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You can never have enough...
Cool overcast and brisk breeze

Finished doc review now have a PowerPoint to develop, did food hunt.
Sewing friend was reunited with her sewing and overlocker machines  and kindly gave me couple bottles of wine for my trouble these will be appreciated over the weekend Big Grin

KM sorry MrK has found another lump hopefully he gets seem speedily

Volunteer day today hope to get to sewing cave later this afternoon to put a pdf pattern together and trace off the correct size

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good afternoon from a warm windy overcast day in the bay - hope Popeye is on the mend -
Had a very important meeting with my sons this week - we have done the rounds of the retirement villages - no doubt there are some very nice units available but in my opinion they are overpriced and not where I want to be at the moment .I understand my kids are concerned if I deteriorate health wise I need a plan and that this house is cold because insulating it adequately is impossible but I love my little art deco house and the heat pump does a blardy good job - so we have agreed to put change on hold but one of my things on my todo list was talking to the neighbour about her huge palm tree fronds - the last one that came down smashed three of my pitosporum hedge and left a gap - there are three more dead and just hanging on by a thread - so I approached them very nicely and calmly and asked if they coykd get them removed before they blow down - wow how ignorant I am there is beauty in these dead fronds waving about - he was awful so I slunk away with my tail between my legs - my oldest son will deal with them next time he comes up - should be interesting
The 14 year old recidivist offender returned to the supermarket with a machete - he is going to kill somebody - we found out he lives with his grandfather in emergency housing with 2 other siblings none of them have been to school since Covid - he doesn’t care as long as he keep getting the benefit for them
For the first time in 5 years shoplifters from Robies shop have been charged in court - his 20 worst offenders had 83 charges between them - it’s soul destroying as so many of them are coming in with weapons - they are not stealing what they need to eat they are stealing top priced goods like vacuum packs of steak or whole hams but he would rather see the goods go out the door than the staff get assaulted
The Ukrainian baker left his hot cross bun recipe for the young bakers - they have sold 26,000 hot cross buns since 6th March - a woman splashed all over Facebook she had found a piece of chicken bone in a bun - was a piece of lemon peel
I haven’t watched the Gloriavale doco yet - stunned me to hear the business they owned and people buying their product had no idea who they were dealing with - even owned a luxury Airbnb retreat
Kiwimade it’s tough watching your boy packing up - my son had a garage sale before he left I couldn’t believe my eyes his cherry Doc Martins which were his teenage most treasured possession were lined up for sale - tucked them under my arm when he wasn’t looking - gave them to one of his daughters who stuffs socks in the toe and has won them .But they need to go - he may stay away a year or two or he may return home just hope it works out for him .We loved it over there - not sorry to be home
Be safe everybody if you are travelling over the long weekend - was going to head up to Kinloch but weather is so iffy might just stay put
omg Jan, I think you may be right. This kid will seriously hurt someone or worse, kill someone. What a sad life he has. You will know within yourself when it's time to move into one of those villages.

We're back home and will be back on Saturday for the final 'push'. Son has a list of jobs to do, like cleaning the oven. We'll help him dispose of his bed and the last of the rubbish on Saturday. His bike and scooter were sold today. The guy who bought his bike is from Tauranga, so son suggested he pick it up from here rather than Hamilton on Saturday. The buyer is happy as it means only 'half' a trip for him. MrK has scored a lot of tools, screws and bits and bobs and is a happy man. Our son is very much like his father and hoards stuff.

I'm not very good at backing trailers so I suggested (wish I hadn't now) to MrK I reverse the trailer at the rubbish tip while there were buggar all people to point and laugh. Nope lol... a little old lady had to stop while I attempted to reverse the trailer while MrK and son were telling me... other way.. other way! What other way says me... other way they both yell... I stop the car, get out and tell MrK to do it. The little old lady was in tears laughing... I thanked her for her patience, and she said it reminded her of her husband teaching her lol. And she thanked me for the entertainment. Glad I made someone's day lol.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yes please. All of you drive carefully over the weekend, I refuse to add another to my personal Easter road toll, it definitely takes all the fun out of my chocolate addiction.

I got a bit carried away today and having done the laundry decided to strip the bed of its heavy - king size- cotton bedspread. It is gorgeous, meets the ground on both sides of my double, and is that glorious soft sage green, but boy it is a pain to wash and dry. So it is off, folded and waiting for one of the last hot summer afternoons to go on the line. Meanwhile I have layered up my my Amish quilts and of course there is a nip in the air, so maybe a hottie for the toes tonight for me and the cat!

I replaced my big falling apart resin outdoor chairs with two Briscoes aluminum directors chairs - $29.95 instead of $99, and delivered for $7.50, very happy, except they arrived swathed in acres of bubble wrap and that is going to be a pain to take down to the village to the recycling point. Totally unnecessary, they are metal for heavens sake! Still, if that is my only whinge about these I'm doing well. Solid chairs too, took a but of effort to open and close them, to check them out. But they will be easily stashed inside which means they should last a few years, comfy enough too, and the right height for my little Enderslea table, which needs a fresh coat of paint before next summer...

Add it to the list, lol!
Hope Popeye's doing OK.

That's good progress KM, bet you're pleased. Hope the lump is merely a cyst & nothing to worry about.

Made an effort in the garden & got a bit dug over earlier, plus picked a few tomatoes & beans & dug out the last spuds, then got the last two pumpkins. There's one tiny one still in another garden but whether or not it survives is another thing.
Did a bit more on the sheet painting/wall hanging, its quite fun working on such a big area but not sure about it, we'll see. And a bit more on photoshop paintings, then made three small salmon & mushroom quiches, two in freezer & one for dinner tonight - wasn't bad either.
Slightly knackered now though, & That Bloody Cat is sitting next to me, wanting me to turn off computer & move over to the couch, because thst's her new thing. Once the human moves off the computer chair, its then hers. According to her...Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Fine day crisp out had quilt on bed last night so might be time to put the duvet on.

Tragic JanW some kids just don't get a good deal in life 

DS and his family,y are coming around this morning for hotcross buns with the secret filling Big Grin
So need to go shower and then punch down the dough.  

Enjoy your chocolate  and buns
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile The Easter traffic is building up a bit on our road and it was busy coming home from Hamilton yesterday afternoon. Someone at the head of the queue decided it would be fun to drive to the speed limit, then slow down, speed up, slow down, speed up slow down... and of course no one could pass because of the barriers. We saw some VERY close calls at some roundabouts in Hamilton, one was so close, another layer of paint on the car and it would have been nasty. Oh... and there are those that think indicating is optional. We're back to help our son tomorrow but today, I've told MrK I'm doing the bare basics of stuff around the house as I want a day off. It's been a crazy couple of months, and I need some time out.

Your chairs sound perfect, OHH Smile and great they can be stored away in the winter as well.

Your hot cross buns sound yummy, mica. I bought the Coupland buns and usually they are soooo good but this year, they seem to have cut back on the dried fruit and no peel Sad I'm guessing it was that or put prices up. I'd rather pay more for a yummy bun.

I should be able to stitch for a while later today.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Slept right through last night, that combination of cool air and wonderful quilts is magic. Perhaps I should give the bedspread away once it has been manhandled through the laundry. That process really is getting too much for this old lady. Still, it will be good exercise!

I was given two hot cross buns, so I'm looking forward to popping them under the grill for lunch. I 'm not a bun person usually, but this is a good excuse for a little indulgence. And the other task for today is to start the winter wardrobe changeover. I have limited storage space - when these flats were built, oldies were supposed to need room for a couple of day dresses, a cardy, dressing gown and a winter coat and not a lot more - but I have a decidedly overblown clothing collection problem, so every season is sort out and discard time. That'll keep me entertained for the day...
Good morning.

Cloudy and there could be a few showers later. 

Surgeon very pleased with result of his work.  Mr R on one crutch and driving again ... lucky the weaker leg is the left one or we might both go mad!  Physio (since hospital) starts next week to continue with rehab. The pathology report hadn't come back yet. 

I saw the cable men at work KM as we drove past and done and dusted when we came home ... good work. I hope Mr K has a good outcome with his next hospital visit. The road certainly makes for a slower trip. Won't it be good when all finished!

No plans ... family are up for the break, so will take each day as it comes. 

Happy Easter.
lol roma, they did a nice tidy job of digging the trench and laying the cable. It was bucketing down with rain when I left for Hamilton, but they kept at it. Now for the sparkies to come back next week and fit the new smart meter and hook the cable up. Once the cable has been hooked up the overhead line will come down. That in itself will make life easier for when we have bigger vehicles on the property. The dud internet cable has already been taken down and added to the scrap metal pile. We were sick of waiting for Chorus to do it. Thank goodness insurance is paying for this!

The roadworks on SH1 will be finished in June Smile And the new roundabout is going great guns, it's going to be huge! Four meters high and 80 meters in diameter. According to an article I read 150 truck and trailer loads of metal are being dumped there every day. I noticed they have had to raise the height of the power lines. It's interesting to see the progression Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Big (expensive) stats! We noticed the height of the construction and the new very high pylons! What a huge roundabout!
Morning all
Rain and windy I am tucked up in bed reading MrM brings me a cup of tea when he gets up to fed the k9s they are early risers.

Great to get rid of those overhead wires KM
Good to hear MrR is making good progress Roma.

The hotcross buns with secret filling turned out I can't not make  them there is outcry  from kids DS and his family turned up late morning to partake DGS very politely told me the filling was too sweet for him I should have remembered that he doesn't like sweet stuff and next year I will make some plain ones. They ended up staying for lunch and didn't leave until mid afternoon. DGD2 is wired with energiser bunny batteries she never stops. She doesn't sleep much either runs her parents ragged. 
Today my goal is to purge my drawers  then get to sewing cave had idea to make colour blocked merino top to use up some of the smaller pieces. DH will be over at DD painting while they are away for the weekend.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
My paranoid neighbour has done a disappearing act without letting anyone know, as is her habit, but the blissful silence from beyond the wall is a dead giveaway and I am enjoying the peace a lot. Sudden banging and crashing is inclined to make me jump and it is very relaxing knowing it aint going to happen, and better still that I probably have another couple of weeks of quiet. She is a perfectly nice woman, but housework is her hobby and she starts at 5am which can be a tad on the nose for this lazy late sleeper, lol. Still, I get to garden in her space so it isn't all bad. Quite fun really, I sometimes overhear her with her family members admiring all the work 'she' has put into it!

As Lilith says, people are weird....
Went to the library (I was down to my last two books!) and the plant shop and the supermarket, it was a glorious Autumn day. But the 30th always is. Came home with pansies and mini brassicas to plant, heaps of veg for the fridge, and got cracking and painted the Enderslea table for the deck. Can't have new chairs with a paint peely table. And I got the bedspread through the wash and on the line. I'm going to leave it there overnight, the forecast for tomorrow is sunny, so that'll give it a good chance to really dry out. Lazy I know, but the thought of getting it down damp and then repegging it is just too much to contemplate.

Trying to decide what is for dinner - salad? Or cereal, lol...

One thing though, we who have close communities to live in are very blessed. Aside from the greetings and smiles I gather on my outings on the scooter, the librarians are always good for a chat, the aged gentlemen at the hardware shop always good for a laugh, and my favourite supermarket people know me by name, and never take me seriously when I rant about prices. We rely on the kindness of strangers every day, out there, and online. We have a lot to be grateful for...
evening ladies Smile A very late post from me today. We have cleaned out son's flat and are all home now. Crikey the Hamilton tip was busy! The 'new' fridge is in the garage and a load of son's washing is on. Daughter arrived safely from Whanganui, so all is right in our world.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(30-03-2024, 03:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Went to the library (I was down to my last two books!) and the plant shop and the supermarket, it was a glorious Autumn day. But the 30th always is. Came home with pansies and mini brassicas to plant, heaps of veg for the fridge, and got cracking and painted the Enderslea table for the deck. Can't have new chairs with a paint peely table. And I got the bedspread through the wash and on the line. I'm going to leave it there overnight, the forecast for tomorrow is sunny, so that'll give it a good chance to really dry out. Lazy I know, but the thought of getting it down damp and then repegging it is just too much to contemplate.

Trying to decide what is for dinner - salad? Or cereal, lol...

One thing though, we who have close communities to live in are very blessed. Aside from the greetings and smiles I gather on my outings on the scooter, the librarians are always good for a chat, the aged gentlemen at the hardware shop always good for a laugh, and my favourite supermarket people know me by name, and never take me seriously when I rant about prices. We rely on the kindness of strangers every day, out there, and online. We have a lot to be grateful for...

Snap! I went to the library as well, having finished Untouchable girls last night - a really interesting read, those two have been through some unusual times.
Found a Hugh Howey book, Across the sand which doesn't seem to be part of a series (I hope) although I enjoyed his silo series don't really want to start another one in case I should fall off the perch before I get the chance to finish it.

Interesting isn'i it, how we have favourites at the supermarket; my favourite is a Samoan woman who has an excellent sense of humour & reminds me of a boss i had years ago.

Also got more cheap paint & did a bit more on sheet painting.  Likely won't get much done tomorrow but perhps Monday with luck.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morni g all
Mild overcast morning 

You have ticked off o few jobs KM the extra fridge will be useful.
I have fav supermarket person too she is always cheerful chatty and packs my bags the best and loads them into the trolley not like some of the teenagers who I then ask very sweetly please pop the bags in the trolley one even scowled when I made this request. Pity that I know their supervisor. 

Minced up some oranges yesterday and will make them into marmalade this morning. Also got down to sewing cave and made up top, need to unpick the sleeve cap as its a bit big fun to unpick overlocked seams never mind I l like the aqua coloured merino enough to do it.

Earlier start than usual had to drive over to feed DS 2 cats as he and his family have gone  to stay with the other set of grand parents.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Any news on popeye333?

I know she was having an operation but quite a lot of time has passed with no word.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Yes, I hope everything went well. It takes a good week or so to get past the painkiller stage so maybe she's taking things slowly.
Good morning. Lovely day after a cool start.

Knee surgery is quite a biggie to recover from. Not easy on your own either. I don't know how niece's FIL did it, having both knees done at once a year ago but he has a partner and family close by. Definitely easier with support.

Visiting GS2 mowed our lawn yesterday ... always makes everything look tidy again.

Half way through cardi front. 2 more cardis to knit after this one. The weather feels right for knitting now. Butter beans still going, even blueberries still to pick. SI family loving the abundant feijoa supply.

Coffee finished, better get washing out.

Have a good day all.

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