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You can never have enough...
Had an awesome day - special surprise my granddaughter from Oz flew over on the weekend her maternal grandmother died up North but I didn’t think I would see her as she has to be back in Oz Friday - she is an intern at a law firm and they have a huge case starting - but her mothers brothers are fighting over the funeral arrangements so she flew down here and flew out this afternoon to Auck - so was a huge surprise - I know you shouldn’t have favourites but she is mine - Robie had an ice cream cake made so she came in carrying it - burst into tears - wish the old boy had been there - there were plenty of ideas of what they could do on my 21st - unfortunately I do not have my mothers genes and am very unlikely to be around !
When I graduated from uni I went to work at Robert Holts which became Carters as an accountancy cadet and a boy cadet started the same day - we were both leap year - that really was a coincidence- my first experience of getting paid less because I was a female even though my degree was higher than his and I wasn’t allowed to join the super scheme - after I had been there a few years I fought them and won on both fronts - good days
Morning all
Fine clear skies very nippy

Up early this morning driving to Auckland DD is coming too so a girls road trip  Big Grin

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have rain clouds gathering, at this time of the year rain is always gratefully received.

awww Jan, what a lovely birthday you had Smile It's awful isn't it, when families fight over funerals.

A bit more gardening today. I have to move a few plants so the sparkies can dig where the cable is going and there is a groundcover near the tree that will be trampled on when the arborist does his thing. They can all go into pots until the work is finished then back into the garden. And the lavatera needs a good cut back, again. Honestly, that shrub must be on steroids lol. Once the tree is gone, MrK said he will help me put a climbing frame up on the fence for Blackberry Nip. It's on the move lol but I think it will do better in this new space. And the lilies will be moved today as well which means one of the big clumps of salvias needs to go. I was always planning on moving the lilies this autum anyway. I've decided to concentrate on the 'Big Autum Cleanup' for now and leave the new space until spring. I can use the space to dump any uncompostable garden waste and slowly dispose of it over time either in the wheelie bins or burn. It usually takes me around four to six weeks to work my way through it all but should be quicker this year seeing as one garden has been pretty much cleared out thanks to the tree.

I'm almost half way around the runner's edging, I'd hate to think how many stitches there are lol. I'll do the entire edging before I start work on the center. Am thinking I may be able to do some of the thread pulling and weaving as I embroider to break the monotony. I estimate there will be around six to seven months work involved, which is about usual for my pieces.

Time to get moving. Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Cloudy here but high clouds, so I think it will burn off.

Have fun up here in the big smoke Mica.

Kiwimade you reminded me of a time when MrP wanted to move a fully laden mandarin or Orange tree. From one side of town to the other. The waves he got as he drove through town with the odd fruit dropping off on the journey. But he made it and it never looked back. Everyone thought he was nuts , but as he said there was nothing to lose. And it might appreciate new ground lol. It never looked back.

Bloods and gas today. Then Ill pop into Mitre10 and get another new power lead for mowing. One of the old leads has given in and as I know they are the same age I figure its better to get a new one to have when I do need it.

Then off to see the girls. David is bring watermelon. He's going to see Young Peter tomorrow so is bringing a card for us all to sign.

Spoke to a new friend Ill call her a couple of days ago. They actually came and did my lawns when I was stuck. Her hubby is now in liver failure, and has spent the best part of the last 4 months in hospital. He's in alot of pain and has been using wheat bags. but sadly the kids have been heating them in the microwave without having water in there, so they caught on fire... So Im making some new ones for them. I know they love shortbread so I might make some to give them when Ive done the sewing.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(29-02-2024, 06:52 PM)JanW Wrote: Had an awesome day - special surprise my granddaughter from Oz flew over on the weekend her maternal grandmother died up North but I didn’t think I would see her as she has to be back in Oz Friday - she is an intern at a law firm and they have a huge case starting - but her mothers brothers are fighting over the funeral arrangements so she flew down here and flew out this afternoon to Auck - so was a huge surprise - I know you shouldn’t have favourites but she is mine - Robie had an ice cream cake made so she came in carrying it - burst into tears - wish the old boy had been there - there were plenty of ideas of what they could do on my 21st - unfortunately I do not have my mothers genes and am very unlikely to be around !
When I graduated from uni  I went to work at Robert Holts which became Carters as an accountancy cadet and a boy cadet started the same day - we were both leap year - that really was a coincidence- my first experience of getting paid less because I was a female even though my degree was higher than his and I wasn’t allowed to join the super scheme - after I had been there a few years I fought them and won on both fronts - good days

Thought of you and your leap birthday today when Iris Apfel appeared on my Instagram feed celebrating her 26th, she reckons she is 102 and a half. I guess if we break the century, the halves become significant milestones. I am not sure I could look forward to that, but maybe if ice cream was involved...  Big Grin
(29-02-2024, 06:52 PM)JanW Wrote: Had an awesome day - special surprise my granddaughter from Oz flew over on the weekend her maternal grandmother died up North but I didn’t think I would see her as she has to be back in Oz Friday - she is an intern at a law firm and they have a huge case starting - but her mothers brothers are fighting over the funeral arrangements so she flew down here and flew out this afternoon to Auck - so was a huge surprise - I know you shouldn’t have favourites but she is mine - Robie had an ice cream cake made so she came in carrying it - burst into tears - wish the old boy had been there - there were plenty of ideas of what they could do on my 21st - unfortunately I do not have my mothers genes and am very unlikely to be around !
When I graduated from uni  I went to work at Robert Holts which became Carters as an accountancy cadet and a boy cadet started the same day - we were both leap year - that really was a coincidence- my first experience of getting paid less because I was a female even though my degree was higher than his and I wasn’t allowed to join the super scheme - after I had been there a few years I fought them and won on both fronts - good days

That sounds like a really lovely day Jan.  Smile

And I've yet to find any good reason as to why a man should be paid more for doing the exact same job a woman does for less pay. Blatant misogynistic discrimination, imo. so well done you for fighting them & winning. Smile

Mowed back lawn - or at least the parts which are still green & growing - which didn't take as long as usual, but if I'd left it then it would have been much harder to mow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That is one of the social changes I find so remarkable about my life. When I left home and moved into my first flat I tried to rent a tv. I was refused, unless I had a man to co sign the rental contract...

How things have changed, lol.
I remember a younger male staff member I had trained being offered the promotion over me. I was furious and had the boss on about it. The promotion involved moving to Napier (sigh... we would have loved to have moved there) and he thought because I was married, MrK wouldn't want to leave his job for my promotion. He apologised, saying he also didn't think I would want the promotion as I was a newly wed and bound to start a family soon. He would never be able to say that today. But he did take on board that he should have given me the chance to say yes or no to it. And to add salt to the wound, MrK would have happily moved with me. He was diesel mechanic and could have found work anywhere.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely day ... looks good for the cricket as well. 

How times have changed ... for the better ... back in the day you didn't find females very high up the chain in farming!

Happy birthday for yesterday Jan, what a lovely outing. 

Enjoy your road trip Mica ... a lot of k's to cover!

A day to get things done before  being away most of next week for DH surgery. I will stay with family. Cricket is on in the background. 

Enjoy the day all.
morning ladies Smile A bit of a foggy start this morning but the sun is coming through now so it will burn off quickly.

Safe travels mica, hopefully you won't be held up for too long at roadworks.

There are a couple of things I need to do out by the tree today, move a few more plants and so on. The tree is coming down early next Friday so I have time to do it if it can't be done today. I also want to trim (reading between the lines, this means cut right back Tongue) the bux hedge. I cut it back last time slightly higher than I would have liked as MrK was having a hissy saying I would kill it. Well, you can't kill weeds lol. After all that, he eventually he agreed it should be lower later that day. Can't wait for it to be lower as this will make it easier to weed the garden behind it.

We have some old towels to take to the vet next time we are in town. I might have a rummage and see if there are any old blankets as well.

I'm almost halfway around the runner's edge, only six more triangles to do. It's not perfect but the basting thread helps keep me on track and both sides even looking.

Time to get cracking, the wheelbarrow needs emptying for MrK before I start on the hedge and garden. He still can't lift heavy stuff yet.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very overcast here, only a few spits on the windscreen.

I went up to the first Farmers market day. Alot of nice stuff there. But nothing I couldn't or wouldn't make myself Its always a good place to go for new ideas.. One of which I will do. a lady had crochet around good strong thick elastic hair ties making pretty scrunchies.

Fudge, wow some awesome looking flavours. But for a slice about 2 inches deep and as wide as if it was made in a loaf tin and about an inch wide.. $7..!!!. I gave it a miss.. Thats nearly enough for 2 bags of sugar..

I did the front lawn last night so Im having a quiet rest the bones sort of day

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's lovely outside ... currently having coffee under the brolly having been to the supermarket, so good when it's nearly empty first thing! In the background are bagpipes ... the pipers must be marching by the sound.

Lol Popeye, funny the way our minds think when we see a ridiculously priced item of food and think what we would have got for those $$! We usually share if out for a rare coffee plus treat!

A day for watering and housework. The blueberries are still going strong ... a lot in the freezer now. Son and GC can pick them next week. 

Your gardening has taken on a new dimension KM ... it will be fun redesiging, amidst the work involved!

Enjoy the day all.
lol roma, yesss! It is fun thinking and designing what can be planted there now. One of my sisters-in-law was quite shocked when she saw how much sun that spot has now. The hosta I moved is doing well, it wasn't coping with the heat and full sun at all.

The hedge has been cut, and when I say cut, I mean cut lol. Two and a half hours from go to woe. MrK was having his usual, you're-not-going-to cut-it-out speech. Well, yes, I am eventually, but not until you fall off your perch.

Time for a cuppa and to oil and clean the cutter and saws.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Oh I had fun this morning! Trademe has introduced a Make an Offer option, and this morning I put a cheeky one in on a very pretty lilac dress, and the seller accepted it! I must get even more cheeky next time lol.

And I am contemplating spray painting the pine chair with a can of Rustoleum Paint + Primer I have had in the cupboard for a while. It says suitable for indoors and outdoors and seeing the chair came free I think it might be worth a bit of a play. Just have to pick a wind free day so I don't have to deal with drift...
It finally rained last night - I'd thought it would be good for the garden but alas, in the morning the sun came out balzing away & dried it all up again, dammit.

Did a bit more on the sheet/wall hangng painting, quite slow going.
Managed to dig out the last raspberry plants (I hope) & move them to the other garden so once I can get the weeds out of the one I dug them from it can become lawn again & they'll all be in the one garden.

There was a dog by itself this morning when we went for our walk, just sitting on the other side of the street not really doing anything so once home i went back to see it was OK. Very friendly & liked the mutt butter biscuits I took but showed no interest in moving from there & had no collar. I think it probably lived in one of the houses & was waiting for its humans to get up & feeling a bit bored so thought it might try its luck in attracting sucker humans to give it a treat while it waited...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
The Make an offer function has been there a couple of weeks I think Hunni. I had someone make an offer on a belt buckle. I didn't accept it, but said I wanted the price I had it listed for. He didn't get it.

But the lady that Did get it has paid for it, but not paid the postage. and Im not sending it till she does. I get annoyed at people mucking me around.

Had the pick up for the tools and gave them the gardening gear I said I would. I also paid it forward and gave them my old mixer. I know it will be used and looked after. And she isn't feeling well so hopefully it will cheer her up a little.

Otherwise Ive had a nice quiet relaxing day.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's bucketing down and our poor damaged gutter can't cope. Fingers crossed everything is fixed soon.

lol Lilith, dogs can be quite clever. Our neighbours dog becomes bored waiting for them to get up in the morning so takes herself off to us for her morning cuddles.

MrK admitted (again lol) that the hedge looks better cut lower. Heaven knows why he goes through all that fuss when I cut it lol. I just have a corner to fix; over the years it has become quite bulky, and I need the loppers to sort it. My little chain saw did not like cutting through all the greenery. Now I can climb over the hedge and start weeding behind it.

Housework today seeing as it's too wet to be outside. And then some more work on the runner. All going to plan I should get to halfway today or tomorrow with the edging.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Not raining Yet, but it is windy.

Animals are super clever. Sadly so many get a dog, put it on a chain and never learn how clever they can be. We had one oaf of a dog, an Heinz special. He didn't like puddles. So when we went for a walk I would have to pick him up on some of the back roads we went down, and carry him over them. He was a lovable big baby. But sadly, cos we didn't know his Breed mix, he grew huge, and after he jumped up and pushed me over several times we had to find him another home. And he went to a tall burly man who could handle him. But Sam was the biggest goofiest dog we have ever had.
I love that your Neighbours dog knew where to go for Cuddles Kiwimade. At the home on Friday 2 dogs came in . Shante is a big blonde Golden retriever, and one of the ladies that was with Colleen and I in Collens room doesn't like dogs. But she stayed with us and even patted Shante's Butt. Slowly but surely I reckon she will learn to trust at least Shante. And then as I was leaving a tall , well Im not sure what she was, sort of poodle like but also schnauzer came in She was clipped, but a beautiful brown. Her name was Coco. She was a little excitable so I hope she settled down.

I have to pop up to the supermarket today. Then Im going to gather a set of Allan keys for my sister friend in Taranaki. And I will go into the sewing room and start sorting that out.

Ohh its raining lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
After two nights of broken sleep - tg for good books - last night was a superb catch up, but that meant I woke up at 5am, ready to go, lol. However, waiting for dawn demonstrated really clearly the way the season is turning, daylight saving must be ending soon.

Courier due this morning with my new second hand TM bargain loppers, and of course the weather forecast says thunderstorms. Still, no doubt I can prune between lightning strikes!
morning ladies Smile Wahoo another wet day, the garden is loving this!

Things are slowly moving with the house repair. The sparkie is sending our ICP number off to the powers that be so our meter board can be moved. Once they have permission, they will be in to move it and put the new cable underground. It will be so good not to have the overhead cable. And while they are up there, they can take the internet cable down as well. We don't need it thanks to our new provider.

Yesterday I didn't quite make it to halfway when working on the runner's edging. Today's the day lol. Rainy days are guilt free sewing days Tongue

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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