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You can never have enough...
Bloody hell Popeye - that’s stupid - of course you would pay your rent before paying your insurance - thank goodness for friends who help when you need them .My neighbour had her new electric mower stolen - she has security cameras and was very surprised to see a young bloke who posted on Facebook he was desperate for odd jobs so she paid him very well to clean her gutters - he repaid her generosity coming back to steal off her
(23-07-2024, 04:27 PM)Jan Wrote: Bloody hell Popeye - that’s stupid - of course you would pay your rent before paying your insurance - thank goodness for friends who help when you need them .My neighbour had her new electric mower stolen - she has security cameras and was very surprised to see a young bloke who posted on Facebook he was desperate for odd jobs so she paid him very well to clean her gutters -  he repaid her generosity coming back to steal off her
People gaining access to your property in order to 'case out' items to steal is a common ploy. When I was orcharding in the BOP we were occasionally visited by guys wanting to pick excess fruit such as insect soiled citrus. We were warned that this was the same sort of ploy, and that the pickers would quickly migrate beyond the fruit they were supposed to be harvesting. Apparently the substandard fruit was hand washed before being sold at the Otara market.
morning ladies Smile  Another pea souper this morning.  Yesterday it didn't lift until lunchtime, but it was lifting in town by morning tea.

Blo*dy mongrels, harm_less.  These thieves are some of the lowest of the low.  Years ago, they did major repairs to the main road we live on and the roading firm would park their vehicles for the night along our small road.  During one night, thieves emptied the diesel from the portable tank. 

I have a small puddle under the laundry tub and suspect one of the hoses is leaking.  I'll have to empty the draw and pull it out to check.  It may mean simply tightening the hose or a new washer.  Fingers crossed it's something simple I can do myself as MrK can't get on the floor to do it.  No doubt I will have supervision.... reading between the lines that means a bit of swearing.

MrK's back has been giving him lots of problems and it turns out he has serious wear and tear on the vertebrae.  He now has another pain medication for nerves which hopefully should help but will make him drowsy until his body becomes used to it.  He puts it down to being a diesel mechanic and all the heavy lifting he did.

Our granddaughter's jacket is fun to do as the embroidery is made up of lots of parts and one complete bit can be finished before starting another.  I need to look up wolves' noses to see how they are best done.  I have tried stitching canine noses before and it ended up in a mess lol.  Will have a tutu on my practice fabric first.

Wet lawn to mow today, it needs mowing regardless and the edges (the few that we have now) need trimming.  It's a bumpy mow with the tractor tracks and holes still there from the tree.  Bring on spring when we can do all the lawn repairs Smile

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Very cold but nice and sunny. 

Not a good experience for you Popeye. Good thing you were on to it early and you have covered your bases with help. A lesson for the rest of us to be scammer wary. The days of unlocked doors are long gone ... I trust no-one.

The Olympic games are looming fast with the hype that goes with it. Always good to see kiwis doing well. 

I see that Kamala Harris was ahead of Trump in a poll ... that will annoy him bigtime! She will be a match for him in the next debate ... not that I'll be watching it!

The embroidery sounds like fun KM. Good idea to do practice pieces as you go. 

An appt later ... I will have a look for a birthday gift while out ... didn't get there yesterday. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Wet here.

Your right Harm-less they do case places. I dont let anyone in that I dont know. I was even suspicious when we moved to this house and had to have house inspections. I am always here, although now that I know the young lady I let her do each room alone. I sort of feel like another Mother. She has talked to me about stuff her own mother doesn't know.

Kiwimade I totally understand the You having to do things with the Side Line Commentary. MrP never stopped trying to tell me how to do things. So I always asked, before I started and made him a drink to occupy him while I did the job lol. The things we need to do lol

I am all sorted banking wise now. Apart from yesterday I rang to ask them when they were closing the joint account. Turns out I need a certified copy of MrP's death certificate. Told them it wasn't necessary since they could see his pension extra had stopped. Not good enough for them. So it can sit there empty.

Its Bobbies Birthday today, I will ring her when I get home, but I also might phone from the rest home so the girls can wish her a happy Birthday too. And I have to drop a birthday present off to my friends whose was yesterday.

The friend that has given me the money told me I wasn't allowed to pay her back. Thats super hard for me. But she is Taurean too and just as stubborn lol. But I will bake for her.. Only her House is on a massive hill. Which even she doesn't walk down. So I said we might have to meet elsewhere lol..

And Gayle whose birthday it was yesterday growled when I said I had a little something to drop off, I said Growl as much as you like, I cant run from you but Ill have my stick lol... I Have Awesome Friends.

Right I have a bit to do before I leave.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I see Trump is blaming Biden and his whole team for not giving him the security he needed.

Poor Baby
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Trump blames everyone else for his woes, never takes responsibility for himself. It's part of his narcissistic personality.

Well, so much for the lawn. A big puff of black smoke and the lawnmower stopped. I phoned the repair people and she said it was probably oil in the filter and an easy fix. MrK will have to help me lift it into the car boot, he won't be happy but needs must. The new meds seem to have eased the pain 'a bit' this morning.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Bidens procrastination has worked out brilliantly - the media have forgotten about the ear patch - Trump is getting very little publicity all the headlines are Kamala must be driving him nuts - his ear was only headlines for a day !
Lovely blue sky today but the wind sure has a nip - had to put my beanie on when I put the washing out - my old Nana used to wear a tea cosy hat I appreciate why now - am sure my head didn’t used to get so cold .Picked a big bunch of jonquil their perfume is lovely - next doors daffodils are already out it seems really early but my son is starting lambing this week so I guess it isn’t - just time flying
Finally ordered the merino backing for Dr Seuss blanket - nz merino and fabrics have been brilliant to deal with - certainly cheaper by far than others .Just have to find somebody to sew the backing on when I finally finish it
If you see Pam’s pickled pork on special and you like pickled pork shout yourself a piece - they have a new supplier -it’s actually a top company that normally exports - I did it in my slow cooker - beautiful
Pickled pork reminds me of my grandmother - she would sprinkle herbs on the inside, roll and tie it into a sausage before cooking. Cold, sluced thin, it was the perfect summer cold meat.

My tulips have buds, and I found an old basket that upended and mended with chook netting makes the perfect - and attractive bird cover for my stawberries. Rather pleased with my garden today, but not so pleased with my dentist, who has gone home sick instead of pulling my abscessed tooth. Never mind, I shall cross fingers for tomorrow...
Hunni - my first meal was hot with mustard sauce - second meal cold with pineapple chilli salsa - still a bit left and I have one lonely zucchini so might make fritters .I haven’t had pickled pork for years so was pleasantly surprised how very moorish it was - I think it was the eye of boned out loin as there was no fat - I am sure when Mum used to cook it was very fatty
The fat might just have been the best bit, lol, but these healthy eating days...

Why is it we could eat so richly back then, but one look at a pikelet these days puts half a kilo on our hips?
(24-07-2024, 02:37 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: The fat might just have been the best bit, lol, but these healthy eating days...

Why is it we could eat so richly back then, but one look at a pikelet these days puts half a kilo on our hips?
Same reason that a weekend's drinking resulted in a 2 hour hangover on Monday morning whereas these days the results of a couple of hours consumption last 2 days.

Oh those youthful bulletproof days Angel
Inside I am still youthful and bulletproof. It's just the outside that has not stood the test of time, lol...
(24-07-2024, 03:58 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Inside I am still youthful and bulletproof. It's just the outside that has not stood the test of time, lol...

A friend and I were talking this morning about that. And the fact that we are both now in our last year of 50's but our minds are still 21 lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

I had no idea you were still so young popeye, lol!
(24-07-2024, 06:07 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: 50's?

I had no idea you were still so young popeye, lol!

I think Im the baby here Hunni. I turned 59 in May.. Im a year younger than Kiwimade.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
You babies...

I used to be the baby in this village. Then a few people died. And now I'm not, lol...
morning ladies Smile No fog! Thank goodness for that!

lol @ ages, yep, I was 60 last birthday. And that snuck up on me pretty damed quick! MrK is 81. When we married in 1986 it caused shockwaves amongst family and friends Tongue

yummmm pickled pork. MrK ordered some from our butcher a while back and it was delicious. I'll keep an eye out at the supermarket, thanks Jan.

Gull has 10 cents off today if you can get into town.

MrK's new medication seems to be working and he is walking a lot freer than a day or so back. He still isn't allowed to drive for a few more days.

The jacket is coming along nicely. There is one bit I'll unpick and redo differently today as it has been bugging me. Had a wee brainstorm at 5.00am as to how to 'fix' it. Yesterday I stitched one of the wolf's eyes and am very happy with it. Having the eyes done completely changes the picture. Having one eye done is quite unnerving lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning  all 
Crisp fine day.

Yep you the baby Popeye.

Out and about yesterday, my morni g at warehouse  and need to pick up the balance of poorly k9 meds.

Off on holiday tomorrow so need to get the suitcases out don't think I have ever been so badly organised. Looking forward to the warmer temperatures.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone.

The roof is dry over the back

Same with us Kiwimade re the age difference. There was 19 years between us. Proved to all that it Did Last longer than most of those moaning about it lol.

I only have one school friend older than me. Only by 9 days. We aren't talking at the mo. I got sick of the dramatics and her way of well being Obnoxious. The Straw that broke the camels back was , we had invited her to dinner to thank her for helping us move. She got up to make a cup of tea, we did that at each others houses. Made one, came back to the table and hadn't even bothered to ask MrP if he wanted one. Silly really but it was the final straw lol.

And of course at the Home I am very much the baby of our group. I suspect Annies son is younger than me but we have never seen him.

Tomorrow Im taking my red and white blanket up to show them. They have been knitting daffodils for Daffodil day.

Shopping today, not much, but Ill get sorted. Madam was in No hurry to get up this morning. I slept well last night...

Might have been cos yesterday I banned myself from the walker, for everything other than taking toe rubbish to the road. So I was rather tired.

Ive stopped my oxys, can feel the sore hammies again but stuff Im not using the meds daily now.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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