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You can never have enough...
I do that with Golden Retrievers. I think their owners are used to being flirted with, such wonderfully soppy dogs.
(15-05-2024, 02:03 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: I do that with Golden Retrievers. I think their owners are used to being flirted with, such wonderfully soppy dogs.

Yes, they're perhaps not the brightest dog but so gorgeous & have a lovely nature., A friend had one years ago when they lived near a beach, & if their dog saw a small child on the beach alone, he'd get between the sea & the child. And by 'alone', he defined that as in his view, too large a gap between parent & child. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
My Dad had one when he was training at Sandhurst. He had to get permission to keep Rag in barracks, and there were conditions. He was a very useful companion, good at carrying packs! One day the Queen came to one of those trooping things they do and Rag was carefully confined to barracks. Except he got out. And got to meet the Queen...

Dad was very nearly court martialed over that one.

We had one, Zebedee, in Taupo. He was a rescue and the most loyal committed hunting dog we had. He loved duck hunting... Stunning dogs. I have a special love for the big sooks.
not excessive at all, OHH! One needs boots for all occasions Tongue My black ankle boots have been resoled three times now, I just love them.

There is a local lady here who puts her two small dogs into one of those 1960's pushchairs. I think they are old dogs, and this is her way of giving them an outing Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
If ones footwear gets wet, one needs a dry pair to wear next. So I see no problems with many pairs.

There's a retriever who visits the rest home. Her name is Shante and her owner is trying to get her to lose a few pounds. I haven't seen her for a while but Hope to see her on Friday. She is sooo gentle and loves being made a fuss of.

Im not impressed by the people picking up the inorganic. I had everything packed well so there wouldn't be a mess, but they managed to get little metal bits through the lawn. Im going to have to weed eat first and double check I've picked it all up. I dont want any flying hunks of metal flying directly at me. Im glad to have most of it all gone. They left two wheel covers, MrP liked to pick them up and I cant remember the proper name at the mo lol.. and a bag of bits, maybe there was too much. But David can have it for the skip bin.

Im driving myself to the chemist and supermarket tomorrow. It will be enough. And it will feel good to be able to do it myself.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(15-05-2024, 03:28 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My Dad had one when he was training at Sandhurst. He had to get permission to keep Rag in barracks, and there were conditions. He was a very useful companion, good at carrying packs! One day the Queen came to one of those trooping things they do and Rag was carefully confined to barracks. Except he got out. And got to meet the Queen...

Dad was very nearly court martialed over that one.

We had one, Zebedee, in Taupo. He was a rescue and the most loyal committed hunting dog we had. He loved duck hunting... Stunning dogs. I have a special love for the big sooks.

Lucky Lizzie was a dog lover! Big Grin
My youngest & his partner had a Great Dane when their kids were little, & one night I was babysitting their two kids. Their youngest was just learning to crawl & she climbed on the dog, & somehow managed to wedge a heel in his mouth. It must have hurt like hell but he just gave me a 'help please human' look & didn't move until I'd got her little foot out of his mouth.
Dogs are brilliant. And cats.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

From a very wet Waiuku. Windy too.

Im sitting thinking do I really want to go out in that. But I have to. Ill do the chemist first and then steam dry in the supermarket.

Will be leaving the veges for the soup for another week or so. Toasted Sammie's is happening on Monday and then Davids Birthday on Friday.. Ohh I still need carrots for the cake. But I might get them next week so they are nice and fresh.

The door lock people finally made contact and will be here today or tomorrow. I've told them when Im going to be home. I think its both the lock and the fact that the door looks like it has shrunk. There's a big gap. So the heat will be escaping out there too.

A year since the Lodge Fire in Wellington, that feels like it has whizzed by.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all

Like the style of your boots OHH gotta have stylie comfy  footwear 
Good that you made complaint KM

Got my quilting fabric  packed away just got to sort the batting scraps. Slowly picking off all the rooms.

Taking my DD to medical appointment today so will take my book to pass the waiting time

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Bucketing down again but with wind this time.

lol I read somewhere that Her Maj loved it when things went wrong! She had a real sense of humour.

Another sewing/embroidery day today, I think. If it clears up, I have some plants to repot with fresh compost. One of my favourite garden jobs to do.

Drive safe, popeye Smile

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

After a lot of rain yesterday,  it's still raining. 

Good you've been cleared for driving Popeye. You won't know yourself having that independence back. 

Lots happening in your house Mica with the impending move.  Great that the pets are welcome as well. 

I see long boots have made a comeback, must have a dig around for mine! I also have a cherry coloured short pair with zips and laces ... very comfy.

Library books to return and new ones to choose followed by a grocery shop. Otherwise will be an indoor day by the looks.

Stay warm and dry all.
I do enjoy the leather care bit, it is almost like painting - with all the colours of the polishes and the smearing and rubbing and then the brushing. As rewarding as polishing silver but not quite as boring, lol. There are some housework tasks that have a very pleasing aspect to them, ironing old embroidered linens for a Christmas table, or washing a crystal wine glass so it absolutely sparkles. Enhancing lovely things, those are the nice bits at the edges of the mundane every day.

I thought of you popeye, a day or so back, when trolling through the antiques section of TM I came across a listing for Tupperware catalogues, it is fascinating sometimes, listings contain hidden treasures. I think that is what keeps me coming back, the potential of something wonderful. Like yesterday, coming across a listing for a Haeger piece, a glorious long necked jug shaped ceramic in a deep blue green glaze. I would have ransacked the savings account if it had been reasonably priced but it wasn't. And it was pick up only, and the other side of Auckland is too far for the scoot, and just as well. I had great fun though linking the auction to the Haeger collectors group on farcebook, and the Americans were suitably gobsmacked at the details, interesting conversations were had. The internet is a fantastic way of boosting international understanding, even if it is only around the vast national differences in value of a smallish bit of old china...
The replacement canopies - two, cos I couldn't decide on which colour - have arrived and I am very happy. Ordered in New Zealand, from an Australian company who passed the order to a Chinese company who delivered direct to me...

Oh the air miles. And for such a cheap price. Mmmmmmm...
Well It was a success...

Had to park a bit away from the chemist, but I used my stick to walk up there, uphill. Then I spoilt myself in the chemist and got a nail hardener, which is something I've needed for a while. Exciting stuff lol.

Went to the supermarket and spoilt myself again. Got a good size piece of Rump Steak for $3-90.. and some Little breakfast Sausages, Harmoney I think the brand was, Little Porkers, a tray of 16 little sausages for $9. So I figured I could cook 4 at a time, cos one does enjoy cold sausages. And cos I dont know how many will be enough, that is $2-25 a meal.

Got home and ended up going over to Maureen's cos she wanted a chat. Turns out she loves Salt too lol.. Which is so I found out yesterday one way of getting my BP up.. But I already eat heaps lol.

And tonight I went and got fish and chips.. And it was sooo good. New owners and they know what they are doing..

Suitably tired.. But I plan on seeing the girls tomorrow lol..
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We have the double whammy this morning, both fog and a frost.

Well done popeye Smile And cold sausages are delicious!

Great buying, OHH Smile And nice to have a change of colour every now and then.

I'm moving the rat trap back into the ceiling. It sounds like the little buggar is having dancing lessons up there. And where there is one, there is another or two.

MrK's wrist is healing nicely, he still can't crack an egg into the pan though. It's his 81st birthday next week and we plan to go to a new cafe out in the industrial area. It's quite swanky and by all accounts the food is great.

Today is housework day and I'll try again to prune the hydrangeas.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Wet here again, but its meant to improve later.

Happy Hunting Kiwimade, I saw a huge native cockroach outside the other day. I suspect maybe the wind got him out of the trees. I hate them but at least he was outside lol.

I will go and see the girls today, and I need to get a card for Maureen too. She is 92 on Sunday. Her and Irene are 190 between them lol.. Amazing eh lol.

I plan on getting the old tv and stand onto fb on the weekend. Hopefully I can get that out of the house. And I want to see if I can get the blade off the mower. Might need to spray it with some wd40, I think there is still some in the garage. I have MrP's grinder but I will have to get someone else to sharpen the blade. I've always been freaked out by the sparks. Which is odd cos I used to like sparklers when I was a kid. But I wouldn't even stay in the garage if MrP was using it.

I think its meant to be a fine weekend, so I might weed-eat the bit where they dropped the metal on the lawn. I can lean on the fence and its only a small area.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Bright novercaxt at moment 

Glad MrKM recovery progressing well

Good day out Popeye must feel nice to be out and about independently .

Drove DD to her  op appointment  yesterday afternoon, she spent the night with us and I am taking into postop  check shortly. 
Hope 5o get another xewing project sorted for retreat today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The light was perfect this morning out on the reserve, the plane trees were lit up in gold, glorious sight. It helps make up for the tsunami of crisp brown leaves that bury our gardens every year. Good for the compost layers though! Massive trees, massive piles of leaves!

Today is a housework day, perfect temperature for pushing the vack around and bending to Tuffy wipe the paintwork. And then I can knit away the afternoon, guilt free. Another scarf on my needles, a burnt orange 2ply silk and mohair, so soft and with outsized needles every stitch is full of air. It is going to be so cosy wrapped around my throat when the real cold comes in...
morning ladies Smile Fog and frost... sigh

The trees are looking stunning this time of the year, all those glorious reds and yellows. I didn't get to prune the hydrangeas yesterday. Ended up going to Hamilton instead to buy mrK a pair of wireless/Bluetooth headphones for the TV. He can listen to his woodworking You Tube videos on the tv without the skill saw noises bouncing around the house. It took a bit to figure out how to make the Bluetooth connection but got there in the end with the help of you tube (how ironic lol).

Today there are a few things left to do in the garden, including the hydrangeas lol. The Marlborough daisy has a branch taking root in the garden. I'll cut it off and plant it in another spot before it becomes too established to move. Love it when that happens Big Grin

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and not too cold outside. 

I miss the trees and their autumn leaves. We had planted a lot for that reason over the years. 

Another good watch on the GBSB last night.  I'm always in awe of the imaginative contestants. 

I hope to prune the feijoas today which are still waiting.  Disposal of the branches always a juggle sometimes having to be stored until there's room in the big green bin. 

The scarf sounds glorious OHH. I'm tempted to knit one for myself but it has to be no scratch/tickle free yarn! Have another toddler jacket to knit first. 

Off to get some soup on the go. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Overcast and  a breeze 

The autumn colours are good around here too.
DH spent yesterday afternoon planting out all his grasses that he had in his plant nursery.
I cleared out 3 draws in the office desk found lots of keys so sort those into what belonged here.

Another drawer this morning then that just leaves the filing cabinet.  Really need to sort out my sewing  projects for retreat too set the weekend as deadline.

DH watching US PGA  this morning at least I know where he  is

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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