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You can never have enough...
morning ladies Smile A tad overcast but I should be able to spend more time weeding and digging.

Once again, thank you for your very kind comments about the wolf. Embroidery is something I enjoy doing, it calms this over active mind and there is a real satisfaction in completing something I have designed from the get-go. Although, the picture in this case is a free colouring in picture from the internet.

I didn't know spring onions were good companion plants for strawberries. MrK grows spring onions year round in bunches rather than individually. When he harvests, he pulls the bunch out. And you can also just take the tops off and the onions will keep growing.

It seems MrK needs a hand physiotherapist to help him recover fully from his carpel tunnel surgery. There is a massive waiting list to see one under the health care system, so we'll need to dredge up the funds to go private. He can't afford to wait on the waiting list, there is too much muscle wastage in the hand. And the doctor has found another suspected melanoma. It's teeny tiny and removal can be done at the surgery this time. Just as well he has six monthly mole checks now.

Washing machine is finished and so is my coffee. Time to get cracking.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Good morning. 

A grey sky,  but the morning was a lot warmer. 

Need to get out and top up my planters with potting mix so I can plant out the seedling petunias and lobelia. The rain is getting closer. But a few groceries first. 

No,  I have never grown spring onions before either ... nearest that I always have growing are chives. Interesting they are a good companion for strawberries.

Time to get moving. 

Enjoy the day all.
Morning everyone

Overcast here.

Im not going anywhere so it wont bother me too much.

Your work is Beautiful Kiwimade. Im sure M will be proud to wear it.

A day at home for the inspection today. So Im going to paint this morning.

I see news snippets online. apparently Trump has said if he loses the election he will move to Venezuela.. Im sure many Americans will be pleased. Apparently he owes money everywhere. And it accusing Kahmala of every trick in the book to win lol.. He really doesn't like to lose. I can imagine him cheating at board games when he was a kid. You can picture him tipping the Monopoly board cant you lol Thank goodness he isn't in our country. lol

Have a fab day all
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Morning all 
Fine day
Currently sitting waiting for my car  to be serviced. Couldn't figure out coffee machine but kind person has just come and switched it on that always helps lol

Busy at warehouse yesterday the number of packs going out each week has doubled hard times out there.
Came home and DD and DGD1 were there DGD had cough so no daycare for her. 

Meeting friends for lunch today looking forward to that meeting at my fav Vietnamese restaurant  yum.

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
lol, mica, the coffee machine always work better with the power on Tongue  Time for a cuppa, that's two fencelines weeded and dug over ready for this season's mulching.  I knew there were weeds, but not this many!

It's sad, isn't it, that so many families need help.  And it's not just beneficiaries either.  We are so grateful we can grow our own veg and do (mostly) our own maintenance.  It's when things come out of the blue (like the pump and loo) that puts the spanner in the works.  Lucky for us, we have a good reputation for paying bills and keeping to payment arrangements.  Living in a rural area around a small rural town helps too.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
When my darling had the carpal tunnel op his surgeon suggested two things he could do once the pain went. One was getting hold (!?) of a squeezy ball and playing with that in the down times, and the other was to try hobby pottery, because playing with clay also makes hand muscles very strong. I discovered that later on when making wax models for sculptures later on in life, but these days it is why I keep up with knitting. It helps keep the arthritis at bay. There is a particular helplessness and frustration that comes with reduced use of our hands, I know I feel it, and as a young man in his thirties my darling found it really hard to deal with. One of the few times he let a weakness he felt actually show, so I have complete sympathy for Mr K. Hope he gets the help soon.

I had a small success this week - I worked out how to use the small tyre inflator gun on the scooter tyres. Bit of a challenge at first when I found instead of blowing air in it was letting it out lol, but I got there in the end. The two rear tyres are now at recommended pressure and once I have my recovered my courage I shall tackle the front ones. Surprising just how much our hips contribute to bendability. Now the bad one has gone I am much more flexible, I just need to make such there's no chance of toppling over when my head is nearer ground level, lol....
(15-08-2024, 07:13 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote: Spring onions are good companions for strawberry plants. Hint hint...

Well...I've got raspberry plants out there, they'll have to make do with that. Big Grin

(16-08-2024, 07:48 AM)kiwimade64 Wrote: morning ladies Smile  A tad overcast but I should be able to spend more time weeding and digging.

Once again, thank you for your very kind comments about the wolf.  Embroidery is something I enjoy doing, it calms this over active mind and there is a real satisfaction in completing something I have designed from the get-go.  Although, the picture in this case is a free colouring in picture from the internet.

I didn't know spring onions were good companion plants for strawberries.  MrK grows spring onions year round in bunches rather than individually.  When he harvests, he pulls the bunch out.  And you can also just take the tops off and the onions will keep growing.

It seems MrK needs a hand physiotherapist to help him recover fully from his carpel tunnel surgery.  There is a massive waiting list to see one under the health care system, so we'll need to dredge up the funds to go private.  He can't afford to wait on the waiting list, there is too much muscle wastage in the hand.  And the doctor has found another suspected melanoma.  It's teeny tiny and removal can be done at the surgery this time.  Just as well he has six monthly mole checks now.

Washing machine is finished and so is my coffee.  Time to get cracking.

Happy crafting Smile

Cheers KM, I might try that with the spring onions - if I dfon't manage to kill the poor things first.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Cloud is taking a long time to leave this morning - forecast is for 19 so am expecting the sun at any moment
The flounder was delicious - I remembered my Mum just lightly flouring them and cooked it in butter - thought about steaming it but wasn’t sure about timing so stuck with the tried and true - Robie has them in his fish department but they won’t be as fresh as the neighbour gave me

I grow the red spring onions in clumps - they grow more bulbous and are slightly sweeter I think - look nice in a salad

My grandson has ordered some more pickled onions for his flat so will get cracking on those over the weekend as long as his father remembers to bring the onions .I made three different tomato sauce recipes and the definite favourite amongst the grandkids was your plum sauce recipe Kiwimade - I just substituted tomatoes for plums .

I rang for my normal prescription repeats for my blood pressure pills and was told no as I hadn’t been to the doctor for 12 months -so asked to make an appointment earliest appointment available 29th August and that’s a phone appointment - the nurse said they have had so much sickness in the practice between the flu and Covid - some days they only have 2 of the 10 doctors on deck as the flu is recurring.The breakfast club ladies said the same thing it just keeps coming back - I hope I dodge i5 am not a good patient

Was thinking about your granddaughters jacket Kiwimade - she is going to be so proud when she wears it to tell people you made it - those are the sort of things that make kids have a happy heart and become a glass half full not empty kiwi
And it teaches them that real people make real things, and they are beautiful. Fighting the machine made in China plastic consumerism one hand made art work at a time!

I just spent a happy couple of hours stringing together 50 rainbow coloured felt balls to work out if I had enough to make a fat bobble fringe for my black summer sun unbrella, and no, only three and a bit metres, I need six... So, I might have to combine these with bunting. This brolly is going to be so much fun to sit under! And unique!!
Passed the inspection, as always. No long chat today, as she came a lot earlier than normal. I did tell her about the tv aerial tho, and she was going to ask.

I spent a whole colouring in. Its a picture I got from the home. with easter eggs and spring flowers, so Im guessing its from a Northern Hemisphere book lol.. Enjoyed doing it too.

Im having a piece of fish and I peeled a tatty to make potato fritters too, tonight. A treat for the potato fritters. But its really hard to mix just a small amount of better. So Ill at least use some of it lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Really, that embroidery work is the type of thing which ought to be in an art gallery where everyone can see & appreciate it.

Did another small foray into organising the workroom... sort of, because I stumbled across two very small canvases & remembered I'd been wanting to try out some printing I did. Very deliberately abstracts, just dropping bits of ink here & there to see what happens, & I had fun. Certainly more fun than reorganising things.

Tonight's dinner is the last of that delicius Hell pizza & maybe a bit of strudel from the freezer.
in order to be old & wise, you must first be young & stupid. (I'm still working on that.)
Sometimes youtube is just plain fun. Like watching Joe Biden tell an audience - 'Folks, I served in the Senate for 270 years...'

Versus Trump claiming he did nothing wrong despite being convicted on 34 counts.

Seems to me this battle - outside the politics - is decent v the other kind.
I agree about the handmade things, it will always be different even if you repeat the pattern/design. Our daughter also embroiders, more cross stitch, but both kids see her creating hand made things. I think it's important they learn that not everything has to be mass produced.

We were watching Al Jazeera at lunchtime and Biden referred to Trump as Donald Dump lol. It was deliberate, an attempt to take the mickey out of the comments Trump has made about his cognitive abilities. We belly laughed at the comment and I'm sure others would have as well.

Jan, I meant to comment earlier how pleased I was to hear that toerag was sentenced and off the streets.

Roast chook for dinner tonight. There will be loads left over so we will be having chicken soup and pie later in the week.
Life is a one time offer, use it well 

Synchronicity KM. This page from the altered book I'm working on at the moment.

Chicken sausages as the protein in a minestrone style stewp for dinner tonight, followed by a Kapiti mini. Heaven. Then an early night with the cat and a hot water bottle, because it is getting chilly out there...
(16-08-2024, 05:54 PM)Oh_hunnihunni Wrote:

Synchronicity KM. This page from the altered book I'm working on at the moment.

Chicken sausages as the protein in a minestrone style stewp for dinner tonight, followed by a Kapiti mini. Heaven. Then an early night with the cat and a hot water bottle, because it is getting chilly out there...

Love the Book Hunni. what a cool idea.

But I also Love the Stewp.... I make a Chicken Stoup, ( Different spelling same word)  that MrP loved.    he liked a Stoup that stuck to ya bones lol

Your the only other person Ive heard call it Stewp / Stoup lol
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Well, it starts off as something simple enough and then we start adding, lol...

Bit like any one of our other projects!

The books come because I cannot resist a beautifully made art or craft or interior design book, even if outdated or damaged, I just love the images inside. And I love collage as an art form, so have lots of material I can rip and tear and add to the book, in the process making something new. Like my denims, only easier to fit on a work table to play with. And I love the no rules aspect. Just do it and stop when the book tells me it is enough. They make great journals and diaries, good spaces to collect phrases and images that we love, excellent doodle surfaces, and the fatter and tattier they get the better. One of my favourite artist crafts.

Any anyone can do it, have scissors and glue stick - can make!
morning ladies from a grey, bleak, Waikato.

lol OHH, perfect timing with what we had been 'chatting' about. Love the idea of reinventing the books. So many go to landfill. The local book fair is in October and lotsssss of books of all ages and genre are rescued there.

It's back out in the garden for me. There is probably around a couple of hours of weeding/digging to go so almost there. Nice to have what's left of the old mulch dug in and the garden ready for fresh mulch. Once this is finished, we'll cut the old cherry tree out. My little hand saw will do most of the work and we'll ask our friend who has a property maintenance business to come and grind the trunk. MrK has decided I was right (I know! amazing lol) and the Bux hedge needs to be a tad lower (my knee height) and we'll ask him to do that as well. It took me forever to cut it back last season and months to convince him it needed cutting.

If/when the weather turns to custard, I'll work on the jacket. It's going a bit faster now that one side is done and the colour choices and stitches have been chosen.

Happy crafting Smile
Life is a one time offer, use it well 
Morning all 
Mist hanging around the hills dull day

OHH looks like you are having fun with your up cycled  book

Yesterday slipped by spent couple hours in afternoon  knitting  while watching  TV stuff previously recorded that I know DH doesn't enjoy.

Lie in this morning reading k9s up at 6am the poorly one inner clock needs resetting 
Got the sheets in washing  even remade  the bed  so leisurely breakfast then tidy up

Found a quilt flimsy when looking for backing fabric for the cot quilt so might sandwich that up and start quilting it.
Got the bookshelf  to assembly first

Enjoy your day
It's fun to have fun but you have to know how  Big Grin
Morning everyone

Grey here too.

Glad the outside is done. Although I must do the front porch for the cobwebs. Its odd cos these houses are terrible for cobwebs, Maureen's was the same. But you seldom see the spiders.

Im going to paint today. Enjoyed colouring in yesterday. The silly thing is tho, I used to sit and colour in the rest my back and knee, now I need to be up cos the knee hurts if I rest it too much lol..

Might find my wrist warmer pattern too. I had thought about doing them in a different ply, but thinking Ill use the 8 ply but use size 10 needles. Alot of Jean Greenhowe toy parts are done that way and it gives them a tighter weave.

Have a fab day everyone
Big Grin They told me I couldn't, so I did.!! Big Grin
Good morning.

There has been a sprinkle of drizzle but now the sun is coming out. Forecast rain later though and I have put the sheets on the line ... fingers crossed!

Lol, I had to Google quilt flimsy Mica ... sounded whimsical! I have worked out how I will embroider the jacket, now to gather up the courage to draw it in place before embroidering! Mine will be more of a 'picture' rather than a full on masterpiece, like yours KM!

Have finally cleared out the lounge of the outdoor (lightweight) couch that was borrowed for DH rehab, now to start on a spring clean!

The sun is out in full now ... maybe the rest of the washing can go out as well.

Better move.

Enjoy the day all.

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