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You can never have enough...
Morning all
Very nippy start, still tucked up reading k9s hunkeredcdown either side 

GF donut yesterday was delicious  and had lovely chat with frien didn't do much else as for some reason very tired. 

Warehouse this morning and groceries  this afternoon. 

Did a bit more knitting last night thumb a bit sore this morning so will give it a rest today very frustrating

Also thinking about Popeye today.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Brisk again this morning but now enjoying the sunshine. 

Hopefully Popeye surgery well on the way and the new knee is in place.  Mr R was first on the list ... sure beats the waiting on an empty stomach plus nerves! His 3 week post surgery check next week ... the time since has gone quickly.

Visit to the vet first thing for dog vacc booster then library to drop off books. Beans picked and about to stew some more feijoas for brekkie cereal.

Might need to get the hose going later to keep things going.

Enjoy the day all.
Hope all's going well with Popeye today & she has a smooth recovery.

I had to schlep all the way over to Northlands mall this morning (since the Bodyshop closed its shop in our local) & all I needed was a lip balm - really annoying, but got there to find everything was on special & so was able to get two so not bad.

And came home to a lovely surprise - parcel from friend up north, very unexpected, containng two small chocolate bars (fairly swanky ones) a book, some tea & best of all, a bag with an image of Frida Kahlo on carrier style, which is exactly the size I prefer! Because its Easter was her pretext - anything will do.
She has these impulses every so often & its always lovely to be on the recieving end.Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Feijoas and apples make a magnificent crumble. Must get some granny smiths next week for just that. Oh - and I came across a farcebook recipe that made a ruby jelly out of feijoa skins. I have to try that one...
Oh yes apple and feijoa crumble with either icecream, cream, custard or greek yogurt on the side  ... mouth watering.
morning ladies Smile We have a lovely calm day today.

Yummmm feijoas... must go and check out the massive feijoa hedge down the road Tongue

The plan for today is to keep pruning and to burn/dispose of the un-compostable garden waste. The blimmen convolvulus makes composting difficult. In saying that, mrK is slowly but surely emptying last year's compost into the bins and omg it is gorgeous. Dark and crumbly, just perfect.

Our son finished up with his job yesterday and is going to be busy sorting and selling his stuff. We'll help where we can.

Time to get cracking before a breeze starts and makes burning the rubbish unsafe.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine day

The compost sounds good DH would appreciate  having some  Big Grin he has done well here working on the heavy clay he started with.

So tired yesterday needed a nana nap. DGD1 and DSIL came to dinner last night DD away for 3 days. They having dinner with the other grandad tonight.
Crockpot spat the dummy yesterday we bought it in April 2022 will contact NZ agent today as I don't think its good enough. Only has 1 yr warranty. 
Housework and office stuff to do then hopefully get down to sewing cave.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(21-03-2024, 11:34 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Feijoas and apples make a magnificent crumble. Must get some ganny smiths next week for just that. Oh - and I came across a farcebook recipe that made a ruby jelly out of feijoa skins. I have to try that one...

I make jelly from whole feijoas (including the skin) and it is absolutely delicious, a lovely dark apricot colour.  Our crop failed last year with the floods and I'm hoping that we'll have enough for jelly this year as the tree hasn't fully recovered.
Good morning. 

Nice to be out with the dog ... the coolness keeps you moving!

I guess Popeye will be encouraged to get up today  ... she will have plenty of pain relief on board ... the day after!

2 years ... not good Mica ... definitely need to be the squeaky wheel. I hope it's not my brand, only a couple of years old, a Sunbeam.

A day at home ... will make good use of it getting things done around the house.  Grandson mowed the lawn last night ... about to turn 10  Smile

Cuppa finished, will get the washing on the line. 

Enjoy the day all.
I'm halfway around the garden Big Grin And omg you can see where I have been lol. I have a plan in my head for next summer and that means being ruthless with another rose and a dahlia. In saying that, I have two roses on order to replace two I have already had to bin thanks to the tree. I am so pleased with Claude Monet though. It was smashed to bits, dug out and left in a bucket of worm wee in the shade for almost a week and now has flower buds on it. Couldn't believe it lol. Three fuchsias have been moved in preparation for the next tree to come down, two to go. At least, it will be a planned fall this time.

I was thinking popeye would be walking/hobbling today. They certainly don't keep you in bed for long now. It's the old mantra, use it, or lose it.

Now to deal with Spark... sigh... we have closed our account and given our 30 days, but they are still billing us... will we ever be rid of them!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
They are appalling like that, if you had any extras, make sure they are cancelling those as well or you'll go on being billed for them...
yeah, it was our Netflix. I would rather pay a bit more by not having it through Spark than having to deal with Spark again. When we cancelled our Spark stuff, I told them to cancel everything, Netflix included. The chap I chatted with seems to have it sorted and has given me a mobile number 'just in case'.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile Bring on the rain!

I see on Stuff, Princess Kate has announced she has cancer Sad and is receiving chemo. They found it after routine surgery. It bugs the heck out of me she felt she had to tell everyone. I wish her all the very best for her recovery.

Housework to do today and then tomorrow I can finish (if you ever finish lol) what I've started out in the garden. I want to get the weeding 'done' before the frosts kick in and the ground is too cold to work with. The frost we had Thursday was a reminder frosts aren't that far away.

MrK is going to cook the last of our apples today and pick any ripe figs before the birds get to them. The tomatoes are still producing but the beans have finished.

If it's raining this afternoon, I will spend a guilt free afternoon stitching. There are 18 triangles to go before I reach the end, so not many now to do.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Overcast and looking like rain.  Just back from walk with K9, this time with Mr R on crutches in tow. It's looking like a day to hunker down indoors. 

The Royals are damned if they do, damned if they don't.  Awful to live that fishbowl life.  I also wish her all the best and for the world to leave her and her family alone to deal with what is in front of them. 

No plan for the day, will go with the flow.  My wool order is on its way,  I have plans for one of the 2 different yarns coming as soon as it arrives. 

Enjoy the day all.
She has lost so much weight, I did wonder. All strength to them both and those amazing kids.

Community manager popped in yesterday to let me know there is an inorganic collection on Monday - I asked her about this two weeks ago and got short shrift. Two days notice, useless corporate management. However, we'll see if any of the lazy sods around here take advantage and clear away their under deck areas. While she was here I asked for permission to paint my very tatty kitchen cupboards, and got the okay. Seeing they will rip the whole kitchen out when I cark it I didn't see a problem, but I didn't tell her I rather fancy a denim blue instead of the magnolia... !!!
Indeed - I wouldn't be a royal for quids,poor things. We should all perhaps learn to mind our own business a bit more where they're concerned, especially the media.

Denim blue sound good Hunni - & definitely better than magnolia & if tghey don't like it - well, they don't have to live with it do they. And the world needs more colour imo.

Lovely sunny day here if a bit on the cool side, we had a good long walk earlier & Hunter around the way wasn't too over enthusistic, just the one or two barks this morning so probably still half asleep. The new dog over the road made up for it though...
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning all
lovely fine day

Denim blue sounds nice OHH.

Nothing much to report here - tried to get enthused yesterday in sewing cave but every bit of merino I picked up to make top for me there wasnt enough looks like I need to go shopping.
Been playing with photoscan app - the quality wont be good enough to print photos but to have an electronic record should be fine. Also dont need to take photos out of the albums.  this will be a time hungry project little and often

DSIL popped in with dGD1 this morning - we were the entertainment for couple hours. DD will be  back tonight.

Not sure what I will get up to today everything I look at seems tricky.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I had a house in Blenheim, a reconfigured state house with native timber floors and big windows, set in a garden built by a plant collector. The kitchen had had walls removed so it was open plan to dining and living, and it had soft butter coloured walls and denim painted cupboards floor to ceiling. With the timber floors it was a gorgeous space to work in. I have lived in some lovely homes over the years but that kitchen was the best of the lot and I have this quiet yen to bring a little bit of it back with this last one.

So, I am quite excited by the prospect of scrubbing and sanding and bit by bit getting it done.
Lovely colour combo. I have denim blue splash back tiles (and along the same wall) and have just picked one of the last of my (fallen down) dahlias ... gorgeous butter yellow with blush pink edges. A bit of cheer on a dull day ... now drizzling.
I love the idea of denim blue cupboards Smile This winter I plan to sand back the Adirondack chairs and paint them pumpkin orange. I may have to take a piece of pumpkin into Resenes and tell them 'I want this colour' lol

We're trying to watch the sailing but there is a Hectors dolphin having a bit of fun in the bay, so racing has been postponed until the dolphin has gone. Heart

I've done some stitching today thanks to the rain. Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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