're done for the day Smile Four trailer loads and we can see the lawn. Tomorow we should have cleared half all going well.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Hunni I have my first cricket inside.

Normally by now there would be many.

I noticed last night he is still moving. I thought he had been dead for Days.. Must do some homework.

Ive mended my picture, managed to replace the frame, and promptly cried. Cos Ive wanted it done for ages
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
And I lost internet this morning... Mad panic, checking this that and the other. Finally resorted to that old cure all, turned everything off and back on again and bingo...

Must add Internet Tech to my CV. Seeing I only swore twice and didn't burst into tears.
That tree looks massive, KM.

Did groceries, mall shut till later apart from supermarket so very few people about & got it done fairly fast - bilss! Decided to press on while it was still cool, took dog for walk & did a bit more pruning/weeding so feeling ever so virtuous.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Restored and improved. I made the black spot on her nostril larger, as I had in the second picture I started. Replaced the bits lost and it was easy to reframe behind the glass once again.

I must write the number of Diamonds on the back of this one. The back of the other had MrP's name on and I didn't want to keep that.. Haven't figured out why, but it might be cos I know he got angry and broke the picture, there was no accident. Thats the only reason I can think of anyway.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's lovely popeye. Great work...
Morning everyone

The Sun us up. It didn't get over hot yesterday which was good.

Negative this morning, yay. Still some cough and low energy but Ill just listen to my body. Not allowed my pain meds until Saturday so Ill pace myself still.

Need to ring Winz again, the idiots sent a text reminder, to attend, when we have arranged for an over the phone appointment. So Ill double check. if I miss it will create a hell of a mess.

Then Im going to dig out my fathers Apron and use it as a pattern for a full apron. He used to wear it when we made pancakes. Its got alcohol stuff on it a bar keepers apron. But it has memories for me.

Im guessing Kiwimade and the furry one will be clearing more tree, in the cooler part of the day. She put a photo on FB and he looked so pleased to be having so many trips in the car lol

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Had fun yesterday catching my not so baby minnows. There was a post on the local fish rescue group from someone wanting minnows for her classroom tank so I offered my little group and they came and collected. Lovely to know that's where they're going to live out their little lives. Funny though, as soon as I responded to her I got a DM from a guy wanting them, trying to get in first, no please or thank yous, just where are you I can pick up now... Talk about sneaky. There are people keeping predatory fish who like live little ones to feed them, and I got the distinct impression - but who knows...

Better the classroom though than some worse fate.
Morning all
Fine but very windy so over the wind

got to listen to your spider sense OHH glad the wee fish have a new vocation 
Sounds like you are on the mend Popeye be kind to yourself. your diamond 

Quiet day yesterday more quilting so half way, will get more done today.
Hope everyone keeps cool today looking at the temps around the country its going to be hot - not here the wind will cool things down.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning (just!) ladies Smile Overcast here but pretty humid.

Yep, I was out cutting up the tree with MrK. Two more loads onto the farm but this time the cows were in the paddock and couldn't wait to munch on them. Our farmer neighbour has suggested we lay it all in a row and he will come down with his tractor and clear it for us. So much easier to do it this way, no stop-starts with gates and electric fences, tying it all down and so on. I've put at least another two trailer loads into a row for our neighbour and will do more tomorrow. Will set the alarm for 5.00am so I can be out by the latest 6.00am. The plumber is here now assessing what he needs to do with the gutters. Everything is slowly coming together Smile It certainly pays to live in a small district.

There was an accident at the intersection down the road this morning. All emergency services with lights and sirens. The road was closed for some time.

The kids will love the fishies, OHH Smile I wasn't brave enough to have classroom pets when I was teaching lol.

I'm starving, it's all this hard physical yakker lol. But it feels so good to be doing something practical and physical.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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