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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Rain, yay lol. It can help compact the sand we used to fill the hole.

Oh wow, mica, your neighbour was lucky he didn't break any bones! Pretty scary all round.

Yummm feijoa chutney. MrK made some last year and I think we still have some jars in the pantry.

Today I need to take son's computer into the vet (yes, the vet lol) to weigh it. It's pretty heavy and if over 30 kilos he/we will have to find an alternative to NZ Post. The vet told us they often have people in asking to weigh their suitcases before travelling. And I need to round up some packaging. Such fun Tongue

The potted begonias will have to moved today as we are expecting frosts over the weekend and the succulents can go back under the window. We have a pile of excess sand on the lawn that also needs to be moved. It's going to be used as a base under the water feature when we eventually get it. MrK is concerned with the heavy trucks going up our road (milk tankers, feed trucks, stock trucks...) as well as the heavy traffic on SH29 the vibrations could cause it to fall over as it is tall and narrow. The sand should help absorb some of it.

We have decided to leave the mess we call lawn until spring. Especially as the arborist will be taking another tree down and we will be cutting out an old cherry out ourselves.

There should be time for more stitching this afternoon. The runner is starting to come together Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny now,  cool and overcast earlier. 

Groceries done and the house is quiet with Mr R having a half day at work.  He's been regimental with his exercises and determined to get back to work in a reduced capacity  Smile Lucky for a supportive team. 

Right place,  right time Mica ... lucky for the well-placed shrubs!

Lol, vets can be useful KM ... our rural vet used to be a drop off for courier parcels!

The vest is 3/4 finished ... a great way to use up yarn ... I've knitted lots over the years in varying sizes.

Coffee is finished,  will take dog for a work and then get outside. 

Enjoy the day all.
Mica, tell your neighbour to buy a lotto ticket - that fall could have been far worse.

Third eldest granddaughter won $600 on the radio the other day so told her to buy one as well, just in case. Smile

Tackled back lawn, all those lovely dried up patches have greened over again dammit but still it wasn't too bad & took just under an hour so can't complain. Definitely not doing front till next week.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Posted earlier  this morning cant see it
Been cbd, dropped car off for  wof, haircut and popped DH watch in to have strap reattached  did grocery shop on way home. My hair do looked good until I walked for 40 min in strong wind to collect the car 

Whilst perusing  the bubbly wines election a wee ( well in very good condition) mouse popped out from tunnel formed  by shelving saw me and disappeared. Quietly went and told senior staff and took them to the location. No need to make big fuss they will get on to it. Its that time of year when the peskie things try to come indoors.

More destashing this afternoon going to phone CAB to see if there is a local refugee  group that needs sewing machine and couple tvs. Then I will tackle the drama emerging on one the committees I am on  the drama is external to the commitfee. The committee  is one mandated my law and some people have their knickers in a twist because shock horror the they are not special and the law applies to them.

Enjoy the rest of your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile  What a gorgeous start to the day we have.

lol mica, you get that on committees!  Always one or two who think they know it all or better.  I had to smile at your hair doo comment.  Don't ya just hate that!  Five minutes of glam and the wind mucks it all up.

$600 is a great win, Lilith Smile  I hope she spends it on something completely frivolous!

Son facetimed us yesterday, something new for MrK Smile  Boy those crows are noisy in Perth lol.  I've found a box big enough for his computer modem at a packaging company in Lower Hutt, now to find one long enough for his keyboard and other bits and bobs.

I finished weaving the end of the runner last evening, it's taken me a week Tongue The next bit is to work my way up the center and embroider more pohutukawa.  The end is quite heavy with the weaving so should hang nicely when on the table.

Today I'll move the excess sand piled on the lawn.  It is starting to sink and compact down and we will be able to put some topsoil on soon.  If my back holds out, I'll dig over the garden again where the tree was to keep breaking up the tree mulch.  It's so fine, it sets like concrete. 

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morni g all
Very crisp start sunny day ahead, we having to water plants quite dry

Can't wait to see your runner KM look after your back 

More destashing today, will pop out to get plastic storage containers 

Got to finish DGD1 raincoat too.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

A wet start here. Not too cool as yet. Although Madam took and extra 30 minutes of snuggles.

I had a lovely day with the ladies yesterday. Managed to walk all the way, with stops in two bedrooms on the way. Even the staff were asking after me and the Desk Bulldog was even nice. She will gather any of Bobbies clothes that come back from the Laundry and pass them to David on Monday.. Everyone played nice and it was kinda nice to be missed.

And they all think its funny that they get to do my birthday without me baking lol.. Colleen loved her birthday Present I gave her. She loves Owls. So I got her a plaque to hang in the window like stained glass. and a Pocket hug, which is a dome with an owl in it. But we decided to glue a safety pin on the back and she can wear it as a brooch.

Be careful with your back Kiwimade.. Nasty when they dont work well. Mine is still achy from pinching.

I am getting more flexible, and able to be on my feet longer now. Im going to do some Maryland chicken for my dinner tonight. I will get that out soon and crumb it later. Will do roast veges etc.

I will do some more painting today too. I cant get over how much im enjoying it. It used to drive me nuts having to wait when I was a kid lol.

Fell asleep while watching the Sewing Bee last night. Im hoping the episode that on at 10am is last nights. I didn't even see them finish the transformation part. and totally missed the last items too lol. fingers crossed.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I watched the GBSB on demand (MrK is insufferable while it's on) and suffice to say, I'm glad the one that went, went.

What is it with men who think giving me advice part way through a job will be welcome? Join in and help or butt out.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(27-04-2024, 09:54 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: I watched the GBSB on demand (MrK is insufferable while it's on) and suffice to say, I'm glad the one that went, went.

What is it with men who think giving me advice part way through a job will be welcome?  Join in and help or butt out.
Sadly its not the same season.. Ive never watched anything on demand. 

Im hoping Gillie went. She has no time management skills and never finishes her garments lol

Don't mind if you say who went.

And Kiwimade, I totally agree.. If you can do it better than me do it, dont dish out advice without proving it. lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Gorgeous day now after a cooler start. 

Lol KM, I imagine you are being 'advised' how to shift sand  Big Grin 

I agree on the choice of who had to go on GBSB ... yes you are spot on Popeye. It's amazing how people's imaginations work (or not) on that show!

Good progress Popeye. You will feel so much more positive starting to get out and about. 

Such a nice day to make the most of .. had better get going now my coffee is finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
A frosty start here; went for our usual early weekend walk so I was all muffled up in hat scarf & gloves. We were a bit early & so Hunter on the corner wasn't up yet.
Madame Le Dog left him a pmail; I'd like to think it was along the lines of "sorry we missed you" but suspect it was more of a "Ha! We beat you, so there!"
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol Lilith, I think it was the ha, we beat you! as well. The Furry One leaves his pmail on a plant outside the vets every time we go. The vet says it's a doggy message board lol.

And yes, lol, mica. The 'advice' was on how to shift the sand. Job's done, 11 wheelbarrow loads of wet, heavy sand moved onto a tarp away from the lawn. And the garden where the tree was, has been dug over again. The clods are slowly becoming smaller. I'll dig it over again next week after the frosts we are expecting this weekend.

Gillie, the lady on the GBSB really bugged the heck out of me. Asking the model if she wanted cups in the swimsuit... umm.. you're the designer/sewer/crafter, she wears what you tell her to wear. And thinking her fabric choice was 'enough', no, that was not the brief.

Time for a cuppa and to do the breakfast dishes.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile And we have another stunning day along with a frost.

At 2.30am MrK was outside dragging the Furry One off a possum. Managed to get the Furry One inside but hadn't closed the doggy door properly so out the Furry One went again to have another go. And out went MrK again lol. It took the Furry One an hour and a half to settle down, so we've all had a rough night's sleep. Now the Furry One is snuggled under the blankets sound asleep as if nothing had happened.

MrK has asked if I would like a second pair of earrings for my birthday. And suggested we try a cafe we've had our eye on for a while for lunch. We'll invite any family and friends who may like to come but if they can't, no biggie. I'll be happy to have just us. I see those thread earrings are back in fashion - I remember my parents buying me a pair for Christmas in the 80's lol and were my very first pair of earrings bought from a jeweler.

Today I'll wrap our son's keyboard, play station controller and other computer bits in bubble wrap ready for boxing up and posting. I might slip some Whittakers chokkie in with it for him seeing as Whittakers is $A7 a block.

Time to get moving, the washing machine has beeped. It's frosty out there, might wait for a bit before hanging out the washing.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Not a frost here but knew it would be 'over the hill' lol! Sunny.

Those JR's are  so tough and one-eyed! Watch out prey! I have many "shake our heads" memories of our one. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth though!

Nearly the end of May already. The house next door still unsold after 5 months  ... another Open Home for them today. I think they have now missed the boat with things showing down. 

I will have a go at trimming the lemon tree a bit ... it is laden and one branch has already broken off.  Sadly I'll have to sacrifice some precious lemons. 

Just the sleeve edging to finish on the vest and then I can start the new pattern.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Nippy start clear skies another sunny day

Can't beat a JR for tenacity  BTW did MrK and the furry one catch the rat the other day?

Went to Buntings yesterday and bought 50l plastic  containers  for $8.98 each, cleaned out the bathroom cupboards and drawers.  Also copied another photo album.  Spent the afternoon working on DGD1 coat just the cuffs to stitch then add snaps  to finish it off today.

Hope to get house valued this week then we can make more decisions hopefully the private sale stays on the table. 

Need to vacuum and wash floors might even bake batch melting moments

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Bright and sunny here. dont think there would have been a frost. Not that we get many here anyway.

Well done to the Furry one. They sure are determined.

Yeah Gillie didn't have much imagination. I cant say that I do either. But Im not scared to cut a pattern off something else to save having to buy one. Thats how I made all MrPs shirts. Never did buy a pattern for those lol.

I didn't get to Maureen's yesterday. I ended up having a very lazy day. Friday caught up on me I guess. I will go over today tho. and Her Daughter was going yesterday so that worked well.

Had a sudden thought last night. My cleaner comes on Tuesdays. The day we planned on going to see Bobbie. So I will phone tomorrow and see if I can get it changed to Thursday, as it will be the only day Im free this week.. I dont think Bobbie will mind if we have to change.

Actually rest Home David is really starting to annoy me. Thinks he can tell me what I can and cant take to Bobbie. Thinks I should be resting more, but if I suggest he rests he sulks and gets Moodie. Sadly I have to admit he is handy at the mo, as a driver. I cant wait till I can drive again but I cant see it happening just yet. So I might have to bite my taurean tongue and put up with it for a few more weeks.

Woke up with my knee bent up like it used to, this morning, so that's a good sign. Just wish my foot would go down more. But Im slowly not thinking about every step I take. And I can be on my feet longer.

I didn't get any painting done yesterday, so maybe later today.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
good buying, mica! Fingers crossed for the private sale. No, they didn't, and I heard it in the ceiling last night. The Furry One certainly enjoys the chase though. Time for more bait up there, I think.

Son's keyboard is a tad dusty and MrK is going to give it a gentle cleanout with the air compressor before I bubble wrap it.
It's a gamers keyboard and a lot heavier than our usual, every day keyboards.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lying here looking at the morning light pouring into my flat I find I have the urge to clean windows today.

With luck, and patience, it will pass...
Morning all
Not a cloud in the sky or a breath of wind lovely

Been to gym just working up the energy  to go have a shower and get a few chores done.
Finished the raincoat and it looks very cute DD likes it DGD1 was too busy  and it was too warm to try it on last night.

Sunshine just makes me a happy person Cool

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

The sun is out here.. The roof over the back was wet, so maybe dew.

I went and visited Maureen yesterday. It was nice to catch up. Her Daughter just had a 2 week holiday in Japan, and sadly didn't enjoy a lot of it. Massive waiting lines to get to see the more common sight seeing things. They spent hours on buses too apparently. She said she wouldn't go back.

I've always thought it would be far too busy a place to visit, for me , anyway. And it appears I might have been right.

Im biting my tongue today, well at the mo. but Its likely to happen later. David is trying to make me feel guilty about possibly not seeing Bobbie tomorrow. Even offered to buy me a diary.. Told him I have 2 already thanks. Things happen and this is one of them. Bobbie was fine when I told her the visit might be delayed. And she's the one that matters, not him.

I will paint today as I didn't get any done on the weekend

Oddly when I visited Maureen yesterday, Jack her dog seemed to sense my knee. He stayed away from it altogether choosing to snuggle up to my left knee. and he was calm and smoochy .. I was worried he would fly at me. Hés a big staffie mix, a rescue, but he's also a right character. He helps with my Missing dogs. I get to pat and snuggle with one, without owning one.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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