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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile -3 this morning so real doozy of a frost.

lol, OHH, are you sure she's not conning you? In saying that, cats are very good at hiding injuries and if your gut says there is something wrong, then there is. I love the pic of the statue. There is a cat that frequents businesses in town here too. Thoroughly spoilt by all.

Housework for me today then I plan to do the final cutting on the runner for weaving.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Another cold day but there is a clear sky and sunshine. 

Full on day yesterday with GC here plus visitors during the afternoon.  Thank goodness we have had such good weather and could spend some time at the beach.  

If only pets could talk so we knew exactly what was ailing them. As pet owners we do know when things are off though.  I got to the stage that I reckoned I knew as much as the vet, they only had the extra knowledge thanks to test/screening results, lol!

I'm half way through knitting an aran beanie for 20m GD ... good to have knitting on the go.  

Some appointments today and will bake  DH a birthday cake for tomorrow.  We are spending the morning out for a walk and picnic (son has access to a key for taking cars up a local farm) with some of the family and dinner out for the 2 of us later.  The plan is for a bigger gathering in a few months when the family are all here in one place!

Time to move. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Cold here today.

Yes we know when our pets are sick or sore. I've always thought Vets are a lot smarter than human Drs, cos our babies cant tell them what's wrong.

My knee is nasty today, so Im going to stay home and rest it. its had two full on days and really is complaining lol

I must look at some recipes too, there a birthday on the 18th and I have some limes so maybe I can use those in some way.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning  all 
Overczst and expecting a chilly high of 9 degrees.

Another cardboard run to waste management  site this morning and then to Buntings to investigate  some white tiered shelving. 
DS installed the wheels  on the garage shelving rack and it is loaded and in place in an alcoves the garage It will hold quite a bit and be out of sight, just need to pull it out to get to the stuff at the back. Hooe to do more organising g of xewing space later today

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Another wow start to the day with the sunrise.

Moveable shelving is a handy thing to have, mica. The only moveable shelf we have is on our main gate. MrK built a shelf to hang over the gate that can be taken off if need be. It's so useful and is the right size for a chilly bin or takes four supermarket bags. Perfect when you need to get through the gate, but your hands are full.

The tree was taken down the other day and what a difference it makes now. We have more of a view of the Kaimais and there is so much space in the garden. The jasmine took up a lot of room and this hay fever chick won't miss it at all in spring.

Today I'm going to try and take pics of the acrobatics and antics of the birds. MrK spotted a sparrow grabbing another sparrow by the wing and literally tipped it off the feeder. But first I need to give the feeding station a good clean and top up with food and sugar water.

We have been watching a David Attenborough series on Prime about the British Isles and it was as expected, great. We love the bits at the end where they show you how they filmed some of it.

More stitching later this afternoon, there are two more peaks before I get to the end. It took ages to cut and pull the threads, but it gives me a 'clear run' to the finish.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Blue sky and sunshine. 

Perfect day for a picnic for Mr R's 70 birthday  Smile  A day to celebrate and be thankful for. 

Lovely to have all those birds in your garden KM.  Don't we enjoy their presence as we get older. 

Will take the day as it comes. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning all
Fine day

My machines are out of their boxes and set up yay.
Curreny outside Spotlight waiting for them to open. Getting fabric to make DGD2 happy birthday banner.  Then off to try on pair shoes that The Shoe  Clinic  have got in for  fingerrs crossed Iike them and they fit

Baking melting moments  later this morning so that I have a plate to take to shared morning tea tomorrow.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Its beautiful here.

A very late start for the day. Had to move from the chair to the bed and back again.

Ill take better photos of the clothes and write their sizes etc down today so I can list on TM.

But basically a cruisy day.

I will be looking for a cake recipe using Limes. I was given some so need to use them. But I dont want anything heavy like the Orange cake that David makes and no one enjoys. So maybe a cake with lime icing.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Grey old day in the bay today - perfect day to do a few more boring rows of the border round the Dr Seuss boring border - my attention span when doing long straight single crochet rows has never been good .A new series of Vikings has dropped on Netflix overnight so that will be my distraction this afternoon
Popeye - lime marmalade is delicious and my all time favourite key lime pie
Not sure if they are available everywhere but if you see them in your supermarket can recommend eg.eggs - the brightest yolks I have seen for ages - genuine free range - have a bright yellow label very good marketing - he had trays of 20 size 8 for $9.99 so price is good for such good quality eggs
My Mum used to always crush a little egg shell in her wild bird feeder - was looking at the wax eyes today they are such a delicate little bird - the starlings are such bullies
Yesterday I went to watch my timber sons new purchase - a tree planting tractor thingee - which can be remotely operated in rough ground and it plants hundreds of trees very quickly which will replace lots of human beings who need these jobs - it worries me how much automation is being developed so rapidly - same in the supermarket - there aren’t many options for the people who are challenged but they easily cope with changing the specials posters around the store - but under the new grocery commissioners regulation the fine for one of the previous days special poster being left up is $50,000 so now the posters have become electronic along with the shelf prices -20 people - hard on the people as their options are shrinking rapidly
But one good thing timber son has buyers for lots and lots of chopped up slash as a result of his trip to the US which is good news for that plant as it is in a small town and three generations of two families work in the plant and profit share - he can’t sell it in Europe they won’t buy it unless the trees are being replanted and there is no way we want replanting of pine trees in many areas .Apple picking will be fully automated in maybe 2 years - frightening if someone had told my old boy 20 years ago when he bought the orchard that a machine would be picking his apples he would have told them they were nuts! There is much comment about state servants losing their jobs at least the majority of them have options even if it involves retraining - the jobs that are shrinking in number for our challenged kiwis worry me more - Robie has twins with Tourette’s who have done shelf labels for the last seven years and loved every day of it
(13-07-2024, 10:48 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone

Its beautiful here.

A very late start for the day. Had to move from the chair to the bed and back again.

Ill take better photos of the clothes and write their sizes etc down today so I can list on TM.

But basically a cruisy day.

I will be looking for a cake recipe using Limes. I was given some so need to use them. But I dont want anything heavy like the Orange cake that David makes and no one enjoys. So maybe a cake with lime icing.

Have a fab day

I would opt for a lemon drizzle recipe, and swap out for the limes. It is an easy beautiful cake with just the right balance of sour a sweet...

Not only automation in the orchards Jan, but the loss of all the old varieties is a tragedy. Still, I tried the Dazzle apples and they are gorgeous...
(13-07-2024, 10:48 AM)popeye333 Wrote: I will be looking for a cake recipe using Limes. I was given some so need to use them. But I dont want anything heavy like the Orange cake that David makes and no one enjoys. So maybe a cake with lime icing.
A lemon meringue pie using limes instead is worth considering. A more fragrant version of the original with some extra 'bite'.
Lemon meringue pie, my absolute favourite desert.

Never had a lime version, must try one.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Yum Thank you everyone.

I make lemon meringue pie for Irene, She loves it.

I spent far too long looking online and then in books.

I will make a decision based on if I have to buy anything since Im broke this week.. Aren't we all lol.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I'm not! After spending $9 on gastrointestinal food for her ladyship, I have a whole tenner left... I was tempted, I will admit, to spend that on another bottle of the cheap stuff, but I resisted.

I am sooooo proud of my self restraint, lol.

Never mind, payday Monday night. Fingers crossed for a drier day than forecast, we are off to the vet again to check her out for IBS. Who knew cats could get that?
Red in the morning, shepherd's warning. Typical. I will have to beg a lift for the vet visit tomorrow, damnation. I hate not being independent...
morning ladies Smile yep, OHH, buggar! We have big black clouds looming over the Kaimai Ranges this morning.

You picked the right day to have a family picnic yesterday, roma. We had a stunner here.

Today the plan is to work our way through our many books and decide which to donate to the book fair. MrK went through the bag his sister gave us to donate and realised he hadn't read a few of the James Patterson books so they will end up of the shelf. It's like a merry-go-round of books lol.

The wall where the old loo cistern was needs sanding and the screw holes need filling before painting. MrK has said he will do that if I paint. One thing often leads to another!

I've made it to the end of the runner Big Grin A good solid couple of afternoons should see it finished. I already have my next project in my head. It needs time to whirl around in there first. Tongue

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Overcast but forcast for fine day

Got birthday banner started yesterday. Yay back in sewing cave. Cant sort all my fabric  and patterns until movers come and pick up their  cardboard notes.

Have a welcome to the street morning tea this morning looking forward  to meeting  the neighbours.
Need to get poorly k9 some more canned food he seems to tolerate  that better than the dry equivalent.   Need to talk to kennels about his care while we away. Hard to know what to do for the best.

Breakie calling

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Good morning. 

Cloudy so far ... rain is looming. I hope I get the washing dry on the line first!

A few jobs to do this morning and we have visitors this afternoon. 

Apparently a great game for the AB's last night. We don't have Sky so I kept an eye out online.

The beanie is nearly finished and I'll get back to embroidery.

It's a difficult dilemma Mica, we had many months of trial and error with vets, medication and diet with our K9.

Better get the washing out. 

Enjoy the day all.
Snap, roma lol. Am also hoping the washing will dry before the rain comes. But omg the garden is dry so we could certainly use it.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Its fine here at the mo. Light grey skies,

I learnt something this morning. I went to put my phone on the charger and it said. it will slowly charge until the phone warms up.. Im like What? but apparently it was cold. So I tucked it under my top and shes working now.. Never knew they could be too cold to charge.

Its a hard time for you Mica. I dont envy you at all.

I saw the last 20 minutes of the game last night.. It was like watching the game back in the 70s, full on physical rugby.

Have someone interested in the dining suite, just have to give them the measurements. I hope it goes. Its a young 44 years old and seen a lot of life and houses. But its sooo heavy, not easy for me to move. So its time to go and Ill finally unpack my fold up table and use that for a cutting table. one that I can manage and also put away if I need more room.

Free selling on TM today. Which is cool cos I took better photos of the clothes etc yesterday. So thats my job after lunch.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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