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You can never have enough...
I think posting a rant on any subject here is absolutely fine Jan, it is a safe place. We respect each other enough to share and disagree without that getting in the way of that respect. We have such different lives, if we share bits from them we can understand each other better. You have educated everyone of us at times with your posts, and I am very grateful for the broader perspective it has given me.

Don't stop. I really look forward to them. You make me think.
(06-04-2024, 08:15 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Definitely need something radical. But it won't happen. More than a quarter of the voting age public failed to show up last election. The majority of those who did were seniors, no wonder we got the three handed shake down. Lots of us are increasingly disengaged because we know how futile our expectations are. The promises are drowned by the monolith that is our brand of democracy. We look at those standing for Parliament and we see self interest, career politicians, cowards, and sellswords available for the best price, and very few worthy of our trust.

But we look overseas and see even worse, no wonder we are at a loss when it comes to the challenges we know the community faces.

Each government inherits the challenges of the previous. It is a snowball, and it's all downhill because of the way our society is structured. Profit means more than people. Moteliers see profit, at a level where putting their property at risk is worth it. And let's face it - they would be really unlikely to let their units be occupied by homeless unless it was hugely profitable. With the best will in the world - would any of us take that risk? When we own property and it increases in value as each year passes, faster than we could earn that kind of money, would any of us be willing to sacrifice that profit? No wonder as a society hoarding property is seen as a good thing.

Housing is a limited resource, and an expensive one. It takes time to develop, with layers of officialdom on top of the physical, and that isn't going to change because too many bodies have fingers in those pies.

And trust me, I know how some people live. I live in social housing, I hear the stories, though ours are usually mental health and dementia cases, still hard to live nextdoor to...I know too about blind eyes, corporate neglect and favouritism, shady deals, and the nepotism rife in community housing circles.
And I know that several charity based community housing projects on the drawing board have been shelved because the guaranteed funding by way of government subsidy runs out in June next year, and there has been no hint as to what will come. Even if that resourcing continues, those projects are now delayed by months if not years, simply because planning is an ongoing process, and hold ups magnify delays. So motels will continue to be inadequate homes, moteliers will continue to profit, families will continue to be stressed and damaged, because there is no radical thinking to provide alternatives. No imagination. And more to the point,  no one prepared to sacrifice their bit of the pie to house young mums, or gang associates unless there is a lot of money to be made. Or even mildly demented old people living in their children's garage for that matter. Been in a resthome lately? Seen the way our vulnerable elders are fed and cared for? Especially the ones who can't afford the Rymans and Metlifes...

There are horrors out there we all prefer not to know about. Be we MP or man in the street. With luck our own good fortune will shield us. If not, there by the grace of...

The evils of greed based Neo Liberalism will very likely be with us for some time to come. And when we look back at the work done in the UK just after WW2, & prior to that, in the USA in the late 30s which helped ordinary people enormously, it shows that better conditions are possible when the will is there to create them - not perfect, but far better than what we now have.
Its a brilliant thing that this country now has three charity hospitals; wonderful that there are still enough people caring & aware enough to create them - but its shameful that we need them. And I think its a particularly bitter irony that Sweden set up its wefare system based on ours at that time.

I've come to believe that having too much money is every bit as bad for humans as having too little; we need to perhaps find some way to curb greed  - perhaps an income ceiling as well as a floor wouldf be no bad thing. Every country should, as far as possible emulate those Nordic countries which consistently feature at the top of those 'happiest countries' list; the ones which have high taxes to cover things like education, health, welfare etc etc.

And I veer between thinking that BloodyRogerBloodyDouglas & his merry mates should all be tried for crimes against humanity - or given medals for the lesson in what evils slither out from under the rocks when unbridled greed is encouraged...

(07-04-2024, 10:18 AM)JanW Wrote: Yes Mica I should not have ranted on here - but this generation of motel kids - some have been in a motel for 5 years - deserve far more - paying up to $4500 a week to multiple motel owners who have become multimillionaires after investing very little buying up old run down motels that would have struggled to get $300 a week - not sure why somebody worked demand the PM resigns for cleaning this horror up.
The Ministry have now admitted that the suicide office closing was yet another attempt to use our most vulnerable as a political football - closing the office was never on the table but incorrect info was released to Verall - don’t understand it .
Anyway a real good story - a young family had minutes to get out as the river flooded their house when Gabrielle hit - she put a lead on her cat - headed to Ahuriri to a friend - the cat slipped the lead and bolted as soon as the children opened the car door - as soon as Facebook was up and running she posted on every page she could find - was absolutely devastated as her cat was lost so far from home .Over the year since Gabrielle she has posted regularly just in case .Two weeks ago she did one of her regular posts and a lady contacted her - she had been feeding a cat under a nearby school for about 9 months -  had contacted SPCA - the family have since moved to CHB - so she left a message on the angels phone who had been feeding her cat calling her cat and talking to the cat in the way she worked normally talk which the lady put near the food - the little cat responded and for the first time came towards the lady - the little cat had travelled across SH 1 - across three railway crossings - through the busiest junction where traffic heads to Taupo - there was a photo in the paper of the children with mile wide smiles with the cat heading home
Hope Popeye is on the mend

 Jan, don't apologise - all of us need to vent sometimes, & in here is a afe place to do so, besides as Hunni says, it makes us all think....& some of us swear at the stupidity of humans.. Rolleyes Big Grin

Lovely to read of the litle cat finding its humans again. 

And on the subjest of cats - & dogs... daylight saving is a thing unknown to both Madame Le Cat & Madame Le Dog. They see no good reason as to why the human was still sleeping - or attempting to - at nearly five minutes past their breakfast time!
And proceeded to let the human know at various intervals during the alleged 'extra hour of sleep' we can look forward at the ending of daylight saving...the meows grew ever weaker & more pathetic the longer time went on as the poor,deprived little cat endured the throes of imminent starvation...encouraged by that damned dog, which is slightly worrying. 

If those two join forces I'm doomed... Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
JanW do nott apologise  not a rant justified indignation,frustration due to unjust system that leads to these situations.
I believe that this group is a safe place . You have educated me about what the reality of some peoples lives are and the consequences  to the children. I think we try to do what we can thats why I volunteer  for the Nest Collective so that babies and their families are provided with the necessities  for first 18 months. The demand for our service has doubled in the last few months which I see as the crunch of current economic times and can't see it improving anytime soon.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Very much enjoy your 'stories' Jan and you often have a 'good outcome' one thrown in amongst the hardship ... the cat story was heartening.

We don't often hear or read about it (most prefer to stay under the radar) but there are actually a lot of 'good' people amidst the well off in terms of distributing/sharing their wealth ... not all tarred with the greedy, loaded, self-centred brush! But I do agree the gap between rich and poor is far too wide.
lol Lilith, our boy didn't care. He was snuggled under the blankets growling at me for daring to move.

Don't apologise Jan, we need to spread the word as to what is happening in our communities. And a rant is good for the soul Tongue

I have finally finished the edging of the runner Big Grin and am feeling quite chuffed. But I'm well and truly over buttonhole stitch!
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile What a stunning start to the day we have.

It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do, isn't it, OHH. But as you say, it highlights the other bits! We had a similar problem with handles and ended up filling the holes and replacing them when I painted a dressing table. It was an old varnished piece and the varnish was peeling off and needed a tidy up.

The carpenters are 'aiming' to start their work today, fingers crossed they do. MrK is going to ask them to take down the wooden frame the old switch board was mounted on and once that is gone, I can paint and he can fit new scotia board.

Today the plan is to sort through the scrap metal and load the car up along with all the plastic plant containers we can recycle at Mitre 10. I'll have to give them a clean first. And there are piles of weeds and prunings I can top the wheelie bin up with ready for the binman tomorrow.

We must have gremlins as last evening the vacuum cleaner turned itself on... twice! It wasn't charging, just sitting in its stand. Gave us a heck of a fright lol.

We watched the Mr Bates doco and wow, that mini series was incredibly accurate, wasn't it.

The builder has texted, he will be here just after 8.00am, it's all go!

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Nice to see the sunshine first thing. We are enjoying an extended summer even if watering needed. 

Yes that miniseries was so accurate ... a perfect way to get their stories 'out there'. To think the Post Office tried to fob off the Postmasters by telling each one they were the only one with problems!

A good session of housework done yesterday and now no GC today due to illness so the day is mine. The dahlias are still waiting to be tackled including thin them out as I don't want them taking over in the limited space. Might encourage Mr R for coffee out ... walking practice is good if he wants to get back to (limited) work eventually.

Cuppa finished, enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Crisp start clear skies but now clouded over

Everyone soundsnlike their gardens are keeping them busy. DH has been over DD house he is their garden block they like a nice garden but don't enjoy the work keeping it nice.

Didn't get much done had 2 lots people just pop in the afternoon the DD and her family arrived for dinner I might have another rotation around the sun celebration this week and DGD1 was very excited to bring me a cake with candles to blow out.

Been to gym done vacuuming, sorted some emails and after finished cuppa off to look at plants and new slow cooker.
No replacement or offer of repair for our one which we have had not quite 2 years it started tripping kitchen electrical, not very environmentally friendly tossing it, we will not be purchasing another Crockpot brand. Our previous SC was very old and the plastic switches failed no grievance  there it owed us nothing 20÷ years

A few papers to read before meeting later today , then quilt guild  meeting tonight

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The thing that struck me about the Post Office thing was how a simple lack of transparency buggered up so many lives, and the fact those responsible actually seem to think an apology was enough? Surely being paid the big bucks comes with big responsibility - but no, not in those worlds...
Not in the corporate world, OHH. Who on earth would sell their soul to work for a company like that.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well, I hope I never contribute to the profits of Fujitsu...
Hello Everyone. The not so good at wandering has returned.

I will catch up with all the posts. but Jan I read your post. And totally agree. I worry what the world will become. And have never been as thankful as I am now for not contributing to the numbers. I wouldn't want to have people growing up these days or in the future.

Well It was a shock, but also a few wobbles. My stupid shorted calf and hamstrings have proved to be th3e worst thing ever in trying to walk again. My right foot is only about halfway down. The muscles are soo tight that I had to get them to take me to the chemist downstairs for deep heat. .. Improving Very Slowly.

My BP decided to play very silly games. Seldom over 100/80. so Drink MORE water MrsP... Ended up needing 2 bags of blood for some reason too.

Then last week I had a panic attack in the shower..

The Saturday before, a 45 minute wait on a full bedpan, then after them seeing my distress etc, they offered me a nappy. I told them politely where to go.

Then Friday last week, one minute I was sitting in the chair calling out for them to hurry up with the pain meds, I couldn't see anything other than colours, no shapes for over an hour, and 3 hours later I woke up in bed, hooked up to the ecg , a bag of fluids, having blacked out.

Saturday they told me I could come home yesterday.. Nope.. I wasn't happy so sat there watching the cricket. Knew we would win once the pressure was off.

Home today. I'm Shattered, but happy to be home. Missy snobbed me for a whole 10 minutes, then forgave me lol...

We have eaten, and I dont intend on doing anything else..

Ohhh on the way out I discovered that Arthur from the Home MrP was in last, was in the room I had been in. I called out. he recognized my voice. But not time to go see him. I wish I'd known he was there. I wonder if they finally gave him his new hip.

The wound is good. No redness. Bit Narly in places having the staples out. But I have them and the bones.

Well, rest home David has the bones, MrPs ashes which were delivered to the hospital , the wheelchair and my old walker. He will bring those in tomorrow. And my keys lol.

Glad to be home and I can mend far more happily.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(08-04-2024, 06:55 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Hello Everyone. The not so good at wandering has returned.

I will catch up with all the posts. but Jan I read your post. And totally agree. I worry what the world will become. And have never been as thankful as I am now for not contributing to the numbers. I wouldn't want to have people growing up these days or in the future.

Well It was a shock, but also a few wobbles. My stupid shorted calf and hamstrings have proved to be th3e worst thing ever in trying to walk again. My right foot is only about halfway down. The muscles are soo tight that I had to get them to take me to the chemist downstairs for deep heat. .. Improving Very Slowly.

My BP decided to play very silly games. Seldom over 100/80. so Drink MORE water MrsP... Ended up needing 2 bags of blood for some reason too.

Then last week I had a panic attack in the shower..

The Saturday before, a 45 minute wait on a full bedpan, then after them seeing my distress etc, they offered me a nappy. I told them politely where to go.

Then Friday last week, one minute I was sitting in the chair calling out for them to hurry up with the pain meds, I couldn't see anything other than colours, no shapes for over an hour, and 3 hours later I woke up in bed, hooked up to the ecg , a bag of fluids, having blacked out.

Saturday they told me I could come home yesterday.. Nope.. I wasn't happy so sat there watching the cricket. Knew we would win once the pressure was off.

Home today. I'm Shattered, but happy to be home. Missy snobbed me for a whole 10 minutes, then forgave me lol...

We have eaten, and I dont intend on doing anything else..

Ohhh on the way out I discovered that Arthur from the Home MrP was in last, was in the room I had been in. I called out. he recognized my voice. But not time to go see him. I wish I'd known he was there. I wonder if they finally gave him his new hip.

The wound is good. No redness. Bit Narly in places having the staples out. But I have them and the bones.

Well,  rest home David has the bones, MrPs ashes which were delivered to the hospital , the wheelchair and my old walker. He will bring those in tomorrow. And my keys lol.

Glad to be home and I can mend far more happily.

Good to have you back among us Popeye, & glad to hear you're on the mend, albeit slowly - or at least slower than you'd like. Try to take it slowly & don't run before you can walk. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Yay, popeye! I am so glad you are home...
Great that you are back home Popeye.
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Very pleased you are back posting again Popeye after the ordeal you have been through and its recovery period.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Morning all
Overcast mild day k9s up at 6a  Rolleyes still is excuse to snuggle down and read

Hope you had a good sleep in your own bed Popeye

Successful plant hunt yesterday slow cooker replacement  today. Eating out for dinner tonight so cruisey day.

ENjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

We've had some drizzle, warm though. 

Welcome back Popeye  ... you have been through the ringer ... onwards and upwards now you are home again. Missy will be very happy.  

Coffee out this morning ... we didn't get out the other day. GD here this afternoon, looking like we'll be doing inside activities but she is good at that  Smile

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is stunning today. and ohhh having fresh air is what I missed alot.

And Thank you. Its an experience I have no plans to repeat that's for sure.

I forgot to say that a few days post opp I had a friend bring my wheelchair up. I was planning on coming home without being able to walk. That brought the shrink in lol... oops. but she was nice.

My foot is heading down slowly. Took 3 trips to get our breakfast, rest and put a pudding on. And as Im meant to be up hourly that is as often as I check the pot so all good.

Good to hear everyone are enjoying the grandies and outdoor hobbies as the weather Turns. I see one of my Jonquills is well up. I was thinking about the daffodils I planted a little while ago. That is down a step, so they will just have to be Sighted from inside for now. Ive never been a fan of stairs at the best of times.

Have a fab day everyone.. Now to brave Facebook lol

Missy isnt leaving my side. Slept on me, is learning to not go near the right knee. She stays out of the kitchen, but calls if she thinks Ive been there too long.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile There are some big black clouds looming over the Kaimai Ranges, am glad we aren't heading that way today.

Welcome back popeye, it sounds like you have been through the wringer. You got off lightly with Missy lol, our daughter's home was re-piled recently, and the cats had to go into a cattery. It took two weeks for one of the cats to acknowledge her slaves.

This morning the lawn needs mowing before the storms hit and some garden waste binned. The gutters will go on hopefully next week. The plumber is coming back today to measure up again as we don't need as much guttering as originally planned. The builder had quoted for the worst scenario, but on a closer look under the roof, but the damage was minimal. The original loss adjuster also overestimated how much of the gutter would have to be removed. Mind you, better that than the other. There was a big sigh of relief from us. We are not looking forward to all this rain with some missing gutters though.

Yesterday I took a car boot full of scrap metal to the dealer. Mostly an old kitchen bin, some old hand made tools, copper from the overhead cables and bits and bobs. They even took our old crockpot Big Grin The inner part was dropped off to the op shop as someone is always looking for a replacement. Came away with $50 in the wallet. Beats hands down paying for it to be dumped.

I also finished the inner edging on the runner late yesterday afternoon. So now I have the runner all ready to go for embroidery and weaving. When it rains this afternoon, I'll make a start. Will be nice to use some colour rather than white.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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