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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile The fog is so thick we can't see across the road... and still there are drivers without their lights on.

We also gave up duvets and have gone back to using bedspreads and coverlets. They are easier to manage and just as warm.

I have the last bedroom to 'do' before I tackle repainting and sealing around the bath next week. Today I'll pull the beds and other furniture out to give the skirting boards a good clean and under the beds a good vacuum. Windows and oven to clean and the house will be sparkling for winter. The kids laugh when I call it a spring clean, but winter is the only time when I can do it. Why waste gorgeous sunny days when I can be outside.

Yesterday my sister-in-law took another boot load of old bricks home, our pile is getting smaller Big Grin While here she asked about her mum's old handwritten recipe book as it seems to have disappeared within the family. I suspect I know who has it but borrowing it off her could be a mission. We only have my grandmother's handwritten recipe book. It's so fragile now I'm almost too scared to open it. When we have a few spare $$$ I would love to have it bound and repaired professionally.

I ordered and paid for a replacement rose the other day from Wairere Nursery. A couple of roses weren't doing well and were dug out. I'm looking forward to welcoming Legacy to the garden Heart next month. MrK asked if I was well as replacing two roses with one isn't 'normal' for me lol. Give me time lol.

This afternoon I'll work again on the runner Big Grin I'm almost halfway.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and calm. 

Still with duvets here with wool inners which I take out in summer. 

Today we are heading for Hamilton ... we'll go via Morrinsville for a change. Hopefully the fog not as thick by the time we get going!

I looked up that rose Legacy KM ... what a beauty. I miss them but the hibiscus here still flowering vigorously providing colour in the garden. 

The GBSB was a good one last night ... the winning garment a stunner.

Better move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all 
Overcast and stiff breeze

Legacy looks like ba beautiful rose KM

Spent yesterday sorting my fabric, measuring up remnants that I don't want  3 rubbish bags for the op.
Not sure what I will tackle today frozen by indecision  well just a bit overwhelmed  but need to just get in there and do it. Might start by dismantling my quilting frame that will free up a bit of space.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Still here and lightly overcast.

Will look up the rose later.

Wow I slept like a log for nearly 6 hours. It is like sleeping in a cuddle... but my hips and spine were screaming so I came back to my chair. Each night is getting longer which is good.

Question, Has anyone had any side effects to their Flue shots? My Glands and neck feel sore. Quite sore too. Noticed last night before I went to bed.

I have to pop up to the chemist so will ask them as well since they give them out.

Need to put everything away from yesterdays lunch. But Im not sure what else Ill get up to.

Have a god day everyone

Bugger Pooh.. just looked it up..

Swollen glands comes under the See the Dr immediately section... Its affecting my whole neck if Im honest.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Spoke to the nurse.

Its a sign that my body is doing what it needs to do when they give you a shot of the flu.. Can go in if I want, but I dont think its something I need to do. Now that I know its a part of the job

Annoying tho. I've only had the flu once and hated it.. I dont do Sick very well....

And Just annoying to have it on top of everything else...
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile We may have rain today by the looks of it. Typical of the King's weekend lol.

Yep popeye, those symptoms are your body doing what it needs to do.

I'm not sure what plans we have for the day, probably not a lot. But it will involve some more work on the runner at some stage.

Over the next couple of fine days, I will prune the roses. Early I know, but it doesn't seem to bother the roses much.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Fine day no wind

Hope your symptoms are  easing  Popeye.

More sorting in the sewing cave today after walking the k9s

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

It's overcast, not too cold. 

I hope you are feeling better today Popeye. I noticed quite a few people coughing,  out and about yesterday.  It might be luck of the draw to avoid winter bugs from now on I think  Sad 

Hope to get buttons on finished jacket that I found at Spot Light and start the next jacket later.

Enjoy the day all.
Always interesting taking a quick look at the graph after doing the Flu survey bit on Monday mornings. We'll see if it starts to climb tomorrow...

And on Tuesday I shall check with my gp to see if my 7th booster is due. Before the grocery shop. Fingers crossed for weather kindness.

I am missing not having some yarn on the needles though. The scarf proved very cosy on Friday so that was very satisfying. I might have to just devote some time to sorting and cleaning the bookcases, having pulled out a two foot high pile to donate there are some empty spaces that need dealing to. Taken years to get the courage to do that, I love my books, but they have to go. The dvds and cds are next...
I hate sorting our books as well but I know they are being donated for the book fair for a good cause and we can buy replacement second hand books in great condition for $2 - $3 Big Grin If the quality of these books is anything to go by, then our donations will be in good hands.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone.

Rather late for me.

Had a crap night until 2am lol.. Couldn't get comfortable, even propped cold bottles of water under my chin to try and sooth the glands. It helped a bit. Gave up on the chair, went to bed, gave up on that and back to the chair. lol.
Slept till 9-15am, which I never do but I needed it. The right side has eased a little.

Hopefully it will ease more today. Im not good when sick lol. Missy is a good Nurse. Shes with me all the time. Apologised to her for being so useless at the mo.

Will do my rubbish and recycles later and Jess will take them to the road for me. I think resting and letting it do its thing is the best way.

Rather Chuffed, I was in the Top 10 , 10 times last month in my games. Usually about half a million players each day. And my head is back in tune with them again. Must have been the anesthetic that messed it up for a while when I got home from Hospital. Highest was 5th and 6th.. Ibe been 1st and second a couple of times.

Right need to get stuff sorted here then Ill get the rubbish done.

Apparently more crap weather is on its way.. I dont mind if Im honest. Makes a change lol.

Have a fab day everyone

Im gradually thinning my cook books. Its hard but most Ive brought secondhand anyway.

My biggest well problem now is my collection of Enid Blytons, and all my Annuals.

But they need to go.

I am working with the mindset of anything I cant lift myself, I really dont need... The only thing that wont change just yet tho is the coffee table. Its heavy but works well holding the Tv.

Bedroom furniture is hard. I Love white furniture... But I also like my rimu drawers.. they have the original baker light handles. Im willing to part with them if it was to someone who would strip them, and re varnish or oil, and hopefully sort the handles out.

Planning on working in the shed, put what I'm keeping on one side, and garage sale stuff on the other.. Will make it easier for the sale
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Bakerlite is extremely collectible these days - as is rimu furniture for refreshing. The newly made is rare and expensive...
Did a bit of pruning on the old peach tree, which seemed to be dead at one point after a large branch broke off a year or so ago, but which somehow survived & last season even had fruit. Far too many on just the two remaing branches so pruned both back a bit.

Eldest granddaughter picked me up earlier & we went over to see youngest great granddaughter for her first birthday, she's extremely pleased with herself having learned to walk a while back.
And then DIL arrived with her new partner; haven't seen her for a year or so, & she gave me the biggest hug I've had for a while so I think she was pleased to see me. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile The fog is starting to clear but it looks like we have rain clouds. I hate these bleak days.

awww Lilith, sounds like you were well and truly missed Heart

Bakerlite was everywhere in years gone by, it seemed to be the 'go-to' plastic. It's amazing just how much we used rimu too. MrK uses recycled rimu to build his small(ish) boxes, trays, picture frames and so on. Most of it is from demolished houses although a fair chunk of it is from an old dairy factory.

I have some pansies to plant today along with some 'mystery bulbs' my sister-in-law gave me. She has no idea what they are so they can go into a pot first.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I do have other cameras!
Morning all 
Mild day

Like rimu we are selling our rimu tables and entertainment unit DS managing that for me 

More sorting, my quilting frame is being picked up today too so slowly slowly getting there.

Time for breakfast after the gym

Enjoy your day

Morning all 
Mild day

Like rimu we are selling our rimu tables and entertainment unit DS managing that for me 

More sorting, my quilting frame is being picked up today too so slowly slowly getting there.

Time for breakfast after the gym

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

The sun is starting to come out after a cloudy start. 

I sold a few bigger pieces of rimu before coming into town. I imagine it's fairly pricey brand new these days. Still have a recycled coffee table and a couple of inherited bedroom drawer units, perhaps that's what the handles on one of them are .... bakerlite. Rimu is such a nicely grained timber.

No plan for the day ... DH back to part time work tomorrow so I'll be be back to doing my own thing. Plenty on the 'to do' list!

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Slightly grey here. Very calm tho.

I've decided not to go to the home today. Not sure if I could transfer bugs, but wont put anyone at risk.

I hope to go into the garage and start moving stuff so I can have one side for the garage sale. It will make it much easier to do as the side I will use has heaps of shelving, so good for display. I will put Erins stuff away too. I do wish they would come and take it out of my way tho.

Its nice doing things again. Slowly getting there. Probably more improvement since I started driving again. Guess Im using it in many different ways and its all helping..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(03-06-2024, 08:24 AM)Praktica Wrote: Bakelite...

Another nerd in the house, lol!

It is a good woodsmith who can deal with rimu, especially old rimu. It splits and cracks like nobody's business according to my beloved with made me several looms from rescued timber. It was lovely to handle though. And polished up beautifully under the cloth.
The first car my dad owned - a 1947 Hillman - had a bakelite dashboard.
I do have other cameras!

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