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The idiot Tamaki

Continuing to spread his ignorance & hatred ; "You gotta take the head orf & put it on your mantelpiece.".  Dodgy Angry

Not altogether sure what a 'postle ' is, but perhaps apostle is meant.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
More on the reference to 'taking a head off' - apparently a reference to David & Goliath.

"We are always peaceful, never hateful"...really Brian? Then if that's true, why do you project such hatred so frequently for those who aren't heterosexual?
Why do you feel the need to destroy painted road crossings because they depict a rainbow? Why make threats so that drag queens cannot read books to children?

Quote:A person from the rainbow community is calling out ads for a Brian Tamaki church event showing a boy carrying a severed head - an apparent reference to David and Goliath - and bearing the tagline "Time to kill".
Members of Tamaki's Destiny Church have recently been charged over destroying rainbow crossings in Gisborne and Auckland, and were responsible for a series of drag events being cancelled around the country.
The image of the child and the head were part of promotion for an event last night in New Plymouth.
The next event is to be held in Whanganui on Tuesday evening.
Promotional material on social media for the events uses phrases such as "Time to kill", "It's time to gather heads" and "I want a head (trophy) on my mantlepiece (sic)!"
But Tamaki said the imagery was used figuratively and the phrase "Time to kill" was from the Bible.
Tamaki said in a statement "The story and imagery of David and Goliath is used figuratively. I have stated many times that Destiny Church and I do not hate anybody in the rainbow community. We are always peaceful, never hateful.
"Any terminology I ever use in relation to warfare…is in relation to the spiritual battle we face every day as Christians. It is not directed at any individual. 
A member of the local rainbow community, who did not want to be named but identified as non-binary, said the church's promotional material was "extremely concerning".
"[This is] dehumanising talk, where we're the paedophiles, and we're the filth, and we're the degenerates. And there's a logical end point where we get attacked on the street."
They were planning on avoiding town for the next few days, and said they were especially worried for younger rainbow community members.
"I think Tamaki has gone far beyond expressing his free speech.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Someone ought to remind him about Judith...
Absolutely revolting man.
(21-05-2024, 04:53 PM)TinkandTiff Wrote: Absolutely revolting man.

He is that; but so many seem to have decided he's just wonderful. He learned his craft/business from a  now disgraced American evangelist, Eddie Long. Long was very loud in his objections to gay people but was later the subject of lawsuits by three men who claim to have been coerced into sexual relationships with him while teens.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)

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