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You can never have enough...
Sometimes wildlife protection people get a little over enthusiastic...

I was ejected out of my bed this morning by the sound of chainsaws and discovered the contractor had arrived to 'trim' the feijoa hedge which has been neglected and become a monster. One guy, tall ladder and enormous extending pole and the hedge is reduced by half. It will take some getting used to! Vast amounts of cut branches to be removed, and he tells me he under quoted but will catch up on profit next year when he comes back to take anothet couple of feet off, once the trees have recovered from this massacre. Haumaru has a new grounds manager and boy is she getting years of neglect sorted. And she is listening to those of us who garden, and taking our wishes into account, which is a huge thing for us. My crabapple tree for instance, is safe from chainsaw rape, lol. It pays to be nice to decisionmakers and young men armed with sharp objects...

On the subject of sewing Jan, I unearthed a tiny Glorafilia canvas kit, a butterfly, halfdone back in the 90s when I was non weightbearing for years on end. So of course I am finishing it, and am very grateful the tapestry needle has such a big eye. I'd be delving after the needle threaders if it hadn't!

Funny thing, being so myopic I need super strength contacts and reading glasses, but for close work going without both works with my very short focal distance. Looks a bit weird though holding stitchery at the end of my nose. Best not done in public!

And now the chainsawing is finished, the muncher is in operation. Oh well, should be done and dusted by midday news time!
Those munchers are brilliant! Grab yourself some mulch OHH Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Take it slowly Popeye & go easy on yourself; you'll get there eventually.

I was pleased to see common sense kick in & allow the magpie home. We really are idiots sometimes.
Eldest great grandson diagnosed at last, ADDHD, (or whatever they're calling it this week) which makes at least three in the family now. So far so good, Granddaughter said its unbelievably calm in their house in the mornings now.

So much for me having finished the sheet painting - noticed one or two things I wasn't altogether happy with so sorting that out, & then had another idea or two for things to hide for the wee ones to find in it - not really hidden but not immediately noticeable.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I wish! But I suspect he will sell it, it'll help offset the loss of a three hour job that turned into five, poor man!

Boy it has made a difference to my garden, the sun now reaches under the peach tree - the hydrangeas I have there were suffering in the dark, so I have hope they will recover now. Especially if they do another trim next year.

I can see the neighbouring houses now, not sure how I feel about that though!

Gorgeous sunny afternoon though. I sat in the sun and polished my favourite boots, tan leather, they positively glow. My soldier father would be proud of me. I shall try to wear them tomorrow, fingers crossed my silly foot doesn't make that too difficult, I do love those boots...
Grow cabbages Hunni - just saw this cash cow on Marketplace -
My radishes are doing pretty good, but my cabbages are just seedlings, lol. That is ridiculous! Mind you, my bok choy were very tasty and grew super fast. I should put a few more in, except now the spinach and beets are coming on, and a woman can only eat so much...
morning ladies Smile  More fog this morning.

Bok choy is soo good fried with butter  and black pepper Tongue

We have a tomo in our lawn... sigh.  Yesterday the painter drove his van onto the lawn to unload the scaffolding.  Nek minute, MrK is yelling at me to come as see as the van has fallen into a hole.  What hole, I yell back, and think what am I meant to do about that?  I went and looked and yup, half of the rear right wheel is well and truly stuck.  A quick call to our nieghbour, can we borrow you and your tractor please.  Yes, but I'm at the back of the farm, will be with you as soon as I can.  Painters finish their painting just as our neighbour arrives with his huge John Deere. He pulls the van out and OMG there is a 3.5 meter deep hole (at least!) in our lawn.  The painter was so lucky his wheel only got stuck part of the way in.  We now think it is part of our storm water drainage and the tree damaged it when it fell with a massive thud.  Today we will run water through the downpipe to make sure it is what we think it is.  And a phone call to AMI to say our insurance claim isn't quite finished yet.  Luckily the plumber comes on Friday to put the gutters up.  We'll have him look at it and advise us.  MrK has covered it with concrete mesh (hmmmm.... thought we had used it all for the climbing roses Tongue ) to keep us safe for now.

We kicked up bobsey-die yesterday at the hospital yesterday again about MrK's 18 month wait for his carpel tunnel surgery and just like that, we have his surgery booked in for the 9th May.

happy crafting Smile

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Squeaky wheels KM!

I am not surprised about the hole. Trees have incredible root systems to hold them up and if they come down then that system has let them down somehow, and its usually because there's a water issue. We have a local engineer who educated the local farcebook group on flow paths and water seepage issues after the last lot of flooding and boy, the information he shared with us was enlightening and explained so much about local experiences. Now we know why some properties suffered badly but their nextdoor neighbours got off lightly.

Made me very glad the nearest flow path to my flat is over the neighbours fence and leads down to an old buried waterway. Fun to watch in a rainstorm, as the stream returns to life, and the very reason that glorious reserve with its massive old trees will never be built on. Apparently councils have flow path maps online but they can be hard to unearth. Fascinating stuff to research but no fun to live with if the house is in the wrong place...
Good morning. 

Another lovely day on the cards.  Amazing Autumn even if we have to water lawn and garden. 

Yikes KM ... that hole looks scary ... it certainly would have made you think of the "what ifs"!

It will be interesting to see how the chainsaw chopped feijoas produce next year OHH! I shall treat my trees more gently with their trim! 

All our family are away on holiday and  I have informed Mr R we're going out for lunch, out of town  ... the next best thing to a holiday, lol! 

My SIL has given us lots of baby strawberry plants ... an incentive to clear and prepare some ground for them at some stage soon. My 4yo GD has reminded me that I'm to knit her a pink cardi ... 18mo GD's need might be more urgent in windy Welly though  Undecided

Cuppa finished, off for groceries.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
lovely fine day again

My goodness KM that is a significant hole glad no one was injured. Good that MrK is getting his surgery done.

I am cooling down been to gym and vacuumed now waiting for load washing to finish.
My merino fabric arrived yesterday one piece is a very bright purple you will see me coming.

have the opportunity to view an apartment today so we are going to be noisy dont know if MrM could live without a strip of grass and a bit of garden or the k9s for that matter.

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
It is surprising how much can be done with pots and planters Mica, and so long as we can see green grass and trees our hearts can be filled. I am replanting my tiny gardens with perennials so I can manage them as I become more limited, and those raised beds I bought are a wonderful replacement for all that bending and lifting.
You're right about the squeaky wheel, OHH.

Once again, luck is on our side. The hole seems to be an old soak hole, we're running water through the drain now and no water is going in. It could be a matter of filling it in, we'll see what the plumber says. It sure is interesting seeing how water behaves around buildings and trees. All that concrete and sealed in earth encourages water to flow elsewhere instead of draining away. Our braided rivers have channels dug into them and we wonder why we have floods. We were going to seal the metal at the back of our home but are leaving it. The drainage is amazing, and I think you can count on one hand how many puddles we have had over the years.

Lunch out of town sounds good, roma Smile I inform MrK occasionally about such things too Tongue

MrK is roping off the hole, I've mowed the lawn (in the fog), I think it's time for a cuppa before I shower and pick our friend up for his hospital appointment.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

WOW Kiwimade that's a nice Tomo.. Used to get a lot in Mangakino. Hopefully you can get it filled in and safe again.

Today is odd.. My knee feels numb, perhaps a bit more swollen than normal, but I went to grab something in the pantry and my back pinched. If it had happened around the other way Id have thought the numbness was due to the pinch in the back. So I managed to get our breakfasts. Ive put deep heat on my back. So Im not going to be moving about much.
Ill do some knee exercises while its numb.. bonus. Not sure if I should see the dr or not. Not likely to see my own. Cant get there, and not really something that can be seen over the phone either. I could ring the healthline I suppose but they will just say go to the drs. I already have pain meds, and even if I had a ride I dont think I could get into a car anyway.

Housecleaner came yesterday. She was nice. Young and thorough.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Housecleaner? Excellent! I didn't even get asked, I think because the waiting list for home help in Auckland is very long. My terminally ill friend was on the urgent list and told no hope. But the private companies are available, at $70 an hour. Heavens, I charge less than that to edit a thesis...
Oh_hunnihunniHousecleaner? Excellent! I didn't even get asked, I think because the waiting list for home help in Auckland is very long. My terminally ill friend was on the urgent list and told no hope. But the private companies are available, at $70 an hour. Heavens, I charge less than that to edit a thesis...

Yeah I was floored when it was offered. One hour a week and 3 showers, but I can do that myself.  Company called Health vision.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Dad used Vision Care, I think it was through the Sallies. Good you are getting the home help, popeye.

The plumber is more than happy to have a look and it can come out of the insurance $$$. He quoted to have the iron lifted off the roof but never needed to do that.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's one hell of a hole KM; hope all goes well with sorting things out.

Private cleaning companies charge $70 an hour Popeye? I'm betting they don't pay their workers anything like that...

Mowed back lawn & did a bit of washing so feeling slightly virtuous now. Have to venture out later for 3 weekly blood test so I'll return library books while I'm about if I remember & might get a bit more done on sheet painting either today or tomorrow.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Just a quick one - sent off my email to Meridian to get my $110 annual compensation for my low user rebate being taken off me - there were rumours stirring that the new govt had stopped it but that was obviously just another urban myth - account has been credited with $110 - not sure if any of you were low users
I was but not with Meridian, never heard of compensation...

Looking forward to the winter energy payment though. That extra wee bit makes life so much easier. Until, that is, we get the annual letter with the rent rise that matches the super increase! Bastards! Still, they have to give notice, so we still get a few weeks of untold riches!!
(17-04-2024, 05:29 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I was but not with Meridian, never heard of compensation...

Looking forward to the winter energy payment though. That extra wee bit makes life so much easier. Until, that is, we get the annual letter with the rent rise that matches the super increase! Bastards! Still, they have to give notice, so we still get a few weeks of untold riches!!
Hunni there is 4 million sitting there waiting to be claimed - contact energy genesis mercury nova meridian 
It’s on the MBIE govt website - support available low user tariff- it’s coming out of the power company’s profit - they can afford it

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