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You can never have enough...
It is a huge thing, moving house. I have done it so often that I am determined this last move has to be my last. Strange thing though, I still get restless and have to move furniture around and change colours and fabrics. I wouldn't be surprised if that is down to my childhood conditioning, moving house every couple of years as my parents did up another one.

I learnt a lot of very useful skills in the process though! But it is stressful...
They say moving house and divorce are two of the most stressful things we do. One foot in front of the other, mica Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I have always loved moving.. I must add up I know I got to 23 times at some stage.. In saying that, the last couple were the hardest cos MrP refused to help. He would do his sheds, but I did the rest. I have always enjoyed it.

But I will do it again. I cant stay in this big house forever. Don't want to either. My Dad worked for NZ Post so we moved a lot when young.

I enjoy doing the ruthless things, once I've started. but it can be hard to start. Be gentle with yourself Mica.

Physio has been, Im at 95% bending my knee back.. Improved 10% over the last week, she was very pleased. But also said I had to rest it today she could see how swollen it was from sitting so much yesterday.

So Ill put my secretary hat on after Emmerdale and Coro, although Ill get one call in for a call back before they start lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Found this today. These cut backs have gone too far, lol...
omg OHH lol, that is ridiculous! People need nice spaces and to see 'green' during the day. Am so glad I'm not a public servant.

Great progress on your knee, popeye Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
How much does it cost to have a pot plant? Nothing in this house.

Stupid people.
(01-05-2024, 04:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: How much does it cost to have a pot plant? Nothing in this house.

Stupid people.

Not sure what it costs to rent the plants, but that also covers staff going in to water them, and polish leaves etc. 

I guess they couldn't buy plants and tend to them themselves.. although, Maybe if they asked the staff if they wanted to, instead of deciding no one would, then they could buy some and not have the ongoing rental.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(01-05-2024, 04:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: How much does it cost to have a pot plant? Nothing in this house.

Stupid people.

Petty, mean spirited, small minded doesn't begin to cover this. Whatever is the matter with these people.

Good progress Popeye, slowly does it & you'll get there.

Caught up with my oldest friend today, just briefly as she's here for work & goes back to Welly tomorrow. Somehow we both seem to have shrunk in height & spread slightly sideways.
She worked for Te Whatu Ora, & was one of the many whose position was 'disestabllished' last year, a week before Xmas but managed to find work in a similar vein albeit temporary, & says this govt is the most ruthless she's come across.
Idiot politicians aside, it was good to have a catch up - the first time we've seen each other since she finally becam a gran so lots of photos on her phone to look at; her granddaughter is just gorgeous.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
One of my nieces own a lovely plant hire company - it’s was very lucrative indeed - but many corporates dropped their contracts when Covid shrunk their revenue so she diversified and now does dried funeral wreaths - not sure if she had any government contracts .I am waiting to see how much overseas travel the Ministry heads are cutting and reading the perks judges are getting was staggering .Disability home help needs looking at - Anzac Day a worker turned up to shower me - I was down on her roster filling in for my usual lady who hasn’t been coming since October - in January two ladies came here with their clipboards to sort it out as an un needed relief worker arrived over Xmas - the lady who came here on Anzac Day showed me my roster on her app which showed they come here three times every day - Access are being still paid for 3 daily visits - it’s now 6 months .
Just heard back from Ninja - they are sending me a replacement cooker - it was entirely my fault but I just had to cut the cord off the machine and send them a photo of the severed cord -I was dreading sending it back as it weighs so much -
Nights are drawing in quickly and a definite nip in the air
(01-05-2024, 04:21 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(01-05-2024, 04:09 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: How much does it cost to have a pot plant? Nothing in this house.

Stupid people.

Not sure what it costs to rent the plants, but that also covers staff going in to water them, and polish leaves etc. 

I guess they couldn't buy plants and tend to them themselves.. although, Maybe if they asked the staff if they wanted to, instead of deciding no one would, then they could buy some and not have the ongoing rental.

Office workers can't look after their own pot plants? Ludicrous. With apologies to young green fingered entrepreneurs! 

I might live in a jungle, but it pays me back in clean air and stress relief, as any plant person knows!
morning ladies Smile We had a lot of rain last night and into the early morning. Looks great out there now.

It does make you wonder what else is being cut back in the government sector. Pity they couldn't cut back on the coalition. That would save money, time and lots of angst.

Today our garden friend is coming to prune the bigger trees for us, we like to support his business where we can. The plum, maple and the neighbour's overhanging tree need a good trim.

Our internet will be out for a few hours today as they are doing maintenance on the tower. And at least we had a weeks' notice. We also scored a month's free internet as I recommended to my friend she try them, and she took their offer. She also scored a month free so a win-win for us both. Spark is still trying to bill us, four months after cancelling them. My patience is wearing very thin with them.

The Fluffy One arrives today sometime. She loves it here and is reluctant to go home when it's time to leave.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny outside after rain overnight. 

I think the upkeep of pot plants in the building will be at the bottom of the list of priorities with so many waiting to see how their futures are going to look and once the numbers are greatly reduced, even less with the same workload expected to be done by those left. Son says a lot of those who are accepting redundancy are off overseas, the brain drain is real Sad  

Things are going well for you Popeye, you will be looking forward to getting behind the wheel again. 

The fluffy one has reached a grand age ... her mum is lucky to have you for dogsitting KM.  

A nice change to have 8 ply on the needles after the 4 ply. Back and sides at once so long rows!

Need a few groceries so had better move.  

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Has rained here too.. But blue skies at the mo.

I know its crazy Hunni. I've been trying to think of a place I used to go to a lot and would see the people come in, wash the leaves on the rubber plants, water and leave. I just cant think where it was. Thats when I learnt that they rented plants.
Im sure if business asked there would be staff members happy to tend to the plants. The pay off is very beneficial.

The Invacare people are coming for the toilet seat thingees today. The physio lady said to let them come in and get them, rather than trying to put them outside. so I will do that.

Our joint parcel from Temu will be here today too. So I will let Dianne know. she will be in town this morning, her Mum is 98 today. The rest home will be doing a cake. We will have our celebration tomorrow.

Had a bit of a miserable last night. I hate not being able to get around. And its pushing my buttons. I phoned Family support yesterday, about transport for my two appointments, but no one got back to me. I will try again today.

Cleaner will be here today and I will be telling them what is to be done. Seems you need to explain everything in simple English.

I have to write out some recipes for my physio lady Rose. She wants to get into baking, and she knows its my fave hobby. So I have until Wednesday. Would type and go get them printed but that's out of course lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My surgeon sent me an emailed survey! I know they are super busy, but once upon a time we got to see them at the six month mark so we could ask any silly questions we might have...

Oh well, I'll just sail on regardless and assume I'm doing okay seeing nothing has unscrewed and fallen off.

I spent a happy hour to two yesterday putting the jigsaw to rights, sorting pieces into colour containers (it is a complex antique map image) and isolating the edge pieces again, after Tatty cat had her little midnight games with it and this morning all is untouched and ready for the next stage. I suspect however, she is just going to wait till I get to a more sensitive point, then she will come in and do her thing.

Life would be so dull without a cat in the house.
Morning all 
Heavy rain overnight overcast and cool this morning put the alpaca  cardi I knitted over summer  its a bit big but very warm made a scarf to match so I should be good to go at the warehouse this morning..

Popeye you could take photos of the recipes and sent to physio, thats what I do when DD asks for a recipe in my falling to bits hand written recipe folder. 
Potplants  the least of govt workers problems, been in offices where the plants look very sorry in deed due to fact the person who used to care for them moved on. Not a priority for everyone. Layoffs biting many local families causing alot of stress. We have been through this process numerous times over the years and it is often the good people who leave.  The politicians need to be careful because who does the work to provide them with robust information to make their decisions?

Warehouse this morning and food hunting this afternoon. I need to start thinking what sewing  projects I will take to 3 day sewing retreat later this month too.
Must remember  to pick up script too forgot to do that  yesterday

KM are the tree trimmings mulched for your garden ?

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Some of the trimmings are, mica, but not all. One of the trees doesn't make good mulch. And our friend said he could take the second tree down for less than half of the quote we received from the arborist. And that included grinding the stump and mulching. If we take the cherry tree down ourselves (which we planned to do) and leave the branches in a pile he will mulch them too. So, from $1000 down to $300, it was a no brainer to say yes please and thank you. He'll come in August when he gets back from his holiday.

Yes, the brain drain is real... our son is part of it. Once he started talking about buying a house in Perth, we knew he wasn't coming home.

I think you are right mica, with all these redundancies, the government does need to be careful who they lay off. Just how robust will their advice be... mind you... they won't listen to it anyway and will have to backtrack with no apologies. They say they aren't worried about the polls, but I think they should be. I think this slash and burn policy they have will come back to haunt them even with some so called 'sweeteners' in the upcoming budget. At least Labour tried to keep the civil servants employed.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Kiwimade the cuts were going to happen which ever party won - Grant Robertson announced he was going to cut 4 billion out of state service spending and Andrew Little said the restructuring of the DHB woukd result in 600 lost jobs .It interesting from July to the election after Robertson announced the impending cuts 3000 extra state servants were hired between July and the election .Also find it interesting how many job losses are vacancies .I saw last night the 5 managers of the refugee department of OT are going to moved on and their roles taken up by OT - the carryon that happened next door when the $1200 a week rental was being used as a refugee Air B&B for young refugees is a perfect example of multi managers sitting in offices making poor decisions that local volunteers are left to deal with .The tax payers rented that house for 5 years at $1200 a week - rent in our area for a two bedroom house would be $600 tops - it was occupied according to the landlord 30% of the time - that’s waste and those managers need to go
Same with the school lunches - the school were I used to volunteer the contractor brought in frozen meals for the week on a Sunday cost $20 each meal - frozen salad sandwiches - cold spaghetti - wrap with shredded cabbage only - there is a polytechnic 15 mins away with a cooking course for unemployed kids trying to get into hospitality.Obviously they didn’t poll any retailers- it is fantastic that police are back responding to retail crime -facial recognition picked up a repeat offender had entered the store - he had a big coat on with tubes stitched to the inner - he had 4 expensive cut cube rolls of scotch fillet $428 - very surprised when the police were waiting in the car park - again more meat wasted - not even allowed to give it to the SPCA as there is a risk he could have injected it with something .The political editor on TV1 claimed the poll was going to cause tumult the next day in Parliament the only thing tumultuous we have seen is Julian Genter acting like an idiot - polls are very subjective - the Roy Morgan poll the next day showed a hugely different result .I would rather there be more money to spend on kids than pot plants and slushy flavours - 300k to clean the machines and buy syrup - The Warehouse have it really cheap surely the prison officers can buy their own bet the govt aren’t buying it cheap
Oh me too Jan, but seems to me if people can't look after the potplants in their own offices how can they be trusted with actual responsibilities...

And yes, I know, I'm being a bit facetious, lol. But obviously some of the buggers deserve their DCM, especially the shredded cabbage lot...
morning ladies Smile We have fog but the sun is trying to break through Smile

The Fluffy One arrived yesterday with the news she has recently diagnosed early onset dementia. It's not just people who have dementia! And she will sleep all day... ummm... not here she doesn't lol. She was awake at 4.00am demanding her breakfast and cuddles, please and thank you. It was a firm no from me lol. She's racing round like a puppy now while the Furry One sleeps on under the blankets.

Today I'll mow the lawn and mow up the smaller prunnings from yesterday. I might even splurge and do the edges.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Fine here very nippy as not a cloud to be seen.

Got to love a trier KM but perhaps not at 4am in the morning

Got friends coming for dinner  tonight  not too much effort required bolar roast in slow cooker, mashed spud with beans and carrots dessert apple and blackberry crumble.

Not sure  what I will get up to today  might make up a sewing kit for retreat.

Enjoy the day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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