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You can never have enough...
Popeye those thin plastic chopping board's make good sturdy bottoms for storage boxes and bags. You probably can Shustoke make yours the size to fit the space

We all different I really like my silicone scrapper..

Been to open home just being nosey to see what the new builds are offering took our son he has Eagle eyes and knows alot about building materials interesting seeing what he noticed compared to me.
We staying nowhere we are for a while TG I am not really ready to downsize we can work around DH physical limitations
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Oh I can just see your version, in glorious mad patterns and colours, made to fit your spaces! The card doesn't even need to be that heavy, recycling at its best. Go for it!

A friend has asked me to photograph and list her quilt collection on Trademe. I have seen some of these and ever since my creative soul has been coming up with ideas - slow stitching wise, to develop and build on these precious canvases. I wonder though if the TM audience will see the potential. Oh well, I shall list them at ridiculous start prices and hope there are folk with the right spirit to see them. It is such a tragedy when all that work goes to waste. It reminds me that one day I must have a bonfire, and burn all my handmade artist books. Rather that than have them end up in the dump...
Morning everyone

Wet again Yay.

I love being in rain. I guess it comes from Mum telling us we weren't "Chocolate Soldiers" and wouldn't melt. I dont even like raincoats. Will use a Brolly tho.

I Love Quilts. Don't own one tho. I dont know that I have the patience to make one tho.. Says she who can put 361 squares together in a crochet blanket lol

Off to see the Mothers. I told them the other day I was adopting them all lol. One has the fabric baskets so Ill measure them up. The shelves I got the other day are the same she has in her room.

Recycling is good but the plastic boards would have along shelf life too. Even any plastic lids from containers would work too. And real estate signs would be good too. And of course there are sheets of it in the recycle bin probably going shortly. MrP made signs for when I was having garage sales.

I made the curtain last night, only took a few minutes, just hems on the top and bottom lol... Looks far nicer than seeing everything on there.

I got some crates and boxes, the sewing room looks like a bomb went off. But Ill finish the garage and then hit the sewing room.

Was just reading about long covid.. I was saying to a couple of friends my whole body aches, joint wise, and its not like I've been overdoing things. Seems its a symptom.. but I will have to mention to my hypochondriac Aussie friend that it generally only lasts 3 months or so. Shes been using it as an excuse for months and months

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Just had a call from my Neighbour Maureen.. Patch died at 4am this morning. They saw him on Saturday and they were told he had come through the pneumonia..

Odd, very Odd. Maureen and I only met just before Christmas. Id spoken to Patch many times.

We are both Taureans, 2 weeks between our Birthdays, and now we are both Widows.. And both our blokes died at ungodly hours of the morning. MrP was 4-30am.

Ill go and see her when I get back home from the rest home
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Overcast and mild no wind yay!

Sad news Popeye

Been to gym just spent half an hour trying to book dogs into kennel on line circular updated their vax records which they need to verify so can then book them  so have sent an email should have just done that to start off

Nothing planned for today  but I am sure I will fill it up

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Raining steadily and quite muggy. Lucky to get back from school run as the drizzle started.

Very surprised to see a rabbit hiding in the shallow trench up the side of my driveway. Unfortunately I chased it into our section so I let my 3 legged K9 out to flush it out and send it on its way which she did, but I suspect it is still lurking nearby. There are a multitude of cats that pass through our place and I DO not want it to be found within earshot or eyesight! First time I've seen a rabbit in the suburbs  Undecided

Sad news re your neighbour Popeye.

I've just found my dog's vacc are out of date Mica and have her booked in for tomorrow. She will  need to go into kennels next week while hubby has surgery out of town.

Enjoy the day all.
Just had a very enjoyable morning tea arrive on my doorstep - I was still in my nightie had been chatting to my granddaughter down south and the time just seems to race away when you are talking online - anyway after I got over my initial embarrassment - lucky it was not one of my nighties that have seen better days - it was four of the mothers from the motel I used to help - they have been officially advised at long last that all families are going to be moved out from amongst the gangs and ankle bracelets and are going out to another motel at Westshore - near the beach and a really nice school only a short walk away and a big playground across the road - the gangs and parolees can enjoy their anti social behaviour in peace .Am so pleased for the Mums who were fighting a losing battle against the gangs recruiting their kids .Should never have been allowed to happen
My granddaughter called this morning to tell me 20kg of outdoor tomatoes will be delivered to me by the mother of one of her uni flat mates - she would like me to make some tomato sauce like my Mum used to make - she really enjoyed the plum sauce so any favourite recipes Kiwimade .No problem I said trying to imagine how many tomatoes I am going to have to deal with
The folding wheelbarrow sounds intriguing- great for a garden shed where the space is limited
Hope Bobby was having a good day Popeye for your visit
Better get cracking this is going to be one of those days
Evening ladies Smile It's been a long day. MrK had his melanoma removed this morning under a general anesthetic. It was a very early start as we had to be at Waikato by 8.00am and didn't get home until 6.00pm. They found one lymph node where the cancer had spread and that has been removed and sent off for biopsy. No heavy lifting for two weeks and no driving. Over all though, he's feeling fine and pleased to have it over and done with. The biopsy results come back in two weeks and we will know then if he needs more treatment. I'm knackered and off to bed. Nite nite Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
You will both be pleased to get that process underway km, even with the worry wait for results. Information is power I always think, even if it is difficult at times to deal with, it is better than not knowing.
Morning everyone

Another wet Day. Yay

Glad all went well Kiwimade.. Waiting is hard and tiring.

Bobbie was off the planet again. I guess its going to be the norm now. First thing she said was "Have you seen what they have been doing to my Father"? And last weel it was only a singlet on top. Yesterday was nothing on the bottom, and she was scrunching your blanket up, which is a real old age dementia thing. And she hit the carer that helped her go to the toilet. I didn't see it, but I've warned her to behave or they will send her away and I wont be able to see her.

We had a good lunch tho, despite her episode. And We finally found out where they sent Young Peter. He's in a home in Auckland and rest home David has deliveries up there today so he is going to pop in and tell him we all miss him and was shocked to hear he had been moved. Truns out his boyfriend moved him. He didn't know until it was happening. The latter is an odd man. I suspect the property might be close to being sold, he's sent Peter away and he will skedaddle back to South Africa. I will find out the address cos I have Peters birthday present and Ill write to him.

Came home and went over to Maureen's. Like me she is ok.. Actually our taurean frank talks upset her Daughter. We were talking about funeral homes and what she wants to happen and what Patch would have and wouldn't have wanted. And it was a bit too hard for her Daughter so she left.

I instantly clicked with Maureen and she is a wise woman. And I appreciate her advice. When I was with Colleen yesterday she asked had I considered going to Taranaki for a couple of days to see if I still like it. Alot of changes could have happened in the last 27 years... I hadn't thought about that.. And when I was telling Maureen she agreed with Colleen..
I know it has grown as I have friends there.. but I actually dont like towns that are spread out for miles on end, it's one of the reasons I dont like Tauranga. So it is something I have to consider. My other town of choice is Thames. I spent my childhood there, and that is still relatively compact as such. It has the hospital and everything else I need.

Oddly My Stepfather always said I would end up back in the Queen City as he called Thames. he might just have been right.

Enough Rambling.. Ill be going into the garage today and get hopefully get all his tools etc sorted.

But first I have to go get my recycle bin, I forgot last night.

Have a fab day all

(27-02-2024, 07:26 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: You will both be pleased to get that process underway km, even with the worry wait for results. Information is power I always think, even if it is difficult at times to deal with, it is better than not knowing.

I totally agree Hunni.

My twin just had a mole cut off his arm, messing his tattoo up lol.. But apparently he has some lumps come up on his bottom lip and the dr wants to take those off too.. but Him being a hypochondriac has already decided its cancer and he will die and be with his wife.. He is totally focused on dying and there's nothing to live for... despite having kids and Grandkids.. Might be time for yet another telling off from his Sister.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Fine day

Glad everything went ok KM the waiting is the hardest. My DH has similar surgery 18mths ago he healed well and so far his check ups have been clear.

Decided to use scrap quilt fabric to make more fabric  = crumb fabric it will be interesting to see how much I can produce.

House work this morning and some  stuff to sort out for meetings next week.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Nice outside after more rain overnight.

Pleased for you KM that Mr K is 'out the other side' ... hope all goes well in his recovery. Will be glad for Mr R to have his surgery behind him next week as well.

Good plan Popeye to have a visit to Taranaki sometime to see what you think ... you may find that with all the upheaval of moving and having to resettle somewhere else and establish a new life, things are actually not too bad where you are!

K9 was vaccinated early this morning and I have got the groceries. 

Coffee finished, better get stuck into a few jobs around the place.

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile Another wet day so no work on the road through the village today.

Groceries are done and put away and washing is on. Rock melons are even cheaper so MrK is a very happy man lol.

Other than chasing up that bl***y assessor, there's not much happening today. I should be able to stitch a bit more later.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's good news KM, one more thing out of the way; its always good that progress is being made.

I think that checking out Taranaki woyuld be a wise move Popeye, rather than moving there without investigating what changes there have been.

Overcast here; they keep saying its going to rain & it keeps not raining.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I've had a win! AMI have agreed to bypass the useless loss adjuster Big Grin They have our bank details and will be paying us today. Can finally pay the invoices and have the tradies in to repair the house.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Awesome Kiwimade.. I aim to try and sort my mess with Winz next week.

I've spent two hours in the garage. Just have the set of shelves and a big cupboard MrP made to go through. My god the stuff he had. But Success I found the gas torch set I had wondered where it was, and Im close to the sinker making gear too I think. I just couldn't bend over again.

The only things I brought inside was a larger crescent and a big magnet which I know will be as handy for me as it was for him.

I phoned the Hospital, I have my Pre-op check March 8th. Yep Next Friday..!!!! I thought it would be weeks wait. So Happy.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Excellent news KM, bet that's a relief.

Dug up some of the raspberries & replanted in other garden, (luckily there don't seem to be too many to shift) did a bit more on sheet painting. Probably not doing much more today having also done dreaded groceries earlier, & also remembered (finally) to get one more scrapbook for another wee one to draw in when they come to visit so that's one for each of them now.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Excellent news AMI has sped up the process - they were very good to my sister who lost everything in Gabrielle - some other companies were nowhere near as helpful
Popeye that’s great you have your pre op date - that’s going to cone around quickly - I used to love going to Thames we often went there when we had the motor home but I hear it has grown a lot - it would be 15 years since we were there - my old boy used to say when he retired we were going to Matatā to live on the beach in the motor home unfortunately he never got to retire
Finding it difficult to process the news tonight about the men who were allowed into the country to be exploited - the tremendous fight our Ukrainian family put up to stay here but we’re denied makes even less sense - maybe they needed to give somebody a backhander in immigration- a whistle blower on the staff blew the whistle but was ignored until they went to the media but the bosses who ignored the staff concerns keep their jobs - maybe they should walk a day in the shoes of those exploited men
It’s really humid tonight sleeping with the doors open -
morning ladies Smile Wemay have a fine day today. The recent rain was very welcome though.

Jan, I've found AMI extremely good to deal with and always willing to help when they can. The staff have tried to deal with this loss adjuster, she would answer her phone for them (of course she would!) but it would always go to voicemail for us (even our very first call to her) and she would not return calls. She told AMI she had been sending us emails but we never received them. I checked every folder, even sent an email from our old addy to the new one to check it was working. She phoned us back once and that was because AMI told her too. She told me during this call I was a scammer! Once the $$$ hit our account I will be making a formal complaint about her.

MrK seems to be OK pain wise and is pottering about. He can't drive or lift anything for two weeks, but he can pick and freeze the beans and tomatoes. Jan, I'm sorry, I don't have a tomato sauce recipe. I've yet to find one that we like.

On the agenda today is mowing the lawn, phoning our arborist to set a day next week to chop the rest of the tree down, MrK's blood test and taking some more recycling to the transfer station. And I must phone our gardening friend who helps me prune the fruit and maple trees to book him in. Actually, that's something MrK can do, and he can phone the arborist as well.

Time to get moving and make the most of a cool start to the day.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Fine here too.

Kiwimade, thats what I ended up doing with MrP. Getting him to do smaller jobs they can handle. Making them still feel useful.

The lawn has grown but too wet to mow yet. I would like to leave it till next week, and then get it back down before my opp.

Back in the Garage this morning. Finally the so called Tool Shelves lol.. yes I found more Allan keys yesterday lol. But also some kits I knew he had, and have had some sales already. One guy offered me more for the huge socket set I listed, but it was my friends hubby who had asked for them first. Sometimes friendship comes before money.
Any idea on how to dispose of jars of fruit? Im thinking perhaps to just dig a hole and bury them. They are years old. The jars are easy I can give them to the oppy. Just keeping a few for me incase I find cheap strawberries or apricots for jam.

We have a new Farmers Market starting this Saturday. I will pop down. Its something we have needed for years. We started a regular market but more for crafts, with the odd food sales. So I hope it goes well. I know it will be supported. Thats one of the things I like about Waiuku, we do support our town first.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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