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You can never have enough...
We've had a good day as well. Our new internet provider came out to check we had 'line of sight' to the tower for our dish and yes, we did, so he's hooked us up today. No biggie, lovely guy who stayed to make sure our devices were connected and cleaned up after himself. We're chuffed. We have faster internet with buggar all buffering when streaming, not like what we had with Spark.

And AMI have accepted our claim and are chasing the assessor up for the particulars so we can be paid.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile Slightly overcast so maybe, just maybe we will have rain.

I've had to change my e mail address with the change of server, didn't realise how many businesses had it!

The hose is going on the garden today, it's so dry even under the mulch.

I'm hoping to work more on the runner today as well.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Bit of a mixed bag out at the mo. Not wet tho.

Such a young man to die. He will be missed by many.

Glad they could set up your internet Kiwimade. I keep a book of who I sign up with etc. But there's bound to be many i dont have written down.

Gosh 13 years since the CHCH earthquakes. I remember emailing a friend at work as her grandfather lived down there.

Shopping today. I need a new jug. The one I got off TM is leaking. Cant be bothered having them send a replacement, the next could leak too.. So Ill go to the warehouse and buy a cheapie, $11. It will probably last ages lol.

Apparently Bobbie had some soup for lunch yesterday and enjoyed it. She was telling everyone I took the roses that are on their table in.. Must be another Sue.

15 cents off at Gull today, till 7am tomorrow. So Ill get a little extra. Its been going up for the last couple of weeks, Obviously putting it up so when the tax comes off we will still be paying more.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's the beauty of a gmail address, it goes with me when I get cross with the latest provider and stomp off in a huff, lol...

Must be the seaon for jugs failing us popeye, my lovely Breville is not turning off automatically which is a pain. But I guess we all get old!
Good morning. 

Overcast out there ... maybe we'll get more rain as we had overnight ... a nice surprise.

Yes OHH ... gmail address works well in such situations. You'll be pleased to have all sorted KM.

I had a glimpse at my phone when the cricket had two overs to go ... must have jinxed it ... close result.

Hairdresser soon then the day is mine.

Enjoy the day all.
Our Breville lasted quite a while before it started leaking. I loved the stainless steel look but have ended up with a Sunbeam. Let's see how long that lasts lol
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Maureen has a Living n co brand. (warehouse) and its the most quiet jug I've seen in many years. I will see how much they are, and if you can still get them.

Meant to say last night I thought it was a while since I had burnt myself. Of which I did on the handle of the deep fryer.. Promptly put Mebo cream on it. Covered it and its not sore now. I will look at it later.. stupidity at its best.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning all
lovely day and no wind!

Great that you have better internet service KM
Please dont jinx my jug i quite like it its Sunbeam glass job but getting on in years.

Made 24 tote bags yesterday for the Nest mum bags, need to add the straps to 20 of them. They easy sew but time hungry.
Found a tankini pattern for me so need to glue the pattern pieces together and then make up a toile before I cut into the good stuff. I think it will pair nicely with he swim shorts that I have toiled.

My thumb seems to be better so did .5hr knitting last night so far so good.

need to move i
Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I suspect my Breville - glass- is just over use and old age. It does get heavy use, me being a tea addict...

And there was that day recently when I needed boiling water for the courtyard weeds. Lots of repeat boils, lol...
That's good news KM, & nice to have things sorted so quickly.

Its a mystery to me, why Afiso Collins, someone who seems by all accounts to have been a really good person should die so young, when there are people like Putin & Trump still living.

Managed a bit of weeding earlier will have to try to keep at it so I can move more raspberry plants into that garden later on & have them all in one place.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I wonder the same thing, Lilith. With so many good, decent people, why is it the di**heads like Trump and Putin get to not only live, but thrive.

Our claim has gone to another assessor as our original assessor had a few days off. Now the new assessor isn't answering her phone. Hopefully she is just out for the day, but we need to talk to her about finalising our payment. It's all been approved and good to go, just waiting on her.

The rain clouds are there but no rain, even having the hose on the garden isn't tempting the rain.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
We have new gardening contractors - who have started off in fine form, by using electric equipment! So much quieter than the previous noisy beasts. Fine for them with their ear muffs in place, but not so good for us...

I have hope they do a much better job too, but time will tell...
Morning everyone.

Gloomy out there. But I dont mind. We need the rain.

Totally agree, Why Putin and Trump are still alive beats me. It would be worth doing time for having them bopped off.

Bloods and then off to see the girls today.

Last night I changed my kitchen around a little. Cos I now have a smaller toaster I was able to put everything in one area. I put the tea coffee and milo jars in the pantry since I dont use them. And tonight Ill get my mixer out and set it out in the other corner. I plan on making a pretty cover for it. But I have some purple, sort of like shower curtain fabric that I will throw over if Im cooking anything that splashes, like chops or if Im using the deep fryer.

A few weeks ago I brought some new glasses, and while I was changing things around I found some that I've actually had for years and never used.. oops.. Ohh well I could give 18 people a drink and not struggle to find a glass lol.

I need to pick up my knitting again. My fingers are aching. So I will make myself do it.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  We had some lovely rain late yesterday afternoon and it was very welcome.  We are hoping for more today.

I love love love my electric gardening tools.  I don't need earmuffs, they don't disturb people, they are light and easy to use, safe as they turn off if my finger leaves the trigger, and best of all, they work hard.  Ours are Stihl so a good sturdy brand that even the commercial gardeners use.  We plan over time, to exchange MrK's chainsaw for an electric one to compliment my little electric hand saw and to buy a blower.  The blower is for me Tongue We have so many leaves from the neighbouring farm during autum and I'm all for making life easier now.

I'm still chasing up our new assessor, she must have been away yesterday.  I need at least those two invoices paid.

Yesterday MrK pulled out the myriad of paint cans we had in the garden shed.  Luckily we had labelled what each colour was for but there was still paint there left by the previous owner's estate.  We've found where we can take the old paint to be disposed of safely and MrK will do that today.  He's also going to buy the timber to repair our outdoor table while outting and aboutting.  It's not a full sized table, more like an outdoor coffee table and we use it most days.  I also want to repaint the cape cod chairs but they need some minor repairs as well.  I'm thinking of maybe a pumpkin orange for the chairs.  They will only take two liters as I've painted them twice before.

Over the next few weeks, the plan is for me to sand back some of the peeling paint on the house and repaint it.  It won't take long to do as there are only a few spots where the extreme heat has bubbled the paint.  And some windows need repainting.  Luckily, we still have left over paint Big Grin from when we painted the house.  The only expense will be sandpaper.  Maybe I should ask that Aussie cricketer if he has any to spare Tongue Tongue

I was able to work a bit more on the runner yesterday, just as well I basted thread across the runner to keep tabs on the triangles as one was out by a bit, so I had to fiddle around with it.  It shouldn't be noticeable and if anyone is sitting at the table counting the stitches and comparing to the other side, they need something serious to do!

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast after welcome rain overnight. Everything has been freshened up. 

Will continue with more cutting back and weeding if it stays fine. There is rhubarb to be harvested and stewed and blueberries to pick. 

It's starting to feel more like knitting weather ... really need to get in to it with several little people to knit for. 

Enjoy the day all.
Chop up the rhubarb stalks after rinsing them under a running cold water tap and make them quite small, say the width of a thumbnail removing any stringy bits as you go.

Add a desert spoon full of soft brown sugar to the water in a pot which should be made to just cover the rhubarb, or slightly less, you have just chopped up and bring to the boil.

As soon as it is boiling turn off the heat, stir a bit with a suitable implement, and put a lid on the pot and leave to cool down.

This is how my mother taught me to do this job and results in the best rhubarb I've ever tasted.

Do not 'stew' the rhubarb.

N.B. this is not a mass production method.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
morning all
overcast and very muggy

love rhubarb Cool

been to dentist for check up
made the individual trifle cups and salad DH has the chicken on rotisserie BBQ, nibbles sorted just got to wait for our friend to arrive for lunch.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
yummmmm rhubarb, so good Tongue I just wipe the stalks, cut into chunks and throw into a bag for the freezer. Then cook it when we are ready to use it. But your way zquerty, sounds delicious.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Mine is in its first year. So no harvesting for me. It is doing well though!

I had a thought about why the good die young... Maybe we learn more from their example, than we do from the evil doers. We certainly seem to be rather slow about stopping them.
(23-02-2024, 10:01 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Mine is in its first year. So no harvesting for me. It is doing well though!

I had a thought about why the good die young... Maybe we learn more from their example, than we do from the evil doers. We certainly seem to be rather slow about stopping them.

I was wondering if perhaps the evil doers need longer to both learn better (more opportunities) & teach the rest of us the depths to which we also could go - but then I don't suppose we'll know if that's why.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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