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You can never have enough...
Glad the cat and owner have been reunited...

I too dont like collars. I did try one on Missy but she went ballistic. and since she is inside she doesn't need one.

And she has never had a flea in her life. So I dont flea treat her either.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(07-08-2024, 06:20 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Lots of people don't understand that breakaway collars are available, designed to pop and release under pressure. Easy to check this aspect before buying, but if the buyer doesn't know to check then cats can get into trouble.

And so can dogs.

Agree OHH , also people tend to put cat collars on too loose as well
Glad feline and owner reunited
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile we only just have a frost so should be able to get out and weed a bit more soon.

Welcome home, mica Smile I bet the K9s were over the moon to see you both.

We've also never used collars on cats but do believe in microchipping them. If found, it's an easy way of them being returned home. Am glad puss is OK and back home safely.

Roma, your post about travelling on the ferries reminded me of when we were kids and as a family, would sail on the 'overnighter' to Lyttleton. Our family is mostly mainlanders, and this was one of the highlights of our trip. Fingers and everything crossed, the ferries are working when you need them.

The Fluffy One is here and is pottering about as she does. My sister couldn't get her to take her meds even when it was hidden in her food, so out came the cheese lol. Cheese works well as a bribe for dogs lol. It's a matter of whatever works at this stage.

We watched some of the Olympics last evening but also refuse to get up in the wee hours and settle for the reruns. I think the rowers who paddled slowly and came last to qualify for another race was a disgusting way to enter another race. If you are entered into a race, you do your best. Yes, it's within the rules to do this, but to me, it's 'just not cricket'.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

It's cold and cloudy. Rain forecast later,  hopefully not until after I've picked up GD from kindy this afternoon. 

I put a collar on my boy when we came to town ... it was gone within days. We've picked up other cats' collars on our property since being here. Far better they are micro chipped with up to date contact details.

Back into the real world Mica ... glad your pets fared well. 

Will see what the day brings. We are staying over the hill for the night tomorrow ... a 1st birthday to go to.  We'll see how the weather goes for a Hamilton Gardens visit but will catch up with friends and family anyway . 

Better get organised for kindy drop off. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Very grey here. Rain expected.

You have reminded me, Im not sure if I updated Missy's chip info when we moved here. Im usually efficient at that sort of stuff. but I will check. Better to be safe than sorry.

Shopping today, so will most likely be a wet trip. but I got a new brolly so will use that. Thank goodness I use a back pack style handbag, cos a stick and brollie fills both hands. I try and park either in the disabled or near a trolly bay.

Im going to stay home tomorrow and let Dianne have some alone time with Mum.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
I agree about chipping our beasties, but unfortunately chipping doesn't alert their prey animals of approaching death on four soft paws, lol.
I overdid it yesterday; went to the new Pak n save for fish & it turned out to be a bit of a walk from the bus stop. If I'd left it at that I probably would have been fine but once back I took Madame Le Dog for a longish walk, then went to library, came back, egg/breadcrumbed fish & put in freezer, changed & washed sheets, moved mattress around, then did a bit more pruning outside.
I had intended to mow the back lawn today but now have a slightly sore back - & the rain has arrived so won't be doing much more; getting older can be very annoying but I've learned not to overdo things when my back complains.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
And it is cold. Doesn't help aging joints. Or scooter batteries, lol. So I am staying right where I am, with the cat, the tablet, the tv, and a good book. Tomorrow is another day.
Totally agree.. Im staying home tomorrow too.

I've put the heater on since I got home. Its freezing. Normally only need the heater on for about an hour at 6pmish. But I didn't even put it on last night.

Madam isn't complaining.

Lilith I caught up with Jess this morning. Her landlord has agreed that she can keep Jack. But thank you for offering him a home. It meant lot.

He is slowly coming out of mourning. She still takes him to his old home. But less and Less.. And since none of us really know how old or when his Birthday is, we have decided to give him a new Birth date. September the 1st.. Im baking some shortbread so will keep some for him. I know he likes one brand of brought ones, but cant think what it was, I thinking it was Arnott's. Ill look anyway. Ill know it when I see it.

Pak n Save was busy as, with all their birthday specials And they are changing stuff around again. Hate it when they do that.

But I've got all my baking ingredients, and since I cant mow a wet lawn, I will bake over the weekend at some stage.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(08-08-2024, 01:22 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Totally agree.. Im staying home tomorrow too.

I've put the heater on since I got home. Its freezing. Normally only need the heater on for about an hour at 6pmish. But I didn't even put it on last night.

Madam isn't complaining.

Lilith I caught up with Jess this morning. Her landlord has agreed that she can keep Jack. But thank you for offering him a home. It meant  lot. 

He is slowly coming out of mourning. She still takes him to his old home. But less and Less.. And since none of us really know how old or when his Birthday is, we have decided to give him a new Birth date. September the 1st..  Im baking some shortbread so will keep some for him. I know he likes one brand of brought ones, but cant think what it was, I thinking it was Arnott's. Ill look anyway.  Ill know it when I see it.

Pak n Save was busy as, with all their birthday specials And they are changing stuff around again. Hate it when they do that.

But I've got all my baking ingredients, and since I cant mow a wet lawn, I will bake over the weekend at some stage.

Popeye, it was Zqwerty who offered Jack a home, not me. But I'm really pleased that he'll be able to stay where he is, that's got to make it a bit easier for him.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Time to check your alternative power source batteries are charged and ready - have just seen some data from my sawmilling son regarding the power problem - the storage levels across all our power producing sites are dangerously low .Says it all about the cost of electricity here is so high it’s cheaper for Oji to ship their product off shore for processing and ship it back .I complain about my power account going up as a result of Jacinda taking my low user rebate but it pales into insignificance compared to the risk to jobs like those at the sawmills already closing and sites like my sons who are clinging on - his mill is in a small rural town with 3 generations of some families working there - job losses would be diabolical - manufacturing jobs are likely to disappear if something radical isn’t done - taxpayers still own Transpower and 51% of all the 5 big retailers so we can’t blame the private sector .

When we went to Oz all cats and dogs had to be microchipped - our already were - but there was just a one off charge of $30 and that was it - no annual dog registration .While we were trying to catch the cat with the collar we trapped a big black and white cat obviously somebody’s pet - it’s back leg was broken very skinny - took it to vet but it’s injuries were not new and so vet had no option but to euthanise- he had a collar and was desexed but not chipped - SPCA couldn’t help us - we put his details on neighbourly but didn’t have any success - would have liked to give owners closure

The monster who attacked me is sentenced today - stayed away - the police will let us know.
(08-08-2024, 01:22 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Totally agree.. Im staying home tomorrow too.

I've put the heater on since I got home. Its freezing. Normally only need the heater on for about an hour at 6pmish. But I didn't even put it on last night.

Madam isn't complaining.

Lilith I caught up with Jess this morning. Her landlord has agreed that she can keep Jack. But thank you for offering him a home. It meant  lot. 

He is slowly coming out of mourning. She still takes him to his old home. But less and Less.. And since none of us really know how old or when his Birthday is, we have decided to give him a new Birth date. September the 1st..  Im baking some shortbread so will keep some for him. I know he likes one brand of brought ones, but cant think what it was, I thinking it was Arnott's. Ill look anyway.  Ill know it when I see it.

Pak n Save was busy as, with all their birthday specials And they are changing stuff around again. Hate it when they do that.

But I've got all my baking ingredients, and since I cant mow a wet lawn, I will bake over the weekend at some stage.

Popeye, it was Zqwerty who offered Jack a home, not me. But I'm really pleased that he'll be able to stay where he is, that's got to make it a bit easier for him.

Ohh Shoot lol.. I thought I had it wrong. should have checked
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Yes it was me who thought I could take the dog, Jack, if all else failed.

So glad he will stay with someone he knows in a place that is at least a bit familiar to him.

Thanks for making the effort popeye333 and letting us know the final outcome.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
(08-08-2024, 05:12 PM)zqwerty Wrote: Yes it was me who thought I could take the dog, Jack, if all else failed.

So glad he will stay with someone he knows in a place that is at least a bit familiar to him.

Thanks for making the effort popeye333 and letting us know the final outcome.

You could always get a rescue dog anyway & give some poor creature a home, there's no shortage of them,sadly.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
I've thought about it a lot, I don't feel ready to just take on a dog to replace Stella. I have another dog, Sadie who was Stella's younger friend, who I take on walks when she comes to visit with her Mum Jessica.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
Morning all 
Still dark raining the feline woke everyone up at 6am just happy to engage I was not.  So k9s been out and DH bought me cuppa vin bed. Poorly k9 off for more blood tests this morning so no breakie for either k9. They so good at accepting their lot.
DH has dentist appointment later this morning might pop into The Fabric Warehouse while waiting for him.
My stint at warehouse  yesterday  bought home couple woollen vests that need buttons and buttonhole so will do that this afternoon 
Dinner  with friends tonight  so don't have to cook

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Fog again, looks like fog is our lot until spring comes.

Lovely that Jack can stay where he is, it will be less stress all round. It's hard taking on another pet after we lose one, it took us at least three years before the Furry One was foisted upon us lol. Friends decided it was time we had another dog, and we are glad they did.

The Fluffy One has her meds no problem, don't know what all the fuss is about as my sister says it's hard to get her to take it. And you have to carry her to bed at night... ummm no, she knows the way to her bed and can still find her way. We haven't moved it, it's still in her favourite spot in the bedroom. I think the Fluffy One loves it here as she can be a dog and have some independence.

Housework for me today and that won't take long. Sheets will have to wait for a fine day, or I could book another power shout with Genesis.

It was freezing yesterday, and we hunkered down inside for the day. I did get the weed spraying along the concrete cracks, and on the metal out the back of the house. It's the only place I spray, and we'll see if it took. I am thinking of moving the three standard roses to along the roadside. The garden they are in is really hard to access and keep weeded and pruning is tricky.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Cold but sunny. 

A good result from our Kiwi Olympians overnight.

Lol KM, it does sound as if the Fluffy One has a great holiday with you.  There are oftentimes I notice our empty pet "space" but for now shall resist filling it. Good that Jack gets to stay where he has become settled. 

No particular plan today ... plenty to do .... there are some flower seedlings to plant in my barrels once I've added potting mix. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone.

Its a beautiful sunny day today.

I will do some housework today. But nothing over the top. It doesn't get messy with just me. Ill [pick up Madams torn cardboard on the lounge mat tho. Its the only place she does it so I dont mind lol. Must sort out my wardrobe again, just coat hangers are messy lol

She is still loving her new Pooh toy lol.

Yeah Jack is almost settled so that's good. We haven't had a dog for over 20 years, but I still miss them.

Ill measure ingredients out later. Couldn't believe Butter has gone up $1 a pound in the last couple of weeks. I have some new world dollars so I might get some more incase they go up again. Ill use the full pound tomorrow.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(09-08-2024, 09:52 AM)popeye333 Wrote: Morning everyone.

Its a beautiful sunny day today.

I will do some housework today. But nothing over the top. It doesn't get messy with just me. Ill [pick up Madams torn cardboard on the lounge mat tho. Its the only place she does it so I dont mind lol. Must sort out my wardrobe again, just coat hangers are messy lol

She is still loving her new Pooh toy lol.

Yeah Jack is almost settled so that's good.  We haven't had a dog for over 20 years, but I still miss them.

Ill measure ingredients out later.  Couldn't believe Butter has gone up $1 a pound in the last couple of weeks. I have some new world dollars so I might get some more incase they go up again. Ill use the full pound tomorrow.

Have a fab day all
Popeye - everything is going to go up - it’s not just the timber industry thinking of shutting down production - Fonterra have sent a warning out to farmers - Robies power has gone up by $30,000 this week and he has installed all the low emission lights and fridges etc and cut off all his gas coolers etc as the previous govt phased out gas - that cost 2 million dollars which was supposed to reduce his power charges - my sawmill son has had to send staff home - so much for the enquiry into the sector a couple of years ago - and yet still some people deny climate change - beggars belief

Thought this may be of interest shows how low the water levels are - so they will keep increasing the power charges - remembering despite the politicians on both sides posturing we own Transpower and 51% of all the big retailers like Meridian Contact Genesis etc

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