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You can never have enough...
(07-06-2024, 07:18 AM)zqwerty Wrote: Police cotton on to alleged theft, return beloved quilt to Mercy Hospice

Was reading that wondering what sort of miserable sod would steal such a thing from such a place, until I read this bit:

" A 73-year-old woman has since been trespassed in relation to this incident and appropriate referrals have been made given her circumstances."

So perhaps she has Alzheimers or dementia, poor woman.

Was out earlier to try for a pair of the same gloves I use for on the bike, but of course they're so good that they no longer have them dammit.

But I did manage to find some others which will probably do for the cold dog walks & they seem to be waterproof which is an advantage - so tried them on & although they're a bit snug they fit  & then I noticed the size - 8-16!

I do not care - if they fit & do the job I care not a jot, kids gloves are just fine.

As long as the grandkids don't find out - they'll tease me unmercifully as usual. Rolleyes Big Grin

It was probably the Unicorn & Dragon heritage that made me do it... Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Morning  all 
Still dark

Still sorting.
Joined friends for dinner last night lovely to catch up and my friend cooked a lovely meal

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Looks like we have another calm, winters day.

This morning I'm going to take out the sealant around the bath, sand back the splash board and repaint.

It turns out MrK's back problem stems from having two vertebrae fused 20 years ago. The vertebrae above the fusion has taken most of the 'load' and is wearing out. He has some exercises to do three times a day and then back to the physio.

Our son phoned last evening, his work hours have changed, and he starts work at 5.00am. The other day as part of his job he had to find an enclosure for a sick camel. The camel herder had 200 camels and wanted a safe place to keep his sick one separate from the herd. This kiwi guy loved it lol, not something he would have to deal with here! And he said he spotted someone's home with their fire lit for winter. He was laughing as he is still wearing summer clothes. Spot the newly landed kiwi in a Perth winter lol. But I guess it's all relevant Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

The sun is out, blue sky and comfortably cool .

Lol Kiwimade re your son. Perth is good for its dry heat.. Next year it might be different for him lol.

Im having a lazy start. But I think Ill end up in the garage again.

Didn't care much for the Smoking jackets last night.. Did love the Pattern challenge tho, Audrey Hepburn's dress from Breakfast at Tiffanies.

There will be many people dreaming today about what they could do with 50 million. I hope it gets divided up really.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I wasn't a fan of the smoking jackets either. The paisley one looked too feminine for my taste, and I don't think the model was too thrilled lol. I know models are paid to wear what the designer/sewist creates and it's part of their job but even so lol. I thought the shower curtain challenge was fun and loved the winning design.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Beautiful day. 

Just in from finally getting round to pruning the feijoas with DH reaching the taller branches ... we can put the prunings in DD's green bin for this week. A lovely day to do more in the garden later. 

Yes, the jackets not as appealing ... I'm not convinced Harry Styles would even wear the scalloped collar, pink jacket! Lol, I still have the knitting pattern for a very similar jacket ... shawl collar and tie belt ... also the sewing pattern version! The competition is narrowing down ... I'm not sure if Tony will last the distance.

Babysitting tonight.

Better move and make the most of the day. 

Enjoy the day.
Morning  all 
Still dark been light rain overnight

Sorted my wool yesterday all fits into 25l container 

DS and his family popped in yesterday  afternoon  DS went home with some of his grandads tools. DH and DS sorted stuff to go to landfill or Trash Palace so I am hoping that the basement is getting sorted.
Our outdoor furniture sold its being picked up this morning.

DD and her wee family coming for dinner tonight beef short ribs in the slow cooker will put those on later.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile It's going to rain, we need it though.

Lovely to see seven major Lotto winners split the $50million. I like seeing the money spread around and a little over $7million is still a huge amount of money.

lol roma, your patterns are 'in' again.

yummm mica, beef short ribs. We haven't had them for ages.

This morning I'll finish the painting in the bathroom. I think we need a new gun thingy for squeezing the silicone as ours is becoming hard to use. Then later this afternoon I can work on the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny, with some wind and cloud. We are in for rain later. 

Lol KM, the knitting and sewing patterns are the one thing that have always survived a move!

Agree, much better the mega Lotto winnings are shared, the more people the better. 

I have never cooked beef ribs! The sticky crock pot ribs recipe I looked up seems easy enough. The Vietnamese takeaway we occasionally buy from do the best sticky ribs!

A couple of loads of washing to get dry before the rain.  Might be a bit slower today after watching the last episode of Call the Midwife on TV1+ after babysitting. Knitting a definite.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Overcast but not wet yet. One of the lawns over the back has been done, trying to beat the rain.

Im not rich today lol, but that's ok too lol.. Im pleased it was broken up too. 7 million is still a lot of money for anyone, especially if they have never had it.

In the garage today. I wont allow Missy to hold me hostage again. My knee has seized up from a day off. Although I did tidy the kitchen and do a load of washing yesterday, which is nearly dry. Its by the ranch slider inside.

Ill start laying the tools out on the shelves, for the garage sale. And add stuff from inside if there is still room on the shelves. Hoping to have it next weekend or the next. Just want to get rid of it all. I was thinking too if no one wants all the drill bits and Allan keys etc. that a scrap metal dealer might give me something for them. I dont think we have one here, and Im not sure if there is one in Pukekohe cos I've never looked. So that's something to think of, before simply taking them to the recycle center where Id get nothing.

This week I also need to get sorted in the sewing room and get the table and chairs free to sell. Theres not much to do, just move the crates , then the table and restack the crates. Its not a flash one by any means, 42 years old, but it expands and has 6 chairs. They would look nice recovered.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
We take loads to the scrap metal dealer, popeye Smile MrK stashes his scrap away in a box and every now and then when we are going to Hamilton, we take it with us. It might be enough to shout us lunch and sometimes we have enough to buy something MrK would like rather than need. Sometimes we only get a few $$ which is fine too. As you say, the $$ are better in our pocket rather than the recyclers. I can see why people steal copper wiring as we scored a tidy sum for our old overhead cables. The scrap metal dealer we use also takes old whiteware although you get nothing for that. But at least it is free to dump rather than having to pay refuse center fees. I see that as a win-win.

I'm waiting for the paint to dry so I can put the final coat on Smile Might put the kettle on.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Thanks Kiwimade. I will look into it.

Found a Plum bob (sp)? I think its brass. Rather cute , the string is wound onto a wee branch from some sort of tree.

I have taken out all I want to keep. And done some photos to put up through the week too.

There are quite a few things that I have no idea what they are for, that will be good for scrap too

Edit to add... Pukekohe does have a scrape dealer, I know the road. No hours on its website tho. So I emailed..

Awesome Tuesday I will have a collect up, and to think I put old taps into the inorganic.. oops.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Wow, we had some rain last night!

Popeye, you can check scrap metal prices online. Pity about the taps as they are brass, and you get more for them.

The Field Days start Wednesday and already the traffic is building for those who need to set up their displays. We won't be going very far and if we do go out, it will be later in the morning or in the opposite direction.

Today might be a good sewing day thanks to the weather.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Some cloud in the sky and the sun is coming out after a night of welcome rain.  Very warm, the ground and garden nicely soaked.

Yes, it was always good to offload surplus scrap metal and receive reward for it.  I still have an old copper water cylinder that I use for plants but I imagine it has some value.

No Fieldays for us this year ... Mr B has to get more strength in his leg first. Good plan to stay off the road KM!

I have some sale bought pants to take up (story of my life) which means getting the old machine out with groceries to get first. Making good progress on 1st front of cardi. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Gently wet here, not cold either.

I had a hell of a night. And did something I have never done before. I took an extra sleeping tablet at 1am. I tried for an early night, but the Body just wanted to dance around like it was at a bloody disco. It worked and I got nearly 7 hours sleep. woke up with a moochy Missy in my arm, her head in my hand. I checked the doses on the pack of pills and figured since you can have up to 3 pills, and it had been 5 hours since my first I would be ok.

Yes I looked online Kiwimade. Brass is going for $7 a kilo, dammit lol.. I am thinking of keeping the Plumb Bob. Its soo cute. I figured perhaps it was MrP's, to help make sure wallpaper was straight. I will gather up all the odd bits over the next couple of days and will go to Pukekohe on shopping day.

ONE has also learnt, stupidly NOT to have bare feet when walking around in the garage. My knee is terribly sore, never thought about it. but I know now, not to do that again lol.

As much as I want to sit and rest the knee, Im going to go see the girls. The walking will be good for me. Im a bugger for punishment lol. But I know I need to still exercise it so I might as well have a giggle with my friends at the same time.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 
Heavy rain over night now just misty light rain

My excite me nt for the day flat tyre  on way home from gym so new tyres in my future. Have organised for them to be ordered and I will drop car in tomorrow morning and they  will drop me into cbd as have haircut appointment. 

The beef short ribs were  delicious last night as was the banana  cake  that DH  made for dessert.

Now need to  organise to attend this afternoons  meeting remotely  don't want to drive too much on the little space saver .
Todays sort will be the pantry the community pantry might be a beneficiary 

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Finished the first ball of yarn yesterday at three quarters of the way up the back of the little pattern I found, so am pretty confident there is enough to finish the whole garment. It is a sleeveless loose vest that goes over a shirt, or under a jacket so should be useful interseasonally, when layers are getting difficult. And it is a pleasure to knit this yarn, I might indulge in some more and make a sleeved piece to go over this vest. I have some kimono patterns that would work well.

We shall see.
Morning all
Its dark

Up earlish to drive city to get haircut and car together new tyres

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start to the day Smile The traffic is building up, I suspect a lot will still be setting up their Field Day stands.

The plan for today is to finish the weeding. After the rain we had the other night it's an easy job to do. I have piles of weeds dotted around the garden from yesterday and will bin once the bins have been emptied this morning.

The Furry One's meds need picking up from the vet sometime today as well. The Furry One's registration fee has jumped from $34 to $77 this year. A huge jump! From what I've been reading on the local forums, there are some refusing to pay and will tell the council their dog has 'died'. Dog registration was subsidised 20% by rate payers and the council has stopped this but my maths tells me this is more than a 20% increase. We will pay it on the very last day and not sooner as we usually do.

I'm halfway along the runner Smile and feel like I'm on the 'home stretch' now.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cloudy with the sun trying to shine through.

I haven't received my dog rego fee yet ... I hope that hasn't increased!

Yes, should be good to weed after that rain.  Will try and get out there later.

Mr R has just got in after helping out an older lady who had fallen off her bike with her 2 dogs running alongside. Not a good practice ... long story short she refused the ambulance medics help, even though disoriented, weak and sore. She was last seen with uninterested younger person from her house getting her home on foot  Sad I didn't know the ambo medics can't force anyone to get in/go to hospital if they refuse.

Might try and get out for coffee this morning before Mr R's physio appt. He's earned it and it was our wedding anniversary yesterday!

Enjoy the day all.

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