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You can never have enough...
Seeing I ended up in banking, including times on the tellers, maths isn't necessarily an essential in a successful life. Arithmetic though, that's important, especially the old fashioned kind we did in our heads before technology came along to help us out.

And words are way more fun...
Ended up at the Drs. 2.5 hour wait in triage. So I used the time to do my knee exercises lol

To be told its a mess and infected... I'm like No kidding lol. Cos I can feel it heading to my left sinus too.

Was funny tho cos the Dr said I dont think I've seen you before but feel I know you.

I laughed and said that cos I Won the prize for the grumpiest resident of the second rest home. He laughed and instantly knew who I meant lol.

So Antibiotics for 7 days, normally 5 but we Metal Valvers need 7. Some Horrible Cack that you put on but even tho it covers stuff and instantly kills the pain , pretty much, it feels horrible lol. I need to aim better next time lol.. And some more Bonjella.
And please try not to wear your teeth for a while... Normally That would freak me out. But I said to him, thankfully I can wear a Mask and get away with it lol.

So Ill still go up for painting tomorrow.

Need to check in with Dianne and see how she is.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(09-07-2024, 03:45 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Seeing I ended up in banking, including times on the tellers, maths isn't necessarily an essential in a successful life. Arithmetic though, that's important, especially the old fashioned kind we did in our heads before technology came along to help us out.

And words are way more fun...

They are indeed..came across this earlier on FB..

"Where do bad rainbows go?
To prism...its a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect"

Sorry... Rolleyes Big Grin Big Grin

Where do bad rainbows go? To prism...its a light sentence, but it gives them time to reflect"...sorry couldn't resist! prism...its a light sentence? To prism, but it gives them time to reflect"...sorry couldn't resist!
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
morning ladies Smile Another wow, just wow, sunrise this morning. Winter sunrises are the best.

lol Lilith, love it! And must remember to tell others. Love jokes and word plays like that.

Hopefully all the meds will do the trick, popeye.

I was also rubbish at maths lol. But I'm the one who budgets to the last cent and manages our money so something stuck. My reports would say I was unsettled in class and kept wandering around. I remember dad saying the teachers at the parent interviews said I wouldn't sit still. He asked if I had finished the tasks set, yes, she had, so, find her something to do says dad lol. And now our grandson is the same... gotta love what genes we pass on Tongue

Yesterday the waxeyes drank a liter and a half of sugar water. It wasn't even that cold, so it came as a surprise. The jar was empty within four hours of me filling it.

The lawn is mowed and clippings in the compost. Today I need to empty the incinerator, the ash also makes good compost. And I need to move the garden pots from under a tree as the tree is being removed tomorrow. It's going to look an odd space for a while without it.

There's been a bit of chat from people online missing the TV3 morning telly. I didn't realise so many people had the tv on in the morning as we have always listened to the radio.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Very clear out so far.

Those Wax eyes are certainly Hungry Kiwimade.

I loved Math's. But frustrated my 5th form teacher. Cos I used the good old slide ruler totally back to front but always got the right answer. Loved English, but our teacher told me and a friend that we could talk but Only after we had done our work. So we promptly took our work to him and carried on. That was a foolish thing to tell us lol.

Im off to the home today, its painting day. Dianne usually runs it, not sure if they will let me, but Ill make sure Irene is there and looked after.

Trying to sort out my sales on the weekend. Haven't heard from one at all, the other is slow in [paying for the postage, the third is good. I haven't checked the bank yet.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning. 

Sunny but another very cold start. Here's hoping a lot of winter bugs (plant and human) have been getting knocked!

Some jobs to do out first thing (3 birthdays this month including a big one for DH) and will finish off the embroidery later now I know how.

Lulu's magic journey has come to an end for now but not a bad purse to pocket and she will be someone to watch.  

I was good at maths and English but didn't "apply myself" ... apparently! I do puzzles and crosswords everyday to keep the brain cells primed, lol.

Cuppa finished. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning  all 
Bumper frost  herecthis morning so expecting a nice sunny day.

Lol Lilith must remember that. Reminds me of when DS was 4 years old and he was always asking why or how things worked (hasn't changed probably why he is scientist) anyway we were driving meriad  of questions coming from back seat and he saw a rainbow so asked how that worked silly me said its the prismatic effect of light passing through rain drops. Whats a prism so we had to go to local shops and find one.  He still has that prism.

Off to shops  thus morning to look at blinds or window covering some sort for kitchen and dining room the grocery shop.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Me too, KM - really seriously good at budgeting; the DIL calls me the budgeter to beat all budgeters! It's mostly large numbers & lots of them which I have difficulty with.
And I tend to not watch daytine TV either, usually too busy.

Freezing here, no sign of that sun they claimed was going to visit us today, so it'll probably wait until 5 minutes after I give up & bring in the washing before it comes out.

I thought the sheet painting was well & truly finished...but I've been thinking that perhaps it needs a wee dragon. Possibly - it would need to go near the top so needs some thought first.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Another freezing start to the day in the Bay but beautiful blue skies so all is good .
My career was in numbers but have never been interested in my own budget - the old boy used to keep a tag on the family cheque book .When we first were married I always seemed to be running out of money and it wasn’t until one of the girls who worked for me - who wrote down every cent she spent in a notebook couldn’t balance her budget I thought we may have had a thief taking advantage of the open lockers.Asked one of the Mr Fixits to set a trap never envisioning how elaborate his solution would be - he connected a wire from the bright orange purse to a large bell in the main office - the idea was as soon as the thief picked up the purse the bell would ring - it worked - frightened the living daylights out of the staff and the thief was the last person I was suspicious of - she told me she was taking $5 a day out of my purse!
I don’t watch daytime TV either so many advertisements - in fact watch very little TV - if I watch TV I stream it
Morning everyone

Looks grey but meant to be fine today.

Up early to take the car up for the warrant. So fingers crossed please. Cant take any more expenses at the mo.

Had a nice time "taking" the painting yesterday. But sadly lunch was a Bomb Shell for all. The "Beef" casserole stunk. It actually reminded me of Kangaroo meat smell. Irene ate her carrots and that's all out of the meal. And once again the pudding had the strange white sauce that has no taste at all. Poured over left over cake.

Colleens chicken was still raw..So she didnt eat much either.

Management say others enjoyed it all.. Will be interesting to see if there are any one sick today.

Not what Dianne needs at the mo, she is struggling to get well, but feels bad about not seeing her Mum.

Ill load the dishwasher when I get home and do my shopping list. Ill shop when I get the car back, or tomorrow.

Madam has just made herself comfortable again wont be for long tho.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies and what a gorgeous morning it is too. Lots of frost and clear skies. I just love these 'bluebird' days.

That meal sounds disgusting, popeye. You wouldn't even give your dog that. Heaven help us if we end up in one of those homes.

We were also sorry to see Lulu Sun miss out at the tennis but omg didn't she do well. And as you say, roma, someone to look out for in the future. It's great seeing the younger players coming through the various sports. Time for the old guard to move aside Big Grin

The last tall tree is being knocked down today. It's a shame but it's so wobbly and close to the house and we don't want a repeat of what happened in February. And then we come to the cherry tree which is at the end of its life span. We should be able to take that one out ourselves using the little chainsaw. Once our friend comes back from Northern Italy, we'll book him in to grind the stumps. With the cherry removed and the big tree that fell over gone, the pink magnolia in the middle should shine Big Grin And we have decided the yellow magnolia will definitely replace the big tree.

Our power meter has been fixed, only knew because I looked at the Genesis app yesterday. Winter was a particularly handy time to have it stop working lol.

Only six peaks to stitch before I work on the end of the runner. I think today I'll cut more of the edges, my thumb can only work the scissors for short lengths of time.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(11-07-2024, 08:04 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies and what a gorgeous morning it is too.  Lots of frost and clear skies.  I just love these 'bluebird' days.

That meal sounds disgusting, popeye.  You wouldn't even give your dog that.  Heaven help us if we end up in one of those homes.

We were also sorry to see Lulu Sun miss out at the tennis but omg didn't she do well.  And as you say, roma, someone to look out for in the future.  It's great seeing the younger players coming through the various sports.  Time for the old guard to move aside Big Grin

The last tall tree is being knocked down today.  It's a shame but it's so wobbly and close to the house and we don't want a repeat of what happened in February.  And then we come to the cherry tree which is at the end of its life span.  We should be able to take that one out ourselves using the little chainsaw.  Once our friend comes back from Northern Italy, we'll book him in to grind the stumps.  With the cherry removed and the big tree that fell over gone, the pink magnolia in the middle should shine Big Grin  And we have decided the yellow magnolia will  definitely replace the big tree.

Our power meter has been fixed, only knew because I looked at the Genesis app yesterday.  Winter was a particularly handy time to have it stop working lol. 

Only six peaks to stitch before I work on the end of the runner.  I think today I'll cut more of the edges, my thumb can only work the scissors for short lengths of time.

Happy crafting Smile

I forgot to say it stunk so badly that I opened the windows.  Being cold was better than nearly gagging on the smell.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Our local library showed up on my google page this morning. While I enjoyed seeing Benjamin on my library visits, I cannot say the same for the statue. It has the weirdest looking cat face - I think it's the eyes - and looks nothing like the real fur boy. But the locals do have fun dressing it up!
Morning  all 
Overcast here and cold not expected to get above 11 degrees always seems colder when there is no sun.

Gosh Popeye  that meal sounds awful. 
Hope the tree removal is uneventful KM. Talking of power  bills we received one yesterday for the period before we moved in  sigh email sent.
OHH how did the vet visit go?

Our poorly k9 blood results showed some improvement but still 5 time normal level of liver enzymes so still not good. 
He very quiet today we might have to make some hard decisions soon  Sad

My morning at warehouse which is busy ots more requests for packs for babies  reflects our economic  times.

Enjoy your  day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
The vet is not sure what is going on, but took bloods, so maybe that'll show something. Meanwhile the beast is pretty much back to normal, so we watch and see. Aging is hard...
Phew Car Passed.. another cheap warrant lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(11-07-2024, 09:26 AM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The vet is not sure what is going on, but took bloods, so maybe that'll show something. Meanwhile the beast is pretty much back to normal, so we watch and see. Aging is hard...

Nothing like a bit of blood letting to improve their health Tongue  hope your feline continues to improve
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Nothing in the bloods indicates a problem, but it is suggested she come back next week if the puzzling behaviour persists.

And though she is eating etc, I just don't feel she is quite right yet. So lots of tlc over the weekend and fingers crossed...
(11-07-2024, 05:12 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Nothing in the bloods indicates a problem, but it is suggested she come back next week if the puzzling behaviour persists.

And though she is eating etc, I just don't feel she is quite right yet. So lots of tlc over the weekend and fingers crossed...

Jeez...she may have heard that rumour about eye droppers bearing brandy & milk. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I could be tempted into the brandy.

Just not in an eyedropper. And not for her.

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