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You can never have enough...
(05-06-2024, 11:11 AM)Jan Wrote: I am well over what happened but find it very difficult reading all the vitriol over National not keeping their promise when the promise was previously made but as Ayesha Verall alluded to the problem is with Pharmac not the government - what a pity we are so tribal - Pharmac waste millions of dollars that could be spent on needed drugs - instead repeating testing that has been done elsewhere and in some cases there are years of data available on the safety of its use .We had 18 really good months back home thanks to the drug - that was 7 years ago and nothing has changed - let’s hope Paula Bennett gets stuck in at Pharmac and sort out both purchasing and supply - we hear of drug companies giving huge bribes overseas foolish to think it hasn’t happened here .Even if National had given Pharmac the money they haven’t yet tested the majority of the drugs and as many specialists have said some of them have already been replaced with better drugs .Unfortunately instead of the spotlight going on why we are years behind making drugs available the spotlight is on a broken promise - what happened to us over 7 years ago is still happening - as I previously said we were lucky we could afford to buy the drugs even if I had to smuggle them in initially while Pharmac procrastinated and then we paid a huge amount of money which I don’t regret - it’s interesting my post was taken as bitterness or regret - it was just cold hard facts whereas a lot of political comment is often just tribal politics - actually thinking about it same really for school lunches
I think everyone who goes through a stressful life experience sinks into that regret/resent mode, because we can see so clearly how the situation could have been remedied - if only... That's being human.

As for Paula Bennett, well, I'm not holding my breath on that one, I feel I know her too well to have any real hopes for change. And change is needed. Today I managed to get the right version of morphine that lets me get some sleep during a gallstone episode - as opposed to the one that sees me throwing up and developing a full body itch. So it is a miracle drug for me, it is also not subsidised... Just as well I need it so rarely, lol.

It has always been an issue for Pharmac, satisfying every need. I remember getting a subsidised cream for the kid when she got some childhood skin thing, but the subsidised pack of the stuff was insufficient to cover the outbreak and getting more required another doc visit, and another script dispensing charge... 

The idiocies in the public health system will probably always exist, thank goodness though I still get free hip implants! And thank goodness for my weird sense of humour...
(05-06-2024, 03:29 PM)Jan Wrote:
(05-06-2024, 12:30 PM)Lilith7 Wrote: Last night I watched Someone else's country; a documentary about the imposing of Neo liberalism here. I hadn't seen it for years & it was a stark reminder of those days when Labour, with neither consultation nor warnning, imposed Neoliberalism on this country.
And when voters finally removed them from office in came a National govt which proceeded to carry on with more of the same, again without a hint they intended to do that, & at an equally fast pace, so as to allow no time for any means of preventing it.

And we now have far weaker unions, far fewer workers rights, health virtually privatised & so out of reach for anyone on low incomes to some extent,& education starved of funding. Our THIRD charity hospital is due to open soon...
Unless we come to our senses, I shudder to think of the world our great grandkiods will be living in.

And they wonder why people find it hard to trust politicians.

Cold out but have ventured out with eldest granddaughter over to Kmart & lots shops nearby; its a very good thing I took her with me (apart from her being my chaffeur) since I'd have had no clue what to get her two boys. Minecraft apparently, & Pokemon, Pikachu, & spiderman. So eventually I got them a hoodie each, one Spiderman & one Pikachu. So that's something for their Xmas gifts.

The last one I trusted Lilith was Norman Kirk ! But we get what we deserve - on many occasions they are not held to account based on fact but on political tribalism .I am hoping my great grandkids will be well educated well grounded like my grandkids are proving to be - one of my grandaughter played netball for the school Saturday morning - went to work at her part time weekend job for four hours then played club hockey - I am not worried about her making her way in the world - another one the law student spent hours and hours helping my motel Mum sort out her mess with Winz and found the pathway to buy her house - not worried about her either - unfortunately the other two went to Oz  to finish their degrees and they won’t come home - my one and only grandson not so sure he is at Uni I think to play rugby and go surfing !

There are two apart from him that I trusted; Rod Donald & Sonja Davies. Politicians are a different breed now, it seems.

Youngest grandson & his partner are talking of heading to OZ so he can work in the mines & they can save, come home & buy a house. They shouldn't have to do that & nor should anyone else. And of course,there's always the chance they'll stay there.

When it comes to politicians, I tend to agree with Mark Twain:

" The desire to become a politician should be sufficient to warrant being banned from ever doing so for life."

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But, I repeat myself."

"Politicians and diapers must be changed often,& for the same reason."

Mark Twain

Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often,& for the same reason."

Mark Twain

Haha yes, funny and true.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
We were talking about family trees last night and I simply said..

Become a politician and someone will do it for you.

I dont know how anyone can stand that type of job.

I only just remember Norm Kirk. Mainly cos he died a couple of months after my dad died. I grieved for his kids cos I knew what they were going through.
Was the same when one of my uncles died, cos he was the one that looked after us when Dad died.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I love these winter days, so calm and still warm.

I remember Norman Kirk, and I remember the day we had off school for his funeral. As for Paula Bennett, she will be working under the same rules so it's same-old-same-old.

Love the Mark Twain quote, must remember that one lol.

It will be attempt #3 to clean the outside windows today lol. The weather is meant to turn to rubbish on Sunday, hopefully it can be done by then. If not, then it will be another day. It was hard yakker mowing the lawn yesterday, but the compost bin will love the mix of mowed grass and leaves.

We caught a mouse this morning. The trap is set all the time, even in summer. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye the other evening and then MrK said he saw it run into the kitchen.

I'll be working again on the runner, just a little bit more and I will be halfway.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
I should do the insides of mine, but if I do I will see the outsides need doing again after all that autumn wind we have had. I have to be in the right mood for windows, and really? I'd rather be gardening...

Or knitting!
Morning everyone

Some blue sky out today. Not terribly warm tho.

I have booked myself a Please Myself day. And I shall enjoy it. Painting my nails is def on the cards.

Just saw the story about what you should do if you win the 50 million. Crazy amount of money. Besides having the house of my dreams and needs built, one thing I've always wanted to do is to help people have their cataracts done.
It really pushes my buttons that New Zealanders have to wait until they basically cant see and then can only have one done free , unless a rare case have two done on the Government.. Yet in the Islands it costs $25.

I would have a garden, and a gardener.. And travel... But being that I cant afford a ticket, unless my sale actually happens, then dreams are free lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Fred Hollows was an incredible man...
Morning all
overcast grey day with temperature to match.

Been sorting out some admin stuff,  trying to contact our movers they have changed the date twice now which is starting to annoy me hate inefficiency  not to mention the faffing about I need to do like alter cattery and kennel bookings, carpet cleaners etc ok whinge over

I too have some window cleaning in my future - hate the job will co-opt DH Big Grin

 My morning at the warehouse so will need to rug up.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
(06-06-2024, 09:00 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Fred Hollows was an incredible man...

Thats for sure Hunni.. Just wish more could have it done here without waiting so long.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes, we sorely need the Fred Hollows foundation here. Thanks to Neo liberalism we no longer have much of a health system here.
Had intended to mow back lawn first thing but it was far too wet so will have to do it later on. At least the sun's finally come out so may get a few other things done outside later on.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I'm feeling very virtuous as the windows are done, inside and out Big Grin I'd rather be gardening as well, OHH but there were mud splashes from when the digger was used to put the cable underground. The splashes have been there a wee while and I've been putting off doing it. I was hoping the rain would wash it off but nope lol. And I've started pruning the roses. My goodness Gertrude Jeckyl was determined to slap me in the face lol... with those thorns I don't think so Tongue She wasn't pruned last season as I had moved her during the summer, but she's had a good prune now. That'll teach her Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well done KM - I share that feeling, having just mowed the back lawn. I'd intended to have another go at weeds but the energy was down a bit so came in.

The other day it dawned on me that having mostly Scots ancestry their choice of a Unicorn as their country's animal was an interesting oen & might account for any slight weirdness... & then I wondered what the Welsh official animal is since I also have Welsh ancestry. So naturally,looked it up - Dragon! YESSS!

And as an added bonus, the grandkids can't tell me I'm weird because of my's good. Smile
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning everyone

Yep its still dark..

The smoke alarm people will be here between 7am and 10 am.. Ungodly hours but its for my safety.

I will go and see the girls after they have been.. And then get a few groceries on the way home.

Had a lovely time out for morning tea with my sister friend. Then we went out and had a look at Davids new abode. I love it but I can also imagine what it will be like in a couple of years. There's alot of hedges to be trimmed. A big orchard and the paddocks will end up overgrown and useless.

Then we went to the oppy so I dropped a bag off, and then managed to get a digital alarm clock, I've been wanting an extra one for the lounge. I can read them better without glasses through the night. Its not as big as the one in my room so I will swap them over later.
Legs were jumping again last night. Went to my bed and blanket, must have been asleep in minutes. 6.5 hours later I came back to the lounge. So slowly getting to a full night lol

Have a fab day all.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Still dark 

With dragon and unicorns you can't help but be special Lilith Big Grin

Spent afternoon clearing the linen cupboard yesterday -most,y towels and some picnic type blankets. Phoned the refugee collective to say we had 2 sewing machines and 2 tvs they turned up 45 min later, took the towels, linen and spare curtains too 
.DS collected his childhood lego (50Lcontainer) and all his old stuffed toys that he wanted us to keep Heart  I added the file boxes of his school stuff and pieces of pottery that he made. So some decks cleared . Two more wardrobes and DD book case and we will have sorted the house. Kitchen next. Goodness knows what DH needs to clear in basement 
Guess what I am doing today?

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Police cotton on to alleged theft, return beloved quilt to Mercy Hospice
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
morning ladies Smile  The predicted rain may come a bit earlier judging by the sky this morning.

lol Lilith, we knew you were special Heart

Sounds like you are going great guns with the sorting, mica.  We kept the kids Lego and the grandkids love it.  Some of it is well over 25 years old. 

There are around 10 more roses to be pruned and a few weeds to be pulled this morning.  I need at least four hours of still, dry weather as it takes that long for the cuts to heal over.  And Madam Alfred will need to be moved to a better spot where she can attempt to take over the world.

Over the weekend there is a bit of sanding and painting to be done in the bathroom.  I had better check to see if the tube of silicone sealant is still viable too as that will need to scraped off and replaced.

I did more thread pulling last evening on the runner.  MrK reckons I'll be dreaming of it in my sleep soon lol.  This afternoon I'll finish the bit of thread pulling I started and begin weaving.  Little bits at a time make it more manageable.

Happy crafting Smile

Edited to add, your post was posted while I was typing, zquerty Smile  How sad that a 73 year old felt the need to steal the quilt.  I hope it was because she was cold and needed it rather than because she just liked it.  And if it was because she was cold, then I hope someone can help her.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning.

It's only just getting light.  I hope the day is better than yesterday ... bleak and cold. 

Got to love unicorns and  dragons ... the GC definitely do  Smile

What a mammoth task shifting house is Mica, we were well practised over the years and always did it all ourselves. A good feeling  once you are unpacked and settled into a new place.

My roses used to get pruned in June ... worked on over a week or so.  The look of the garden completely changed,   neat and tidy, until they took off again!

A good way through knitting the back of a cardi for youngest GD ... knitting weather for sure now. 

Will wash and dry new towels I got with the last of flybuys points and an appointment later. 

Enjoy the day all.
Ahhh, Mercy Hospice - my great aunt was the senior nun there for years and nursed my grandfather when his final battle with motor neuron disease was fought. Boy that is an awful thing, so slow and so devastating, and leaving the thinking bits untouched as a special gift. Still, he had an incredible life, and enjoyed it to the full so maybe a bit of karma was called for, considering what he put my grandmother through! Charm of the devil he had, as did his sons.

I hand rolled the six skeins yesterday into fat balls and found a pattern I can use as a basic guide, and after dinner cast on a lot of stitches for the rib. The stitch definition with this wool/cotton yarn is beautiful and I have got over the sensation that it is string, the fabric softens as it grows off the needles so I am rather enjoying it. And today a heavy black lace duster is arriving at my door - I am going to use the fabric to embellish a jacket that needs a bit of a zoosh for fun, so those two projects will see me safely distracted from the need to do housework for a couple of days with luck. Though I really need to sort the growing pile of summer discards that migrates every evening from bed to chair, that exercise is getting irritating.

And the forecast is kind, so maybe a bit of sun? You never know in Auckland...
The sun has just come out now Smile And the roses are all pruned. Thank goodness for long sleeves and good gloves. It's not allowed to rain until 3.30pm Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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