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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile Looks like we're in for some rain. Might have a go at mowing the lawn after the bins have been emptied. The compost could use a catcher load as well.

The new water pump is amazing. We thought our water pressure was good but omg, nothing like it is now. It just shows how the old pump was slowly slowing down and as it was gradual, we never noticed.

Our nieghbour stopped by while the new pump was being fitted and offered to take the tree we had planned to be removed next month, out for us Big Grin Just as well we're waiting for spring to do all the lawn repairs lol. The garden is certainly changing dramatically, that's for sure. We'll ask our friend with the ground maintenance business to grind the stump and chip/grind the cherry tree stump. That bit will have to wait until he gets back from Switzerland and Northern Italy.

The hole where the old soak hole was is a favourite place for the sparrows to have their dust baths. We're letting the sand settle and it will be part of the lawn repairs we do in spring. In the meantime, the little hollows are getting deeper where the sparrows have been bathing.

That was quick, the fog has come down. It wasn't there when I started typing.

There will be more stitching done today if I can't get outside.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all

Prstty much sorted now managed to recycle Donate most stuff only one trip small boot load to landfill yesterday.DH mowed lawns yesterday so mower off to Trash Palace this morning.

A bit laundry tzo do today . 

Knit night  looking forward to some friendly chatter and not having to think about packing

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Overcast, rain is on the way. 

DH home as has physio this morning and we have an appt this afternoon. It's looking like a day indoors. Good to have the housework up to date so can bake, handcraft or read now I have 3 books waiting. 

Good to have your water sorted KM ... nothing like decent pressure!

Enjoy the day all.
Good morning everyone

Fog to start with but I can see some blue skies now. Definitely winter temps now.

Glad you have good water pressure Kiwimade. This house is definitely a House of two sides. The water in the kitchen which is the furthest from the cyclinder is very slow. It was really annoying when we first got here. But the bathroom which backs directly onto the cylinder has a warning on the Mirror. Turn the tap on in the handbasin too much and you score a free shower if you dont do it slowly. lol. The shower is wonderful tho lol

Home Today. St Johns is coming again, to fill in a new form for the bank as Im changing bank accounts. Only one more call to make and I think Im done.

Might paint today.. Haven't done any for a while.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
The lawn is done, had to dodge a shower and a downpour but it's done. MrK is planting out his beetroot and lettuce seedlings, looking forward to picking and eating those.

The Furry One is slowing down, he didn't get out of bed until 9.00am this morning. And we've noticed he's not into chasing things quite as much. And as for jumping onto the bed, he refuses to use the little step MrK put there for his use. Oh no, this boy sits in his soft comfy bed and expects MrK to lift him and his bed onto our bed thank you very much. He then jumps out and MrK puts the Furry One's bed back on the floor. The Furry One hates being picked up, so this is his solution to getting onto our bed. And of course, MrK obliges. Not spoilt at all lol Tongue
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its been really windy overnight . For me to hear it is really unusual. Will be interesting to see if there is any damage.

Poor people in the Gisborne Hawkes bay again. Not a place Id ever chose to live. We looked years ago but I felt it was cut off from the rest of the world. And in times like now and during Gabrielle it really is out on its own.

Sad they found the fishermen but why they went out does make me wonder. The weather was already bad, I assume they look at the weather forecasts.

Meant to be off to the home today. I hope it fines up.

I think that Tom Phillips wont come out. he will know by now he will end up in jail, and that will probably drive him insane. He should bring the kids out. And stay hidden if thats what he wants. but those kids need to be back at home.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile No pink in the sunrise this morning, it's all golds and yellows. Very pretty Smile

We had lots of wind overnight as well and had everything crossed this last wobbly tree stayed standing.

I read on Stuff three bodies had been found and we wondered as well why they went out fishing when there was an orange weather warning issued. It looks like the East Coast is in for another hammering.

MrK has a follow up appointment at Waikato today, slap bang in the middle of visiting hours. We'll go earlier to find a car park. And on the way home we will call into Wairere Nursery and pick my rose up. Sadly, my brand new Graeme Thomas was smashed by the tree and isn't doing so well so Legacy can be the replacement for now.

More stitching was done yesterday while we watched a very young Jason Stratham in a movie (he has got better with age lol) late in the afternoon.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Rain clearing

KM gladcyou got you new pump is performing well 

Movers doing a partial pack of kitchen this morning.
I have a few boxes waiting to be closed tomorrow.
K9s off to kennels this afternoon cat to cattery  so it will be quiet here tonight

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning.

Cool with some wind. 

A physio appt this morning. I have soup on the go and will get to the baking that's still waiting! Another delivery of some K9 gear ... sad to see it go,  but happy for others to make use of her things. 

Good idea re the kennels/cattery Mica. 35 years ago when we left the Central Plateau for the Waikato one of our 2 cats was nowhere to be found. We travelled 2.5 hours back the next day to retrieve him ... luckily spied crossing a paddock from the haybarn! Since that time cats were always secured in some way beforehand!

No KM  the furry one is not spoiled .... much!

Time to get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Yes, cats have a sense about boxes and suitcases and seem determined to be feline about the whole business. Taking ours to Melbourne was the best organised effort we ever did though we were assured the passengers could hear the complaints the whole flight. Siamese can be loud, but not that loud surely... And we always locked doors and windows for a fortnight at the new place but there was always one escapee, usually Santana (ebony oriental of course) who would find that one loophole to the prison and parade off across the lawn, tail up, off to check out the new neighbours. Ever the wanderer that one, right up till his last days. Once back in Taupo we often heard him described on the missing pets bit on local radio, several families thought he belonged to them, such a gypsy cat.

Bit windy here, but the sun is out so I will be scooting, books to collect, fruit to buy, and coffee to be quaffed. A good day to look forward to...
Good afternoon from soggy Napier - once again the inner city seems to have dodged the bullet we have had nothing more than normal winter rain but the creek down the back is running high because the seas are so high .My brother has lived 25 years at Whirinaki beach and he has never seen the sea so rough or so high - his house is right on the beach but there is quite a steep slope to the actual sea you really puff climbing back up to his house - but it is crashing level with his front deck .The rivers out in the Esk Valley are holding thank goodness - my son with the sawmill in CHB is watching the river very carefully - the half a million remedial work from Gabrielle has just been completed
So sad to wake up this morning to find the 5hree fishermen had died - when they went out early in the morning the marine forecast where they were heading was OK but like so often happens conditions changed very quickly and the sea is not forgiving .My husband always had boats and normally was very careful until one day he made a really stupid decision- we camped at the beach from Labour weekend to Easter on the weekends and through the school holidays - the kids had a wonderful childhood no electricity fishing boating etc etc - my sisters and their families often joined us - one year when it was time to pack up my husband decided to go out and retrieve the crayfish pots - the sea was marginal tougher than he would normally go out - we were all down on the beach waiting for them to come in - her 4 children and mine - we saw them come towards the beach and my husband was rowing - we watched with horror as a wave caught the boat and tipped them out - my husband staggered up the beach and collapsed - we were running towards them but we were a considerable difference away - my oldest son reached the boat and flipped it over my BIL was caught underneath entangled in the ropes etc - we laughed afterwards as he ran like the devil was chasing him - his shorts had come off - so will leave it to your imagination - the motor had been in for a service and they hadn’t put oil in it so it seized .My BIL whose idea of a good holiday was sitting in his deck chair reading the herald never ventured out in the boat again .They were great friends he was diagnosed with terminal cancer the same time my husband was diagnosed - I wish I had recorded some of their conversations over the last six months of their lives .One very interesting one - which they thought I couldn’t hear was about me surviving on my own because I didn’t even know how to change a light bulb which was true - domestication was not my strong suit !
Ahh, the beauty of being raised by a Scottish soldier who thought I should be able to look after myself lol! Very handy later in life. My Dad was often in trouble with my Mum though over his child rearing philosophies, particularly after he sent me out across the Manukau Harbour shipping lanes on my sailfish to see if I had really grasped the art of boom and centreboard . I was eight...

He admitted years later his heart was in his throat the whole time I was out there, especially the bit where I grounded the boat on the mudbank, got off and walked it round to sail back. Sting rays love mud banks but I didn't know that then.

I didn't know lots of things. Just as well too...
My day changed this morning.

Maureen's daughter phoned, she had fallen through the night, got the ambulance but wouldn't go to hospital. So I said I would pop over and check on her, cos her carer doesn't get there till later on a Wednesday.

While I was changing my Sister in law rang. She was really down. And normally she doesn't speak of it. So we spoke for 10 minutes before I went to Maureen's.

She was sore but ok. I made sure she took her pills and had a cup of tea. I let her dog out to use the bathroom and that's when I jammed my finger in the ranch slider. OUCHIES.

Maureen has lost a lot of weight recently. We did talk of rest homes but she said she wasn't ready for that yet. I said make the decision for Cheryl's sake. Shes in her 70s and its not easy having to pop over all the time and all the emergency type stuff.

But I went up to the home and had a nice visit and did some more painting.

One day Sales at both new world and wooliies tomorrow. Ill make my very small list now.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile I suspect we have had a light frost this morning.

My dad also insisted we learned how to do things for ourselves. And yep, it has especially come in handy later in life. I know how to put glass into a broken window of all things lol.

Your finger will be tender this morning, popeye. Good you were able to check on her. Maybe she needs an alarm.

Today I need to take the recycling to the transfer station and soft plastics to Woollies and while there pick up a couple of things. The new rose will be planted today, and I might try and revive Graeme Thomas in a pot. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

We saw a yellow magnolia tree at Wairere yesterday which will flower late winter/early spring. I never knew magnolias came in yellow and did a wee happy dance when I saw it. Surely, if a tree can make you do a happy dance in public, it deserves to be in the garden Smile We were thinking of planting a Wedding Cake tree to replace the fallen tree, but I think this magnolia would fit better in the space as it's not so structured. It's called Magnolia, Butterflies. Even the name makes me smile.

I pulled some more threads for weaving yesterday afternoon. The pohutukawa flowers are now all along one side and across the bottom of the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Early start fine day

The magnolia  sounds lovely must look it up.

Final box taped up and now we wait for the truck and blokes to arrive.
I am looking forwardcto this being over of course the reverse process the other end that will take sometime .

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I'm glad you have a fine day for your big move, mica. Nothing worse than moving in bad weather. All the best for today Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

The sun is out ... yay.

Beautiful Magnolia KM ... better get in early if you want one! Who knew they came in yellow!

Good luck with the move Mica. Once you have the essentials in place,  no hurry for the rest. 

Hair appt today and I shall grab a few things at the supermarket for Matariki.  

DS is cooking pizzas in their outdoor oven for lunch tomorrow which will be fun. When I saw them yesterday the GC were showing off their finger string art skills ... obviously the latest craze. I'll have a look on google sometime to see what prompts my memory to try and show off, lol!

Time to move ... I have sticky beef ribs to try out in the slow cooker. Thanks for the meal idea Mica.

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

The sun is out, but cool.

Good luck for the move Mica. Hope all goes well.

Wow I never new about a yellow magnolia either. The name certainly works. Oll be googling later too.

Off to take the scrap metal out and get just a few groceries.

Ive decided I need to get ruthless. The last few days have gotten me down. So I need to try and focus and just get on with it.

The finger is ok thank goodness. Hurt at the time cos my hands were cold too. lol.

Rang and made a Drs appointment about the restless legs. Was talking to my fave receptionist who has the same problem. Told her I had googled it. It say you need iron, magnesium and to cut out caffeine .. then it says your Dopamine is low.. What do you take for that? Caffeine and greens lol. Lets hope the Dr can sort That out lol.. and throw the warfarin , he will have to be a magician lol..

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I did - re magnolias. I planted a creamy yellow in one of my Blenheim gardens, and often wonder how it did. It would be twenty odd years old now so should be a decent tree. That house was bought by an investor so maybe the tenants looked after it, who knows...

That's the thing about gardens, we plant them with good intentions, but their fate is in the hands of those who come after us. Still a pleasure to do though!
morning ladies and happy Matariki Smile We have a frost, but it is going to be a perfect winters day.

Hope your move has gone well, mica Smile

Housework for me today and MrK is going to plant the garlic. I didn't get the rose planted as we had so much to do in town yesterday and the plumber called in during the afternoon. Looks like our loo cistern is on its way out. A double whammy of $$$. Not much can be done until next week so it's a towel and mop for now.

The bird feeder needs topping up, the waxeyes are glaring at me as they have run out of food. The jar of sugar water is demolished in two days and the large grapefruit is gone is four. And the three bird puddings I put out in the feeder are gone in one. For little birds, they know how to eat lol. I think the Backyard Bird count is on, must check it out.

Will plant the rose later and work more on the runner.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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