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You can never have enough...
We moved two cats to Melbourne, and it was a mission. Santana of course was totally happy exploring the new surrounds, and as this was well before the days of indoor cats his gorgeous companion Tomodachi just followed along behind on his adventures. And one day she did not come home, but we found her, and she rests under a massive oak tree, the same tree she loved to climb into, in search of tiny possums to bring home to nurse. She always missed her kittens I think, she had a misspent youth.

I think I have left cats resting in each home that was a significant one, no wonder I cannot imagine being without.
morning ladies Smile Another wet day today by the looks of it. I'm starting to miss the sun!

We've never had to move overseas but have moved several times with pets. They are a challenge, that's for sure!

The bird feeder needs topping up again, the jar of sugar water is drunk is just over half a day now. Those waxeyes are greedy little things lol. Too be fair, it's been pretty cold (11 degrees) here, so this is their way of keeping warm.

I have finished the stitching along one side of the runner! Was determined to do it lol so was still sewing at 10.00pm lol. Now to finish the other side. It won't take long to do, only 20 (I thought 11) peaks to finish then the end.

Washing has finished, time to get cracking.

happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Fairly cool and I'm hoping the day improves after a good lot of rain yesterday. 

I agree shifting house with pets adds  another stress factor! Can't imagine adding an overseas move with them into the equation!

What is the sugar/water ratio used for birds and how is it dispensed? I left the last mandarins on my tree and I know that there are plenty on the tree in front of us for the resident Waxeyes. Still seeing Tui and the Kereru was around again yesterday (few doors along).

Will go out to do a few jobs today and with a bit of luck get outside later. 

Enjoy the day all.

ETA: Bird feeding instructions found on Google :-)
Morning everyone

Not raining at the mo, but very wet out there.

Had a lovely time at the home yesterday. But Irene was confused. Asking about two black sliding boxes about 10 times. I could see that Dianne wasn't coping with it. So I spoke softly so Irene couldn't hear me and told her to go and as that she had some bloods, it could be an infection, the same way that MrP got when he had an infection on board.
Then I put my best distraction techniques on and we managed to get her mind off it.

Does anyone know why my alarm was set for today lol? I was awake but have no idea what it was for lol.

Going to put a load of dishes and washing on, then Ill vacc all the Bodies up in the storage room. And tidy it, things simply got moved on the weekend.. Then Ill finish the sewing room.

I guess Im sitting for a while tho. Madam just got comfortable on my lap lol.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all
Still raining and cold

Feline settling in DH oblivious left door open for k9s this morning after feeding them = feline escape luckily she came back after 20mins.
Currently everyone locked away  as electrician here to  put in hot point in storage recess.
Our appliance were installed last night so much faster cooking with induction cooktop  will try out oven soon.

Dropped DGD1 to daycare  for DD she moving house today it didn't occur to her DH to take the day off work so might pop in and help her for couple hours before we go into city for appointment. DSIL is lovely but not most practical .

Dining table and chairs delivered yesterday (some assembly  required) nice to sit at table for breakfast this morning

Need an espresso  enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
I haven't checked google, roma, but I use quarter of a cup of sugar to four cups of water. We have one of those agee jars
turned upside down. The lid acts as the saucer for the water and it sits nicely in the bird feeder MrK bought me for Christmas a few years ago. You can buy them from Mitre 10 or garden centers.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Just been down for a celebratory lunch at the supermarket - Robie organised a number of food trucks with all sorts of food to arrive in the staff car park by surprise to celebrate last week they had not one single bulk shoplifter -or armed threat or gang members with carloads of young prospects arriving to raid the shop - facial recognition linked to rego number surveillance and the new govt initiative with the police to respond to retail crime is working - unfortunately they have moved to another supermarket but too bad
The police serve the offender at their residence if they don’t get to the supermarket in time - the last thing the gang members want is the police turning up at their motels as it interrupts their drug dealing .One shoplifting offender last week had 2.5 million dollars worth of meth - the reason the police went there was the facial recognition camera flagged he was trespassing at the supermarket.Every week a return with 46 questions has to go to the privacy commissioner listing any complaints from people objecting to the cameras - zero .Another return generated by the system goes in if any errors are made - there has been one in the very early days in Rotorua - if these cameras are withdrawn by the privacy commission I hope he realises it’s not the stock the supermarket owners are concerned about it’s safety of staff and customers - so many people are carrying weapons - any way I went to the Japanese truck and had a mixed plate of all sorts of yummy rice crackers with bits of fishy and seaweed things - then I went to the ribs truck and had a small plate of mixed ribs in sticky sticky sauce then I went to Danish delight and had maple walnut Icecream in a waffle cone - feel bloated
YummyJanW   Cool
Your Robbie is a lovely boss
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

 Looks fine out there.

Thankfully woke up early cos the bedroom smoke alarm went off. 6-39 am lol... Couldn't fan it to stop it either.. They were only checked about a month ago.. Have to tell the property manager Again lol.

Was going to Bingo this morning. But I think Ill go to the home instead. I dont hear well enough for bingo if there is back ground noise.

Went through my wool yesterday, have 2 boxes and 1.5 crates. Still have plenty for me. But there is more in crates but I ran out of puff.

Jan your Son sounds like a wonderful Man and boss that cares.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another foggy start to the day but this time the sun is starting to push through.

I've restocked the bird feeder, not that it will last longer than a day. I'm going to do the backyard bird count t his morning, we only have until the 7th to do it. Wonder if it's cheating feeding the birds first lol.

Give your son a chokkie fish, Jan (sorry, no Cadburys but Rainbow are making them lol). Well done that man on celebrating the good stuff. And yummm, sushi is a favourite of ours. We love Japanese food. Gates Pa in Tauranga have a great sushi place near Spotlight... how convenient for us lol.

This month is madness, MrK has so many appointments at different clinics including a mamogram. Yep, men can have lumps on their boobs as well as women. I tried very hard not to snigger and laugh but I'm afraid I couldn't quite do it. He's in for a real 'treat' Tongue And we have tickets to see the Irish dancers this month as well. We're both looking forward to it.

Washing machine has beeped, I'm not sure if anything will dry outside today but I'll give it a whirl.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all
Grey and wind

DD moved into their new house Inpicked up DGD1 and her parents came to shre BBQ chicken  dinner. We has mini cream puffs for dessert which were popular and gobbled up fast.

Once finished breakfast off to vet with poorly k9 for ultra sound of his abdomen.

Shopping today for bits and bobs  a shower caddy, door mats etc

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

The sun is out but the temperature needs to lift a lot yet!

Nice to read how your son shows his appreciation for his staff Jan. Not enough employers do. 

Groceries this morning and a visit to the vet for my little K9's ashes.  We will scatter them one day ... yet to be decided where, but the park was her favourite place ... SO many smells to investigate!

I hope your K9 has a positive outcome Mica. Glad the feline decided the new home just fine after being outside!

The embroidery samplers are here ... so I shall find time later to get started.

Enjoy the day all.
Kiwimade MrP had a mammogram.. Gave him a much better insight to what we go through.

Otherwise its one of those things they have no idea about.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Wait till they experience an internal...
lol OHH, he's had prostrate cancer...

OMG trying to count waxeyes is near impossible lol. They are so quick but by my estimation there are at least 28 of them. Fifteen were at the feeding station, the rest tucked into the camelia and other trees cleaning their beaks or trying to stay warm. Three welcome swallows, only six sparrows, seven starlings, 1 hawk, two magpies, one rock pigeon, a kotare/kingfisher and the long tailed cuckoo is somewhere as I heard him. There's a pair of blackbirds and thrush as well. Not too shabby for a winter garden on a very busy main road. We were surprised at the lack of sparrows though. There would have been more magpies, but the pest controller caught most of them last winter and our tree falling over meant the remainder couldn't roost here. Over the years it was countless sparrows and very few waxeyes. It's too early for the finches and the odd yellowhammer so I can't count them. When we first moved here there were only sparrows, so we are very proud to have this bird life now.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That's a great count KM ... I love to see birds in the garden. I read (or saw) recently that sparrows are on the decline. I also read that chicken farms have the potential to be wiped out if bird flu (currently in Oz) was to get here. It's not worth thinking about our native bird life .... I really hope our border control is strong, but there are birds that fly here from a long way away.
My local fruit and veg shop has a treasure behind the till. It helps that he is tall, brown eyed, and has a glorious smile, but the best bit is his kindness and respect for his customers. Everytime I go in there to shop he carries my loaded bag back to the scoot for me, keeping his other customers waiting as he does it. Lovely lovely man. And today, I got my usual harvest of yummies and then went back for a bunch of daffodils as a special treat - and he didn't add those to the total.

I love random acts of kindness, receiving them is almost as nice as making them...
(03-07-2024, 02:11 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: My local fruit and veg shop has a treasure behind the till. It helps that he is tall, brown eyed, and has a glorious smile, but the best bit is his kindness and respect for his customers. Everytime I go in there to shop he carries my loaded bag back to the scoot for me, keeping his other customers waiting as he does it. Lovely lovely man. And today, I got my usual harvest of yummies and then went back for a bunch of daffodils as a special treat - and he didn't add those to the total.

I love random acts of kindness, receiving them is almost as nice as making them...

Lovely, aren't they. One happened to me yesterday as I was packing the groceries onto the bike; a woman offered to take them & drop them at my place. Very kind but as i explained I have it down to a fine art now & the rain had eased which helped.

Just those little spontaneous gestures help us all along through life... & probably help prevent more murders,too. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Good afternoon from a blue sky but very chilly day in the bay .I have noticed the sparrows seem to have disappeared I presumed they had all moved because so many huge trees have gone from our lovely street .Can’t understand why people buy in this street which is known for its trees and then chop them down -
My son is a good bloke - looks like a taller Tom Cruise - remember when he was a teenager we went in to hire his suit for a school ball and the young girl wrote her phone number on the receipt - we often laughed about that but he decided when he was 7 at primary school who he was going to marry -they went off to different high schools then different universities but they were like fish and chips - have been happily married 20 years and have two lovely kids .My Dad was an excellent example he sold a huge business that he started with his 200 pound payment after the war - when he sold he gave a huge chunk to the city to build a sports arena - only stipulation it had to be in walking distance of the lower decile side of town so all kids could use it - my husband often used to say to the kids not to forget to stop and smell the roses there is no point being the richest man in the cemetery .I was disappointed when ComCom announced the findings of their recent 2year enquiry into the duopoly - in 2022 all the covenants on land were lifted but ComCom chose to announce last week that they had found the covenants were anti competitive- funny thing is Chemist Warehouse have a covenant on land opposite his shop and he can’t alter or increase the size of his chemist shop - but ComCom finally admitted their claims of excess profit and the million dollar a day was incorrect but unfortunately TV1 decided not to report that just the 2022 removal of the covenants
Two of my nephews bought a van and a few tools and set themselves up as fixers of state houses - they made an incredible amount of money over the last 5 years - a $10,000 job would be allocated to them with no checks done to even see what work was needed - sometimes it would be just a smashed door lock - anybody who thinks housing NZ doesn’t need a good shake up is dreaming -my brother the builder made millions building Kiwibuild homes - my uncle with the motels made gazillions - not sure why ComCom put out the misinformation about supermarket profitability but I guess they admitted they were wrong - Robie would have made more investing the money - would love to tell you what he pays Fonterra for milk or cheese
Planted my strawberries as soon as the guys dropped the bag of mix off - just four in this pot to do a test and see if this 'strawberry mix' is worth the effort. One variety in each quadrant with room in the middle for a pretty companion plant. I shall have to research and see what works best. It is such a gorgeous day, it seemed a pity to waste it without getting some dirt under my nails!

Tomorrow I pump up my tyres with this new compressor thingamajig then off to Takapuna to drop my rent increase letter in to Winz, and then over to 2 Degrees to check out a basic smart phone. I am over my little dumb Nokia, I need a bigger screen. Fingers crossed for another lovely day...

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