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You can never have enough...
Morning everyone.

Looks like a nice day ahead.

You will be glad when it is all done Kiwimade. And better not than when your alot older and not able to deal with it all too.

I will finish the sewing room today, and generally potter about. I have sugar and spices to put into containers too.

I have Susan Calman on, her laugh is soo infectious lol.

David has told me that Bobbie seems to be struggling cutting anything up, I know Ive been doing it the last couple of weeks. So I will ask if they can do it for her.. I tried phoning her last night but she was asleep so Ill call this morning instead.

Yesterday I felt I had to buy a lotto ticket. Which I did. Was texting with the friend during the draw and I said I wished Id got my own numbers Id have four.. Then I ended up with those 4 numbers. So my money back and a spare $11 on top... I always listen when Im told to buy one.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Still reporting from the Tron ... DH has to tick off a few more boxes before he's allowed out! Surgery was actually 8 hours so a slower recovery than expected. 

I shall pick up my K9 this afternoon and head back home to catch up there. Will be back again for discharge ... hopefully tomorrow or the next day. 

Very pleased for you Popeye that you have a goal in sight for your surgery.  The time will fly by until your date  Smile  

Enjoy your day all.
Glad things are progressing Roma.

Had a "Feeling" this morning. That someone wasn't good at the home. And It was my eldest "Mother" they took her to hospital last night. Sepsis, pneumonia and a urine infection and another Im not sure what it is cos the spelling wasn't good. The Ambulance people are disgusted at the home and will be putting in a report against the home. so I get to be the bearer of not good news tomorrow. They will know she isn't there but not why or how bad she is. Shes my May Baby 3 days before my birthday and will be 98 hopefully.

Bobbie on the other hand was in good spirits and happy things are finally happening for me.

It will be good to see them all but I've asked David to come in if he can, cos we have 3 to tell and sometimes we need to all hold hands and hugs when stuff like this happens. Cos they live there and worry what can happen to themselves. And Dianne will be with Mum.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
That's bad news Popeye but at least the Ambulance people complaining might help make a difference for the better.

And your health will improve too once your operation happens.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sepsis takes a while to develop, and pneumonia is pretty hard to miss in oldies. It is the old ones friend for a very good reason. Someone was neglectful.
We will be at Waikato tomorrow as well, roma Smile MrK gets his results then.

Ohh noo, popeye. That does not sound good at all. I agree with OHH, someone has been slack.

The tree is all but gone Big Grin except for a few twiggy bits that I will bin once the wheelie bins have been emptied. Finally, we are seeing some progress.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(10-03-2024, 02:01 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That's bad news Popeye but at least the Ambulance people complaining  might help make a difference for the better.

And your health will improve too once your operation happens.

Oh yes... I have lost a stone and a half in old imperial since I got this plastic hip. Without trying. I reckon that's just because I have lost a big part of the ongoing pain. Sure makes sleeping easier.
Thanks everyone.

They are hopeless at this rest home . Its the one MrP was in first. And that's why Im calling a meeting of our group. And asking them to be careful and report anything they feel is wrong with their health to family or us as soon as they feel something is wrong.

This is the second time Irene has been like this. She wants to make 100 and we will try our hardest to get her there.

Thats awesome Hunni. I've put a couple of kilos back on since covid got me. And Im definitely getting really slow now, so hopefully I can lose more post surgery. 116 pounds so far.. 53 kilos lol.

And My typical me moment I was doing the back and my knickers kept sliding lol.. so I got the safety pin that was hanging on the brake cable of the walker and it worked and its still there lol... Obviously need to start taking them in even more lol.

Hope all is Good news in Waikato tomorrow Kiwimade and Roma.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We need rain, the garden is very dry.

Wow, OHH Smile  What a bonus with the new hip. 

Happy doggy birthday to the Furry One, he is 13 years young today.  And still has those 'puppy' moments.  He is starting to look a little old in the face but when he is running, he is pure puppy lol.

MrK has his sutures out today and is told what his biopsy results are.  He's not worried about the results, although I will admit to having that niggle there.

All the best for today, roma.  Fingers and everything crossed MrR has ticked all the right boxes and can be discharged today.  You'll both be pleased to be home.

I'll text the arborist today and let him know we're good to go with the grinding.  I had to move a very broken Graham Thomas yesterday Sad  He didn't quite survive the tractor and is broken in quite a few places but is recovering in a bucket of water and worm wee in the shade. 

For you rose lovers out there, have a look at a new rose called Legend, bred by Mathews Nursery in Whanganui.  It is just gorgeous.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

All the best for The Mr.'s of the group with recoveries and results. Hope both mend well.

Happy Birthday to the Furry one.. I hope he gets a treat later. I guess rabbits are staying away with all the activity in the yard.

I spoke to Dianne briefly last night. There wasn't any more news, but I have an odd feeling this morning, but Im trying to remain positive till I hear new's.

Off to see the remaining girls and to ask them to please be very observant and ask, complain or tell one of us if they dont feel right.. As early as possible. This shouldn't be happening, and we need them to speak up. Irene is the lonest resident there and Colleen is next.

If I have time Ill pop into Winz on my way home. I've put the forms I need away so well I cant find them. lol.. And will take them back this week.

Will also pick up my lotto winnings on the way.. I will of course buy easter eggs for the girls lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

A nice day out there ... back from walking the K9 seeing as her "dad" absent as the chief dog walker.

So good to sleep in my own bed last night and feel less stressed.

I hope Mr K's check up goes well.  Mr R will no doubt be being assessed today.  The nurse is putting in an order for a shower chair and a walking frame from the Mobility Centre ... some new "devices" in our home!

Watering needing doing in my garden today for starters.  DS has kept my beans and a few pots going as requested! 

Enjoy the day all.
Love a coffee coloured rose...

I wish the disability sector would design for us with some cheerful colour in mind. Those ubiquitous grey vinyls are so depressing. Necessary, but ugly as...
Morning all
Fine bit of a breeze

Hope the results are good KM and that MrR is released soon.

Feel efficient this morning been gym, 2 loads washing and collectd k9 food and flea treat(ment) for k9s

Was going to clean out the freezer but DH has tweaked his back  he likes to help sorting out stuff.

Will continue to quilt smaller  crumb quilt not doing overall motif which is quicker but  stitching  stars in blocks got to figure out what I am going to do in the sashing.
Trying to be good and taking breaks every 45 minutes.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That rose is a beauty KM ... strong fragrance as well. Do you have it in your garden?
That Legend rose is gorgeoue KM. Hope all goes well with Mr KM, & also Mr R.

Definitely agree Hunni - there's only one colour I loathe & despise & that's grey - the most dreary,depressing colour in existence. It probably also has to do with a hideous school uniform which was mostly grey but I really don't like it at all. I once had a tutor who said it was the colour of deception, & who was slightly alarmed thast so many banks tend to use it.

Finally some rain here but its supposedly going to get hot this afternoon which would undo any good done, so hoping they've got it wrong.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I dont think the rain is far off here.. very windy here.

Been with the girls and they all were shocked to hear that Irene was away. They thought she might be unwell but didn't realise she had gone to Hospital.

Found out simply cos I was visiting Colleen in her room that the reason they dont do anything is cos Irenes end of life papers say she doesn't want to be treated or sent away.. so Im going to tell Dianne they best get that changed pronto.

So that is why they leave her when she is sick. Its clearly something that none of the family remember.

David is going to take care of Colleens baking for her Birthday. Bobbie was good today.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Do not resuscitate is different from palliative treatment. Perhaps she was not properly advised when making that order. Either way, family has to be made aware of her wishes, otherwise there can be all kinds of complications.

It is like being a life donor, family can step in and countermand that wish if they haven't been part of the choice.

Complicated business, dying...
It is a complicated business, OHH.  If Irene doesn't want the help, then that's what they do. Her family could check on her again to make sure those are still her wishes.

No, I don't have the rose Legend in the garden as it is new this season.  Am seriously thinking about it though Tongue

MrK got the all clear.  We were so lucky the cancer was only in the skin and hadn't gone deeper.  The node was also negative.  MrK has to have six monthly full body checks for five years and we were told what to look for as they cannot guarantee the cancer has completely gone.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Wonderful news KM. Great to hear
Thats awesome Kiwimade.. Soo pleased.

I spoke to Dianne. They have a DNR, but nothing on not treating her for anything. She had been sick since late Thursday. The other daughter was with her most of Saturday and they had only given her one Ural sachet.. And they argued until 10-30 PM when they finally called the Ambulance.

When Dianne and her sister got there, the Ambulance people were outside the young female was terribly upset at how Irene had been treated.

The Drs told Dianne it was thanks to the Ambos giving her a massive dose of Antibiotics that she has survived..

Good Old Irene saying today She wants to be home for Painting on Wednesday lol.

But they will be doing an ultrasound tomorrow or Wednesday cos she passed a big blood clot in her urine.

Dianne said she will make sure they change the End of life care plan, making sure they know the DNR is only if she has a stroke or in cardiac arrest.

I just cant figure out how they ( the home) could get it sooo wrong.

But Irene I think is like MrP.. one with Many many lives.

We will get her to 100
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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