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You can never have enough...
afternoon ladies Smile The cool start to the day has gone and we've hit 28 degrees.

We've finished piling up all the branches and it's ready for our nieghbour to bring his tractor down. I've estimated there to have been at least 15 trailer loads. Four roses have been smashed to bits and I'm thinking they may need to be replaced. One has been pretty much yanked out of the ground by a branch. Oh well, I could try giving them a feed and water, cut back and see how they go but that won't be today. I've been at it all since 6.30am and finished at 12.30pm with a loo break and a cuppa in between. I'm knackered. Once our nieghbour has taken the rubbish away, I can contact the arborist to cut the tree down.

Time for a decent break.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Home from the Home. Its hot today

Didn't see Bobbie, she went on a boat trip, which Im pleased of. Got to talk to all the other ladies. And we all ate lunch together, and it was good again. No David either which probably helped too. He tries to smooth over things without letting people have their say.
Apparently Bobbie threw food and Water. I will speak too her on Monday. And tell her she has to behave or they will send her somewhere worse that I wouldn't be able to get into see her.

Did some shopping on the way home...

I am soo sore, that even tho Im not meant to be on my big pain meds till Sunday, I took one.

Time to recover now
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another nice cool start to the day.

Yesterday afternoon I slept for a solid two hours and nothing on this green earth could wake me lol. I knew I was tired but didn't realise just how tired. And I still had a good nights sleep on top of that.

Today mrK will phone our neighbour and tell him the pile of rubbish is ready to go whenever he is ready to take it away. And I'm going to duck into town and buy him a pressie card as a thank you. He has saved us so much money and time by doing this for us.

We have a glut of cucumbers Big Grin and MrK has picked enough for our nieghbours so I will drop them off too. He wants to make some more bread and butter pickle (yummmmm lol) so I had better add onions to the grocery list.

Once the housework is done today, I'm going to have a closer look at the garden. I've had four roses smashed to bits and a couple of pots, the salvias, lillies and dahlias have all been broken and the one damed plant I'm not fond of has survived. How's that for Murphy's Law lol. It's nothing that an early prune won't fix for most. The whole dynamic of the garden has changed. What was once a lovely shady area with dappled sunlight is now full on sunshine. As much as I hated the tree, the shade it gave will be missed.

Time to get cracking, have a bit to do today.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

It's overcast and the forecast says we are in for some rain later ... we shall see.

Will get back out in the garden soon while it's so much more pleasant to do so ... had a good go yesterday which now shows up the areas left to do!

You've certainly had a good work out KM ... no wonder you slept well! I can imagine the tree gone will alter the whole look of the area now .... it will evolve and adapt in time though, especially with your input  Smile

What a great idea for that cafe staffing Mica ... wouldn't it be nice if that idea took off in other businesses!

Cuppa finished ... time to move.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Nice and cool here too.

The over the corner neighbour has been out and mowed his lawn already and the hill was done last night. Mine will wait.

Im not surprised you needed the sleep Kiwimade.. Lots of new decisions for your garden to come.

I've got the pot on low heating up the water for a pudding. Will get that on and then go into MrP's wardrobe. It shouldn't take long. Then Ill be starting on the garage. Sort recycling, inorganic and stuff I can sell.

Had another sale overnight Yay.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
breeze is back but very muggy

well earnt rest KM your body will thank you. like the sound of MrK kitchen activities.

Good that you are getting some steady sales Popeye better than a big rush.

Lunch was nice and it was also lovely to catch up with our friends.

Got the binding on my quilt but it was too hot last night to start the hand stitching - would you believe not a breath of wind
Discovered that the cat bought in a bird this morning  feathers everywhere - should have gone to investigate when I heard here caterwauling but I was enjoying my cuppa in bead with a book.
I have just finished vacuuming the whole house someone keeps traipsing threads all up the stairs and onto the living areas carpet , also sucked out and cleaned all my machines so they are ready for another month of work.
I am a sweaty lump now so need a cool drink  before starting the next wee job.

enjoy your day  Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I vacked, did dishes, and cooked up a pot of peaches for the freezer. Almost as many discarded as cooked sadly, the blasted bug is ruining half the fruit. Still, with luck those are the ones the waxeyes are after. I believe they like a bit of meat with their frujt. I had a single passionfruit from my seedling vine, so added that to the pot once it was off the heat. Oh the perfume is just glorious.

Oh, and I lugged a half bag of fruit'n flower mix round to the raised container beds and topped them up, looks like just one more bag plus some slow release and it will be ready to plant. I'm going to do lots of leeks this year, I picked up baby leeks from the fruit shop last winter and fell in love with adding those to my winter dinners. So sweet, be even nicer if I can go out and pull a couple as needed. Fresh is always best...
Hunni , treat your passionfruit vine to some Epsom salts. Make a bucket and pour from the top. We have had awesome success with our vines with that. A Nursery man told MrP years ago, he of course didn't believe him, but it worked.

I've done an hour in the bedroom, 2 bags for the oppy, a Basket for me, Mainly his newest flannelette shirts for when I move south. Jeans that were Mums then he got them and Im sure Ill fit them now. A bag of "Not" his from the second home so Ill take those back . And 1.5 black sacks for the bin, buttons saved of course.

After all this time I figured Dohhhhh put the clothes airer between the doors so my washing is nice and dry. lol

OMG he had 50 yes 50 and probably more Blardy Allen Keys. Im giving away his older gardening tools and most of my pots. Ill keep my violets. Found the missing buckle. And another I forgot he had. So I have a few things to list or flick off on FB

So Im glad I've achieved that and cooked my weeks breakfast lol.. Not sick of Steamed pudding yet.

Oh and it Hasn't rained Yet.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have a lovely cool wind this morning, perfect for when I mow up the last of the tree shortly.

Epsom salts/magnesium is awesome in the garden. I use that and potash around the roses and plants that need a bit of encouragement. Magnesium for stem strength and potash for flowers and fruit. It sounds like you are going great guns in your garden as well, OHH Smile MrK grows leeks and saves the loo rolls to put over them to keep the bottom part of the leek white. We love leeks and you are so right, they are much sweeter when picked small.

The vege garden is going nuts lol. But there is nothing like looking at your dinner plate and seeing every vege on it is from the garden.

Tomorrow the plan is to dig out three of the roses and replant two. They have been knocked sideways and need replanting. I'll give them a very early prune, soak in worm wee and water before planting again. The third, Claude Monet (MrK's favourite) is beyond repair, I think. And while I'm digging out roses, I'll dig out Frilly Jilly. She's not doing well at all here and this is the second time I have tried to grow her. My bestie will take her, and I can guarantee she will do better in her garden lol. I'm going to replace Frilly Jilly with Ziggy next season.

I'm beavering away on the runner in the afternoons. Well, trying too lol. As soon as I sit to do some more, the Furry One wants to sit on my lap and cuddle. It's far too hot but he doesn't care lol. We now have an understanding of sorts, he will snuggle up to me and stay off my fabric and I will scratch behind his ears and pat every so often. And I get a reminder if I 'forget' my part of the bargain.

Roma, the road through Hinuera Village is closing for road works Big Grin We're happy lol as it will be a tad quieter for a while.

Time to get cracking and make the most of a cool start to the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Might be worth trying a pot of rose cuttings KM if you are chopping them. I have been pleasantly surprised by how well cuttings can do, not quite as good as hydrangeas, but worth trying all the same, with the price of roses.

I am enjoying getting back into my gardening, it has been a funny season with the hip making things difficult, but I can manage a lot more movements now. Unfortunately there appears to be an issue with one set of muscles which may be a bit slow to recover so I have an appointment at the end of February to check that out. Meanwhile I am trying to rehab that with specific exercises and we shall see if it comes right. I do not have much luck with orthopedic procedures, this one started off fine, so I am crossing fingers, if not legs!

Lovely cool morning, I might start reviewing my seed stocks and see if there's some starts I can make for the planters...
Morning everyone

A Nice tempt here.

Had a crap sleep but did get a couple of late hours as I call them after 5am is late lol.

I felt I achieved things yesterday so will probably do the same today. I have to pop up the road first tho.

I found my Stepfathers old dinner set. From memory I know it was His mothers. but not sure if it was a wedding present. I cant continue to move it around so Im thinking of sharing it amongst friends, if they want it. We could all have a setting.

Will finish the rubbish and recycling and get that to the road as well. And that will probably be enough.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's a great idea, OHH Smile I have tried growing roses from cuttings before with some success. Never thought of doing that with these ones. Lawn is mowed, took ages with emptying the catcher constantly from all the leaves but it was worth it for the mulch. Now the place is looking a lot more respectable lol. I kinda had Sunday in my head for finishing Smile

Nice idea about the dinner set, popeye. If it is old, then maybe enquire at an antique place first. Take pics and show them. They may be interested.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(11-02-2024, 08:41 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: That's a great idea, OHH Smile  I have tried growing roses from cuttings before with some success.  Never thought of doing that with these ones.  Lawn is mowed, took ages with emptying the catcher constantly from all the leaves but it was worth it for the mulch.  Now the place is looking a lot more respectable lol.  I kinda had Sunday in my head for finishing Smile

Nice idea about the dinner set, popeye.  If it is old, then maybe enquire at an antique place first.  Take pics and show them.  They may be interested.

Yeah I will Kiwimade. Pretty sure its our age at least, so maybe older.. Cant think of the name of it. but Ill try and get the box down today. I must have had muscles when I put it on the top shelf lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
southerly storm here - brr....

Good idea to try the rose cuttings KM nothing to loose.

DD and DGD1 called in yesterday afternoon and stayed for dinner DSIL was playing cricket.

Got the 2 patterns traced off need inspiration for my next project cant decide baby quilt or something else. annoyed as I have miss placed a bra pattern that I want to adapt for bra in tankini top for me - it  not anywhere possibly have loaned it to someone 

Cool enough last night to start stitching binding down  probably another 2 nights worth to go.
My thumb is improving with rest trying not to do any knitting for another 3 weeks or so. Hard as is  first night night this Tuesday.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Apparently I was far too slow in getting up this morning & Madame Le Cat took a swipe at me by way of encouragement. I didn't think much of it till I was having a wash & glanced in the mirror - a small scratch right across the nose. Bloody cat, I look as if I've gone a couple of rounds with Scarface Claw!
Mind you, she has been extremely quiet & well behaved since...

Finally, some rain last night & a bit this morning. The lawn isn't looking quite so brown now so will need to mow it again later in the week.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
She needs her claws tipped to take the needle bit off... I use nail clippers and a lot of patience lol...
(11-02-2024, 11:42 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: She needs her claws tipped to take the needle bit off... I use nail clippers and a lot of patience lol...

Me too. Only needs to be the very tip. Missy is used to it as I started playing with her feet from Day one. Oddly hers and MrP's claws both grew at the same rate, so I knew if she was a bit prickly it was time to do his too lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Just spent a very bendy hour doing my own. Funny how one leg has grown so much longer that now I can only deal to the foot by standing up and bending double - and weirdly, that's the short leg! Still, all done now for another month... Now, where is that Tatty cat of mine, here puss puss puss...
(11-02-2024, 12:34 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Just spent a very bendy hour doing my own. Funny how one leg has grown so much longer that now I can only deal to the foot by standing up and bending double - and weirdly, that's the short leg! Still, all done now for another month... Now, where is that Tatty cat of mine, here puss puss puss...

Thankfully I can still bend my legs into most places. Im guessing it might not be so post surgery lol. 

I've always been very bendable.

I can easily touch my toes while standing but getting up is another totally different thing lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It's the hip and the way I reach down. Like you I am pretty good at bending when upright, but I can no longer reach from seated, that is part of the issue the docs want to check out. Might just be shortened ligaments but we'll see.

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