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You can never have enough...
I was slightly worried yesterday when Madame Le Cat started hissing & growling near the stove. I thought perhaps a creature had managed to get inside from behind it somehow & was hiding there, so when she had the same reaction this morning, I moved the pedal bin out of the way so she could look behind it.
Not in the least interested thank you,human.

Only as I was moving the pedal bin back did it dawn on me that its put her in front of it, sure enough, same hissy reaction. Just to be sure, I picked her up & held her in front of a mirror, & yep,she's hissing $ & growling at her own reflection! Oh dear! I did manage not to laugh - just.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
That's very funny Lilith7.

Stella mostly did not like to look into mirrors, seemed as if she didn't like what she was seeing, I think she was waiting for the day she would turn into a human being. She was like my dog daughter, a naughty, cheeky child who was very loving and wouldn't let me out of her sight once she got out of the puppy stages.
It's not the least charm of a theory that it is refutable. The hundred-times-refuted theory of "free will" owes its persistence to this charm alone; some one is always appearing who feels himself strong enough to refute it - Friedrich Nietzsche
morning ladies Smile More fog... sigh

lmao Lilith. Just as well you didn't laugh, or she would make you pay big time!

The Fluffy One goes home tomorrow. Heaven knows why she has always thought 5.00am is a good time to get up when here. Her mum says it's 8.00am at home.

More medals overnight at the Olympics with Lydia tied for gold in the golf. I think there is another day's play. We're doing so well Smile I read the people of Botswana had the afternoon off work to celebrate their first gold medal Heart Love these kinds of stories.

The wolf is coming along slowly but surely. Lots of back stitching and overlaid stitching takes time but worth the effort. I'll take another progress pic soon.

The lawn needs mowing again, it's only been 10 days since last mowed. Proof spring is on it's way.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning everyone

Beautiful sunny day here, so far.

Agreed Kiwimade the lawns are moving. I have 3 Daffodils out now, or two with one nearly open.

Baking this morning. Then Ill make the cheese scones Ive wanted for a few days lol.

We are doing soo well at the games. The shot put was awesome.. Look out next time I reckon.

Better get things done. the faster I do it the sooner I can rest and I might be able to get a little lawn done. Hoped to yesterday but its clouded over . And the wettest part is the start point.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Still damp here it was very bleak yesterday  and so cold it can only improve.

Housework  this morning  and  plan on doing some baking need some biscuits with my cuppas. 

Friends  coming for dinner tonight so need to get sorted for that too.

Feeling to pull or my sewing cave need to make a cot quilt  first then something for me will have to fish through my stash for inspiration

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Braved the fog and wet lawn and mowed Big Grin so feeling ever so virtuous lol. The compost bin scored a good catcher load and the rest binned. The fog seems to have become thicker. And still there are people driving without their lights on. Temporary kiwis.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

Lovely sun here.  Yikes we are yet to go over the Kaimais KM ... soon. Will definitely have lights on!

Your cat is hilarious Lilith. I've had kittens prancing in front of the mirror which is funny enough!

Exciting results for Kiwis for sure ... Dame Lisa is amazing. 

Look forward to a couple of days in the Tron and catching up with friends/ family.  First time ever only thinking of ourselves and not the pets ... quite strange.

Enjoy the day all.
The fog has pretty much cleared, roma Smile That must have been its last hoorah for the day Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
(09-08-2024, 10:23 PM)zqwerty Wrote: That's very funny Lilith7.

Stella mostly did not like to look into mirrors, seemed as if she didn't like what she was seeing, I think she was waiting for the day she would turn into a human being.  She was like my dog daughter, a naughty, cheeky child who was very loving and wouldn't let me out of her sight once she got out of the puppy stages.

Every dog - & cat too, has their own character, don't they. 
When I was a kid we lived in the country at at a beach & every summer, people would come to the camping grounds. The dog we had then was a golden cocker spaniel & we noticed that she tended to disappear quite often.
Eventually my parents found out why - she was off down at the camping grounds, checking what everyone was having for lunch. And would only go to the ones having chicken since that was her favourite. Rolleyes Big Grin
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Oddly Missy doesn't like any human meat.. But does love stupid things like Chicken chips, cheese balls. Strawberry Jam, popcorn.
She doesn't mind mirrors.

I have baked and it felt sooo good. No [pain either..

So Maybe the mower will come out later. Listings finishing first.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Sooo excited.

I did the front. And while weary Im not in any more pain than I was on Tuesday after shopping.. And while it wasn't super long, it only took an hour. !!!!

I couldn't believe it.. I'm absolutely wrapped..

Might be totally different doing the back. But I plan on doing that on two days cos of the hills.

I feel nearly back to normal. I know I cant rush things, and will continue to pace myself But Ohhh it felt sooo dammed good.

Yes feeling Virtuous lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
(10-08-2024, 01:17 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Oddly Missy doesn't like any human meat.. But does love stupid things like Chicken chips, cheese balls. Strawberry Jam, popcorn.
She doesn't mind mirrors.

I have baked and it felt sooo good. No [pain either..

So Maybe the mower will come out later. Listings finishing first.
Popeye are you enjoying your new flash beater?
(10-08-2024, 06:50 PM)Jan Wrote:
(10-08-2024, 01:17 PM)popeye333 Wrote: Oddly Missy doesn't like any human meat.. But does love stupid things like Chicken chips, cheese balls. Strawberry Jam, popcorn.
She doesn't mind mirrors.

I have baked and it felt sooo good. No [pain either..

So Maybe the mower will come out later. Listings finishing first.
Popeye are you enjoying your new flash beater?

Oh Definitely Jan.

Made half a pound of butter into Shortbread and my Fave chocolate chip peanut brownies take the other half a pound. The mixer manages these amounts without missing a beat. 

Absolutely Love it.

Best money I've ever spent on something that many would think was a waste. but Im sure it will see me out.
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile What a stunning morning we have this morning, sunny and chilly.

Our mixer is used regularly, and I don't consider it a waste of money. MrK even uses it when he makes meat patties, he uses the dough hook.

Our Olympians have once again done us proud. Three more gold medals to add to the tally. I'm gutted for the All Blacks though.

The plan for this morning is to weed, weed and weed Smile I'll have to leave them in small piles until the bin is emptied on Tuesday. But first I'll strip the sheets off the bed and get them washed. I've been waiting for a sunny morning to do this lol.

I'll do some more work on the jacket later this afternoon. Might start on the right hand side of the face to even things up a bit. He looks a little odd with one ear lol.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
A quiet good morning everyone.

The stupid sky box is playing up Again.. I might have to have a go at putting the free view box in. Sick of having to wait for days for Boston to come and look at it.

Its a beautiful sunny day.

I saw Lisa Carrington win her race at some ungodly hour. Just happened to wake up at the right time lol.

May get a bit more lawn done later. but Im not going to over do things.

Need to pop up the road first tho. and will drop some bikkies off to my friends at the nursery.

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Bit greyish here in the Bay but might improve hopefully
Pleased you are enjoying your beater Popeye - they are a great investment - the thing I noticed most when my old boy bought me Kitchenaide was the huge volume when whisking egg whites - my baking days are over my grandaughter has my Kitchenaide and she uses it often - especially the dough hook she is making beautiful breads and fancy pastries - she bakes and her flat mates clean so being like her grandma not keen on housework suits her perfectly
The ABs were disappointing- there were so many penalties the game just couldn’t get going
Better get cracking we have our annual cousins luncheon today - just thinking again this year we have had two deaths and no new babies in the many offspring - there are now 18 original cousins left must do a count up of the next generation
morning all
beautiful day - seeing the sun makes such a difference. 
Animals are all strtched out sunning themselves.

love my Kenwood beater probably would bake if I didnt have it

thought I would start a coy quilt yesterday - spent significant amount of my sewing time reverse stitching grr...  

Had a lovely time with friend who came for dinner last night. The bolar roast was succulant and yummy, and the apple shortcake a success too

left overs to dinner tonight  Big Grin

enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
That's the worst corner weeded and the coldest part of the garden. My violas have turned white this year, probably not enough sun. My fingers were frozen, even with gloves on. Had to stop and start a couple of times to thaw out. But I've noticed the soil is warming up. Need to get this weeding done so when the cherry is cut out, it can be mulched back onto the garden. Waste not, want not Smile The Fluffy One has had a lovely morning pottering about with the Furry One outside. They love it when we are both outside. The Fluffy One sleeps most of the day with my sister but is too busy here to do that. She goes home later this afternoon.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Well I tried.

A couple of hours trying to hook up the free view. Couldn't get either to work.

BUT I did manage to find the volume button on the tv remote. (No writing left on it)

AND I did manage to hook up the Blu ray player.. YAYAY... So I had music blasting while I sorted out my wardrobe.

Then I sat down to list some items and was happily singing along with Il Divo, when I remembered Carlos Died. That made me sad. Then Madam decided to let me know seriously she didn't like my singing.. Drew blood too.

She has no taste and was promptly put onto the floor where she suffered in silence for like 4 minutes and came and got comfortable on my warm lap. And obviously turned her ears off.

Found a box of pretty pencils and pens etc. hiding in my wardrobe. I knew I had them somewhere.. Kiwimade do you like Stationery? and pens etc.? Mum at home does and she's May 3rd lol

And I just realized I missed lunch lol.. Oh well I will heat up the last 2 scones I was going to have for lunch, for my dinner..

I can feel the eyes penetrating through the top of the lappy. Someone is saying its tea time
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
morning ladies Smile Grey skies here, I'm hoping to get outside to weed a bit more shortly before the rain comes.

What a buggar about your sky and freeview, popeye. And I love pretty stationery, lol. Nice pens to write with, pretty paper to write on... sigh. I'm part of the generation who was taught to write, not just print. My sister who came along behind me 18 months later was only taught to print.

So good to see two more medals added to the tally before the finish of the games. Now, bring on the Para Olympics. Can't wait to see our kiwi team compete.

The Fluffy One went home and the Furry One is happy to have his spot back on the couch and our undivided attention again. He likes her company but is always happy to see her go home.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

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