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You can never have enough...
Oh wow, OHH Smile  That makes it even more exciting!

zqwerty,  the doggy travel man has popped up on my FB page.  If you search for  Very Important Paws  Chauffeur and message him, you may have some luck transporting the staffy Heart
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Looks like to access Very Important Paws I have to join Facebook and I really don't want to do that.

It's not at all certain what will happen with the dog Jack so I will just not worry about that at the moment kiwimade64.

Thanks for the info though.

I really wanted only to take the dog Jack if there was no other option except for him going into a dog home or rescue.

It will be better for him to stay where he is if people up in Auckland will look after him, it's a big change for an old dog to move to a new Island and he has had enough change as it is losing both of his protectors in a short time.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Beautiful day after a very frosty start - lambing has started on my sons farm - forecast is for snow a bit higher up but they have a lot of shelters and coats plus a big porch off the back of the house that becomes a nursery for lambs in need -their adopted boy and his ever close by Labrador is like a rescue worker he keeps a very close eye out for a lamb in need as he loves feeding them - it’s a very therapeutic lifestyle for a little boy with such a rough start - one of the real risks is he has no empathy
Kiwimade - your concern that the kids in Taupo needed to ensure they had a life would have struck a cord with my old boy - one of his oft used sayings to both kids was -Not to forget to stop and smell the roses their is no point being the richest bloke in the cemetery. I road tested some new brand eggs at the supermarket $10.99 for a tray of 20 on special maybe $16 - free range best eggs I have had for ages probably better than my sons free range from the farm

Hunni if the cruise plan does come to fruition sounds great - I went on a 5 day cruise to Tasmania - throughly enjoyed it - but wouldn’t have wanted to be any longer
When we went to Bathurst both the cat and dog had to be chipped - but there was no annual registration- it was $30 for life so we thought that was great .The cat had to be contained in the area we lived in - which I didn’t mind as I was terrified he would try and find his way back to Taupo
Been a fine day  southerly nip in the air 

Hope you dental problems are resolved  next week when dentist back on deck OHH.

Packed up feline and k9s in their respective  holiday accommodations - its very quiet in the house 

Friends a picking us up to drive us to airport in couple hours time. Home made fish and chips for tea tonight  Big Grin
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
And here, fish burgers and chips. Have a lovely break away...
Interesting - we're having homemade fish and chips, too, helped down by a bottle of pinot gris!
I do have other cameras!
Now that's just mean. You know I can't drink on account of those big pink pills and yet you bring out my favourite evening choice...
Cheese sammie here and it was good.

Have a good trip Mica.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Again, we have more fog. And of course there is a full load of washing to dry.

I have probably missed mica, but safe travels Smile A holiday away from fog sounds lovely.

Our son phoned yesterday and told us the big IT outage caused havoc with his work. Luckily, he could go home and log onto his work through his personal computer and do some work that way. He was telling us a colleague was being extremely racist and making crude remarks to some of the ladies (his words) he works with. He called this guy out several times, but the final straw was when he made a sexist comment that clearly upset one of his colleagues. He made a formal complaint, and the boss called this guy in to talk. The boss talked to the ladies being targeted, confirmed son's story and the guy was sacked on the spot. Son's colleagues had e mails ready to send to the boss, but he beat them to it. We raised our boy right! He has always had this huge sense of justice and he had a few fights o to protect friends as a kid.

Not sure what we are doing today. If the weather is nicer over the hill, we might pack our lunch up and go to there. We're both over the fog.

I have finished one side of the wolf's face. I'll take a pic and post it when I can. Roma, fairies and flowers sound lovely for a girl's jacket. It's what I thought our granddaughter would like lol. Oh boy, I was so far off the mark lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Sunny and calm after a cool start. 

Something different to be watching an Olympic Opening Ceremony on water this morning!

No plan for the day apart from making the most of the nice weather. DIL wants some edible flowers later for GD birthday cake ... her party is being held at a nearby gymnasium. Lol, yes KM 5 yo is all about fairies and unicorns  Smile

Enjoy the day all.
The beginning of the wolf Smile  

Life is a one time offer, use it well 
That stitching looks fab KM. The eye is so effective and will be even better with two of them! Your GD will love it.
Morning everyone

Its wet here.. dammit. I had plans to divide the front lawn up into quarters and get it done over the weekend. Well that's Out the window.

Have been watching the Opening, I wish they would hurry up and finish. They should have let Nadal light the flame.

I slept while some boats came in but Missy woke me up just in time to see New Zealand.

The lights off the Eiffel Tower and the mechanical Horse have been my favourite.

You can be proud of your Son Kiwimade. The world needs more men like him. The dude that got the sack might have trouble finding work, and its his own fault.

Might put some stuff on FB to sell... The name of the shop Dianne and I are going to is called Panda Mart. Its in Pakuranga.

She said yesterday its like the $2 type shop but more like the Warehouse On Steroids.. if you google it and look at the photos you will understand why.. Its actually Temu in a shop. Its massive. We are leaving her hubby at home so we dont have to rush lol.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Okay, I am officially retiring from the denim jacket game, lol. That is just lovely km, and please will you do one for me? I rather fancy a multicoloured tortie cat face, me being sort of a radical leftie almost childless cat lady witch...
Hope you enjoy your trip,Mica.

Well done, that young man - & well done, KM & Mr KM - its always good to have a strong sense of right & wrong. And I LOVE that jacket, beautiful work.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
lol OHH, of course I can Smile Don't give up your denim sewing Heart You sew with love and if you are happy with it, that's all that matters.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
OHH, I have two cat designs by Trish Burr that may tickle your fancy (or not,lol). One is black, grey and white and the other is golds and white, more tortie. I can post pics if you like Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
morning ladies Smile More fog and it's still dark. I'm beginning to envy mica being on holiday!

We packed up our lunch and went to Mt Maunganui yesterday and what a gorgeous day it was there compared to here. We thoroughly enjoyed the sunshine and even went for a paddle. The water was like a mill pond, so still. And so cold lol. Lots of families out and about on scooters, bikes and walking the dog. Was lovely to see.

OHH, have a peek at this embroidery site. Trish Burr is my inspiration Heart and I have done quite a few of her designs. The cats are there under whitework. And there are some freebie patterns there too.

If the weather is rubbish this afternoon we might watch the new Guy Ritchie movie. I love his movies, not quite Tarantino with so much blood and gore, but interesting story lines and action.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Amazing patterns km, I shall have fun looking through those! And I am looking forward to watching the wolf come alive with colours. Your needle skills are amazing, and very inspirational.

I became addicted to tvnz's series of 'keeping faith' and binged the last episodes much to the cat's disgust. She likes her routine that one and could not understand why we were still up past midnight last night watching that thing up there. Fabulous acting though and lots of yelling at the tv, well worth watching.

Looks like another lovely winters day coming up for us, clear and cool. I noticed yesterday my cuttings pots are showing new life so I will have lots of mutabilis and salvia plants for my friend who needs to fill a new fenceline between her big property and some less than friendly neighbours who tend to bully her over joint property matters. She is a bit older than me and a lot less independent minded and since losing her husband a year or so back has done a lot of learning about managing the world on her own. Fortunately she is now very well off so can buy most of the help she needs, but courage is something we all need at times, especially when navigating difficult people. It helps to have friends who can back us up at times like that, even if only with pots of new plants for the gardener to deal with! Or kind advice about dealing with irritating dental challenges...
Good morning everyone

Super cold and Very very thick fog here.. The worst Ive seen here for sure.

I actually slept all night in my bad last night. Which is rare, the left hip is niggly but you cant lay on your side and lay on both hips at the same time lol... Its usually my good one lol.

Bloody Olympics, Im hooked to the tv lol... But I do like the big games.

Had some good sales yesterday, over $100 on wool alone WOOHOO Panda Mart here we come.. Yes I should use it wisely but Sometimes you just need to have a play and spoil oneself. Ill let Dianne know tomorrow that Im all set lol. Possibly more to come today too. Fingers crossed.

My friend in TGA said it was beautiful there yesterday KM.. Was dull and wet here.

Right better look at fb , I had an enquiry on my rimu drawers... If they go Ill be able to pay for my warrant completely. Wont waste that money.

Have a fab day
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin

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