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You can never have enough...
I don't buy from Shein or Temu. Just don't trust them.

Yeah, we thought the tree was pretty as well, mica. The variegated version doesn't grow as tall so would be perfect for that spot. We love the way the branches fan out into layers to let the light through. And wait for it... MrK has agreed the cherry tree has to go. I worked out the tree is around 19 years old and according to Wikipedia they only last around 20 years. Could be why it didn't blossom last year. We've decided to wait until spring to see if it blossoms and then cut it out. Instead of having five trees jammed in like sardines there will be three, evenly spaced out trees with room for each to grow. The magnolia will thank us, I'm sure. And funny enough, this was MrK's idea, or so he thinks lol. I've only been saying this over the past five years! Sometimes I really wonder about him. *shakes head*

The arborist is coming this afternoon to do the grinding. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(15-03-2024, 09:33 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:
(14-03-2024, 06:05 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: That doesn't sound too good - why the devil can't we humans just live & let live fgs.

Exactly why I don't buy Shein products...
(15-03-2024, 11:13 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Exactly why I don't buy Shein products...

This is the first I've heard of them so had a swift look; not going to bother.

Madame Le Dog walked, just made it back before the rain arrived. They predicted heavy rain but not so far, a very light drizzle is about the extent of it.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Still wet here. Supposed to be fine all weekend.

Have had a lovely time at the rest home. David brought in beautiful Mini cupcakes, Im not usually a cake person , but one of those was lovely. I took in Easter eggs, and Caron took in Hot-cross Buns lol We all decided its more like a Cafe when we all get together lol.

Irene didn't look too flash when I got there but she has eaten so much today and thoroughly enjoyed herself today. her sister and Neice came in and I knew them lol. I thought they were friends but it makes sense them being family. With Irene and Bub, (Not sure what her real name is and I forget from when I knew them) there was 194 years lol.. AMAZING. And Bub is still driving and just took her car in for a warrant this morning. Lives alone lol.

Irene and Dianne got me one of the paint by number's that the Home brought for the painters and gave it to me to help keep me occupied during my time at home.. Bobbie went off to her Music and came back just as I was leaving.

Ive heard of Shein but never looked to see what it was.

We were only saying today, We wish the world would all play nice, stop the wars and hate and just live peacefully..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
In order for that to happen we would need to remove all humanity's negative emotions.
(15-03-2024, 05:06 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: In order for that to happen we would need to remove all humanity's negative emotions.

Also human stupidity...& possibly, politicians. - oh, I said the same thing twice! Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile There is a chill that feels like winter is on its way this morning.

lol Lilith, you did indeed! We're thinking of 'doing' the Covid enquiry advertised on the telly. The theory is our story will help balance out the haters. Not that we have much of a story, we loved lockdown lol.

The tree is gone *does the happy dance* and omggg, the amount of mulch created is wonderful. Today I will spread it out over the garden, replant Graeme Thomas, move Blackberry Nip and dig out Frilly Jilly for my friend. Fingers crossed Frilly Jilly does better for her. And then we have the garden waste from the other day to take to the tip. The arborist said to wait a couple of months before we plant a new tree which suits us. In a couple of weeks when the fuchsias have finished, I will move them under the magnolia to prepare the garden for the other tree to be felled.

Yesterday afternoon I spent some more time on the runner and am slowly working my way round the second half. I'll be pleased to see the back of the buttonhole stitch, that's for sure.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Chilly start but sun is shining.
Fed k9s at 6am and came back to bed to read. Time flies when reading will get up after DH finished in shower.

Sounds like you getting your garden back in shape KM

Made a hooded bathrobe  for DGD1 yesterday found pretty piece micrfleece in stash will make dolly a matching robe today.
It was nice to get back into garment sewing
Bit house work this morning

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is out... And chilly enough that I got my spring / Autumn nightie out last night.. And Added "Get the Heater out" to my list of jobs to do before I go, its not massive but easier to do it now than later.

I must do the survey too Kiwimade, The more of us who enjoyed Lock down the better to counteract all the nay sayers.

Have quite a list for today so I better get cracking.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I didn't enjoy lockdown, but I didn't find it much of a burden either. As a nation I think we did okay, and it was just that small bunch who took the negative pov. So maybe speaking up would be a good thing, except I recall making submissions to officialdom on a number of occasions and being somewhat disappointed to find it achieved very little.

But then, maybe that's me being a negative nelly this time!

Cool night here too, winter nightie came out some days ago and the little quilt arrived on the bed, but I may have to climb up and bring the big one down. I had cold feet for long enough last night to contemplate a hot water bottle, so it just might be time. I know the Tatty cat got very friendly so she would appreciate both!
I loved the time I spent with my dog Stella during lockdown, saved heaps on petrol as well.

Such an aloof dog at times but so loving and faithful.

It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Very cold here last night, had to put on bed socks - & we're only just into Autumn! I hate to think what winter might be like.
Mind you, it did avoid the nightly running battle between Madame Le Cat & Madame Le Dog for the dog crate, since that bloody cat decided she needed my (her) bed, & what's more, she needed to be IN the bed with the human rather than on the covers.

Some negotiaton was needed until she got the message she was not to sleep ON the human...I suspoect winter may be interesting.

Did a tiny bit more on sheet painting/wall hanging thing & the dog walk - a bit late, so Hunter was out of bed & barking as we went past, as were two new dogs in that street. Might have to try to be earlier next time - oh joy.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My friend forgot to leave the trailer out for us so we will try again tomorrow Big Grin The magnolia has had a tidy up and the broken branches from the tree falling removed along with a branch that was rubbing on the fence. We both like its new shape and can't wait for it to grow properly. The tree falling has proven a few points for me with MrK and he is onboard with prunning harder now. A couple of shrubs have been tidied up and Albertine has been somewhat tamed. Fingers crossed Graeme Thomas survives. It really deserves to thrive after being thrashed by falling branches, dug out and left for a week in water and worm wee and cut back hard. Still lots to do but that's normal for this time of the year.

Time to bring the washing in, the day isn't getting any warmer and rain clouds are looming.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Have to admit, I've been wearing Jammi pants for a couple of weeks. Supposed to help with the restless legs.

Madam pulls the bedding down so she can sleep on me... Dual appreciation from Both of us.. Only she tends to make me sleep in. It was later again this morning lol.

Have ticked 7 things off my list.. 9 to go lol.. I do love lists.. Ill be able to get outside tomorrow I hope. The cobwebs are taking over.. The stupid Yukkas are flowering. They are pretty flowers but I still dont like the plants lol..

Town was crazy, as it always is when its a nice day.. but I managed to print off and photo copy the last things for Winz. I've even written on the form, even if they pay it and I pay it back. I dont care. I just want to do the Last thing I can for MrP .. its been his wish all along.

Games now then a few more jobs.. My Games records will be crappy this months cos I'll be missing at least 5 days.. I do Love coming in the top 10 of half a million people. Always in the top 50, and I have been top once. Its my mental stimulation for each day.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a gorgeous sunrise we had this morning.

Yesterday I put our 'winter' sheets on the bed and omg what a difference to our sleep that made last night. Even the Furry One was on the bed snuggled up. On really cold nights, he sleeps under the covers jammed up beside me. And heaven help me if I dare to move lol, he really lets me know he does not appreciate being disturbed. If MrK gets up to go to the loo, then his pillow is fair game as well and there will be the inevitable 2.30am conversation with the Furry One to move.

Today I'll load the trailer up with the garden waste and MrK will help me tie it down and take it to the tip. We rarely take our green waste to the tip but this year there is more than usual with some shrubs being cut out completely.

Our son has made the huge decision to move to Aussie for work and leaves in around three weeks' time. We'll miss him terribly, but this is his chance to travel and that is something he has always wanted to do. He's single so no family to worry about, MrK's health is good so now is his chance to go. He plans to work in Aussie and travel around Asia for a couple of years then move to the UK to work (if possible) and travel around Europe and Africa. He's going to have so many adventures and stories to tell.

Yesterday afternoon I stitched a bit more around the edging. I have twelve more triangles on each side to do before I start the end so slowly getting there. I'll start buying the reds, greens, browns and yellow threads I will need for the center shortly and dig out some finer thread for the weaving. I really want to stitch the pohutukawa in silk, but it is such a big project the cost would be huge. I might do something smaller in silk for us after this.

Time to get cracking, I need to move the car onto the lawn to hook the trailer up before I can start loading it up. My friend dropped it off yesterday so it's not on our car.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Bit grey here. Yesterday was beautiful.

Im sure your son will enjoy himself Kiwimade. I went to Aussie with plans of travelling more. But that's when I realized Im a home bunny really. Mind you I dont think Ill ever say Aussie is for me . Bit Like Tauranga lol

More jobs on my list for today. Starting with making Shortbread for Dianne's Hubby.

Did my first clexane shot this morning.. Kinda pleased its two doses a day. Makes me feel more "Covered".

I broke last night... Cant tell MrP that Im having my knee done, even tho I know he would have annoyed me anyway.. I like to think he has reverted back to being the nice man I knew.

I watched the Boy in Striped Pajamas last night. I think cos I knew what happened I actually watched it better.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's brisk out there but nice and sunny.  The inner will be going back in the cover later once the sheets are washed and dried!

A routine of sorts has been established round here.  Mr R is regaining strength in his weakened leg.  Those compression stockings are hard work to get on at the end of the day but needs must!

I have beans to pick in a couple of days, a novelty for me at this time of year.  The blueberries are STILL going!

Exciting times for your son KM ... you'll enjoy hearing about his travels from afar.

Time for me to take the K9 for her morning walk. 

Enjoy the day all.
wow, roma, our blueberries stopped a good week ago!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I am going to try compression socks this coming week, but don't fancy the struggle to get them on much! The leg that is pretty much bionic now is becoming a bit of a trial with pain and swelling, so with proper shoe weather coming up I thought I'd see if a bit of support helps and makes getting a shoe or boot on easier. If not I might have to check with the docs but more surgery definitely does not appeal.

We'll see...
Was told Ill be wearing them too Hunni. Frig knows how Ill get them on either lol. I couldn't even pit MrP's on him lol..

I guess if we have trouble we could ask for a Nurse to call, They have a special name and I cannot think of it right now lol. OH District Nurse. lol

Baking is finished. Made flowers for the ladies and simple round ones for Dianne's Hubby. Ill leave the vacuuming till Tuesday, and then its just last minute things.

I think I'm a good Girl Scout.. Always prepared lol. But I'm ready to bring it on.

First Shot done, only a small bruise I think which is cool. Means I did it right lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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