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You can never have enough...
Something I often do with left over cooked chicken meat is to shred it and make it into a lentil salad.  Black or green cooked lentils, chopped gherkin, capers, pickled onion, whatever herbs I have in the garden, Greek olive oil and either lemon juice or cider vinegar.   Mix it all up and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours to soften, and it will keep for a few days.
morning ladies Smile We survived the howling wind overnight, the Furry One and I will go out and see what we heard being blown about shortly (when His Lordship decides to get out from under the covers).

Your dinner sounded delicious, OHH. Roast beetroot is a favourite here too. I make chicken and leek pie with leftover chicken and use the bones and other bits for the stock in the pie. So yummm. Leeks have a lovely subtle flavour with the chicken. We don't have an orange tree so stuff the chook with lemon.

Late yesterday afternoon I cut the fabric for the cushion ready for sewing today. I found a pair of brand-new shoelaces that will work perfectly for the ties Big Grin and should be easy for MrK to use. I have a couple of things to do first this morning before I start.

Time to get cracking, the sooner I finish these few things the sooner I'm sitting at the sewing machine Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(25-05-2024, 08:27 PM)Olive Wrote: Something I often do with left over cooked chicken meat is to shred it and make it into a lentil salad.  Black or green cooked lentils, chopped gherkin, capers, pickled onion, whatever herbs I have in the garden, Greek olive oil and either lemon juice or cider vinegar.   Mix it all up and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours to soften, and it will keep for a few days.

Oh now that gives me some new ideas, and I have those two little jars of pickled nasturtium seeds which would be perfect against the chicken meat and with the cider vinegar. My taste buds are already enjoying the thought! A good lunch idea, thank you! Smile

(26-05-2024, 07:48 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  We survived the howling wind overnight, the Furry One and I will go out and see what we heard being blown about shortly (when His Lordship decides to get out from under the covers).

Your dinner sounded delicious, OHH.  Roast beetroot is a favourite here too.  I make chicken and leek pie with leftover chicken and use the bones and other bits for the stock in the pie.  So yummm.  Leeks have a lovely subtle flavour with the chicken.  We don't have an orange tree so stuff the chook with lemon.

Late yesterday afternoon I cut the fabric for the cushion ready for sewing today. I found a pair of brand-new shoelaces that will work perfectly for the ties Big Grin and should be easy for MrK to use.  I have a couple of things to do first this morning before I start.

Time to get cracking, the sooner I finish these few things the sooner I'm sitting at the sewing machine Smile

Happy crafting Smile
I usually use a lemon, but this bird was so big and I had a nearly ripe orange on the bench left over from juicing. Every year our orange tree gets stripped overnight as soon as the fruit is ripe, so we are all grabbing what we can before the thieves arrive, and that means sometimes the fruit needs a bit longer to get the sugar level up. Perfect though for chicken! And they make great juice, not too sweet...
Good morning. 

Cloudy with wind,  the sun is trying to get through. 

We don't have a whole chicken to roast much these days,  but when I do, stuffed with a lemon and chicken sprinkled with mixed herbs or fresh thyme and a few garlic cloves surrounding it. Once upon a time homemade breadcrumb, herb and onion stuffing ... made the roast go further!

Yesterday we had a great experience as we watched a pod of orcas make their way along the beach front close to shore. They blew, waved their fins and breached ... amazing to see. 

Spent the afternoon with family so today will catch up on weekend jobs.

Still haven't started next knitting project ... maybe later. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Its windy with squally rain today. And not terribly warm either. I will go out later and grab the watering can and pot that have been blown from the back patio.

The chicken meals sound yummy. I dont tend to buy whole chickens now either, mainly cos I dont and wont eat drumsticks. And MrP isn't around to partake in them. I suppose the ladies would, Hmmm Ill keep my eyes open for a bargain.

I have a full leg of lamb that I will need to cook at some stage, and since Im not fan of roasting meat in the oven, cos of the cleaning, I might have to shock the electric frying pan into action. Perhaps I could invite David around when he moves and wont feel like cooking that day.

I have to buy leeks and carrots this week for the soup. Ill do that on Thursday before my Diabetes annual check. I must get my tester out. I haven't bothered to test since I came home. My blood tests measure it anyway and Im at Pre Diabetic numbers.

I've made a list of things to do today. in the hope that it will inspire me into doing something. Sitting gets me down..

The lovely lady from the oppy came with her Hubby and son yesterday and took away the huge tv stand and tv. They will take the bits off the dead tv, put onto theirs to hang it.. and will take the dead tv to the recycle center. So it works for both of us. She gave me a box of crackers for it. And a hug. She must only be 4'10" max and her hubby is easily a 6 footer plus, possibly. lol Just glad it could be of use to someone and I didn't have to lift it or get rid of the tv.

Right I better get fb done then I can start on crossing things off my list.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
My favourite use of left over chicken is a cheats green Thai curry - curry paste from the supermarket about $4 makes 6 curries - tbsp of paste plus a can of lite coconut milk - if I have a chilli in it goes - always garlic and whatever green veggie I have - thinly sliced leek - carrot anything really with the cooked chook - rice or noodles if I am particularly hungry - a cheap Thai curry for a cold day
The s scarf is done! The lace border went relatively well, considering I have never done one before, and it wasn't until I was lining it up to attach that I realised the last motif was actually upside down... I obviously got confused with row order again lol, so I left it to remind me of the lace experience! I bet no one excepr me ever notices...

Wine poured, cat turfed off chair, ( she has gone out the window in disgust and is giving me filthy looks from the deck) and I am pondering leftover creations for dinner. A good weekend nearly done.
(26-05-2024, 03:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The s scarf is done! The lace border went relatively well, considering I have never done one before, and it wasn't until I was lining it up to attach that I realised the last motif was actually upside down... I obviously got confused with row order again lol, so I left it to remind me of the lace experience! I bet no one excepr me ever notices...

Wine poured, cat turfed off chair,  ( she has gone out the window in disgust and is giving me filthy looks from the deck) and I am pondering leftover creations for dinner. A good weekend nearly done.

Congrats Hunni.... I intentionally leave mistakes too. it shows we are all but human, we can make mistakes, and it makes things unique.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well done Hunni; no one else will ever notice a wee mistake & if they do, well, too bad. Tell them its their eyesight...Smile

I'm feeling so very virtuous that I awarded myself two extra squares of Whittakers dark block! I needed it, to build up my flagging strength after finally getting all the jewellery sorted out, as to who gets what once I exit stage left & its easy enough for DIL to distribute.
There isn't a lot but it took the best part of two hours to get it finished, & I was quite glad I'd done some of it the other day.

However I'm dreading having to go back at some point & clean most of it...that'll teach me for not wearing most of it for ages.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(26-05-2024, 03:59 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The s scarf is done! The lace border went relatively well, considering I have never done one before, and it wasn't until I was lining it up to attach that I realised the last motif was actually upside down... I obviously got confused with row order again lol, so I left it to remind me of the lace experience! I bet no one excepr me ever notices...

Wine poured, cat turfed off chair,  ( she has gone out the window in disgust and is giving me filthy looks from the deck) and I am pondering leftover creations for dinner. A good weekend nearly done.
Tried to upload my Dr Seuss blanket- I too reached a milestone - only the border and a few loose ends - will fiddle with the photo later - watching the Vikings - might be nightmare material I think
morning ladies Smile We have another gorgeous sunrise this morning.

The Quakers call those types of mistakes, humility squares (refers to quilting mostly) implying that we are not perfect. I like the idea of leaving a mistake, it shows us how far we have come with our crafting further down the line. Well done, OHH Smile Nothing like finishing something difficult.

Your comment Lilith about the chocolate made me smile, it reminded me of the new Whittaker's advert where any chocolate eaten in the pantry doesn't count lol. Love that advert. You are right about jewelry; it does have to be worn. The necklace I had repaired a few weeks ago had a funny feel to it and it was just grime from sitting in a box.

Yesterday was a disaster sewing wise. My head obviously wasn't in the game as it took three attempts to put the zip in and I'm still not happy with it and I forgot to sew the ties in. I'll unpick it and start again today, hopefully with a better frame of mind. On the plus side, I did weave some more hardanger on the runner. At least that went right lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Mild overcastcstart to the day.

Wow finished already OHH I am impressed
Some days we shouldn't sew KM.

Had great time at sewing retreat got 4 projects completed back to reality  today got to get cabinet sorted today then its my sewing space

Dr appt this morning before I start anything g just the annual check in so I can keep getting my meds

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Overcast but calm here today.

Totally agree, sewing can be something that tells us to leave it for another day. I probably need to sew, it might lift my mood swings. Was up late having a downer. finally got to sleep after midnight. in two minds if I will see the girls today. I know they will lift me. its just getting there that is the problem. I have time to decide.

I sold one book yesterday.. so its a start. Im just sick of everything. Too much stuff and limited movement to get rid. Ill get there, but My head needs to slow down to match my bodies limits.

It was fun thinning out the wardrobe a little.

Have a fab day everyone.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yesterday I went looking for my button collection and couldn't find it anywhere. Trouble is I took them out of the little jars they had been in for decades, and put them into some other container, and now I cannot remember what or where, and I need to find replacement coat buttons for my winter jacket - the middle one of three has disappeared. Isn't it funny how you come across small stashed items when you do not need them, but come that occasional time when you do - they have hidden themselves in another dimension...

This getting old business can be a right pain in the arse.

I did though find a pair of bone earrings an old friend made for me years ago, and decided I really must wear them again - despite the fact they are really long and probably inappropriate for this septuagenarian. They were made by Jono Randell, he was one of the carvers of the rock art at Taupo that has become such a popular tourist attraction. One of the group whose names are rarely mentioned in all the publicity material, despite the enormous dedication and skills they put into making one man's dream a reality. Jono was a really lovely man, he and his wife Vicky helped me survive new widowhood, I will always be grateful for that kindness.
Good morning. 

Overcast and cool. 

School/kindy run done for the morning and now for some housework. 

A good place to go and get away from the reality of life Mica, doing something you enjoy. 

Well done on the completed projects ... I agree a mistake that only you know about is perfectly acceptable  ... even if your head is doubtful! Interesting, Country Calendar last night featured a Quaker family.  It was like a step back in time with the farming practice!

Nearly time for coffee then get going. 

Enjoy the day all.
Who gives a rats if people think it's inappropriate to wear them, OHH.  They have lots of special meaning and love so wear them and let others gossip away.  At least if they are talking about you, they are leaving someone else alone lol.

We saw that episode as well, roma.  It's certainly a calmer way of life, that's for sure.  I love how each cow has a name.  MrK's dad named all of his cows too.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Lol, with the button dilemma .. can relate! My problem once I found them,  was finding buttons that were acceptable to the 4 yo GC (shiny, pink or cute lol) ... don't like the buttons,  won't wear the garment  Big Grin Might involve a visit to the OP shop, even if I have to buy the garment for the buttons! 

I had the convo this morning on the way to school to the GC not to care what anyone says about your appearance ... damned peer pressure  Sad

Go ahead and wear those earrings with pride OHH.

Yes KM, we never had huge cow numbers ... many were named and they were quiet and unhurried. So many do well with their produce in the local markets.
Yes indeed, KM its a sorrow to me that I haven't got a pantry! Smile

Wear those earrings Hunni - to hell with what other people think, they could all just mind their own business, & there have to be some priviliges with age.
I happily wear the weird looking Aztec hat when taking Madame Le Dog for walks in cold weather because I've reached a stage where I no longer give a toss what I look like as long as I'm warm.
Mind you, Madame Le Dog doesn't half give me some funny looks & if she could roll her eyes I'm sure she would....
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Found them! And found a set of three very vintage buttons inside that will fit the bill, along with a number of the same button in a smaller size which will make replacing the lot on the leather jacket much easier, as I need a second small button on the inside to anchor through - it avoids tearing the leather. Then I just need to repair a small rip above a pocket and it will be wearable again for another twenty years.

Fun too, these are not quiet black coat buttons, but flashy reflective faux mother of pearl beauties that will add a bit of twinkle - seeing we support the age inappropriate statements, why not?
Morning everyone

Fine and calm here at the mo.

Have to go do my bloods this morning and grab a couple of things from the supermarket. Then be home in time for the cleaner. She will be busy today. We didn't do the floor last week but man it needs doing now lol.

Glad you found your Buttons Hunni.. I took mine out of tins etc ages ago and put them in empty maccona jars. I get to see them when I walk past now. I inherited my mothers and grandmothers. Have always liked buttons and I often spend time looking at them in oppies.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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