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Dreadful news, chocolate
Oh woe is me, & others too no doubt...

 Maytaal Angel and Maxwell Akalaare Adombila, Reuters
Major African cocoa plants in Ivory Coast and Ghana have stopped or cut processing because they cannot afford to buy beans, four trading sources said, meaning chocolate prices around the world are likely to soar.
Chocolate-makers have already increased prices to consumers, after three years of poor cocoa harvests, with a fourth expected, in the two countries that produce nearly 60 percent of the world's cocoa.
Cocoa prices have more than doubled over the last year, scaling numerous all-time highs.
"We need massive demand destruction to catch up with the supply destruction," Tropical Research Services' Steve Wateridge, a world expert on cocoa, said.
Chocolate-makers cannot produce chocolate using raw cocoa and rely on processors to turn beans into butter and liquor that can be made into chocolate.

But the processors say they cannot afford to buy the beans.

In normal times, the market is heavily regulated - traders and processors purchase beans from local dealers up to a year in advance at pre-agreed prices. Local regulators then set lower farmgate prices that farmers can charge for beans.
However, in times of shortage like this year, the system breaks down - local dealers often pay farmers a premium to the farmgate price to secure beans.
The dealers then sell the beans on the spot market at higher prices instead of delivering them at pre-agreed prices."
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
big jump 26% best i stock up on my Whitakers s Ghana chocolate The spot price is going up regardless of source of the beans
I wish we could grow it here - every garden would have some!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Well, my coffee bush is going great guns on the deck, it has tripled in size and will need a repot this winter when growth slows down. So I see no reason we shouldn't try the odd cocoa plant!

So, I googled, and what do you know...
(17-03-2024, 11:47 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Well, my coffee bush is going great guns on the deck, it has tripled in size and will need a repot this winter when growth slows down. So I see no reason we shouldn't try the odd cocoa plant!

So, I googled, and what do you know...

 You could grow these in glasshouses...hmm. Whittakers might do it - they'd have no lack of workers to look after them, either... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Its kind of crazy that the coca processors don't have enough money to buy the beans.
Sounds like the way the market is regulated can do the opposite.
For years though, the growers have been exploited. The market is another one that has been taken over by the big guys. I remember a doco on it a while back. It might be time the luxury product fetched luxury prices and that income was more evenly distributed.
It still sounds to me like the growers are the ones getting shafted but the middleman along the way is making a profit somewhere.
At the prices we are paying, you would hope that the farmers are still making a decent cut.
Google shows several docos, but I think it was the John Oliver one on youtube...
Ok, I'll take a look.

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