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You can never have enough...
(15-06-2024, 03:08 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Embellishing our clothes is such fun - and visible mending is certainly a 'thing', and not just because it is a sustainable eco sensitive way to extend the life of a garment. I spent this morning darning a black merino cardy that is so useful but grew three holes by magic. It now co ordinates rather well with the denims it usually pairs with seeing the nearest wool happened to be several tones of denim blue. And it was very pleasurable sitting here in the sun, randomly plying my needle through that fine black merino with one of hgtv's home shows on the screen.

And I am now quite happy to wear my ' altered' wardrobe pieces out in public - occasionally it sparks conversation, most of the time it is ignored, but I do know I am seeing more examples on other people, so maybe it is catching. If it is, considering what our addiction to fast fashion is costing the planet - that's a good thing!

That looks really good - bet it catches on.

Cold here but suddenly slightly sunny so took a chance & hung out the washing..& now the clouds have come out dammit. Mystery of book solved - friend remembers vaguely telling me about the book a while ago so that's probably who it was. She was once a Kindy teacher & only recently finally became a gran, so it was always most likely to be her recommending it for my newest great grandson.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Popeye if I remember correctly you are a picker of onions - do I need to soak them overnight - there is so much conflicting info online - the onions are a perfect size to pickle so I should use them
Hunni that’s what I loved about making cloth dolls - the fun of embellishing them - I have a card of pearl buttons my grandmother brought out on the ship when she arrived at the turn of the century - My Mum resisted the temptation to use them as did her mother so I too just appreciate them for their history .We still have the tin baby bath she washed my mum in on the boat - it washed away from my sisters house when Gabrielle hit but was miraculously dug out of the silt !
Have some fish for tea going to use some more of the leeks - better get cracking
morning ladies Smile It looks gorgeous outside, just a bit of mist around knee high in height over the paddocks to soften the view.

Jan, MrK does our pickled onions, and he soaks them overnight in a salt brine before pickling. Absolutely delicious when ready to eat! The baby bath now has more stories to add to its history Smile

We don't have much planned for the day, will take it as it comes.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Yes, it is looking cool, calm, and rather lovely out there with a heavy damp on the grass. Clear skies so that cool will last a little longer. The wax eyes are all puffed up as they feast on the part skinned orange in the whisk, they are getting so used to me I can walk out onto the deck and they do not batt a feather, but should the furred lady arrive there is a mass exit to the feijoa hedge to watch and wait her out. She pretends to ignore them, but I bet she'd have a couple for breakfast if they took her for granted.
Morning everyone

Calm and sunny here too.

Nope Jan. I follow Aunt Daisys recipe for pickled Onions. Pop them straight in the jars, put some peppercorns in if you want, we never did. A squirt of honey in the top ( Teaspoon or so) and fill up with malt vinegar. Have done them with white too.
Leave for 3 weeks and away you go.

House work for me today, a good couple of loads of washing and Ill vacc the hall, my room and en-suite.

My night started out rough but I came back to my chair. and slept well. And my knee actually feels really good. I usually dread my first few steps.

I've decided to email David about his behaviour on Friday. My last abuser died, and I wont take the same behavior from anyone else. But Ill also offer to help him. He may surround himself with people, but he is lonely too, and he is not himself. And may need support.
How he choses to accept my email is up to him. But Im not going to be spoken to, like he did on Friday, and get away with it. Even the staff that were in the dining room were shocked.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Alcoholic dementia is awful, mind you all dementia is. Abuse becomes part of it, sadly. An email would be cathartic for you, popeye, and also the written word could be something he could revisit should he forget what was said. And you also have a written record of what was said, so there will be no he said/she said stuff.

I've cleaned the inside of the car to match the vacuuming done yesterday at the car wash. One day I would love to have a professional clean the car, maybe when we eventually trade it in and want top $$$.

Kettles boiled, time for a cuppa in the sun Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
It has helped me.

I told him not to respond straight away. That it took me two days to calm down and not be upset to be able to write it.
I know he wont like it, but I mentioned everything, including his drinking. And that I just cremated my last abuser and that I wont take it from anyone now.

Reassured him there is nothing wrong with his driving. That I've never let my own brothers drive my cars, yet he has driven mine.

Also told him he is lucky to not have Cam moaning about wanting to come home. And that he needs to find someone to give him some happiness. He wont stop loving Cam. But he needs some happiness in his life.

But that Im always here for him. As we all are.

I hope he takes the time to read it , a few times before he understands it. Its not a nasty letter. But its honest , and that we are all there for him.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I hope he's able to take it in the spirit its given Popeye. It may take a bit of time though.

Very cold again but the sun shines briefly now & would, wouldn't it - I've got washing out.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
(16-06-2024, 10:37 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: I hope he's able to take it in the spirit its given Popeye. It may take a bit of time though.

Very cold again but the sun shines briefly now & would, wouldn't it - I've got washing out.

I wouldn't like it, if someone sent me an email like that. But for a whole group pf us having to walking on egg shells all the time is not good for anyone.

But I would appreciate someone telling me , in a caring way that we all want to help and we are there for him. But that no one deserves to have their heads bitten off for saying something caring. 

Least of all me. I wont put up with abuse any longer. And he knows what I've been through, so hopefully more than anything , That bit stays with him and makes him think.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(16-06-2024, 01:14 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(16-06-2024, 10:37 AM)Lilith7 Wrote: I hope he's able to take it in the spirit its given Popeye. It may take a bit of time though.

Very cold again but the sun shines briefly now & would, wouldn't it - I've got washing out.

I wouldn't like it, if someone sent me an email like that. But for a whole group pf us having to walking on egg shells all the time is not good for anyone.

But I would appreciate someone telling me , in a caring way that we all want to help and we are there for him. But that no one deserves to have their heads bitten off for saying something caring. 

Least of all me. I wont put up with abuse any longer. And he knows what I've been through, so hopefully more than anything , That bit stays with him and makes him think.

I hope it comes out well, Popeye & he understands the good intentions which come with it.

Just had the once a month visit from Sweetie darlinng no. 2's three kids & youngest great grandson, who's growing fast & has his two uncles well trained; one glance at him & they were forever enslaved.
He is rather gorgeous though.

Granddaughter & partner have been checking various child care places to get ready for when she goes back to work & some places sound not the best from what she says.
We really need to improve maternity leave & pre school childcare; Sweden has it set up so that the dad has to take some of the maternity leave & look after the baby, & I think that's an excellent idea.
We should be teaching basic parenting in high schools, at the very least.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I've had a busy afternoon after a very slow start.

Two loads of washing on the one big airer with plenty of room. Thankfully I have a piece of timber that fits perfectly between the main legs. I wouldn't say they were the most stable of legs. But its firm now.

Steamed pudding is on, as is the dishwasher. The fryer has been emptied, cleaned and refilled. I've brought the dehumidifier out to the lounge. Now that I've shut the ranch slider its warm cos of the pot. So it will help the washing dry. Cleaned the filter which I suspect is why it didn't stop running one day, but I have it sitting in a clothes basket just in case.

I was planning on having French toast for tea, but since the big pot is on the element I normally use, Ill have to have that tomorrow. So I might just have some loaded wedges. Or maybe even just wedges. I get the Ahh McCains you've done it again Beer Batter ones as I like them. And they were on special this week.

Had notification that the council are changing our rubbish and recycling days soon. Bet the streets will be a bloody mess until we all get used to it.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
If every school had a childcare centre the students had access to, even worked in, I think we would have a lot fewer early pregnancies. And those who did become young parents would be better prepared.

As for the dementia aggression challenge, the one major learning I got from going through it with my Mum is simply to enter their world, and not expect them to enter ours. Their world view is so different to ours, they can never understand ours, trying to force it simply confuses them and makes things worse.

I hope I never ever have to deal with that schism again, and I wish you the best of luck popeye. You have more guts than I do.
I resisted temptation to ask if he thought he may have alcohol related dementia. It would have been too much for him.

But he's definitely well on his way we all think. But as he is functioning normally but having these small things we are noticing, hopefully he will accept some help.

He surely knows as he goes along to a lot of dementia type groups etc. But he also surely knows that Cam doesn't have it.

If he doesn't like it, and choses to ignore us, that is up to him. It will be sad, as he is a nice guy.

But I for one wont live through a second round of abusive people. I deserve Better than that

And its taken me a LONG time to say that
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
It is very hard, and how we respond in such situations is up to us. I no longer put up with it, I simply edit those people out of my life. It is the easiest way for me. And these days I find I need fewer people around me, so it isn't a hard choice. I must have hermit genes, lol.
(16-06-2024, 05:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is very hard, and how we respond in such situations is up to us. I no longer put up with it, I simply edit those people out of my life. It is the easiest way for me. And these days I find I need fewer people around me, so it isn't a hard choice. I must have hermit genes, lol.

It is hard Hunni. 

And I thought long and hard about what to say. Through tears and anger. 

But Im not going to allow anyone to bite my head off like he did again. 

If I lose his friendship, then it is lost. I hope he doesn't stop being a friend. But he has to learn, we will talk about what we want. If that means multiple conversations happening at once, that's how it will be. 

He has to learn we have the right to talk about what we want to, as the same as he does. 

Time will tell. And I will tell everyone tomorrow as well. I know we have all had a lot of frustration with him lately.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(16-06-2024, 04:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: If every school had a childcare centre the students had access to, even worked in, I think we would have a lot fewer early pregnancies. And those who did become young parents would be better prepared.

As for the dementia aggression challenge, the one major learning I got from going through it with my Mum is simply to enter their world, and not expect them to enter ours. Their world view is so different to ours, they can never understand ours, trying to force it simply confuses them and makes things worse.

I hope I never ever have to deal with that schism again, and I wish you the best of luck popeye. You have more guts than I do.

THAT would be a stroke of complete brilliance! And imagine the effect it would have on both genders - you're right, the birth rate among young ones would surely decline. 

I've told all the grandkids 'Don't have kids until you're at least 25 & then only have two. One for each hand!' And so far, so good. Wink
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Reproduce yourself, two if the other parent has no other children, then stop - we have enough people, and parenting is expensive and these days, so much harder than it used to be. Once again I am aware how lucky a generation we were...

(16-06-2024, 06:01 PM)popeye333 Wrote:
(16-06-2024, 05:39 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: It is very hard, and how we respond in such situations is up to us. I no longer put up with it, I simply edit those people out of my life. It is the easiest way for me. And these days I find I need fewer people around me, so it isn't a hard choice. I must have hermit genes, lol.

It is hard Hunni. 

And I thought long and hard about what to say. Through tears and anger. 

But Im not going to allow anyone to bite my head off like he did again. 

If I lose his friendship, then it is lost. I hope he doesn't stop being a friend. But he has to learn, we will talk about what we want. If that means multiple conversations happening at once, that's how it will be. 

He has to learn we have the right to talk about what we want to, as the same as he does. 

Time will tell. And I will tell everyone tomorrow as well. I know we have all had a lot of frustration with him lately.
Just protect yourself popeye. You have enough on your plate without taking on much more, no matter how much someone else might need you...
morning ladies Smile We had a huge amount of rain last night, hopefully it will clear up a bit today and let things dry out.

OHH, I love your denim skirt Smile The buttons are perfect on it.

The recycling needs to be taken to the transfer station today, this time I'll remember the dead batteries as there is now a place to deposit them locally.

It's our son's birthday this week and he has asked for Whittaker's Chocolate to be sent over. Perfect timing as the macadamia nut chockkie is back for a bit. I told him it will be a late gift this year, but it will be worth the wait Tongue

Yesterday I spent a few hours working on the runner and am making steady progress. Am hoping I can do the same today.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its fine but has rained overnight.. One thing I do miss with my poor hearing is rain on the roof. And its a tile roof here so I simply dont hear it unless its being driven by wind into the house and windows.

Totally agree re, only reproducing yourself. And its a good way to put it. MrPs sisters family are all large breeders apart from one. The youngest has 8 kids, and always been on a benefit. They made her get fixed, but she met a new guy, was unfixed and now has 8 kids. Not sure how many there are all together. she was the youngest of 7.

Changed to a winter sheet last night.. Slept like a log lol.

Off to the lions den today. David isn't usually there on a Monday. but even if he is there wont be any sparks from me. I've said my piece.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Mild overcast day. 

OHH your skirt looks great Cool

Popeye support you not letting people treat you like rubbish they need to be called out then you move on.

Spent yesterday in Palmerston North had lovely day out.
Back to packing and cleaning today another op shop run with kitchen stuff. DD did retrieve a few items  last  night seems fondue  set is staying with her lol circa 1970s.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin

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