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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile A lovely cool start to the day but not for long, I suspect.

This morning the plan is to attack the garden, it's not going to be the same without all the shade the tree offered. But there will be new opportunities within a new type of space.

We've sold another fishing rod and I'm meeting the guy in Hamilton tomorrow. I grocery shop in Hamilton tomorrow so no biggie. And I might as well scrub out some plastic plant pots and drop them off to Mitre10 as Mitre10 organise the recycling. We seem to gather up quite a few lol and the new pots aren't as sturdy as the old ones. I know it's to cut back on plastic usage, but they are hopeless to reuse here at home.

Speaking of recycling, the Otorohanga Kiwi House need clean milk bottle lids to put the weta's food into. They have some giant wetas now Heart Can't wait to see them sometime.

Cofffee's finished, washing needs hanging out before I take my bestie's granddaughter to work. Her ride has fallen through this morning.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Cooler here too which is nice.

I sold one of MP's socket sets yesterday so that's good. Helps top up the bank, once I get it in there..

And that isn't much chop here now. When we moved here nearly 20 years ago we had a ASB, BNZ, ANZ as well as Atm's from all and Westpac. Now we have Kiwi bank and that's it for walk in Banks.. And 3 Atm"s. For business's its useless. Someone has to leave the job to go to the next town over to do the banking.

Ill do some more ibn the Garage today I think. Not feeling the greatest today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sunny and a cool start to the day ... I like this Autumny feel.

Start of the school/kindy run again today with new classrooms to find. Have to have my wits about me with the bikes, scooters, skateboards, strollers, dogs (on leads) and those walking along the way!

Groceries to get and library books to choose this morning. Hopefully get in some baking plus some garden plants to get planted including some well grown butter beans I spied.

Yes times have certainly changed with regards to banking. I don't know how the computer challenged and/or those that don't drive get on. Who would have thought we'd ever have to go out of our locality to find a branch of our bank. Trying to do anything over the phone is a minefield  Rolleyes

Coffee finished, time to move.

Have a good day all.
morning all
very nippy start and still not great

Must admit I do most money transactions via internet cant remember when I last had to visit the bank.

Been out to visit 2 houses with DD and DSIL - nice they want our opinions

prepping for meeting this afternoon and have quilt guild meeting tonight so my day is full.

Made some xmas mince pies yesterday because I could, had the mince in the fridge and to make up for fact that I didnt make any at xmas time. there will be none left by the endo of today Big Grin

Did start to cut out and piece a cot quilt yesterday trialing a pattern  and using up 2.5 inch strips got to get the stash reduced.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The arborist is coming this afternoon to look at what is left of the tree and give us a price to remove it. Insurance won't pay for that bit so we have to stump up (sorry about the pun lol Tongue ) The boys won't have to cut it up fr firewood, just long lengths for the tractor grabber so that should save time and $$.

Why not make mince pies, mica lol. Good idea, I still have some fruit mince in the fridge too. Was thinking of adding it to some scones.

I have the hose on the garden, can finally see that the delphiniums are flowering Heart I think I may be able to save the roses. Have given them a good feed and water, pulled Claude Monet out as it was shredded and have him sitting in a bucket of water and worm wee in the shade. Am hoping this will do the trick for when I replant him. If I loose them, I loose them, but might as well try and save them for now.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile We have rain clouds this morning, would be nice if it did rain.

I have a busy morning this morning with grocery shopping and a few other jobs out and about.

The arborist has been and gone and offered me a job after seeing the mess cleaned up lol. But the price he gave to remove the remainder of the tree and grind the stump seems fair and it will be done over the next couple of weeks.

MrK had a call from Waikato Hospital and is having his melanoma removed in a couple of weeks time as well Smile We knew things were happening when the anesthetist phoned last week. We have the plan to manage his medication, he's done this before so knows what to do. So it's all happening at once Big Grin

It's an early start for us. Gosh it's lovely having SH29 through the village closed lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Cloudy here but still no rain.

Glad things are moving re MrK Kiwimade. The sooner the better eh.

Off to Winz today to sort out my benefit.. then home to make a very stern phone call to the hospital. Who simply said there was no refund to be made. They got a snarky reply to that email. No explanation etc. And if the call doesn't work then Ill get Winz to chase them if I can.

I did get MrP's full pension yesterday. Another to come. but this isn't tied to the hospital refund. I've been wanting a new bed for a long time but also need a new chair so I will be doing my homework price wise and see if I can wrangle both. I can wait tho. Would be a lot easier to move first and have them delivered, rather than having to move them myself.

I am positive again. Tested on Sunday actually. And re tested this morning. I simply cannot miss this appointment tho.. Its not as bad this time and I'm not bothering with the antivirals. They just made me feel worse.

So I have to ring the superclinic and probably postpone my pre-op check. Ill see what they say shortly.

Have an awesome day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

Cool again first thing but the sun is out.

I looked up that road closure KM, and it's until the 29th ... quite a long stretch for a SH ... it will be very quiet for you indeed. It sounds like commuters took heed and kept off the roads in Tauranga while the big hole that appeared under the SH was being repaired.

Catch up day round here today. Will get onto the baking that is still waiting and there are still flower seedlings to be planted in my big wooden pots ... the potting mix has been topped up already.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
fine no wind not going to be super hot

Enjoyed my day yesterday meeting went well and quilt guild was a delight the speaker was Gourmet Quilter  lots and lots of eye candy.

Meeting this morning been cancelled, got real estate bod coming to evaluate our property this afternoon MrM finding more difficult to keep the gardens and his precious lawn in check doesnt help that  one garden is on a slope the rest is all terraced.

First knit night tonight so that will be nice to catch up with everyone.

Might carry on with quilt toille  for couple hours today.

Washing machine is singing to me 

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Went a bit mad last night and bought a lampshade to replace a make do one on my favourite table lamp. Have buyers remorse this morning wondering if I have the size right, lol, but hey, only one way to find out! The 'temporary' one has been waiting for a redo now for nearly fifteen years so not really a hasty decision, but it being a rather large and gorgeous piece of my life if it is wrong I will be cross with myself.

Has made me realise though just how dusty the base is. A dust and wipe down is top of the to do list for today, after I have done about of weedpulling in one of the gardens, and watered., ready for a bit of seedling planting later this week. A couple of hours of rain would be welcome, that predicted lot from earlier wasn't really worth the effort...
We got two spits of rain Saturday, as you say, OHH, hardly worth the effort! MrK has the hose on the lawn as it is very brown after having a tree on it for a week.

The stop guys at the intersection know our car now and let us through as 'residents'. I'm sure people behind us wonder lol.

Groceries done, Pak n Save had rock melons on special so I grabbed two. MrK loves them, they are his favourite. And seeing as I go nuts over cherry season, this is his 'turn' Tongue

Buggar about being positive again, Popeye. It's a hard bug to shake.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I put the hose on the hydrandeas while I weeded and created a small lake for it and the impatiens I have planted behind it. I could almost hear them gurgling with pleasure. Got quite a bit done, now for a few more poached peaches for the freezer and my day is done. I love it when New World delivers for free! Saves me hours...
Hope you can shake it Popeye, & quickly.

Good to know our tree mess will be sorted KM.

Warmer here today so after the dreaded groceries did a bit more weeding so able to feel slight;y virtuous.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well Id like to say things are sort of all sorted.

The lady told me what I would be getting paid this week and then next week onwards. But it differs to what it says on My MSD.. Time will tell. I have a buffer but I wont be happy if I have to use it.

The Home has told me all they owe me, which is different to what Winz says. So Ill have to do a review of their decision which can take months. Not my Fault. But Ill email the home once I have some to pay them. so MrP will have to reside in Penrose for a bit longer.

Went to find my license for Id and couldn't find it.. I said well that's another cost that I dont need. but it was in the folder I took to Winz last time thank goodness.

Now to find out what has happened to the lady who was coming to pick up some bedside tables..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another stunner of a day heading our way.

It shouldn't be so difficult to work with WINZ, usually the superannuation people are pretty good compared to the 'other side' of WINZ.

Another morning out in the garden, me thinks. I had planned to shuffle things about this autum in this garden but I guess it will be a tad early. My hostas 'Empress' is really struggling with direct sun and heat so she will be the first to be moved. And Claude Monet can go back into the ground today.

I'm still working on the table run's edging, almost finished the first quarter. I've divided the fabric into manageable bits with basted thread to make it less intimidating. These hot afternoons are perfect for stitching and the Furry One is ready for naps then so snuggles up.

Another day with no traffic. The traffic has been diverted to pass my bestie's home and she is not impressed lol.

Roma, the hole at Oripiti/Barkes Cnr was huge, 4 meters wide, 4 meters deep and 19 meters long by the time they found where the damage to the pipe was. Everyone was very lucky a truck or car didn't go through it. One lady on the traffic FB page said she drove over it the day the road was closed. We're avoiding Tauranga for a while.

I'm off outside to make the most of the cool start to the day.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Another cooler start. Loving it lol.

I agree Kiwimade. Winz shouldn't be this hard. I fully understand peoples frustration. But I learnt many years ago, go in with and attitude and you will get one back. Ill get there in the end. The one that has been most supportive is the manager of the last home. She has been in the job 10 years and never had this problem. And she hates that its happening to me at this time.

Housework and garage for me today. Just doing as much as my body will allow. Some dishes, the floor and then Ill go do the last shelf on the stand of shelves and maybe start in the drawers in the garage. Might take my tall stool down and sit on that to go through the drawers.

Was talking to my Aussie cousin yesterday. And we were talking about covid etc. I reckon I know why I got re-infected.. My nasal spray. Its one that I make saline and add to the bottle. So out it goes.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Mild start to the day

Be kind to yourself Popeye you are possibly one of the small percentage of people who get rebound  covid after taking antivirals.
KM sounds like you are onto the the garden reshuffle  Big Grin

Been to gym next is shower,  ivisitin a woman  who did 2 stints with me in warehouse  and got sick she has been in hospital since September  with Gullian-Barre  syndrome she is finally up and able to walk with walker so we meeting up for lunch . I have some empathy as I have CIDP which is chronic form GBS luckily I have been in remission for a few years old age does have its benefits your immune system is not so hyperactive. 

Finished piecing the cot quilt  hope to get that sandwiched up over next few days

Enjoy  your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Be interesting watching the research currently underway on the rise of autoimmune conditions. They certainly are cropping up more frequently than before. Seems every family has at least one that impacts their lives to varying extents. Can't all be genetic, be good to find the triggers...
I had our wheelie bin firm do an extra empty of the wheelie bin yesterday and it's full already.  And there is a huge pile to fill it when it is emptied again next week.  I've done as much as I can and now have to wait for the tree to be removed.  But the guys will have a much easier space to work in and I won't be worrying about the plants.  The hosta has been moved and been given a good drink of worm wee and water and Claude Monet has been replanted with lots of water and the bucket of worm wee mix it was sitting in.  It already has new, small buds.  I'm constantly surprised at how resilient gardens are.  The ground cover geranium that was smashed to bits has new growth from the crown and the salvias have bounced back.  Life goes on Smile  It's going to be fun redoing this garden Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

Yay my Benefit sorted... Now just the funeral bill to sort out.. Still waiting for rest home money...

But at least I dont have to worry about the weekly stuff like rent and living lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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